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牛华勇  栾硕  宋阳 《科研管理》2019,40(4):277-288
高等教育国际化绩效与教育质量和人才水平紧密相关,其中商科教育始终位列各类国际化专业之首,因此从此学科切入研究教育国际化问题具有一定的代表性。本文沿用以国际间的双向沟通与交流为核心的商学教育国际化定义,结合商学的学科特点,通过完善和调整已有的高等教育国际化指标体系,构建了包含7项定性指标和15项定量指标的商学教育国际化绩效评价指标体系。本文以32家国内商学院和16家国外商学院为研究样本,通过问卷调查和实地调研收集数据,并采用投入归一化的DEA模型分别从战略、教学、科研、管理和人员5个维度对国内外商学院的教育国际化绩效进行评价和比较。由于教学维度的两项指标存在统计困难,实际收集到的是区间数据,因此在此维度的绩效测度中采用了分别计算绩效得分下界和上界的两组DEA模型。基于绩效测度结果,本文发现:国内商学院和国外商学院在管理和人员两个方面的国际化绩效差别不大,相比于国外商学院,国内商学院在科研方面的国际化绩效较好,但在战略和教学两个方面的国际化绩效较弱,并且在教学国际化程度上具有明显的劣势。鉴于国内商学院在各维度下表现出的绩效损失,本文对其提出如下改进国际化绩效的建议:战略方面,依托地区教育资源及发展优势,积极与境外商学院展开合作;教学方面,深入推进课程的国际化,鼓励外文授课和使用原版教材,大力拓展中外合作办学项目;管理方面,将国际化纳入提拔干部和评聘职称的考量因素,扩大学院自身的书刊资源库,营造良好的国际化氛围;人员方面,引入国际化师资力量,适当提高外教在教师队伍中的占比。  相似文献   

吴航  陈劲 《科研管理》2019,40(11):102-110
已有研究对于不同国际化战略的创新机理缺乏关注。基于探索与利用视角,将国际化战略划分为探索性国际化与利用性国际化,实证研究了两种国际化战略对创新绩效的影响,同时检验了企业年龄、母国与东道国相似性、国际环境动荡性的调节效应。研究发现探索性国际化、利用性国际化对创新绩效具有正向影响,而探索性国际化对创新绩效具有更强的影响效应;企业国际化战略选择必须与组织(企业年龄)、战略(母国与东道国相似性)、环境(国际环境动荡性)因素相匹配。研究结论对于国际化战略理论与实践具有启示意义。  相似文献   

吴航  陈劲 《科研管理》2006,40(11):102-110
已有研究对于不同国际化战略的创新机理缺乏关注。基于探索与利用视角,将国际化战略划分为探索性国际化与利用性国际化,实证研究了两种国际化战略对创新绩效的影响,同时检验了企业年龄、母国与东道国相似性、国际环境动荡性的调节效应。研究发现探索性国际化、利用性国际化对创新绩效具有正向影响,而探索性国际化对创新绩效具有更强的影响效应;企业国际化战略选择必须与组织(企业年龄)、战略(母国与东道国相似性)、环境(国际环境动荡性)因素相匹配。研究结论对于国际化战略理论与实践具有启示意义。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose and validate social networks based theoretical model for exploring scholars’ collaboration (co-authorship) network properties associated with their citation-based research performance (i.e., g-index). Using structural holes theory, we focus on how a scholar’s egocentric network properties of density, efficiency and constraint within the network associate with their scholarly performance. For our analysis, we use publication data of high impact factor journals in the field of “Information Science & Library Science” between 2000 and 2009, extracted from Scopus. The resulting database contained 4837 publications reflecting the contributions of 8069 authors. Results from our data analysis suggest that research performance of scholars’ is significantly correlated with scholars’ ego-network measures. In particular, scholars with more co-authors and those who exhibit higher levels of betweenness centrality (i.e., the extent to which a co-author is between another pair of co-authors) perform better in terms of research (i.e., higher g-index). Furthermore, scholars with efficient collaboration networks who maintain a strong co-authorship relationship with one primary co-author within a group of linked co-authors (i.e., co-authors that have joint publications) perform better than those researchers with many relationships to the same group of linked co-authors.  相似文献   

