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This article, that is based upon the experience of Monash University, identifies a range of opportunities and risks involved in transnational education and addresses a number of key planning issues in establishing an international campus. These include the guiding principles adopted by the university, country selection factors, market research, considerations in developing an appropriate delivery model, and the assurance of the academic quality and educational integrity of the programmes offered. The authors refer to literature in the field concerning corporate risk and identify factors relevant to the higher education sector. The article stresses the need for an appropriate integration of strategic vision, academic priorities, and business considerations to ensure that opportunities offered by transnational education are successfully realized.  相似文献   

After a brief analysis of the concept of quality in open and distance education, information technology for quality assurance and Indian initiative for quality improvement, the paper examines the quality assurance measures at Kota Open University under the following areas : planning academic programmes ; developing academic programmes ; producing learning materials ; implementing programmes ; reviewing courses/programmes ; and ing human resources.  相似文献   

跨国教育的质量保障、认证和资格认可   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪80年代以来,跨国教育快速发展.各种形式的跨国教育对现行的质量保障、认证和资格认可机制提出了一系列的挑战.跨国教育今后的发展,在很大程度上取决于国家和国际层面上质量保障、认证和资格认可方面的制度安排.本文对跨国教育的现行质量保障、认证和资格认可机制进行了梳理和分析.  相似文献   

澳大利亚大学质量保障署是一个独立于政府之外的质量保障机构,对澳大利亚跨国高等教育质量的审核起着举足轻重的作用。澳大利亚大学质量保障署跨国教育质量保障框架的构建体现了不同于我国跨国教育评估的理念和策略,有可资斟酌和借鉴之处。本文尝试对此议题进行评析,并对我国的跨国高等教育评估体系的构建提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Quality issues in the internationalisation of higher education   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although the quality issue has become a central preoccupation inother domains of higher education, current internationalisation policiesand practices in higher education have developed without much concernfor quality assurance. The central thesis of this paper is that we havecome to a point in the development of higher education whereinternationalisation policies and practices face the limits of theirdevelopment unless the quality challenge is addressed in all itsconsequences. The paper first provides an overview of contemporary formsof and recent developments in internationalisation in higher education.From more or less `traditional' forms such as student and teaching staffmobility, internationalisation policies and practices nowadays move intoactivities such as exporting higher education via branch campuses andinstitutional co-operation, developing transnational university networksand virtual delivery of higher education, and the harmonisation ofhigher education systems. In these recent developments several issuesand challenges arise, which in one kind or another have direct links tothe quality challenge. The quality of internationalisation policies andpractices itself is an important problem, but of more importance are theissues of the recognition of foreign diplomas and degrees and therecognition of credits and credit-transfer. This paper takes a criticalstance towards for example the ECTS, which tries to solve these issueswithout much concern for quality. The way out lies in an integration ofinternationalisation policies and general quality assurance practices atinstitutional and policy levels.  相似文献   

提高质量是高等教育发展的核心任务,最近教育部出台了有关全面提高高等教育质量和开展本科教学评估的文件,如何理解并贯彻落实是高等教育战线面临的现实问题。本文从国家高等教育发展战略的高度,国际教育管理改革和质量保障发展的角度,阐述提高质量的重要性,并指出教育评估是提高质量的重要抓手。进而,全面解读了新时期我国普通高校本科教学评估的制度框架,分析其内涵和基本特征。为了把本科教学评估工作落到实处,按照齐抓共管、内外结合的思路,从政府、高校、评估机构等不同主体职能分工出发,文章指出政府应发挥主导作用、高校应加强内部质量保障和自评自测、评估机构应提供专业服务并实行行业自律管理。  相似文献   


In the past two decades, transnational education has been increasing and so has the need for staff to teach on these programmes. This study sought the views of non-Anglophone expatriate academics teaching transnationally in Oman by means of a survey and follow-up interviews. It highlights the challenges that they face in a teaching and learning environment that is academically and culturally new to them. These challenges relate mostly to the students, as they need extensive structured guidance, and to maintaining programme quality in meeting the learning outcomes, particularly critical thinking and writing in English. Teaching adaptation and quality assurance were less challenging. Findings indicate that for a more enhanced teaching and learning environment, both the provider and host institution need to continuously invest in face-to-face professional development addressing the challenges expatriate academics experience, and that the sole focus on quality assurance by provider universities is not sufficient to create this.  相似文献   

