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Across the United States, children with behavioral and emotional problems receive one of a variety of labels if they are determined eligible for special education services. Labels like SED, EBD, and BD can result in lowered or negative expectations that others have for these children. This study investigated the effects of label, child's gender and race, child's educational placement, and availability of definitional information on prognostic judgments for children with behavior problems. Three‐hundred‐sixty‐three undergraduate students enrolled in teacher education courses read a vignette and completed a prognostic outlook questionnaire. The questionnaire items asked for judgments about the likelihood of further behavioral disruption, the likelihood of developing and maintaining adequate interpersonal relationships, and requested an estimate of overall adjustment of the child. The vignette described an elementary school child with behavior problems and its content was held constant. Gender (boy vs. girl), race (African American vs. Caucasian), educational placement (receiving special education services full‐time through inclusion vs. self‐contained), diagnostic label (BD vs. EBD vs. SED) and definition of the disorders (present vs. absent) were varied. There was a label × race × placement interaction and a label × definition interaction for the behavioral disruptiveness dependent measure. Under the inclusion condition White children who had the SED or EBD label were rated to be significantly more likely to be disruptive than children with the BD label. For the 2‐way interaction when no definitional information was given children who had the SED label were rated more likely to be disruptive than children who had either the EBD or BD labels. There was also a significant gender × race × definition interaction on the overall adjustment measure. However, post hoc contrasts were not significant and no conclusions were drawn other than that the effect was minimal. There was a significant main effect of gender on the interpersonal relationships variable. Girls were judged as significantly more likely to develop appropriate interpersonal relationships with others than were boys. No other significant effects were noted. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Within categories of special educational needs, emotional and behavioural difficulties have received much attention in recent years, particularly in relation to their definition and identification by parents and teachers. This paper stems from previous research which highlights how children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those attending schools designated as socio-economically disadvantaged are significantly more likely than their peers to be identified as having a special educational need of a non-normative type such as emotional behavioural difficulty (EBD). Using data from the Growing Up in Ireland study, it examines whether the EBD identified by teachers or within certain schools is matched by the child’s own performance on an internationally validated emotional and mental health measure – the Piers–Harris. Findings show that overall self-reported social emotional well-being bears a strong relationship to the probability of being identified with an EBD. However, boys, children from economically inactive and one-parent households and children attending the most disadvantaged school contexts are more likely to be identified with having an EBD, even after taking into account their social background characteristics and their scoring on the Piers–Harris measure. These findings suggest that the subjective nature of EBD identification is resulting in a disproportionate number of these children being identified with EBD. The implications of this study are explored for existing disability/SEN classification systems, school-wide intervention models and the impact on individual students labelled as EBD. Overall, the findings pose searching questions about the validity of employing SEN classification systems in deciding eligibility and types of appropriate provision.  相似文献   

Peer‐mediated interventions (PMIs) have been shown to be effective for increasing adaptive social and academic behaviours of children and youth. Although PMI efficacy is generally well supported, there have been relatively few published intervention studies that focus on elementary, middle and high school students with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD). The present review examines selected empirical literature in order to identify characteristics and relative efficacy of PMI. Findings of 12 peer‐reviewed journal papers including research designs and outcomes were examined. Results provide support for the efficacy of PMI for improving behavioural and social skills of students with EBD. Recommendations include further research on PMI for high school students and longitudinal research of PMI.  相似文献   

Many social interactions between school‐age children contain both competitive and cooperative elements. In order to gain a better understanding of how students at risk for emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD) negotiate social exchanges in cooperative and competitive‐related tasks in comparison with non‐EBD students: (a) prosocial; (b) negative; and (c) conflict behaviours were assessed. Fifty‐seven children at risk for EBD and 57 comparison children participated in three different social tasks with non‐target partners. Both students and teachers completed a standardised behaviour checklist. Social ability and sex differences were considered. Results are discussed from a social‐cognitive framework, and practical implications will be highlighted.  相似文献   