潘宏亮 《科研管理》2020,41(3):43-51
国际创业经验是扩大天生国际化企业知识库的基石,是促进创新要素累积的前提,更关系到企业实施双元创新战略的成效。通过分析国际创业经验支撑天生国际化企业双元创新的内在联系,构建了天生国际化企业双元创新的概念模型。运用SPSS21.0和AMOS21.0软件,对215份调研问卷收集来的研究数据进行分析,研究结果表明:(1)国际创业经验并不直接影响天生国际化企业探索式创新,而对其开发式创新呈正相关关系;(2)创新要素累积在国际创业经验和天生国际化企业双元创新之间起到中介作用;(3)天生国际化企业的开发式创新与探索式创新呈正相关关系。该结论为天生国际化企业开展双元创新活动提供有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

国际创业作为企业国际化战略的重要组成部分,会对企业创新绩效产生深远影响。本研究以6家国际创业企业为研究样本,采用多案例研究方法,对国际创业提升创新绩效的过程进行探索性研究。研究发现:市场空间、企业愿景、挖掘与利用机会是国际创业提升创新绩效的基础;社会认证、制度环境、国际标准、风险投资等中介条件通过权益或非权益国际创业模式为企业行动策略提供重要支持;国际化学习、开放合作、示范运营、技术驱动等行动策略的实施基于中介条件发挥作用,是提升企业创新绩效的关键因素;行动策略既是促进国际知识更新的因素,也是提升企业国际知识储备的途径,国际知识的增长是国际创业模式动态演变的主要原因。研究结论不仅厘清了国际创业提升企业创新绩效过程的内在机制,而且明确了企业融入全球创新创业浪潮的基本路径。  相似文献   

郝晨  张卫国  李梦雅 《科研管理》2022,43(4):185-191
    运用2010—2016年在我国深市创业板上市企业的面板数据,通过将国际化战略进行深度与广度的二维细分,实证考察了风险投资对企业国际化战略的影响效果,并进一步探讨了企业实施国际化战略能否提升企业创新绩效以及风险投资如何影响国际化战略对企业创新绩效的作用效应。研究发现:(1)风险投资介入对企业国际化深度与广度战略的制定和实施均具有积极作用。(2)企业实施国际化深度发展战略能够对企业的创新绩效产生显著的提升效应,而国际化广度发展战略却未能对企业的创新绩效产生积极影响,风险投资介入增强了国际化发展战略的创新增值作用,提高了国际化深度与广度战略对企业创新绩效的积极影响。(3)风险投资对国际化战略与企业创新绩效关系的调节作用会由于企业上市后风险投资机构是否继续持有股份以及风险投资机构背景特征和投资契约特征的不同而有所差异。  相似文献   

The impact of the existence and nature of multi-authorship on the visibility of research results is a relevant issue in the framework of the monitoring and evaluation of scientific performance. Multi-authorship involving researchers from different institutions is a growing trend typical of today’s social, economic and political development and an expression of the so-called “internationalization of science”. This paper analyzes how the establishment of scientific relationships and the local or international nature of such relationships affect the visibility of the research results published by the community of researchers affiliated with Puerto Rican institutions. Multi-dimensional indicators and multivariate analysis techniques, specifically Factorial Correspondence Analysis (FCA), were used to analyze and represent the visibility of the papers published in mainstream scientific journals. The results of the study show that the establishment and furtherance of local and international co-authorship favour the visibility of the papers published and consequently can be regarded to be a valid strategy in the context of the research and development effort in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