In this paper the current national legislations, the quality assurance approaches and the activities of impact analysis of three quality assurance agencies from Romania, Spain and Germany are described from a strategic perspective. The analysis shows that the general methodologies (comprising, for example, self-evaluation reports, peer reviews, on-site visits, assessment reports, follow-up measures) and main subjects of quality assurance in higher education (such as study programmes and institutional structures and processes) are very similar in the sample cases. However, up to now, impact evaluation of quality assurance has not been implemented systematically in the sample agencies (as in many others). This is the more relevant since the European standards of quality assurance in higher education oblige quality assurance agencies to analyse their general findings and observe the effects of their activities. Against that background, it is argued that methodologically sound impact analyses of quality assurance interventions in higher education institutions should be seen as an integral part of the agencies’ own quality assurance because it would make their work more transparent and easier to improve systematically. The paper identifies some professionalisation needs required for impact evaluation competences: staff and peers who are qualified by methodological knowledge but also by ‘soft’ skills such as project and conflict management.  相似文献   


Teacher education in Botswana is offered at various higher education institutions (HEIs). Undergraduate pre-service teachers for the secondary school level are trained at the University of Botswana (UB) and the Botswana College of Agriculture, and both HEIs offer different and autonomous teacher-training programmes. The Faculty of Education at UB has its own quality assurance mechanisms for the Teaching Practice (TP) and Practicum. The purpose of the study reported on was to identify the quality assurance mechanisms and processes in place and then to establish their effectiveness. The research type adopted was the case study. Data for the study was collected through document analysis, an open-ended questionnaire and interviews with student teachers, TP coordinators and supervisors and those who have participated in moderation panels. Generally, the findings indicated that there are effective quality assurance mechanisms, structures, processes and procedures in place for the TP at UB.  相似文献   

A basic aim of transnational distance education is to reach out to non-traditional students in higher education and to assist them in achieving a level of education that will enhance their career chances and quality of life. It thus follows that instructors offering transnational and distance instruction should be flexible in the matter of meeting assignment deadlines. Basing himself on a study of the records of 400 students in an open learning programme at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia, the author concludes that flexibility in the matter of deadlines has consistently led to good results. The students in question have been able to complete their courses and their course programmes and to achieve enhanced results in their careers.  相似文献   

以东北农业大学农学院为例,对高等学校院级教学质量保障体系进行初步探索,分析影响教学质量保障体系的要素和关键环节,针对教学质量保障体系制定纲要、基本框架、运行流程和具体实施条件,从多个角度不断完善院级保障体系的内容和运行机制,形成院级教学质量保障体系的组织管理、监控和评价系统,并对构建后的体系进行实施和完善,旨在不断提高本科教学质量。  相似文献   

从全民学习、终身学习的大质量观和学校的办学定位、主要功能出发,江苏开放大学要确立自己独特的质量追求,并努力探索适应开放教育特点的质量监控方式:日常过程监控与重点环节评价相结合、外部监控与学校内部监控相结合、线上监控与线下监控相结合,为全民学习、终身学习提供可靠的质量保障。  相似文献   

为切实保障职前教师教育质量,英国采取了“内外兼修、双管齐下”的保障措施;但外部保障的最终成效取决于内部保障措施的有效落实。基于此,本文以英国第二大教育学院——爱丁堡大学教育学院为例,分析了其在职前教师教育内部保障方面所采取的四个主要有效措施:遵守上级部门颁布的相关职前教师教育规定、设置学院质量保障与提升委员会、监测课程与专业以及实施教学项目评估并有针对性地回应评估结果等。同时,本文也探讨了爱丁堡大学教育学院在职前教师教育内部质量保障上存在的两点不足:相关教师的质量意识欠缺和对师范生的评价与反馈有待加强等。最后,本文就职前教师教育质量内部保障提出三点思考。  相似文献   

