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In three experiments with rats, taste + odor interactions in compound aversion conditioning were investigated. In Experiment 1, two odors (0.02% almond and 0.02% orange) were compared on single-element odor aversions, taste (denatonium) potentiated odor aversions, and potentiated odor aversions following taste extinction. Although no odor differences were seen following single-element conditioning, both types of potentiated orange odor aversions were stronger than their almond odor counterparts. These data show that odors of similar conditionability are differentially potentiated by the same taste. To determine whether these differences were due to unique perceptual representations, the effects of elemental extinction or compound extinction on aversions to the compound were investigated in Experiments 2 and 3. In Experiment 2, orange odor extinction weakened responding to the compound significantly more than taste extinction did. In contrast, almond odor extinction and taste extinction produced similar decrements in responding to the compound in Experiment 3. These results suggest that the perceptual representation of these specific taste + odor compounds are different, and they are discussed in regard to configural and within-compound association accounts of potentiation.  相似文献   

The within-compound association approach has been proposed as an account of synergistic conditioning in flavor aversion learning. One prediction from the within-compound association approach is that following taste + odor compound conditioning, postconditioning inflation of one element of the compound should increase responding to the second element. In four experiments with rats, the AX+/A+ design was used to determine whether postconditioning inflation of A would increase responding to X. In Experiments 1 and 3, responding to X was significantly stronger after AX+/A+ conditioning, as compared with AX+ conditioning. In Experiments 2 and 4, the specificity of the inflation effect was demonstrated, because AX+/A+ conditioning produced a stronger aversion to X than did AX+/B+ conditioning. Furthermore, it appears that the taste + odor association is symmetrical because inflation of the taste aversion increased responding to the odor (Experiments 1 and 2) and inflation of the odor aversion increased responding to the taste (Experiments 3 and 4).  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to examine the phenomenon of potentiation. Experiment 1 demonstrated potentiation of odor aversions by taste when morphine served as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Experiment 2 provided evidence that the observed potentiation was due to a within-event association between odor and taste stimuli, rather than reflecting an enhanced odor-morphine association. In Experiment 3, morphine supported place conditioning to contextual cues and aversive conditioning to a taste cue, but potentiation of place conditioning by a taste cue was not obtained. Apparently the absence of potentiation was due to the dual nature of the morphine US, as potentiation of a contextual aversion by taste was obtained in Experiment 4 when a strictly aversive US (lithium) was used. These data suggest that potentiation depends on (1) an initially weak association between the to-be-potentiated conditioned stimulus (CS) element and the US, and (2) the elicitation of qualitatively similar responses by the individual elements of the CS compound. Collectively, these results support an explanation of potentiation based on within-event learning.  相似文献   

The present series of five flavor aversion experiments with rat subjects examined compound conditioning at varying CS-US intervals. Using a taste-taste design, Experiments 1A and 1B demonstrated overshadowing at a 0-min CS-US interval and potentiation at a 120-min CS-US interval, and these effects occurred with both tastes of the compound. Experiment 2 showed that the aversion to a single element is reduced when the CS-US interval is increased to 120 min, but the aversion for a compound taste is not. Experiments 3A and 3B explored odor + taste compound conditioning; the results demonstrated odor potentiation across the trace interval and a transition from taste overshadowing to taste potentiation. Collectively, the data show that the change from overshadowing to potentiation was not due to changes in the aversions produced by compound conditioning but, instead, was due to a more rapid loss of conditionability across a trace interval prior to the US in single-element conditioning. These experiments suggest that following compound conditioning, the aversion to each element represents generalization decrement from the configured compound, but the designation of overshadowing or potentiation actually depends on the status of conditioning in the single-element control.  相似文献   

