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Today functional classification is the predominant approach to records organization. It is, however, apparent that the functional approach to records classification often involves methodological and conceptual confusion as well as usability issues. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how recordkeeping professionals perceive functional classification, what are the purposes the classification serves and how they justify this method in Finnish public sector organizations. The article presents the results of the study in which 22 recordkeeping professionals in three Finnish public sector organizations were interviewed. The data were analyzed with qualitative methods. The results show the integration of the functional approach in Finnish recordkeeping practices and records management tools. The results also describe various purposes served by functional classification in organizations. They illustrate various justifications for this method and the recordkeeping professionals’ lack of methodological alternatives.  相似文献   

Drawing on his experience at the Australian Archives in policy development on electronic records and recordkeeping for the Australian Federal Government sector the author argues for greater emphasis on the implementation side of electronic records management. The author questions whether more research is a priority over implementation. The author also argues that if archival institutions wish to be taken seriously by their clients they need to pay greater attention to getting their own organisations in order. He suggests the way to do this is by improving internal recordkeeping practices and systems and developing a resource and skills base suitable for the delivery of electronic recordkeeping policies and services to clients.  相似文献   

This paper is a synopsis of results achieved in addressing research questions and issues in the management of electronic records. The formulation of records management theory within the context of set theory is briefly described. Steps toward establishing functional requirements for electronic recordkeeping are summarized. The use of software prototyping to develop software techniques for classifying, profiling, and records disposition is described. New research issues and approaches to their resolution are proposed. The methods used in this research suggest the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing issues in the management of electronic records.  相似文献   

加拿大联邦政府电子文件管理策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先介绍了加拿大图书档案馆(LAC)在联邦政府电子文件管理中的职责、与政府信息主管部门的关系;然后,从政府机构内电子文件保管、LAC接收保存电子文件两个相承接的角度,分析LAC在履行作为政府机构电子文件永久保存地的职责中遇到的困难和挑战,以及采取的应对思路和对策。  相似文献   

电子文件管理系统实施过程中元数据方案的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子文件元数据标准的不断颁布,元数据标准的实施日益重要。本文根据电子文件元数据形成和积累的规律,基于ISO23081的最佳实践,结合杭州市电子文件中心建设的实例,围绕电子文件管理系统(Electronic Records Management System,ERMS)实施过程中的元数据方案设计展开探讨,着重讨论了文件管理元数据实体、实体级次及其元数据的确定等问题。  相似文献   

组织机构视角下业务系统电子文件归档是一项参与主体多元的系统性工作,不仅需要处理多元主体之间的协同合作问题,还需要处理单一主体面临的分工作战问题。基于对档案管理域、前端业务域和信息技术域下的业务系统电子文件归档问题的识别,提出了应树立顶层设计、分类推进、数据资产管理、协同治理的归档理念。在归档理念指导下,构建了业务系统电子文件归档策略框架,认为机构整体域下应明确归档原则、建立协同机制、制订归档"三纳入"制度;档案管理域下应构建面向三态的归档标准体系、制订分类分步实施的归档计划;前端业务域下应实施以管促归和以用促归的归档策略;信息技术域下应采取技术供给和管理融合的归档策略。  相似文献   

The role of recordkeeping in our personal and professional lives is rarely perceived as a topic of mainstream interest outside the world of professional records managers and archivists. While corporate records management has been written about throughout the recordkeeping literature, there has traditionally been less focus on what McKemmish describes as the role of ‘personal recordkeeping cultures’. Yet personal recordkeeping can play a role in creating a sense of belonging, especially for children and families. For example, within the field of Australian early childhood education, one of the key policy documents replicates a similar theme with the aptly titled ‘Early Years Learning Framework – Belonging, Being & Becoming’. By reflecting on her own personal recordkeeping story and that of her family, the author aims to explore the purpose of recordkeeping awareness and the role this plays in the wider profession. This article will draw upon relevant recordkeeping theory as well as some key early childhood education literature to introduce how ‘recordkeeping awareness’ could be reconceptualised as ‘recordkeeping literacy’. She will also explore what impact a reconceptualised understanding of continuum-based ‘recordkeeping literacy’ may have upon evolving recordkeeping theory and practice.  相似文献   

