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Recent attention to youth activism for school reform reveals positive student outcomes. Yet educators may object to the use of social actions in schools, diminishing opportunities for these benefits to accrue. This paper analyzes educators’ conceptions about the proper exercise of student voice within schools and how these coincide with activists’ tactics for school reform. The qualitative investigation rests on interviews with principals, teachers, community organizers, and students—all touched by a community-based program that encourages urban youth to organize and transform their schools. The paper seeks to bridge the perspectives of educators and activists in ways that enhance acceptance of a more robust role for students in school life.  相似文献   

This paper explores Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalysis in relation to student and teacher becomings and the way these are actualised within the neoliberal and heterosexually striated spaces of the secondary school assemblage. Deleuze and Guattari considered a narrow approach to education problematic and called for creativity as a site of ‘resistance’. Drama is one subject rich with potentiality for students to strengthen their creativity and ‘speak back’ against the neoliberal project. What our research revealed is how the drama classroom is an open, dynamic space where students can embody different identities at a critical time in their adolescent development. What is delimiting about this potentiality is the proclivity of teachers and students, as desiring machines, to conform to the dominant neoliberal culture of competitive performativity. The paper proposes that schizoanalysis offers new insights for mapping complex desire-flows and embodied identities through and against the dominant performative and heterosexist culture.  相似文献   

From private to public, from small to large, campus protests and demonstrations have risen across the country to address institutional racism regarding a range of issues including offensive Halloween costumes, university/college seals, lack of faculty color, and racist vandalism. One such example occurred at Southwest University where Native American students were protesting the university seal, which represents settler colonialism and genocide. In this article, we provide a case study of Joy, a Diné (Navajo) young woman, and describe her student activism in regards to the seal and how she utilizes it to connect to her culture, language, and identity. We utilize critical race theory (CRT) and tribal critical race theory (TribalCrit) to analyze the institutional microaggressions that Joy experienced on campus. Our main conclusions explain how student activism enables students to address systemic racism and provides a vehicle to create better conditions on university campuses.  相似文献   


This article gives voice to student activists who participated in the 2014 Hong Kong pro-democracy Occupy movement, also known as the Umbrella Movement. It provides an alternative perspective from which to view those events. We want to examine how the activism impacted students’ understanding of their involvement and identity. We argue that it is necessary to interpret the experiences and voices of the leaders of the movement in light of other Asian student movements. We start by establishing parallels with various student movements across Asia over the last century: the May Fourth student movement (1919); the Beijing student movement preceding the Tiananmen incident (1989); the Sunflower Movement of Taiwan (March 2014) and its rejection of the very notion of ‘Cross-Strait’; and the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. We argue that civil disobedience by Hong Kong students existed before the street barricades of the Umbrella Movement, and already constituted a public, in a Deweyan sense. We further argue that the Umbrella Movement brought about a deep change in the self-image of Hong Kong students, and other education stakeholders’ political culture, and that its impact was felt beyond local boundaries.  相似文献   

This article considers contemporary South Korean student activism characterized by complicated ideological formulations, highly developed organizing tactics and connections with other social powers. The activism is located within an ideological framework of Marxism-Leninism and is actively engaged in the struggles against imperialism and Fascism, as well as a movement for the reunification of South and North Korea. The recent growth of student organizations to the national level, contributes to the effective functioning of these groups both on and off campus. Despite its national influence, student activism is being criticized by the public and by students themselves because of the underlying revolutionary ideologies and several episodes of violence. In this context, it will be necessary to observe how students will respond to public criticism and to the changing national and world environment.  相似文献   

Within the past several years, parents, teachers, students, and community members have vociferously debated the value and importance of opting out of standardized testing. The debate has been sparked by an increasing number of parents, dubbed “opt-out activists,” who refuse to have their children participate in federally mandated standards testing. However, an assortment of civil rights organizations and activists have challenged the opt-out movement. Quentin Wheeler-Bell argues that the debate between those in the opt-out movement and the civil rights activists is an example of neoliberal cynicism. While both groups acknowledge (to different degrees) the structural problems inherent to the current testing regime, they both also make educational demands that assume equal educational opportunity is achievable within a capitalist system. In making this assumption that equal educational opportunity is valuable within capitalism, Wheeler-Bell concludes, both sides ultimately reproduce neoliberal cynicism.  相似文献   

