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Patterns of participation in higher education (HE) in the UK, as elsewhere, have been marked by social inequalities for decades. UK Governments have responded with a plethora of policies and agendas aimed at addressing this broad social issue. However, little is known about how higher education institutions (HEIs) interpret and ‘enact’ these policies in relation to institution-specific contexts. Drawing on concepts from policy sociology this paper examines how HEIs in one nation state, Wales, enact its Government’s policy on ‘widening access’ to higher education. Interviews with a range of ‘policy actors’ along with analyses of institutional ‘widening access’ policy documents, reveal divergences between HEIs in how this policy agenda is interpreted and delivered. These differences reflect institution-specific contexts – not least their internal politics and assumptions about the type of students they admit, but also their interests and priorities in relation to their positions within a global, marketised, HE system. The implications of this for the reproduction of university hierarchies in the UK, as well as social inequalities more generally are brought to the fore.  相似文献   

如何确保高等教育机会公平,尤其是如何确保弱势群体的高等教育机会,已经成为国际化的教育和政策问题,而这个问题随着高等教育规模的扩大又进一步被放大。通过研究英国高等教育扩张中的机会公平问题,本文总结到,大量的高等教育机会不公平是隐性的,是在基础教育以及中级教育阶段就已经形成的。因此,要改善高等教育中的机会公平,不能仅限于高等教育范畴的研究和改革。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(5-6):112-133
The global phenomenon of higher educational expansion and opportunity is one of the major social changes since World War II. In 1949, only 1 university and 3 junior colleges existed in Taiwan. After 60 years, the number of higher education institutions had grown to 163, including 147 universities/colleges and 16 junior colleges. The dialectic between equity and access of higher educational opportunity has been a key area for debate among Taiwan educators and policy makers over the last decade. Along with the increasing number of higher education enrollments, the issue related to the stratification of higher educational opportunity becomes an increasingly important issue. Based on premises of two theories—Maximum Maintained Inequality and Effectively Maintained Inequality—the authors analyze the relationship between expansion and stratification of higher educational opportunity via one nationwide higher education survey administered by the Center on Research for Educational Evaluation and Development (CREED) at the National Taiwan Normal University. Findings indicate that the expansion of higher education does not necessarily parallel equal access to higher education. This conclusion is reinforced based on the study's findings that ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender inequalities have generally decreased for higher education students attending the less selective vocational track but increased for those attending the more selective general track.  相似文献   

Access Courses After Ten Years: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since 1978 there has been an explosion of courses aimed at widening access to higher education. This paper reviews the development of those courses and the issues surrounding them. In general the courses developed in an ad hoc fashion determined at local level. However as the DES draws access provision into the centre of educational policy that local diversity may be threatened. If DES policy on widening access is to succeed then it will have to move beyond exhortation to face major policy issues such as the reallocation of resources: but if it does this then the initial emphasis of practitioners on directing resources at disadvantaged groups may itself be constrained. A coherent strategy is necessary if the original aims of access provision are to be realised.  相似文献   

Assessments of Labour's achievements in education in the immediate post‐war period have been largely critical, but almost exclusively focused on schools’ reform. This article in contrast considers Labour's policies for higher education, particularly universities. Three themes dominated the post‐war agenda: science and technology, expansion (and access), and appropriate models of higher education. The demands of science and technology and the conse‐quent need for expansion were the main drivers in Labour's programme. But the failure to offer a clear view of post‐war development in higher education, together with a deep‐seated ambivalence as to the role of technology and vocational education in universities, meant that plans for science, technology and expansion were only partially realised. The issue of appropriate models of higher education has bedevilled subsequent Labour governments, including the present administration, in their search for a policy for higher education.  相似文献   

The pattern of expansion that brought mass characteristics to English higher education is very different from that intended to achieve near‐universal access by the end of the present decade. The spectacular growth of the late 1980s and early 1990s was neither projected nor planned, with important consequences for the shape of the English system. By contrast, the policies of renewed expansion and widening participation from the late 1990s represent a radical attempt to change the traditional pattern of demand for English undergraduate education, with future growth focused on the short‐cycle forms of vocational higher education. Although influenced by the example of Scotland in building expansion at levels below the first degree, the policy experiment pursued in England is highly distinctive, including the invention of a new undergraduate qualification and a partnership role for further education colleges.  相似文献   