In the present study, a sample of 27 teachers were interviewed regarding their experience and management of young children with conduct problems in day‐care or school settings. The children had been referred and treated because of oppositional and conduct problems at home. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by using elements of a grounded theory approach. Although the children had complex conduct problems presenting considerable challenges for their teachers, most teachers described a close and engaged relationship with these children. Teachers used within‐discipline and within‐classroom approaches in their work with a main focus on managing the child's daily life in day‐care or school, supported by close colleagues. Their practices were not deeply rooted in evidence‐based knowledge and methods. Most teachers reported collaboration with parents as positive and necessary, however, they only pursued it to a limited extent. Representatives from supplementary services, such as school psychologist, child protection care and child psychiatry, were rarely involved in the work of teachers. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers' pedagogical knowledge is considered a prerequisite for effective teaching and is also expected to be relevant in highly diverse, inclusive classes. This study examines the social participation and academic achievement of children with and without special educational needs (SEN) due to emotional and behavioral (EBD) and learning (LD) difficulties and the importance of teachers' knowledge of these SEN. In 25 primary school classes with at least one child with SEN EBD (N1 = 421) and 40 classes with at least one child with SEN LD (N2 = 715), multilevel analyses revealed poorer performance of students with SEN. Students with SEN EBD also felt less integrated than their peers without SEN. Teachers' EBD knowledge was positively related to every student’s social participation and academic achievement, but teachers’ LD knowledge was unrelated. The results underscore the importance of teacher knowledge for student outcomes in classes with students with SEN.  相似文献   

This paper Introduces the work of a University of Birmingham Research Project. An overview Is given of changes and developments in the English EBD field since the last major national investigation carried out by Dawson, Wilson and Evans in the late 1970s. Major pieces of legislation have had an impact while researchers have stressed the Importance of moving away from ‘within‐child’ deficit model thinking. The ‘schools effectiveness’ movement has gathered pace and is reflected in the HMI/Ofsted view of schools for pupils with EBD. The second half of the paper outlines the difficulties encountered in trying to give an accurate picture of numbers of children deemed to have EBD and of numbers of EBD special schools In the maintained, non‐maintained, ‘approved’ and ‘registered’ independent sectors. Finally, figures based on a study of DfE statistics for 1994 are given.  相似文献   

Children from low‐socioeconomic status (SES) families often fall behind their middle‐class peers in early language development. But interventions designed to support their language skills are often costly and labor‐intensive. This study implements an inexpensive and subtle language intervention aimed at sparking parent–child interaction in a place that families naturally visit: the supermarket. We placed signs encouraging adult–child dialogue in supermarkets serving low‐ and mid‐SES neighborhoods. Using an unobtrusive observational methodology, we tested how these signs affected adult–child interactions. When signs were present in supermarkets serving low‐SES neighborhoods, both the amount and the quality of talk between adults and children increased significantly, compared to when the signs were not present; signs had little effect in middle‐SES supermarkets. This study demonstrates that implementing simple, cost‐effective interventions in everyday environments may bolster children's language development and school readiness skills.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine developmental links between disobedience and teacher-child closeness in a sample of boys with psychiatric disorders (i.e., emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)) and special educational needs who are placed in special education. More specifically, this study examined whether developmental links were different between boys with EBD (n = 150) versus boys with ASD (n = 122). Developmental links between disobedience and teacher-child closeness were investigated by incorporating a multi-informant perspective using teacher, child, and peer ratings and analyzed using autoregressive cross-lagged models across three waves within one school year. Results showed that in general, developmental links between teacher-child closeness and disobedience were stronger for boys with EBD than for boys with ASD. Specifically, boys with EBD experiencing less teacher-child closeness showed more disobedience, which in turn negatively affected their relationship development according to teacher ratings. Surprisingly, for boys with ASD, higher levels of disobedience predicted higher levels of teacher-rated teacher-child closeness during the school year. Our results offer more insight into the differential impact of teacher-child closeness on the behavioral problems for children with EBD and ASD.  相似文献   

