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Entrepreneurship involves innovation and uncertainty. We outline a theory of entrepreneurship, which highlights the importance of social networks in promoting innovation and reducing uncertainty. Our findings suggest that this “social” aspect of entrepreneurship increases the probability of entrepreneurial success. The results also lend credence to theories of entrepreneurship that suggest that entrepreneurial opportunities are formed endogenously by the entrepreneurs who create them. We also consider the public policy implications of our findings.  相似文献   

We develop a perspective on technology entrepreneurship as involving agency that is distributed across different kinds of actors. Each actor becomes involved with a technology, and, in the process, generates inputs that result in the transformation of an emerging technological path. The steady accumulation of inputs to a technological path generates a momentum that enables and constrains the activities of distributed actors. In other words, agency is not only distributed, but it is embedded as well. We explicate this perspective through a comparative study of processes underlying the emergence of wind turbines in Denmark and in United States. Through our comparative study, we flesh out “bricolage” and “breakthrough” as contrasting approaches to the engagement of actors in shaping technological paths.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104599
We explore the process of innovation as experienced by entrepreneurs in Ethiopia in order to gain new insights from a challenging setting for innovation that has been under-represented in the literature. Guided by two streams of literature – the contextual view of entrepreneurial innovation and the innovation process literature – we examine the accounts of entrepreneurial selection and strategic choices as narrated by 15 Ethiopian innovators pursuing diverse opportunities. Analysis of 77,000 words of text offers a rich data structure that adds substantive detail to the contextual view of entrepreneurial innovation. An emerging process model not only emphasizes economic with societal outcomes but also national citizenship reinforcement at the level of the individual entrepreneur. Policy recommendations are presented to deal with contradictions between government proclamations to encourage innovative new start-ups, and the actual accounts of the entrepreneurs as they deal with obstacles in different contexts.  相似文献   

学术创业是科研人员转化创新成果的重要方式,其创业特质与创新政策受到学者们的广泛关注,却忽视了学术创业团队的可持续发展机制。基于组织生态理论与锦标赛激励理论,本文以高校学术创业团队为研究对象,分析了合作关系对持续合作意愿的“双刃剑”效应,从过程与结果视角分别探讨了任务关系与合作质量在团队可持续发展机制中的作用效果。研究表明:学术创业团队中,合作关系对合作质量和持续合作意愿均具有倒U型影响,合作时间过长或过短都会削弱合作质量、降低合作意愿;从结果视角来看,合作质量在合作关系对持续合作意愿的影响中起完全中介作用,并且中介效应随着合作关系的增强而减弱;从过程视角来看,任务独立负向调节合作关系对过程质量的影响,任务依赖则正向调节合作关系对结果质量的影响效果。研究结论解构了学术创业团队的运行机制,为创新驱动战略下高校科技体制改革提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

运用扎根理论的研究方法,从创业者人格特质视角切入,对15个互联网新创企业的创业者进行深度访谈。结果表明,创业者人格特质、社会网络、创业拼凑和创业学习对创业产出具有积极影响,并构建了社会网络和创业拼凑的双路径创业产出模型。研究结论对社会网络和创业拼凑理论有重要贡献,对挖掘创业产出的影响机制有重要启示。  相似文献   

夏李慧  罗彪 《科研管理》2021,42(1):10-19
中国经济正处在新旧动能切换的断档时期,高科技新创企业作为促进新动能成长的重要主体,其高效的机会塑造是实现企业发展的关键。效果推理理论为研究高不确定性情境下高科技新创企业机会塑造提供新思路。借鉴高阶梯队理论,分析创业者效果推理对高科技新创企业机会塑造的影响机制。以141家中国高科技新创企业为样本,实证研究发现:创业者效果推理正向影响企业关系网络构建和企业机会塑造;企业关系网络构建在创业者效果推理和企业机会塑造之间起部分中介作用;创业激情不仅正向调节创业者效果推理与企业关系网络构建之间的关系,而且还正向调节企业关系网络构建在创业者效果推理与企业机会塑造之间的中介效应。结论表明在高不确定性情境下,充满激情的效果推理型创业者可以通过促进企业关系网络构建更好地进行机会塑造。  相似文献   

资源约束是科技型小微企业创业过程中面临的普遍问题,因此探索突破约束并实现企业快速成长的途径成为创业领域研究的热点。本文基于企业资源观和人力资本理论视角,构建了创业拼凑、先前经验以及科技型小微企业创业绩效三者之间的概念模型,并利用结构方程模型对317家科技型小微企业调研数据进行了实证分析,由此得出了相应的结论:(1)创业拼凑、先前经验与科技型小微企业创业绩效正相关;(2)创业拼凑分别与创业经验、行业经验和工作经验正相关;(3)创业经验、行业经验在创业拼凑与创业绩效之间起中介作用,但工作经验未在创业拼凑与创业绩效之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