日本大学质量保障新体系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪90年代末期,加强高等教育质量管理成为日本高教改革的重要课题,提出要构建大学质量保障新体系,强调放宽“入口”,紧缩“出口”的质量管理体系。具体政策措施表现为建立外部评价制度.通过双轨、多元的评价制度严把“出口”关。本文拟通过介绍日本高等教育质量管理体系的转移、外部评价及系统内评价制度结构,分析日本双轨、多元评价制度的关系特征,揭示日本高等教育质量保障新体系的真正内涵。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the influence of social background on application and entry to higher education among Scottish school leavers using multi‐level modelling. The context for the study is long‐standing policy interest in widening access to higher education for under‐represented groups. The analysis indicates that those from less advantaged backgrounds are disadvantaged at three stages in the process of entry to higher education: qualification, application and entry. The results support the need for explanations and interventions encompassing both individual and structural levels. Government initiatives aimed at widening access are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

The unwillingness of the Somali community to finance higher education has largely gone unnoticed within the academic literature and government policy documents. This study explores the role of religion and the influence of Shari'ah scholars on the use of interest-bearing student loans within the Somali community. In the absence of any theoretical framework on this topic, we explore the multiple socioeconomic factors that may influence the attitude, perception of need, motivation and action of using student loans for higher education, by proposing the UK Somali Muslims Acceptance of Interest-bearing Student Loan Model. This is also a community-based participatory study that actively involved Somali community members in exploring and interpreting the results. This was achieved through regular consultations with the sampled Somali Muslim communities within the UK. Our results contribute to the broader debate on the effect of cultural, religious and social values of marginalised communities on inclusion and widening access policies for higher education. The findings reemphasise that people sharing the same location do not necessarily share the same level of opportunities for higher education because of the intersectionality of race, religion, gender and class. The results also show the complexity of the issue of exclusion and the atheoretical nature of student loans as a financial instrument for improving financial inclusion and widening access to higher education among Somali residents in England.  相似文献   

This paper summarises some of the key characteristics of access to and participation in higher education. In particular, it focuses on the key social characteristics of participation and the interaction with migration to study outside Northern Ireland. Key policy areas relating to student finance and widening access are also considered. The paper also reports on qualitative research conducted with Protestant and Catholic pupils from less well‐off backgrounds about attitudes to further and higher education. The paper concludes by suggesting higher education policy issues for a newly restored devolved administration.  相似文献   

英国高等教育在从精英教育迈向大众化、普及化的进程中,英国政府及高校通过制定走向扩招的入学政策、探索多元入学途径、建立招生服务机构,形成了以扩大参与为导向的高等教育入学政策。与此同时,英国政府也通过立法保证公平入学,并通过成立公平入学办公室、建立公平入学论坛、采取经费资助入学等方式,形成了一套行之有效的公平入学的政策。英国高等教育的这种扩大参与、公平入学二者兼顾的入学政策取向,为英国院校的入学政策带来巨大影响,也值得我们反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着高等教育大众化进程的推进,我国城乡高等教育差距进一步拉大,农村高等教育的增长情况并没有随着整个高等教育的扩招而迅速扩大。本文通过对农村高等教育现状的分析,找出了制约农村高等教育发展的因素,并在此基础上提出了改善农村高等教育的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of higher education in Iran during a 26-year period under the Islamic government. This can be divided into three different phases: revolutionary, formative and development. It explores the expansion of universities, enhancing research, widening access, use of a wide range of ICT, decentralisation and gender equity. The quality and relevance of curricula with the market requirement is also discussed. This paper argues that the curriculum should be more specific and address the real needs of society. Comprehensive decision-making, expanding students’ academic guidance and expanding participatory and student-centre environment in higher education are crucial.  相似文献   

The revitalization of Ethiopian higher education (HE) has been underway since the early 2000s. As well as the economic optimism evident in the ‘knowledge-driven poverty reduction’ discourse, social equity goals underscore the reform and expansion of the system. Notwithstanding the widening participation and the equity policy provisions put in place, the problem of inequality has persisted along the lines of ethnicity, gender, rurality and socio-economic background. This paper reviews major equity policy instruments and highlights the enduring inequalities in Ethiopian HE. It argues that this persistence is related in part to the ways in which the problem is represented in policy, and that redressing the problem necessitates framing inequality as capability deprivation rather than as issues of access and disparities in enrolment.  相似文献   

