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作为一部伟大的文学作品,《红楼梦》犹如雄奇的大山,千岩竞秀,万壑争流;犹如万里长河,烟波浩渺,天光云影共徘徊。阅读《红楼梦》,正如蔡元培先生所说,“横看成岭侧成峰”。《红楼梦》作品的教学,应抓住伟大作品的丰富性特征,挖掘文本有利于教学的诸多功能。我们在过去的教学中,较重视文学作品的社会文本、思想文本的意义,《宝玉挨打》教学不妨引导学生再作点文化文本、叙事文本意义的研究。为此,我们将《宝玉挨打》的教学作了以下设计:一、教学目标:1.领会《宝玉挨打》一课丰富的社会、思想、文化内涵。2.领会《宝玉挨打…  相似文献   

试论《呐喊》、《彷徨》的文化情结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《呐喊》、《彷徨》在文学史研究中一直被认为是“五四”新文学的经典性文本,代表着新文化的“反传统”特征,其实这并不完全符合这两本小说集的实际。《呐喊》、《彷徨》既表现了新文化的价值立场,也保留着一定的传统文化的价值立场。这种新与旧、现代与传统的错综纠缠,体现了鲁迅一种特有的文化情结,构成了《呐喊》、《彷徨》价值判断的多元性和思想意蕴的复杂性。  相似文献   

从时代生活的反映和民族文化传统的内蕴二者交叉的视角,评析了《莫须有先生》前后二传文本的生成、作品的主题及其艺术品位,指出:前传的创作受过塞万提斯和庄子的影响,是一部愤世忧国之作、悲天悯人之书;后传系反映作者在抗战时期所经历的真实生活的“自传”,体现了深刻的民族精神;前传近《庄子》,后传近《论语》,均系“文化小说”,均具鲜明的民族风格和文化品格。  相似文献   

《诗经》中的《邶风·静女》,古来争议峰起,莫衷一是。从训 诂、考释和诗歌文本本身分析,《静女》属于一种地道的情诗。  相似文献   

本文有意尝试运用现代批评方法,对《春闺梦》进行文本分析,揭示其艺术价值形成的内在机制。小说在以第一人称叙事方式凸显事件真实性的同时,随时显现叙述者声音,以强化文本主题命意;文本依托深厚的文化背景,在与传统的互文对话中,拓宽阐释空间;文本以其独特的结构构成,以“梦”为核心意象,围绕“梦中”与“梦醒”,以“惊梦”的方式深化主题,具有深厚的文化意蕴。《春闺梦》以新奇的叙事技巧,表现了老作家一贯的文化主题。  相似文献   

《诗经》写作时限跨两千余年,以真实可靠的文本呈现了上古三代中华写作文化的真相。中国型写作文化也正是奠基于《诗经》时代。从写作活动的起源、社会环境、动机、功能、主题、语言媒介、传播与接受等环节对《诗经》文本系统地加以考察,是中国写作史研究的一项基础性工作。  相似文献   

《瓦尔登湖》和《桃花源记》是不同时代、不同国度的两个文本,却演说着相似的梦想。  相似文献   

一、文本解读《都江堰》是余秋雨先生的散文集《文化苦旅》中的一篇文章,全书的主调是凭借山水风物以寻求文化灵魂和人生秘谛,探究中国文化的历史命运和人格构成。因此《都江堰》这篇文章与其说是在写都江堰,不如说是在写李冰,通  相似文献   

在形成于元明之交这一历史断裂期的市民文化消费语境中,以《三国演义》和《水浒传》为代表的中国近世通俗文学,在具体操作死亡叙事的过程中,受到了“以奇为美”和“以惨为乐”这两种典型的民间审美情趣的深刻影响。在某种程度上讲,这两种带有原始的民间气息的审美情趣已经内化为通俗小说家常规性的文本叙事策略。民间审美情趣的强烈渗入,正是《三国演义》和《水浒传》文本世界中的死亡叙事在美学品格方面区别于“文人独创型”文本中的死亡叙事的根本原因。  相似文献   

冯健男 《黄冈师专学报》1998,18(2):51-57,46
从时代生活的反映和民族文化传统的内蕴二者交叉的视角,评析了《莫须有先生》前后二传文本的生成、作品的主题及其艺术品位,指出:前传的创作受过塞万提斯和庄子的影响,是一部愤世忧国之作、悲天悯人之书;后传系反映作者在抗战时期所经所的真实生活的“自传”,体现了深刻的民族精神;前传近《庄子》,后传近《论语》,均系“文化小说”,均具鲜明的民族风格和文化品格。  相似文献   

Abstract Elementary and middle school science texts were analyzed for the presence of evolutionary protoconcepts, which are defined as topics that prepare students to study evolution in later years. Elementary and middle school texts were content-analyzed for protoconcepts in both life science and earth science. Seventeen concepts considered important for student understanding of evolution were gleaned from the misconception literature and used to review the life science texts. Concepts used to analyze other texts were chosen by exploring all texts used in the analysis for any topics that might qualify as evolutionary protoconcepts, thus generating grounded theory. Coverage of evolutionary protoconcepts varies considerably among published textbooks. We recommend using this analysis when considering textbooks for adoption and for supplementing texts currently in use. We also recommended this type of analysis of textbooks for inclusion of other topics of interest to science education research.  相似文献   