随着“大众创业、万众创新”战略部署的推进,我国国民的创业热情被点燃。但是,我国的创业政策和生态环境仍不够完善,使得很多创业者处于“临渊羡鱼”的观望状态。因此,迫切需要探讨创业期望和风险恐惧对新生企业家创业行为的影响机制。本文基于调节聚焦理论,解析了创业期望对新生企业家创业行为的影响机制,并探究了风险恐惧对新生企业家创业行为的影响机制。研究结果表明:新生企业家的创业期望越高,其创业积极性也就越高,并且会采取积极的创业投资行为。风险恐惧会降低新生企业家的创业倾向,但是个体一旦选择了创业行为后,风险恐惧对新生企业家创业投资行为的影响取决于其创业期望水平。当新生企业家创业期望水平较高时,风险恐惧的增加会驱动新生企业家萌发促进聚焦的调节机制,此时积极投资将处于主导地位,因此新生企业家会实施积极的投资行为。但是如果创业期望水平较低时,风险恐惧的增加会催生新生企业家产生预防聚焦的调节机制,此时害怕失败将处于主导地位,因此新生企业家会减少创业投资。  相似文献   

王飞绒  赵鑫  李正卫 《科研管理》2006,40(11):196-205
企业家情怀是否会影响企业的创新投入?本文主要依据计划行为理论,从企业家情怀与创新投入的关系入手,构建了企业家情怀经由风险承担与压力应对影响企业创新投入的概念模型,并提出了相应的假设。利用183份有效问卷进行了实证分析。研究結果表明,企业家情怀能够促进企业的创新投入,风险承担和压力应对在情怀到创新投入的影响路径中起到部分中介作用。论文将企业家情怀纳入创新研究,补充和完善了企业创新动机理论,对企业家情怀的研究也有效拓展了企业家精神理论的内容,论文同时也从企业家层面和政府层面提出了管理启示,最后对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article and the special issue is to improve our understanding of the theoretical, managerial, and policy implications of entrepreneurial innovation. We accomplish this objective by examining the role of context in stimulating such activity, as well as its impact on the outcomes of entrepreneurial innovation. Our analysis begins by outlining an overarching framework for entrepreneurial innovation and context. With reference to this framework we then compare the attributes of national innovation systems, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation, and categorize contextual influences on entrepreneurial innovation. We then situate the papers presented in this special issue within this framework. We conclude by outlining an agenda for additional research on this topic, focusing on the relationships between contexts and entrepreneurial innovation and then discuss policy implications, focusing on how public and private actors can meet these challenges.  相似文献   

王飞绒  赵鑫  李正卫 《科研管理》2019,40(11):196-205
企业家情怀是否会影响企业的创新投入?本文主要依据计划行为理论,从企业家情怀与创新投入的关系入手,构建了企业家情怀经由风险承担与压力应对影响企业创新投入的概念模型,并提出了相应的假设。利用183份有效问卷进行了实证分析。研究結果表明,企业家情怀能够促进企业的创新投入,风险承担和压力应对在情怀到创新投入的影响路径中起到部分中介作用。论文将企业家情怀纳入创新研究,补充和完善了企业创新动机理论,对企业家情怀的研究也有效拓展了企业家精神理论的内容,论文同时也从企业家层面和政府层面提出了管理启示,最后对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

   创业卷入作为一种认知活动,在科技创业过程中发挥着重要作用。本文基于卷入理论,根据科技创业者角色认同特征将创业卷入划分为创业情境卷入和创业行业卷入,并从创业学习和吸收能力视角,构建了科技创业者创业双重卷入对创业成长的影响机理模型,通过对收集到的193份问卷进行有调节的中介实证检验。结果表明:科技创业者创业双重卷入有助于提升创业成长水平,创业学习在创业双重卷入与创业成长之间起到了中介作用,吸收能力正向调节了创业学习与创业成长之间关系。进一步的研究发现,吸收能力调节了创业学习在创业双重卷入与创业成长之间的中介效应。  相似文献   

沙亦鹏  叶明海  王玉馨 《科研管理》2006,40(12):262-271
企业家是一个公司的灵魂,其参与技术创新活动的成果会影响公司业绩。文章以企业资源视角切入,整合高层阶梯理论、动机不对称理论和企业创新研究的相关成果,对企业家创新成果的特殊性进行了理论分析。文章以企业家参与研发的专利作为企业家创新成果的代理变量,利用2011-2014年中国创业板公司企业家参与研发的专利数据进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:从创新数量来看,企业家参与研发的发明专利成果会显著提升公司业绩;从创新质量来看,发明专利成果对公司业绩的贡献大于企业家参与研发的外观设计以及实用新型成果的贡献。该结论丰富了企业家创新的相关理论,对新时代培育、激励和保护企业家精神,引导企业家创新创业具有现实意义。  相似文献   