Access to higher education is a key challenge of the 21st century state. The link between higher education and personal and socio-economic development has intensified the need for ensuring that greater numbers of citizens have expanded access to and have been provided with quality higher education. The article seeks to explore how initiatives for increased access to higher education are experienced in India, Brazil and South Africa. As signatories to the IBSA declaration in the spirit of South–South cooperation, the three countries have publicly declared their commitment to enhance equity by, for example, widening access to higher education. We review the way in which the three countries have implemented key equity initiatives and draw lessons from their practice. Notions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ are used to understand the extent to which each of the individual systems is responsive to the equity agenda. We find that while there have been notable attempts to implement the equity agenda in the quest for making their systems more ‘socially effective’. This is countervailed by a more pervasive ‘efficiency’ doctrine, underpinned by a market-driven economic paradigm. It is concluded that the innovative practices in each of the countries suggest important strides in the equity agenda but also that much still remains to be done. While the article represents a starting point for the much-vaunted South-South collaboration, tentative findings suggest that a more deliberately articulated policy framework characterized by greater inclusion of those previously excluded is necessary in each of the countries if significant and sustainable development is to be achieved.  相似文献   

This paper examines an important development in Chinese higher education in the late 1990s and early 2000s, namely, its radical expansion of enrollment starting from 1998. After a brief review of the related literature on educational expansion, the paper analyzes the higher education expansion in China in detail. The paper argues that a variety of factors have led to the enrollment expansion, including the expectation to stimulate domestic consumption and to ease the immediate pressure on the labor market, the high public interest in and demand for higher education in Chinese society, and the political will of the Chinese government to develop higher education. The outcomes of the enrollment expansion are also examined. The paper argues that the expected short term impact of enrollment expansion on Chinese economy is not warranted by reality. Enrollment expansion has also put pressures on Chinese higher education to further reform its structure, curricula, and administration. More importantly, enrollment expansion has brought the issue of equity to the front.  相似文献   

28% of students of any one year currently give up their studies in bachelor degree programmes at German higher education institutions. Drop-out is to be understood as the definite termination in the higher education system without obtaining an academic degree. The drop-out rate is thereby calculated with the help of statistical estimation procedures on the basis of cohort comparisons. Based on Tinto's ‘student integration model’, German research on higher education has experienced partially different developments of theoretical approaches to student drop-out. Today, preference goes to those models of drop-out that describe the issue as a complex process in which individual, institutional and social factors affect the socialisation in the education process and studies. According to the findings of empirical studies, the inability to cope with the performance-related demands of the higher education institution, wrong expectations and less identification with the subject, as well as problems in financing studies are considered to be the most important reasons for dropping out. Higher education institutions and higher education policy in Germany react to this situation with broad assistance measures that include the flexibilisation of the curricula, better information for students and the expansion of the support offered during the start of the studies.  相似文献   

Widening access to higher education (HE) has been an important policy objective in Scotland over the last twenty years. While there is evidence that high levels of participation have been achieved, and some evidence of reduction in inequalities in participation rates among young people entering higher education, there is also evidence of persisting inequalities, and of patterns of differentiation and stratification. As a result there is evidence that, with the development of mass higher education in Scotland, a stratified system of higher education has emerged. Furthermore there is evidence that these patterns of stratification are being maintained over time, despite the policies which are designed to widen access. This paper will review the evidence regarding the nature and extent of these patterns of stratification, and briefly consider the policies which are designed to tackle this issue.  相似文献   

高等教育入学机会:扩大之中的阶层差距   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
本文对部分高校不同家庭背景大学生的调查显示,在高等教育扩招之后,重点高校的农村学生比例明显下降,优势阶层的子女更多集中在热门专业,低阶层家庭子女的高考录取分数普遍高于优势阶层的子女,高等教育入学机会的阶层差距呈现扩大的趋势。它是高中阶段教育分层状况的积累和延续。  相似文献   

The democratization of education in Malaysia has come a long way since the early 1960s. In the early 1990s, the government decided to democratize secondary education in order to widen formal access to secondary education, especially at the upper secondary level. It is the contention of this paper that the widening of formal access to education may not lead to real access to education if effective measures are not put in place. It is also the contention of this paper that the democratization of education that leads to the massification of education or mass education should not be at the expense of educational quality and excellence if it wants to have a more significant impact on the actual outcomes of schooling. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part provides the background information on educational expansion that stems from the democratization of secondary education such as enrolment rates, number of schools and teachers as well as organizational adjustments. The second part examines the problems and challenges of the democratization of secondary education in relation to issues such as diverse needs of students, disciplinary problems, school dropouts, urban and rural disparity, preferential policy and educational quality and excellence. All these issues have an impact on the desirable outcomes of the democratization of secondary education as far as real access to education as well as equality and quality of education are concerned.  相似文献   

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