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朝鲜许筠与向秀创作了同题之作——《思旧赋》,二赋有很多共同之处:均化用典故,运用排比、对偶句,增加了赋作的思想内容和艺术感染力。二赋亦有许多不同的地方:赋作的序文所述侧重点不同;向赋含蓄隐晦,寄意遥远;许赋直抒悲愤之情,情感炽烈。对二赋进行对比分析,可以拓宽中朝比较文学的研究领域,具有重要的学术价值与现实价值。  相似文献   

怀疑《长门赋》为司马相如作之理由主要有二:一、陆厥已说“《长门》《上林》殆非一家之赋”;二、司马相如先于汉武帝死,而赋序开篇即说“孝武皇帝”。不过,据陆厥原文分析,“殆非”所说,本意为一家两赋,风格大异,几乎看不出原为同出;而对《文选》所录作品序文的情况进行研究,知《长门赋序》非司马相如作。结论:《长门赋》为司马相如作,本无所疑。  相似文献   

被钟嵘赞为“骨气奇高,词采华茂”的曹植,他聪敏早慧,才华卓异。其诗篇堪称“建安之杰”,其赋作开魏晋抒情赋的先河。所写《洛神赋》,思若有神,华采丰赡,清彻圆丽,秀美多姿,为历代赋家所称赏。据《洛神赋))小序介绍,这篇赋作于“黄初三年”,并指出这篇赋作一因“大人有言,斯水之神,名日宓妃”,二因“感宋玉对楚王说神女之事”,因而写了这篇赋。前者主要是指屈原,是为赋作的内因。后者指宋玉《神女赋》之作,是为作赋的触媒。清人何焯说:  相似文献   

今存黄庭坚律赋仅有两篇,即《位一天下之动赋》和《春秋元气正天端赋》,见《山谷别集》,惟黄?《山谷年谱》及今人皆未系年,后人亦几无论之者。采用双向互证的方法,一方面可从北宋科举试赋推测二赋撰作年代,并按律赋体例对之略加评骘;另一方面可反过来从二赋引证、反证与廓清长期以来有关北宋科举试赋的若干成说。  相似文献   

北朝魏收提出“会须作赋,始成大才士”。南北朝时,作赋须有以下之“才”:作赋须有讽谏之才,作赋须有宏大构思并形成规模效应,作赋须有纪实之才,作赋须有用典与征引之才,作赋须有运用音律之才,作赋须有铺张[扌离]丽之才;作赋还须有诗歌才华。汉时作赋还须有文字学之才,但后世没有推广开来。其实.南北朝作赋须有之“才”,就是指当时赋的基本特质,各个时代赋的基本特质是不大一样的。  相似文献   

六朝时期诗与赋的发展状况处于"一种过渡折中状态"。为了适应新的文化环境,六朝赋家不断地改进作赋的方法,使得赋作逐渐具有了诗化的倾向。这主要表现在:赋作之抒情化,赋作形式之诗化以及赋作修辞格选用之诗化。这使得赋体克服了自身的结构性危机,恢复了生命力,使得其在新的文化环境下得以复兴。  相似文献   

北朝魏收提出“会须作赋,始成大才士”。南北朝时,作赋须有以下之“才”:作赋须有讽谏之才,作赋须有宏大构思并形成规模效应,作赋须有纪实之才,作赋须有用典与征引之才,作赋须有运用音律之才,作赋须有铺张[扌离]丽之才;作赋还须有诗歌才华。汉时作赋还须有文字学之才,但后世没有推广开来。其实.南北朝作赋须有之“才”,就是指当时赋的基本特质,各个时代赋的基本特质是不大一样的。  相似文献   

囿于对模拟的偏见,笼统的否定司马相如模拟之赋作的价值,这往往会抹杀司马相如对汉赋定型的贡献。司马相如赋作正是通过对屈原与宋玉作品的模拟,逐渐脱略了散文的特征,形成了赋的主客问答体式,以铺陈为体现赋之文体特色的表现手法,凸现了汉赋“丽”的形式特征,形成一种非诗非骚也非散文的赋体句式。充分关注拟作,有助于我们发现新的文学史线索。  相似文献   