From Facebook-coordinated high-school walkouts to compelling Internet-based protest art that has accompanied recent teacher strikes, grassroots education activism in the USA has gone digital. Despite the proliferation of research on the mediatisation of education policy, few studies have explored the ways in which activists for public education engage with Web 2.0 technologies. This paper makes a contribution to this under-researched area by exploring selected activist accounts including Parents Across America, United Opt Out National, and the PS 2013 campaign in New York City. I draw on critical, feminist, and cultural studies theories of education and social movement media to analyse activist media practices in a policy and political milieu dominated by corporate media and neoliberal governance structures. The analysis reveals that progressive education activists strategically deploy digital media to amplify voice, build collective identity, and disseminate alternative knowledge to enable direct action. A situated analysis also reveals significant differences in activist media practice which are shaped by particular political histories and geographies. The paper concludes with a discussion about future lines of inquiry into the role of digital media in collective struggles for public education.  相似文献   

大学生党员是高校学生中的优秀分子,是党员队伍的重要组成部分。大学生党员的党性修养,既关系到高校党建和人才培养质量,又关系到党的事业发展。因此,在新的历史条件下,加强大学生党员党性修养,促进大学生党员成长成才,是落实立德树人根本任务的重要环节,是全面加强党的建设的必然要求。针对学生党员和入党积极分子自身特性和总体基数大的现状,如何有效开展党员教育管理,如何保持党员先进性,是支部党建工作常态化、长效化的难点和重点。因此,广西科技师范学院借助"馆校合作"机制,创新设计"博物馆义务讲解员"服务团项目,组织学院大学生党员和入党积极分子运用专业优势,以"服务社会、提高素质、磨炼党性"为宗旨,积极参与展览讲解、社区宣讲和志愿服务等工作。通过实践,学生党员和入党积极分子进一步坚定理想信念、加强道德修养、练就过硬本领、提升党性修养。  相似文献   

Distance students are time poor and some drop out of their studies because they fall behind with coursework. This raises the issue of how course teams decide upon how many study hours should be included in a course. This article presents a number of Open University projects that have addressed student workload management and relates how learning design has incorporated these findings into advice for new module development. Moreover, the article also discusses how recent automatic feedback systems can motivate and support time-poor students when writing their assignments. This is an important finding as drop-out can occur when students are unable to devote the necessary time to their summative assessments and drop out of the learning process.  相似文献   

As new communication technologies enter the classroom, teachers must attend to how digital platforms impact the interpersonal practices of teaching and learning. In this article, I study email exchanges with three of my students – Jorge, Adriana, and Jason – over the course of one year in an 11th-grade English class at River High School, a struggling American school subject to intervention for failing to meet the federal No Child Left Behind requirements. I ask several questions: what role does email play in my relationships with students; what does email reveal about the ideological content of my communication with students; and how could I use email transformatively? When I studied these email exchanges, I found that while email has the potential to transform literacy instruction, it can also perpetuate a poor student/teacher relationship and reproduce neoliberal narratives that narrowly imagine students as test-takers, workers, and consumers.  相似文献   


This article is about collective identity, learning processes and political agency in the Chilean student movement. The geographies of collective identity are constituted through engaging with emotions interwoven with the political learning process by making mistakes that enabled student activists’ agency to undergo transformation between 2006 and 2011. Space articulates an identity politics as the bio-politics of existence through which life itself becomes a political action and animates a radical imaginary of politics as being-in-common. This meaning of politics is interwoven with the production of territorial assemblies in 2011 through which the Chilean student movement reasserted the space–time of the political demand for free education in spatial rather than temporal terms by reimagining a collective vision with others. This represents the main legacy of the movement and becomes a condition of possibility for envisioning free education as an alternative project that seeks to contest neoliberal common sense.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mixed methods study carried out within the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme at the University of Oxford on the ways that the course sought to frame and address the link between poverty and poorer educational outcomes. The study was concerned with the views held by ITE students on the effects of poverty on pupils' learning, well-being, and educational achievement. The paper initially explores why these questions are important, how they are framed internationally, and how they relate to current education policy, particularly in England. Data were collected from student teacher pre- and post-PGCE course questionnaires and a focus group discussion. The findings showed a tendency for student teachers to associate low achievement more strongly with family and cultural factors than with socio-economic or school factors, although there was some evidence that the thinking of some students changed during their programme. Implications for policy and practice in ITE are discussed with a view to ensuring that the social justice commitments espoused by many such courses are actually enabled more effectively to influence the learning experiences of beginning teachers.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how the ‘employable’ student and ‘ideal’ future creative worker is prefigured, constructed and experienced through higher education work placements in the creative sector, based on a recent small-scale qualitative study. Drawing on interview data with students, staff and employers, we identify the discourses and practices through which students are produced and produce themselves as neoliberal subjects. We are particularly concerned with which students are excluded in this process. We show how normative evaluations of what makes a ‘successful’ and ‘employable’ student and ‘ideal’ creative worker are implicitly classed, raced and gendered. We argue that work placements operate as a key domain in which inequalities within both higher education and the graduate labour market are (re)produced and sustained. The paper offers some thoughts about how these inequalities might be addressed.  相似文献   