This paper charts the development of the knowledge-based theory of internationalisation, driven particularly by early research at the University of Uppsala, led by Sune Carlson. Information and knowledge, allied with an interest in the associated effect on risk and uncertainty, were components of a process perspective. Its essence was a focus on the restraining effects of a lack of knowledge as decision-makers contemplated international market entry or expansion requiring a commitment of resources in various forms, in different types of foreign operations (such as exporting, licensing and foreign direct investment). Lack of knowledge of a prospective foreign market (of its characteristics, culture, ways of doing business) was seen to create uncertainty so that firm decision-makers would be less prepared to commit resources. This situation was bound to change as a firm conducted operations in the foreign market and acquired experiential knowledge (learning by doing), which made the foreign market less of a mystery, in the process lowering uncertainty. As the learning process unfolded, and expanded opportunities were perceived, at some stage the firm might be prepared to undertake additional commitments to the foreign market. Empirical research at Uppsala, and in Finland, had shown a pattern of gradual expansion of foreign commitments by internationalising firms. In terms of theoretical development, a key step was relaxation of the assumption of perfect knowledge used in economics (not without critique), noted by Don Lamberton in 1974. Following the development of internationalisation theory in the 1970s, there was a range of extensions to the basic theory, such as the role of networks, the nature of inward–outward connections, and the need for knowledge to pass over language hurdles in the process of international transmission – within and outside the firm. In one sense, the internationalisation of companies was a perfect research site for an exploration of the role of information and knowledge in firm behaviour, given the additional exigencies of the diverse and demanding information environment that is the international arena.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1999,28(2-3):275-302
Based on a questionnaire survey of large corporations in Japan and Sweden, representing chemical, electronic and mechanical engineering sectors, this paper probes three research issues: (1) the level, pace and possible nation-specific mode of internationalization of R&D, (2) the relative roles of demand and supply side factors, and (3) the possible internationalization of industry–university collaborations. The results show a general growth of international R&D across sectors and countries and a particular Japanese mode of internationalization of R&D with a high pace although starting from lower levels, a strong supply-led component, and a strong emphasis on collaborations with US universities. The concept of psychic distance was found to be of limited relevance as an explanatory concept. The paper argues that due to, e.g., technology diversification and emerging technology market conditions, internationalization of R&D will in general become increasingly supply-led, and as industry–university collaborations internationalize, competitive US universities will become increasingly important and internationalize themselves, some conceivably becoming genuine multinational universities.  相似文献   

经济全球化条件下,国际化经营已经成为中小企业可持续发展的必要条件。然而,这也使中小企业的经营风险成倍提高。为了使中小企业能够更加成功地进行国际化,企业在开始国际化之道时,必须对国际市场有一定的了解,必须掌握国际化经营的基本技能与技巧。  相似文献   

金杨华  郭宁宁 《科研管理》2022,43(3):152-163
    组织双元是中国管理理论研究的重要前沿领域,也是国际学界探究新兴经济国家管理问题的重要视阈。以CSSCI和Web of Science数据库收录的469篇中国情境组织双元研究论文为研究对象,通过文献计量和科学知识图谱分析,借助Citespace软件,揭示该领域国内外的主要学术群体、标志性文献和知识演化趋势。研究发现:国内研究者可归为双元创新、合作网络、双元领导等学术群体,国外研究者可归为复杂策略、人力资源管理、社会资本等学术群体,国内研究侧重技术创新、知识管理和国际化、信息化、高层管理实践等,国外研究突出转型经济、新兴经济的特殊情境和中国传统文化应用;焦豪、王凤彬、魏江、Cao Q、Wang CL、Lin HE、Atuahene-GimaK等的相关研究成果是标志性文献;国内外研究的热点和趋势不尽相同,国外关注人力资源实践、社会资本、并购与整合等,国内关注高管团队行为整合、知识网络、开放式创新等,当前国内外研究均进入新一轮的探索期,但国内研究表现出更强的发展潜力。提出未来的研究方向,有助于学者从世界管理理论创新的视角,深入思考中国双元问题的独特性,为服务中国企业的双元管理实践提供指导。  相似文献   