In six experiments, we examined taste and compound taste/taste aversions at different retention intervals. In Experiment 1, saccharin aversions were significantly weaker 1 day after conditioning than 21 days after conditioning. This effect was determined not to be caused by the aftereffects of illness or differential hydration. With the use of a saccharin/denatonium compound, Experiment 2 demonstrated overshadowing of a denatonium aversion at 21- and 1-day retention intervals, Experiment 4 showed a potentiated saccharin aversion only at the 21-day retention interval, and both Experiments 2 and 4 revealed that the aversion of the taste-only controls was stronger at the later retention interval. Experiments 3 and 5 demonstrated that the differences at the two retention intervals were not caused by unconditioned changes in taste preference. Finally, Experiment 6 showed that extinction of the conditioning environment prior to testing results in stronger saccharin aversions than occur in nonextinguished controls. Collectively, these experiments suggest that testing within a 24-h period after conditioning will result in significantly weaker taste aversions. Also, these results support a retrieval-competition explanation that may account for the weakened aversions at the 1-day testing interval of both groups conditioned to single elements and those conditioned to compounds.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the influence of exposure to a CS? on the acquisition and retention of a conditioned odor aversion was examined. Preweanling rats were given exposure to the CS? either prior to (CS?/CS+) or following (CS + /CS?) the pairing of a second odor (the CS+) with footshock. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that subjects in both of the treatment conditions acquired aversions of comparable strength to the odor paired with footshock and that retention of the odor aversion was not affected by order of stimulus presentation during conditioning. Experiment 2 indicated, however, that the effectiveness of pretest exposure to various elements of the conditioning episode in reactivation of the memory for conditioningwas dependent on the order of stimulus presentation during conditioning. This differential effectiveness of the various reactivation treatments is discussed in terms of their relationship to the associative “status” of the stimuli present during conditioning and in terms of the information provided to the animal by the reactivation treatment.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated taste potentiation in weanling rats. In Experiment 1, the animals that drank a conditioning compound of denatonium and saccharin consumed significantly less on the test than controls that drank only saccharin during conditioning. This enhanced saccharin aversion was decremented by postconditioning extinction to denatonium in Experiment 2, and no generalization of saccharin aversions to the denatonium was observed in Experiment 3. Extinction of either saccharin or denatonium aversions after compound conditioning was shown in Experiment 4 to result in substantial decrements in aversions to the compound. The relationship of these outcomes to a multiple-association account of potentiation and to the role of discrimination processes in ingestional learning is discussed.  相似文献   

Retention interval effects are seen in taste-aversion learning when single-element aversions are significantly weaker 24 h after conditioning compared with tests at later intervals. This report contains three experiments which suggest that the source of the increased drinking at the 1-day interval is nonassociative interference produced by the novel conditioning episode. In Experiment 1, a parametric analysis demonstrated that aversion strength increased monotonically over a 30-h period following conditioning, and that by 48 h after conditioning it was stabilized. In Experiment 2, a single US preexposure was used to reduce the novelty of the US prior to conditioning. As a result, animals preexposed to the US had stronger taste aversions than did non-preexposed controls at a 1-day retention interval; however, no differences were seen at a 5-day interval. Experiment 3 investigated whether the counterintuitive outcome of Experiment 2 was due to the summation of environment-illness and taste-illness associations at the 1-day test. The results ruled out the summation argument; the US preexposure did not need to be presented in the conditioning context to strengthen the aversion at the 1-day interval. Collectively, these results suggest that the presentation of a surprising US can interfere with the retrieval of the taste-illness association for a short period after conditioning, and that this contributes to the retention interval effect.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, a potentiation paradigm was used to test the relative influence of odor and taste with two 2 basic tastants (i.e., salt and sweet) in conditioned aversion learning. Experiment 1 showed that aversions to tastants (salt or sweet presented in a manner by which it could be tasted) were established only in subjects trained with the tastant, not the odor (i.e., salt or sweet presented in a manner by which it could not be tasted). Experiment 2 demonstrated, with a sensory preconditioning procedure, that the expression of an aversion to tastants was dependent on previous tastant experience prior to odor aversion training. These results suggest that while subjects can smell salt and sweet solutions, these odors are neither sufficient nor necessary for the expression of a conditioned tastant aversion.  相似文献   

In four experiments, each using a single conditioning trial, rats avoided a light more than a saccharin solution after these stimuli had been paired with footshock, whereas saccharin was avoided more than the light after these stimuli had been paired with lithium injection. The use of a single conditioning trial precludes possible US-induced differential orientations from influencing which stimuli will be associated on the conditioning trial. This cue-consequence specificity effect was obtained even when subjects conditioned with lithium received a non-contingent footshock prior to the test session, and when subjects conditioned with footshock received a noncontingent lithium injection before testing (Experiments 2–4). Weak aversions to the light in rats given a light-lithium pairing and noncontingent footshock and to the saccharin in subjects that received a saccharin-footshock pairing and noncontingent lithium administration were obtained in Experiment 2. However, these weak aversions were not obtained when subjects were given three nonreinforced exposures to the test chamber before the test session (Experiments 3 and 4). These results indicate that US-induced differential orientations do not mediate the cue-consequence effect in aversion learning.  相似文献   