文本特质是指一个文本所具有的区别于其他文本的标志属性。从特质的角度来说,文本主要分为主题型文本、诵读型文本、语用型文本、写作型文本和拓展型文本。在写作教学时,根据文本的特质营造一定的写作情境,让学生进行深刻感悟,能够打破课堂中沉闷的写作氛围,有效激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

文学文本的主题是一种审美特质的社会意识形态,存在的路径有其自身的特殊性.文学文本的主题蕴蓄于外在的具体可感的表意之象即具象中;文学文本的主题渗透着理性的元素,依托理性而存在;文学文本的主题蕴含着情感,借助于情感来抒发.  相似文献   

古籍异文具有重要价值,但也为整理、利用古籍设置了障碍。要对纷繁复杂的异文作出正确的选择,准确考明异文所表示的词的含义是一项重要的基础性工作。本文以中古史书异文为例,从考求古词古义、把握新词新义、明了习语常词、明辨词的假借义、分析字形以求词义五个方面对这一问题作了初步的论述。  相似文献   


This essay offers readings of three significant texts within the history of subject English: The Teaching of English in England (1921), The Education of the Poetic Spirit (1949), and Growth Through English (1967). These texts each yield valuable insights into what students and their teachers can learn through their exchanges with one another within the social space of the classroom, especially the conversations that centre on the reading and writing they do together. Those insights, however, become more readily available to us if we resist accepted accounts of the history of subject English and attempt to read these texts anew. All three texts provide important intellectual resources in the struggle against neoliberal tendencies in educational thinking. The very attempt to engage in a responsive and nuanced dialogue with them over the historical divide that separates us constitutes a significant form of resistance to the instrumentalist thinking that characterises neoliberal ideology.  相似文献   

This article examines the reasons behind the long‐term appeal of Beatrix Potter's Tales, whilst focusing particularly on the phenomenon of commodification. This term will be used to describe the transition of literary characters from the page to commercial merchandise. The place of such classic texts, both in the primary classroom and in our wider society, is considered in light of Potter's stable popularity, the qualities her texts offer young readers and the ways the texts have lent themselves to careful commodification ‐ a process started by Beatrix Potter herself.  相似文献   

Since 'it is written texts - and the talk around them - that provide the discursive means for the development of the 'higher mental functions' (Wells 1994), the quality of writing and explicit use of texts in teaching warrant close attention. This is not to diminish the importance of 'hands on' investigations, observation and negotiation of understanding through talk. However, the complementary use of effective texts has a significant role. This article demonstrates how functional language analyses differentiate explanation types and specify language features relevant to the effectiveness of texts in apprenticing students to the language forms of scientific English. Key differences between different types of explanations are illustrated, then sample text analyses show how language features index variation in explanation quality. Implications are drawn for the selection and use of texts and the role of knowledge about language in teaching critical comprehension and composition of science explanations.  相似文献   

衔接理论认为衔接是所有类别语篇的共有特征,是描绘和分析语篇的有效途径。训练听话者准确识别语篇中各种显性和隐性衔接手段,有助于其在听力理解过程中把重点由词汇、句子结构向语篇转移,关注语篇结构、语篇功能以及语篇与语境的关系,将词汇、句子、段落在语义上联系起来,把握其在语篇中的作用,并根据语境和文化背景推断出语篇的整体意义,把握语篇主旨并获取关键信息,实现对语篇的准确理解。基于衔接理论的听力语篇分析的具体实践和实验数据的统计分析结果表明,衔接理论有助于听话者更加准确地分析、理解听力语篇,从而更为有效地提高其听力理解能力。  相似文献   

文本复译是翻译领域里很常见的现象之一。围绕文本复译现象,折射出了翻译活动的复杂性,同时也充分反映了翻译活动所涉及的问题不仅仅处于语言层面,而且存在于文化、社会、政治、伦理、经济等各个层面。文本复译有时是经济利益驱动使然,有时是语言表达符合时代主流所需要,有时是对原著文本的进一步阐释的体现。凡此种种都是适应或符合一定历史条件下的对原著生命延续之必要。新历史主义的"文本历史性"为文本复译现象提供了新的依据,故就此作相关讨论。  相似文献   

This article outlines a four‐year‐old child's multi‐modal encounters with texts and analyses one of those encounters in the light of a framework for the analysis of such events. It is argued that this analysis leads to the conclusion that the experiences with texts that permeate young children's lives are complex in nature and that this complexity is not sufficiently addressed in relevant curriculum frameworks. Further, it is suggested that young children's encounters with televisual texts need to be identified as emergent techno‐literacy practices which should be supported and extended in ways which correlate to the strategies used with regard to print‐based texts.  相似文献   

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