谢灵运为中国山水诗派的宗师,有“元嘉之雄”、“六朝之冠”等美誉.实际其辞赋,也极有特色,惜不为评家青睐,对其赋作,负面评价多,正面评价少,此并非客观公道.以其《山居赋》而言,开拓了刘宋赋文的新领域,让后人更了解六朝园林之文化历史,与当代文人的艺术生活、精神世界,价值不应轻估.本文除重评《山居赋》之文学价值外,另针对其创作意蕴与写景胜处探析.创作意蕴含:体现求美之心态、表明创作之理念、隐寓博学之自豪、流露赏爱之生活、宣扬崇信之佛法、展示新变之成果等.写景胜处,则略分:摹写细致、疏密相间、就景抒情、动静相衬、景入理势等,均加以论证后作结  相似文献   

《毛诗大序》说:“诗有六义焉:一曰风,二曰赋,三曰比,四曰兴,五曰雅,六曰颂。”据孔颖达解释:“风、雅、颂者诗篇之异;赋、比、兴者诗文之异辞。”所谓“异辞”,指的是不同的表现手法。亦即朱熹所说:“赋则直陈其事,比则取物为比,兴则托物兴词。其所以分者,又以其属辞命意之不同而别之也。”我们打开《诗经》一看,《诗传》指明“兴也”的就有一百一十六篇,但没有提及“比”和“赋”。这是由于“凡托鸟兽草木以成言者皆兴也,赋显而兴隐,比直而兴曲……赋、比易识耳”(陈奂语)。到朱熹作《诗集传》才把每章的赋、比、兴一一加注。  相似文献   

许敏歧的创作涉及散文诗、散文、诗歌和诗评等,其中成就最高,最具特色的是散文诗。许敏歧的散文诗中,有一个以"荒原"为核心的意象群,也有一个沉思者的身影。"荒原"这一意象蕴涵了他复杂的感情,有绝望也有希望,有疼痛也有深爱。而沉思者的身影则渗透了他创作中的思考,有对已逝岁月的思考,有对生活、生命、人性和命运的思考,也有对国家、民族、社会、历史和文化的思考。在某种程度上可以说,许敏歧的散文诗是"荒原的苦恋",也是"荒原上的沉思"。而这种苦恋与沉思是通过凝炼而富有诗意的语言完成的,许敏歧散文诗的语言虽然没有刻意追求外在的韵脚,却有一种内在的韵律和节奏感。  相似文献   

刘向《诗》学家法问题自宋至今聚讼纷纭,考各家论述,多有据刘向编撰之《新序》、《说苑》为依据者。然此二书多袭先秦史料,其《诗》学观不能代表刘氏本人。而史传中刘向之奏章、封事引《诗》资料,则少有专门研究者。笔者以元帝时刘向所上之《条灾异封事》引《诗》为研究对象,考察后可知:刘向用《诗》确不守家法,甚至无今古文之别;在不同场合运用相同《诗》典时,取义亦有不同,据此可知刘向"通经致用"的汉儒品格。  相似文献   

中国武侠小说鼻祖平江不肖生(向恺然)的《近代侠义英雄传》以霍元甲、大刀王五两人的传记为经纬,勾画出了这两位近代侠义英雄的基本文学形象,后来流行的以大刀王五、霍元甲为题材的小说、电影及电视剧,大多数都是从平江不肖生这部书中派生而来的。除了《近代侠义英雄传》之外,平江不肖生还撰编了两篇"霍元甲传";而除了平江不肖生的作品之外,当年还流行着几种以霍元甲故事为题材的文章。进一步研究这些早期的有关霍元甲的文章,有助于我们了解霍元甲文学形象在民国初期的发展,也有助于我们正确地评价平江不肖生的文学造诣。  相似文献   

横渠易学作为宋易的重要组成部分,张横渠在建易时在参考、吸收汉易的基础上提出了自己独特的易学观,文章从物象与易象,易象与气象,太极易象三部分分析得出象在《周易》中有可见的象,有不可见的象。可见的象,即为物象;不可见的象,即为爻象。爻象虽不可见,但其性有阴阳,故而我们可以通过观察卦中的阴阳爻来体悟和感受吉凶变化、悔吝刚柔。太极是《易传》中的一个概念,张载以此作为太虚之气的称谓。太极作为《周易》中的一个最大的象,象的作用在于表意。张载取太极易象在于以此以象太虚,以象徵“合两”之性。  相似文献   