Students identified with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD) present a special case within special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion. EBD is perhaps the only category of SEN that exposes a child to increased risk of exclusion as a function of the very SEN identified as requiring special provision in the first instance. Students identified with EBD share an increased risk for disruptive behaviour. The use of exclusions as a strategy for responding to the special educational needs of these children is contrary to the notion of inclusion. Exclusions, by definition, reduce the ability of schools and associated agencies to work with children identified with SEN. Assuming a positive school effect on the academic and social development, reducing and/or interrupting the continuity of attendance via sanctions such as exclusion may exacerbate negative socio–behavioural developmental patterns, compounding identified risk factors and associated deleterious socio–emotional and cognitive/learning outcomes.  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper represents an attempt to discover the current state of psychological support, at a national level, for emotionally and behaviourally disturbed (EBD) children placed in special schools and units. There is little extant information about the levels of support such children receive. It is assumed these pupils have problems of a ‘psychological nature’ and are placed in special schools by collaboration between School Psychological Services and Special Education Departments. This survey examines this assumption and indicates what psychological resources are made available by local education authorities, child guidance clinics and independent agencies.  相似文献   

Some families cannot rely on children's intellectual achievement as a prime indicator of parenting success. This study juxtaposes how well 130 parents of mildly mentally handicapped children are doing in their own estimate and the opinion of 21 key school personnel. A surprisingly high level of home‐school disagreement is identified along with implications for more effective collaboration.  相似文献   

Investigating psychopathology in school‐aged children is a topical discussion given the recent increased focus of the U.S. government and professional psychology on this issue. In the last 5 years, the Surgeon General of the United States (Satcher, 2000) and the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (2003) both addressed the need for schools to actively participate in the treatment of children's mental health disorders. Further, psychologists were charged with transforming mental health care for children and families by promoting collaboration between schools, families, and communities; identifying empirically supported interventions; and enhancing culturally competent care for children and teens (P. Tolan & K. Dodge, 2005). To achieve these goals, mental health professionals in the schools need to be able to understand and effectively treat psychopathology in the school setting. School‐based treatment of psychopathology should be based on effective collaboration and grounded within the cultural context of the student population. A comprehensive understanding takes into account the biological basis of these disorders and factors influencing risk and resiliency. Treatment needs for these students often combine traditional therapies and psychopharmacology. Within a comprehensive system of care, specific disorders such as Reactive Attachment Disorder, Early Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and anxiety can and should be treated in schools. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 413–417, 2006.  相似文献   

The early identification of young children's special educational needs (SEN), as well as the development of specific strategies to support those children identified with special needs, are increasingly recognised as crucial to facilitating good adjustment to school and to ensuring that such children are helped to reach their full potential in education. Using a large national sample of young children in England whose developmental progress was followed up from pre‐school, this study investigates which child, family, home and pre‐school factors can be viewed as risk or protective factors for later SEN‐status at age 10. The experience of high‐quality pre‐school education is shown to reduce the likelihood of a child being identified as experiencing SEN in the long run. Teachers’ assessments of SEN are found to be strongly related to children's reading and mathematics attainment, but other factors also predict SEN, including a child's age within a year group.  相似文献   

This paper will examine the current literature and implications of follow‐up studies of students with emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) focusing on the postschool outcomes of this population. The examination of the follow‐up studies gave a perspective of transition and postschool outcomes for youths with EBD. In our research, we found 22 follow‐up studies that examined the EBD population as a subset of a larger pool of youths with disabilities, yet found only eight studies that examined the EBD population exclusively. When compared to the multitude of studies done with other disability categories (e.g., learning disabled, mild or moderately retarded) the adult outcomes of youth with EBD have not been studied as extensively. This synthesis of the literature on follow‐up studies should act as a reference in the revision or updating of curriculum and programming for communities, school boards, educators, counselors, parents, and students. A general conclusion drawn by the literature reviewed was that students with EBD also have lower grades, more course failures, a higher grade retention, and a higher dropout rate than other disability groups and the general population. A re‐evaluation of school programs (e.g., general/special education curriculum) and policies (e.g., transition planning) must occur if these postschool outcomes for youths with EBD are to improve. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Pediatric school psychology is a relatively new subspecialty in the field; however, few specific, prescribed roles have been articulated, and fewer have yielded preliminary efficacy data. In this exploratory study, the acceptability and potential efficacy of conjoint behavioral consultation (CBC) as a model for linking families, schools, and pediatric settings to address concerns for children with medical issues were evaluated. Twenty-nine children, their parents, teachers, and consultants were involved in conjoint consultation, a model of cross-system collaboration to address shared concerns of medically referred children. In this structured indirect service delivery model, parents, teachers, and school psychology pediatric consultants worked collaboratively in interdisciplinary problem solving and joint decision making with extensive input regarding medical issues from a developmental pediatrician. Outcome measures included parent and teacher observations of child functioning across home and school settings as a result of consultation-mediated interventions and social validity indices assessing acceptability and consumer satisfaction. Results suggested that CBC is a socially valid procedure for addressing concerns of medically referred children across home and school systems. Both parents and teachers reported the consultation process to be highly acceptable. Preliminary effect size analyses of child outcomes, derived from uncontrolled case study designs, suggest generally positive effects across home and school, although limitations with the methodology preclude conclusive statements. Research is needed to determine the contexts and conditions under which the model is more or less effective using rigorous controlled trials.  相似文献   