钟榴  余光胜  潘闻闻 《科研管理》2019,40(6):205-214
如何在资源约束条件下实现初创企业的产品创新一直是学界和商界关注的焦点。本文首先介绍了创业决策逻辑理论中的目标导向和手段导向的特征,通过案例分析分别探讨了锤子和小米两个初创企业产品创新流程决策,并以理论模型对比了两种决策理论在实践中的适用性和局限性。研究结果表明,锤子手机的研发过程体现了目标导向的特征,而小米手机的研发过程体现了手段导向的特征。本研究认为,创业更多是介于精密计划和非系统性试错之间,目标导向和手段导向逻辑的适用性取决于不确定情境下创业者战略决策的权变性,权变性影响了企业资源的整合和创业机会的识别;初创企业在发展早期比较适合采取目标导向逻辑进行决策,通过提高资源整合效率,能加快创业机会的识别,而手段导向的作用更多体现在产品创新后期,随着产品的约束性条件不断演化,创业者通过保持资源整合的柔性来持续识别新的创业机会,产品创新是外界环境各种约束性条件不断迭代而成的结果。  相似文献   

This study focuses on entrepreneurs’ Internet-era imprint and its effect on the level of digital entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial firms’ venture capital. From the perspective of imprinting theory and signaling theory, we find that entrepreneurs with Internet-era imprint are more willing to use digital technologies in their entrepreneurial process, which raises the level of digital entrepreneurship within a firm. Imprint-driven digital entrepreneurship acts as a quality signal to increase the success rate of access to venture capital from financial institutions. In addition, venture capital providers do not value the entrepreneurs’ personal socioeconomic status for easier access to external resources, but rather their Internet-era imprint, which is more relevant to the success of digital entrepreneurship. Our hypotheses are supported using data from the Chinese private entrepreneurial firms in 2016. Overall, our efforts to extend imprinting theory to digital entrepreneurship literature suggest that the Internet-era imprint persists in the digital entrepreneurial process. Moreover, this study enriches the signaling mechanisms in entrepreneurial venture capital research by conceptualizing digital entrepreneurship as a signal.  相似文献   

彭伟  符正平 《科学学研究》2015,33(12):1851-1860
海归创业者是当前中国创业浪潮中最为核心的主体之一,他们的行为与才能对中国经济发展具有重要深远的影响。以十位国家"千人计划"创业人才为研究样本,应用扎根理论方法对海归创业行为过程进行归纳性分析。研究得到了海归创业行为过程的关键构成维度:(1)海外经验及宏伟梦想是推动海归创业的关键要素,但需要在坚强意志力以及合适的时机下才能真正开展创业活动;(2)机会发现、机会创造是海归创业的关键行动,这些行动需要通过双重网络嵌入、创新行为以及双元管理等策略进一步深化;(3)海归创业行为有利于推动我国经济实现创新驱动发展。研究结论拓展深化了本土创业管理理论,对当代海归创业者成长也具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

基于技术创新网络的企业家机遇分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对技术创新网络和企业家机遇的两种类型进行探讨,从企业家机遇的角度,分析了技术创新网络中存在的企业家机遇,企业家如何发现机遇以及最终实现机遇,并指出技术创新网络中企业家从发现机遇到实现机遇是一个连续不断的深化过程。  相似文献   

创业导师是中国“双创”战略实施的重要人才资源。本文通过对28家众创空间负责人的访谈资料,采用扎根理论分析了“双创”背景下创业导师特质结构,依据自我决定理论探讨了创业导师特质对创业者的作用。研究结果表明:创业导师特质对创业者的影响由特质结构(专家型特质、关系型特质、公益型特质)、创业储备、创业心理和创业者行为共同构成;经历了外在影响、内在影响和突破自我三个过程,且在不同过程中对创业者发挥的影响力的要素有所不同。创业导师的这三类特质在外在影响过程改善了创业者的创业储备,进而对创业者心理产生影响,创业者的创业心理在内在影响过程产生变化(积极的),并最终在自我突破这一过程实现了创业成效的进阶。最后,从创业导师辅导过程、创业导师选聘、创业导师培育三个方面提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

A growing amount of scientific research is done in an open collaborative fashion, in projects sometimes referred to as “crowd science”, “citizen science”, or “networked science”. This paper seeks to gain a more systematic understanding of crowd science and to provide scholars with a conceptual framework and an agenda for future research. First, we briefly present three case examples that span different fields of science and illustrate the heterogeneity concerning what crowd science projects do and how they are organized. Second, we identify two fundamental elements that characterize crowd science projects – open participation and open sharing of intermediate inputs – and distinguish crowd science from other knowledge production regimes such as innovation contests or traditional “Mertonian” science. Third, we explore potential knowledge-related and motivational benefits that crowd science offers over alternative organizational modes, and potential challenges it is likely to face. Drawing on prior research on the organization of problem solving, we also consider for what kinds of tasks particular benefits or challenges are likely to be most pronounced. We conclude by outlining an agenda for future research and by discussing implications for funding agencies and policy makers.  相似文献   

We challenge the implicit assumption that entrepreneurs are the sole owners of their young firms and we suggest that because cutting-edge innovation projects are complex, they create substantial information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and their investors. Linking previous research on governance, entrepreneurship, and innovation, we ask what forms of governance and incentive systems are conducive to spur and implement innovation among young entrepreneurial firms. Using agency theory and building on the rich literature on governance, we make eight practical suggestions regarding the governance of young entrepreneurial firms. We suggest that early and effective governance systems may help entrepreneurs and investors work in alignment with each other's best interests.  相似文献   

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