This article explores university students’ constructions of the ideal student at present-day university, that emphasises student-as-consumer culture and employability rather than education as a virtue in itself. The research is based on thematic narrative accounts (n = 67) generated in a generalist field in one regional Finnish university. We apply a narrative-discursive approach to analyse how ‘traditional’ young students (n = 34) and ‘non-traditional’ mature students (n = 33) position themselves in relation to the ideal good student in a present-day university and in relation to their university studies. Moreover, we examine some of the consequences of such positionings for the students themselves. Our analysis indicates that the present-day university student is constructed in line with the ideal student of the neoliberal order and student-as-consumer culture. However, whereas mature students positioned themselves as customers and were comfortable with the demands of today’s university for self-directedness and self-responsibility, younger students positioned themselves as ‘school pupils’ and were critical about being left on their own without adequate support. The study suggests that the terms ‘traditional’ and ‘non-traditional’ make differences related to age and different kinds of student positionings visible and, thus, also possible to reconstruct the ideals and normalities of the present-day neoliberal university.  相似文献   

Individualism and competition are central neoliberal concepts that have profoundly altered the U.S. public education system. This article draws on poststructuralist theory and advances the argument that these concepts have produced problematic policies and deeply flawed school choice mechanisms such as charter schools and school vouchers. I also explore how educational activists contested neoliberal ideology and reshaped reality as they defeated a neoliberal education policy in North Carolina.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the historical origins of student activism in Greece and an analysis of present activism in nine institutions of post-secondary education. The empirical analysis was based on a sample of nearly 1500 students and revealed that activism mainly relates to the regional origin of the student. The findings are used to make some speculations on the likely future course of student activity.  相似文献   

This article documents the decline of 1960s-style student protest, but argues that activism is far from dead on American campuses in the 1970s. The authors find that there is a new mood in America that is reflected in current student political activity and from which have emerged new forms of student activism. The analysis suggests that as student character and mood change, so do the forms of activism students employ. The implications of this conclusion are significant in terms of evaluating past research and setting a future agenda for research on student activism.  相似文献   

University policies are increasingly developed with reference to students’ learning experiences, with a focus on the concept of the ‘student voice’. Yet the ‘student voice’ is difficult to define and emphasis is often placed on numerical performance indicators. A diverse student population has wide-ranging educational experiences, which may not be easily captured within the broad categories provided by traditional survey tools, which can drown out the rich, varied and gradual processes of individual development. There is no single tool that can be used to measure students’ experiences. This paper draws on findings from four narrative inquiry studies, carried out in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand, to illustrate how a narrative approach could be used to complement performance indicators. This provides a richer context for educators’ understanding of students’ experiences and for supporting and setting institutional agendas.  相似文献   

This study examines the complicated interlink between the Korean state’s neoliberal identity politics and working- and lower middle-class Korean students’ study abroad as a form of voluntarily exile. Drawing on a critical discourse analysis and a 14-month ethnographic study, this study discusses how these students’ decisions to study abroad are inextricably intertwined with the authoritarian Korean state’s neoliberal political-economic strategies of pushing out seemingly less-profitable citizens (namely, students and graduates of low-ranking 4-year institutions). This study also examines students’ strategies for simultaneously resisting and conforming to this neoliberal ethos. For working-class and lower middle-class Korean community college students, study abroad means a deviation from the normal educational and life trajectories in Korea while, at the same time, their education in the USA opens a pathway for reentering the Korean neoliberal system as more profitable citizens. Their being recognized as members of a profitable workforce indicates their achievement of neoliberal normalcy.  相似文献   

Simon S.I.O.     

How many students with epilepsy need help in basic skills, and if so, how much? This paper looks at communicating with those outside the school who are concerned with the student, those within the school, and with the most underrated resource ‐ the student himself/herself.

However helpful these resources are, the teacher has to cope alone at least some of the time. Most students with epilepsy who are in mainstream classes also cope alone. Regarding academic learning, some students have to cope with the effects of epilepsy and/or medication on alertness, on the processing of information, on attention and memory, and on distractibility.

The resulting teaching strategies are similar to those applying to students without epilepsy, whether of greater or less ability.  相似文献   

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