The professions of social work (SWK) and speech language pathology (SLP) often involve the provision of services to a diverse group of client populations in a variety of settings; this is particularly true when meeting the complex needs of children and their families. It is widely accepted that collaborative treatment approaches utilizing multidisciplinary teams is an effective method of practice when serving children who are developmentally delayed or challenged, yet there is little information in the literature regarding the quantity, quality, and efficacy of collaboration among professional disciplines serving child populations. This article addresses the identified gap in the pedagogical literature regarding collaborative case management approaches between social workers (SWKs) and speech language pathologists (SLPs) using a case example describing a child in need of early intervention services. Following the case study, sample assessment questions are provided (utilizing the professional standards from both SWK and SLP) as a measure of professional competency and practice behavior. Finally, a discussion of the practical ways SWKs and SLPs can be trained in order to be mutually supportive in meeting the needs of children requiring multidisciplinary services through a collaborative or trans-team approach is provided.  相似文献   

While the significance of the social model of disability for articulating inclusive approaches in education is recognised, the application of capability theory to education is less well developed. This article by Jo Trowsdale of the University of Warwick and Richard Hayhow of Open Theatre considers how a particular theatre‐based practice, here described as ‘mimetics’, can alter and extend the aspirations and achievements of children and young people with learning disabilities, and might be understood as applied capability theory or ‘capability practice’. Mimetics has been crafted from experimental psycho‐physical actor‐training processes by Open Theatre Company working in collaboration with actors with learning disabilities, and adapted to support the learning and development of young people with learning disabilities. This study draws upon an action research project set up by Creative Partnerships with Open Theatre Company and a special school, where children demonstrated increased motivation and capacity for communication and socialisation, improved well‐being, learning and wider achievement. To illustrate the process, we offer a case study of one child with an autistic spectrum disorder.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the conceptual framework, development, implementation, and outcomes of an experimental professional preparation program. University students from preparation programs in general education, educational administration, school psychology, and special education formed transdisciplinary cohorts that were placed in school settings to complete a variety of activities designed to foster greater collaboration among disciplines in serving children and youth at risk. We describe what was learned throughout the project as well as its operational structure, outcomes, and future directions for transdisciplinary professional development.  相似文献   

Student behavioral problems pose a myriad of challenges for schools. In this study, we examine the relations among teacher and school‐level constructs (i.e., teacher collaboration, supervision/discipline, instructional management), and student‐related outcomes (i.e., high‐risk behaviors, barriers to learning, student social–behavioral climate). Teachers across 29 high schools, in a large urban school district serving primarily low‐income students, completed self‐report surveys. Multilevel regression was used to test both individual‐ and school‐level predictors of student outcomes. Findings suggest that teacher practices at the individual and school levels are linked to student high‐risk behaviors, barriers to student learning, and school climate. More specifically, findings indicate that better supervision/discipline and instructional management are associated with fewer high‐risk behaviors and barriers to learning. More instructional management is also linked to positive social–behavioral climate. Results from this study highlight the association between teacher practices and a range of student‐related problem behaviors, and suggest that system‐level interventions in the school may have positive effects.  相似文献   

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