This article provides a brief overview of the Hong Kong system of higher education and the roles of the government, the Education Commission, the University Grants Committee, and the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation in relation to the planning, development, funding, and quality assurance of higher education in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It then describes the extent to which transnational education (i.e., non‐local education delivered in Hong Kong) plays a role in meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong and recent measures taken by the HKSAR government aimed at assuring the quality of such offshore provision. It concludes with some comments as to how transnational education may be expected to contribute towards meeting the demand for higher and continuing education in Hong Kong in the future.  相似文献   

The economic transition in China since the late 1970s has led to not only drastic social transformations but also rapid advancements in science and technology, as well as the revolution in information and communications technology. In order to enhance the global competence of the Chinese population in coping with the challenges of a knowledge-based economy, the higher education sector has been going through restructuring along the lines of marketization, privatization and decentralization. Responding to the the challenges of globalization, the Chinese government has opened up the education market by allowing overseas universities to offer programmes on the mainland. This article sets out in this wider policy context to examine the current developments of transnational higher education in China, with particular reference to how students in Zhejiang province enrolling in these overseas programmes, especially those offered by Australian providers, evaluate their learning experiences. This article will also discuss the major concerns raised by the respondents in our study regarding the newly emerging transnational higher education programmes, with particular reference to examining how far these new programmes would affect the regulatory framework in Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

The global marketplace and new technology are contributing to the rapid globalization of higher education. No longer is higher education provided solely within national borders. Transnational educational programmes, provided both by the higher education and the corporate sectors, can be found in multiple forms, provided both electronically and in traditional ways. Issues of quality, purpose, recognition, and responsibility abound in this new borderless educational arena, posing new challenges to the regulatory communities of accreditation, certification, and licensure, the three pillars of heretofore national quality and competency assurance among the professions of the world. It is the globalization of the professions and the need to provide common professional preparation which is the fastest moving justification for regional and global standards setting and accreditation. Institutions of higher education and their quality assurance processes that have already considered the need to incorporate regional or global standards of quality to improve internal competency and external competition will be in a better position to propel the purposes of the various trade agreements than those that have remained nationalistic and myopic in scope.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a study undertaken by the United Kingdom Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), with support from the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), aimed at investigating the challenges and limits to cross-border cooperation in the quality assurance of transnational education. The study builds on the outcomes of the recently concluded Erasmus Mundus project Quality Assurance of Cross-Border Higher Education (QACHE) and in particular the QACHE Toolkit developed as part of the project to foster cooperation between quality assurance agencies in quality assuring transnational education. Based on the responses to a survey sent to QAA’s partner agencies in key sending and receiving countries of transnational education, the study extract recommendations to agencies to help them developing viable strategies for inter-agency cooperation, identifying concrete ways in which they might or might not cooperate across borders.  相似文献   

德国职业教育质量保障在法律措施、质量评价标准等多方面都具有重要借鉴价值。针对我国职业教育质量保障机制的弊端,应充分汲取德国职业教育的有益经验,加强职业教育法制化建设,完善质量评价标准及质量保障机制建设,创设专门化的第三方质量评价机构,并建设多元评价主体。通过构建完善的职业教育质量保障体系,以适应我国职业教育可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

高等教育的大众化,一方面,给地方院校的发展带来了空前机遇,各院校的规模和效益实现了前所未有的蜕变;另一方面,人才培养质量问题也变得越来越严峻。湖南相当多高校内部各个部门各自为政,教学质量保障与监控不到位,影响人才培养的质量。要构建富有弹性的教学质量保障和监控体系,进一步加大教学投入,强化教学管理,推进教学改革,着力培养学生的实践能力和创新精神,为经济社会培养大批高素质专业人才和高层次拔尖人才。  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in national quality assurance process in Turkey following the pilot accreditation project of the Engineering College of the Middle East Technical University (METU) by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), in 2000. ABET accreditation of the Engineering Colleges of Bosphorus and Bilkent Universities followed that of METU. These universities use their accreditation by ABET to attract the best students in the country. Newly founded private universities, in particular, are trying to use the accreditation of their programmes by international accreditation agencies for marketing purposes. The Higher Educational Council [Yuksek Ögretim Kurumu (YÖK)], which governs all the universities in Turkey, is currently promoting accreditation studies to improve the quality of higher education in the universities. This is a report on accreditation processes in higher education in Turkey.  相似文献   

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