我国企业技术创新国际化战略框架和战略途径研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈劲  吴沧澜  景劲松 《科研管理》2004,25(6):115-125
20世纪九十年代以来,国外的企业,特别是跨国公司明显加快了技术创新国际化的进程,国外学术界对技术创新国际化的问题也给予了更多的关注。但是目前我国对技术创新国际化和技术创新国际化战略问题的研究很不足,我国企业对于技术创新国际化的了解不够深入,对于如何实施和开展技术创新国际化,缺乏必要的经验和指导。本文回顾了国外学者对技术创新国际化问题的研究,调查分析了我国企业技术创新国际化活动的实际情况后,提出了一个针对企业技术创新国际化的战略框架,并就我国不同规模和实力的企业,给出了如何实施技术创新国际化的四种不同的战略途径,这个技术创新国际化战略框架和四个战略途径对我国企业开展技术创新国际化活动具有指导意义。  相似文献   

孙华鹏  苏敬勤  崔淼 《科研管理》2014,35(10):94-100
研究民营企业跨国并购的特点和规律兼具理论与现实价值。鉴于现有文献缺乏对我国民营企业跨国并购动因的系统梳理,本研究使用案例的方法通过对三个典型的中国民营企业跨国并购案例的分析,系统地识别出民营企业跨国并购的动因,并构建了民营企业跨国并购的四轮驱动模型研究。结论表明:品牌国际化、获取核心技术、扩大市场份额、以及获取国际化经验是驱动我国民营企业进行跨国并购的四个最主要动因。通过与西方企业跨国并购驱动因素的对比,得出品牌国际化、获取核心技术和国际化经验是驱动中国民营企业进行跨国并购的特色因素。  相似文献   

王琳  郑月龙  闫志伟 《科学学研究》2018,36(7):1305-1313
与知识服务机构建立联结是制造企业获取服务创新资源的重要路径,多样化联结究竟会对制造企业服务创新绩效产生何种影响,是一个缺乏关注但亟待回答的问题。鉴于此,本文以重庆203个制造企业为样本,考察知识服务机构联结伙伴多样化、联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效的直接影响,并对跨界搜索经验的调节效应进行检验。研究结果表明:联结伙伴多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效具有倒U效应;联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效存在正向线性效应,但没有曲线效应;跨界搜索经验调节联结伙伴多样化和制造企业服务创新绩效间的倒U型关系;跨界搜索经验增强了联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效的正向影响,而曲线关系的调节效应未得到证实。本研究结论推进了组织间关系视角下的制造企业服务创新理论研究,为制造企业选择合适的知识服务机构联结多样性进行服务创新提供了启示。, 与知识服务机构建立联结是制造企业获取服务创新资源的重要路径,多样化联结究竟会对制造企业服务创新绩效产生何种影响,是一个缺乏关注但亟待回答的问题。鉴于此,本文以重庆203个制造企业为样本,考察知识服务机构联结伙伴多样化、联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效的直接影响,并对跨界搜索经验的调节效应进行检验。研究结果表明:联结伙伴多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效具有倒U效应;联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效存在正向线性效应,但没有曲线效应;跨界搜索经验调节联结伙伴多样化和制造企业服务创新绩效间的倒U型关系;跨界搜索经验增强了联结地域多样化对制造企业服务创新绩效的正向影响,而曲线关系的调节效应未得到证实。本研究结论推进了组织间关系视角下的制造企业服务创新理论研究,为制造企业选择合适的知识服务机构联结多样性进行服务创新提供了启示。  相似文献   

基于知识的企业国际化过程及其特征研究——以海尔为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在国际化过程中进行有效的组织学习并实观国际化相关知识的获取和积累,是企业成功实施国际化战略的关键.分析了国际化行为与知识发展之间的关系,并在借鉴Uppsala模型基本思想的基础上,从知识发展的路径依赖性探讨国际化过程的渐进性技其变化的特征与形成机理,并从战略层面分析企业管理层在国际化过程安排中为提高组织学习效果可能发挥的作用.以海尔集团的国际化过程为对象,从特定市场进入模式和直接投资区位的路径安排两个方面分析并验证了国际化初始阶段企业国际化过程的渐进性特征.  相似文献   