Taste aversions were conditioned by exposing subjects to a 1.0% saccharin solution 30 min after an injection of lithium chloride. The aversion learning was disrupted if subjects had also received an additional lithium injection some time earlier (Experiments 1–3). This interference effect of US preexposure was a decreasing function of the preexposure interval, beyond the optimal interval (105 min) for observing the phenomenon (Experiment 1), and was directly related to the dose of the preexposure injection (Experiment 2). No interference with conditioning occurred at short (e.g., 30-min) preexposure intervals (Experiment 1), probably because under these circumstances the preexposure injection itself conditioned a strong aversion (Experiment 4). At moderate (105-min) but not at short (30-min) preexposure intervals, the interference with aversions learned as a result of taste exposure following drug injection was comparable to the interference with learning in a more conventional forward conditioning procedure (Experiments 3 and 4). These findings are similar to previously documented effects of proximal CS- and US-preexposure and are consistent with recent stimulus rehearsal and opponent-process theories.  相似文献   

On four occasions, Holtzman rats drank saccharin in a distinctive environment prior to lithium-induced toxicosis. Preconditioning exposure to saccharin either in the home cage or in the distinctive environment interfered significantly with the establishment of an environmental aversion. Animals preexposed to the experimental environment, however, showed environmental aversions substantially stronger than those in animals preexposed to saccharin and only slightly higher than those with no preexposure to either the taste or the environment. Subsequent saccharin tests revealed significantly stronger aversions in the group that received environmental preexposure than in any of the other groups. This pattern of outcomes demonstrates taste-mediated potentiation of novel and familiar environmental stimuli as well as overshadowing of the taste by novel environmental stimuli. Furthermore, it indicates that previous demonstrations of taste-mediated environmental potentiation involve facilitated conditioning of the environmental stimuli and decremented conditioning of the taste stimuli.  相似文献   

Rats injected with lithium chloride after ingesting familiar food pellets presented in textured metal sleeves learned aversions to the sleeved food. In a choice between sleeved and unsleeved food, the aversions were evident following conditioning with toxicosis delayed as long as 120 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiment 1). Texture-specific aversions resulted from procedures in which rats were exposed to food in both rough- and smooth-textured sleeves but were injected with lithium only in conjunction with one of the textures (Experiments 2–4). This differential aversion learning occurred when lithium treatment was delayed 30 min after exposure to the sleeved food (Experiments 3 and 4) and was equally evident in rats conditioned and tested in total darkness or in normal room-level illumination (Experiment 4). However, differential texture aversion learning was not observed with 90- or 300-min delayed toxicosis (Experiment 3). The present experiments highlight the importance of tactile cues in the poison-avoidance learning of species that handle their food during the course of ingestion.  相似文献   

In three conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, latent inhibition (LI) was examined as a function of the time interval (1 or 21 days) between the conditioning and the test phases. In Experiments 1 and 2, the effects of US intensity on LI were examined. LI increased in the 21-day condition, as compared with the 1-day condition, with medium and high US intensity, but not with weak US intensity. Groups not preexposed to the CS flavor had similar aversions when testing was conducted 1 day after conditioning, as compared with 21 days. In Experiment 3A, delay-induced super-LI was obtained when the delay was spent in the home cage and the experimental stages took place in a different context (as in Experiments 1 and 2). In Experiment 3B, when all the stages, including the delay period, were conducted in the home cage, there was no super-LI effect. The modulation of delay-induced super-LI as a function of US intensity and context extinction is discussed in relation to association deficit and retrieval interference theories of LI.  相似文献   