东晋殷仲堪现存《论语》注九条,与何晏、皇侃等其他秦汉六朝《论语》注相比,其"性"迹"虚"等概念的使用具有玄学特色,属于以玄注《论语》的典型,尤其受到郭象思想的影响,其多次出现的"诚"概念,和宋明理学、心学"诚"概念的关系值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

本文以比较文学的视野分别考察了西方浪漫主义文学思潮对中国现代诗坛上曾经发生广泛影响的创造诗派和新月诗派的渊源关系,并对其代表诗人郭沫若、闻一多、徐志摩、朱湘等诗人在诗歌观念、创作实践方面所受的西方影响作了具体揭示。  相似文献   

This article attempts a reading of Andreas M. Kazamias’s work and method as a persistent and firmly grounded attempt to “go against the tide” of an empirical/instrumentalist comparative education and toward a “modernist episteme.” Kazamias has been explicitly critical of the social-scientific-cum-positivist comparative education, while at the same time acknowledging the limitations of the traditional historical-philosophical-humanistic approach. His “revisionist” comparative-historical analysis seeks to combine history with social science toward an “anthropocentric” comparative education, “concerned with the great problems—political, social but also ethical—which ‘mankind’ faces.” Consistent with his rejection of instrumental/“techno-scientific” approaches to comparative education, Kazamias argues for a promethean humanistic education (i.e., paideia, liberal education, culture générale, bildung) cultivating the soul and the mind, aiming at both the Platonic/Socratic psyche and the Aristotelian phronesis.  相似文献   

This study compares English- and Korean-speaking university students’ colloquial and mathematical discourses on the notion and practice of limit. There exists a lexical discontinuity in Korean with the word limit, since the mathematical word for limit is not commonly used as a colloquial word in Korean, unlike its use in English. This study discusses similarities and differences with regard to ways students in each country use the word limit in colloquial contexts and in mathematical tasks. Data include surveys and interviews, and participants’ discourses, which were analyzed using Sfard’s (2008) discursive framework. Findings indicate that the mathematical discourse of the Korean speakers was structural (i.e. formal or mathematical) and the one for the English speakers was processual. Further, the differences between the US and Korean participants’ use of limit in everyday and mathematical discourses informed the language-dependent properties of school mathematics discourses in terms of word use, routines, endorsed narratives, and visual mediators. This study discusses different discursive needs—linguistically and culturally—to support meaningful mathematical discourses.  相似文献   

This text is not a research paper, nor an epistemological reflection about the field of comparative education. It is an essay in the literal meaning of the word—‘an attempt, trial, that needs to be put to test in order to understand if it is able to fulfil the expectations’—in which we introduce an interpretation of the current condition of the field of comparative education. In the introduction to this essay we discuss the current phenomenon of a regained popularity of comparative educational research. We believe that this situation has both positive and negative consequences: it can contribute to the renewal of the field or it may be no more than a brief fashion. Our reflections focus on the uses of comparative research in education, not on any precise research question. Even so, only for illustrative purposes, we present some examples related to the European Union. We then go on to discuss current comparative practices, arguing that comparative educational studies are used as a political tool creating educational policy, rather than a research method or an intellectual inquiry. In the two main sections of this text we define two extreme positions: comparison as a mode of governance and comparison as a historical journey. We do recognise that between these two extremes there is room enough to imagine different positions and dispositions. But our intention is to separate very different traditions of the comparative field analytically. Throughout the article we build a case in favour of a comparative-historical approach. Nevertheless, we argue that the reconciliation between ‘history’ and ‘comparison’ will only be possible if we adopt new conceptions of space and time, and of space-time relationship. This is a condition required for the understanding of comparative research in education as a historical journey.  相似文献   

The study investigated the stakeholders’ perceptions of South Korea’s higher education internationalization policy. Based on the research framework that defines four policy values—propriety, effectiveness, diversity, and engagement, the convergence model was employed with a concurrent mixed method sampling strategy to analyze the stakeholders’ perceptions. According to the findings, the stakeholders perceived that the government’s internationalization policy to date has contributed to the international competitiveness of Korean universities by and large in a quantitative manner. Their views however signaled that the government should consider the quality and identity of Korean higher education institutions when designing and implementing internationalization policy. Based on the implications that the findings have in the policy context, this study suggested two points for future policy research into Korean higher education internationalization: (1) develop a glonacal definition of world-classness for Korean universities and (2) build up a mixture model of centralization and decentralization for the government-university relations, which encourages internal self-governance of Korean universities.  相似文献   

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