宋琳琳  黄锦华 《科教文汇》2011,(17):121-122
随着中国加入WTO,国际市场上需要既懂英语又有相应专业知识、能力的复合型人才。商务英语专业国际贸易实务课程的开设是国际贸易发展的必然要求。而在其授课的过程中,教师在讲授专业知识的同时,又要做到不让学生忽略专业术语的学习。基于上述教学目的,本文详细论述了如何把英英配对练习灵活地运用到商务英语《国际贸易实务》专业术语的教学中来,达到提高学生学习英语、掌握专业知识和培养专业能力的目的。  相似文献   

“Scientific and technical human capital” (S&T human capital) has been defined as the sum of researchers’ professional network ties and their technical skills and resources [Int. J. Technol. Manage. 22 (7-8) (2001) 636]. Our study focuses on one particular means by which scientists acquire and deploy S&T human capital, research collaboration. We examine data from 451 scientists and engineers at academic research centers in the United States. The chief focus is on scientists’ collaboration choices and strategies. Since we are particularly interested in S&T human capital, we pay special attention to strategies that involve mentoring graduate students and junior faculty and to collaborating with women. We also examine collaboration “cosmopolitanism,” the extent to which scientists collaborate with those around them (one’s research group, one’s university) as opposed to those more distant in geography or institutional setting (other universities, researchers in industry, researchers in other nations). Our findings indicate that those who pursue a “mentor” collaboration strategy are likely to be tenured; to collaborate with women; and to have a favorable view about industry and research on industrial applications. Regarding the number of reported collaborators, those who have larger grants have more collaborators. With respect to the percentage of female collaborators, we found, not surprisingly, that female scientists have a somewhat higher percentage (36%) of female collaborators, than males have (24%). There are great differences, however, according to rank, with non-tenure track females having 84% of their collaborations with females. Regarding collaboration cosmopolitanism, we find that most researchers are not particularly cosmopolitan in their selection of collaborators—they tend to work with the people in their own work group. More cosmopolitan collaborators tend have large grants. A major policy implication is that there is great variance in the extent to which collaborations seem to enhance or generate S&T human capital. Not all collaborations are equal with respect to their “public goods” implications.  相似文献   

吴航  陈劲  郑小勇 《科研管理》2014,35(11):77-83
国际化已成为新兴经济国家企业实现创新追赶的一种重要战略。然而,现有研究对于新兴经济国家企业国际化与创新的关系机制缺乏关注。本文整合组织学习理论和制度理论视角,探索了国际多样化对创新绩效的影响,以及所有权结构的调节效应,并以中国制造企业为样本进行了实证检验。研究发现,企业国际多样化对创新绩效具有显著正向影响;跨国公司入股正向调节国际多样化与创新绩效之间的关系;而国有控股对国际多样化与创新绩效关系的调节效应并不显著。研究结论对于新兴经济国家企业国际化具有理论贡献和实践意义。  相似文献   

出口是最为普遍的国际化扩张战略,是促进新兴市场企业成长的重要路径。现有研究基于组织学习理论,检验了“出口学习”效应,但较少关注新兴市场企业出口学习结果的差异。本研究通过整合组织学习和注意力基础观理论,基于世界银行2008—2012年对东欧和中亚地区企业经营环境的调查数据,运用Tobit回归,审查了出口战略对创新绩效的影响,并检验了注意力结构化分布对出口学习的调节效应。研究发现:组织注意力的结构化分布,导致了新兴市场企业出口学习结果的异质性。具体而言:(1)新兴市场企业出口战略能够提升其产品和流程创新绩效;(2)国有所有制、财务冗余会提升出口战略对流程创新绩效的正向影响;网络营销能力会提升出口战略对产品创新绩效的正向影响。  相似文献   

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