Three experiments showed a savings procedure to be an effective and sensitive alternative to sensory preconditioning procedures as a measure of associations among neutral stimuli. Experiment 1 showed that within-compound associations developed more rapidly in reinforced appetitive serial compound conditioning when nonreinforced preexposure to the serial compound was given than when separate element or no preexposure was given. Experiment 2 showed the savings effect to be highly stimulus specific. Experiment 3 examined the facilitation of serial compound conditioning after either simultaneous or serial nonreinforced preexposure to the elements of the compound. The results of that experiment were consistent with those of analogous sensory preconditioning experiments. When preexposure involved only the two elements of the subsequently reinforced compound, serial preexposure produced more savings than simultaneous preexposure. But when preexposure involved a three-stimulus procedure like that used by Rescorla (1980b), simultaneous preexposure resulted in more savings. Advantages of the savings procedure over sensory preconditioning as a measure of association among neutral stimuli are discussed.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, olfactory bulbectomized and control rats were trained using operant conditioning to determine the taste threshold of aqueous amyl acetate. Concentrations below gustatory threshold were used in Experiments 2–5 to compare the effectiveness of odors with various concentrations of saccharin as cues for illness. The results showed the following: (1) The effectiveness of odor and taste was directly related to concentration; (2) the strength of an aversion to a concentration of taste could be matched by an appropriate concentration of an odor; (3) odor was as effective as taste with CS-US delays of 4 h; and (4) an effective odor potentiated an aversion to an otherwise ineffective taste. The results challenge the privileged role accorded tastes in food aversion learning and the manner in which tastes are held to interact with odors according to the sensory-and-gate channeling analysis of potentiation (Rusiniak, Hankins, Garcia, & Brett, 1979).  相似文献   

In a series of related experiments, we studied associative phenomena in snails (Helix aspersa), using the conditioning procedure of tentacle lowering. Experiments 1A and 1B demonstrated a basic conditioning effect in which the pairing of an odor (apple) as the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the opportunity to feed on carrot as the unconditioned stimulus (US) made snails exhibit increased levels of tentacle lowering in the presence of the CS. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the magnitude of the conditioning was reduced when snails were exposed to the CS prior to the conditioning trial (a latent inhibition effect). Experiment 4 examined the effects produced by pairing a compound CS (apple—pear) with food presentations and demonstrated the existence of an overshadowing effect between the two odors. Experiment 5 revealed that pairing one CS with another previously conditioned stimulus increased tentacle lowering to the new CS (a second-order conditioning effect). Finally, Experiment 6 showed that pairing two odors prior to conditioning of one of them promoted an increase in tentacle lowering in response to the other (a sensory preconditioning effect). The results are discussed in terms of an associative analysis of conditioning and its implications for the study of cognition in invertebrates.  相似文献   

In these experiments, we investigated the nature of potentiation in the conditioned flavor preference paradigm. Almond and banana extracts, which have strong odor components, were combined with salt and saccharin (liked tastes; Experiment 1) or quinine and citric acid (disliked tastes; Experiment 2) in a flavor preference procedure that mixed these solutions with a caloric reinforcer (polycose). The results showed that liked tastes potentiated preference conditioning to extracts (Experiment 1), whereas extracts potentiated preference conditioning to disliked tastes (Experiment 2). In both experiments, the presumably less liked stimulus (i.e., the extract in Experiment 1 and the disliked taste in Experiment 2) was the potentiated cue.  相似文献   

Second-order conditioning of social approach to a female conspecific in male Japanese quail was investigated in four experiments. Subjects that received paired first- and second-order trials acquired second-order conditioning in both Experiments 1 and 2. In contrast, subjects that received paired first-order but unpaired second-order trials, and subjects that received unpaired first-order but paired second-order trials, did not acquire second-order conditioning. In Experiment 3, subjects for whom the first-order conditioned stimulus was presented in extinction showed second-order conditioning comparable to that shown by subjects in a control group that did not receive the extinction procedure. In Experiment 4, subjects approached a second-order stimulus less when sexually satiated than when sexually deprived. These findings suggest that second-order sexual conditioning in quail is mediated by an association of the second-order stimulus with a representation of the unconditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were presented with a taste conditioned stimulus (CS) alone, an odor CS alone, or an odor-taste compound followed by lithium chloride injection. When tested 1 day following conditioning, there was evidence that the odor cue overshadowed conditioning to the taste; however, there was no indication of overshadowing following a longer (21-day) retention interval, despite undiminished strength of the aversion in animals conditioned with only the single element (taste). The overshadowing observed at the 1-day retention interval was not reciprocal. Rats conditioned with the odor CS alone or with the compound CS expressed odor aversions of comparable strength—that is, no overshadowing. However, in contrast to the taste aversion, overshadowing of conditioning to the odor by taste was evident following a 21-day retention interval. Rather than reflecting a failure of the overshadowed stimulus to acquire associative strength, these data suggest that overshadowing may be expressed, or not expressed, as a result of changes in the relative retrievability of learned associations over time.  相似文献   

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