During the last 15 years, records managers and archivists have focused on defining requirements for functionality and metadata of electronic records management systems. So far little is known about metadata that are actually created in these systems. This study examines metadata in records of a Finnish government agency. The metadata comply with the national SÄHKE records management metadata specification. The main findings are that a substantial number of metadata elements in SÄHKE remained unused. Generated metadata were largely about event history. Optional metadata elements were used rarely. The metadata show clear patterns, which may suggest systematic recordkeeping processes and possibly minimal human intervention in metadata creation.  相似文献   

Reporting on ongoing research, this paper reviews stories, drawn from recent literature as well as gathered through ethnographic research, that people tell about records and recordkeeping during and since the Yugoslav Wars. It focuses on what these stories reveal of the agency and affect of recordkeeping in individual and community lives, particularly in Croatia. The paper concludes with a contemplation of what might be learned from such an approach for the development of recordkeeping infrastructures that can anticipate, avert or alleviate some of the ways in which records and recordkeeping continue to traumatize or target the vulnerable, and frustrate and prevent the human and societal need to “move forward,” if not “move past.”  相似文献   

电子文件分类方案是指导电子文件分类的重要工具。本文通过对国际上典型的文件分类方案、指南、标准等进行深入分析,并结合相关实践经验,明确了电子文件分类的定位,提出了建立基于业务活动分析的电子文件分类方案应当遵循的原则,并对其建立方法进行了详细说明,以期对我国电子文件分类工作有所指导。  相似文献   

For the definition of electronic records, the use of new terms, like literary warrant, is not necessary, and for the European perspective even not understandable. If this expression simply means best practice and professional culture in recordkeeping, we only to know what creators did for centuries and still do today and probably will do also in the future, by referring to the archival science, diplomatics and archival practice for clarifying definitions in the recordkeeping environment. A multi-disciplinary approach is still required for the electronic recordkeeping system as it was in the past for traditional records, but the theory and the terminology should be consistent and based on the deep understanding of essential characteristics of records and essential requirements of good recordkeeping to produce in the first place and maintain reliable and authentic records. Of course, a record is more than recorded information created in the course of business activity: a record is the recorded representation of an act produced in a specific form – the form prescribed by the legal system – by a creator in the course of its activity.  相似文献   

The 2012 International Council on Archives congress theme of ‘Trust. Archives Supporting Good Governance and Accountability’ invited exploration of the nexus between recordkeeping and holding powerful people and organisations to account. By comparing the formation, management and use of a set of records under currently accepted frameworks for recordkeeping in Australia with the formation, management and use of the WikiLeaks Cablegate archive, we can examine how effectively archives and recordkeeping professionals today are meeting their stated goal of upholding accountability, while ensuring the creation of an inclusive societal memory. By analysing these two cases from the point of view of recordkeeping activities supporting appraisal, access, use, trust and authenticity, it is then possible to draw conclusions about lessons that recordkeepers should be learning from WikiLeaks and the changing nature of information generally, if we are to remain relevant and useful as a profession.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,以弗兰克·阿普沃德为代表的澳大利亚连续体理论者吸收安东尼·吉登斯的结构化理论思想,正式提出多维、动态、宏观的文件连续体理论,这使得从实践中总结出的连续体方法进一步升华为具有时空结构的概念模型。它已经超出了官方文档管理实践的范围,高度概括了人类社会中的一切records管理行为。因此,文件连续体模型中文件保管形式轴上对应四个维度的坐标(Archival)document、Record(s)、Archive和Archives也被赋予了与管理实践不同的概念内涵。本文在正确理解这四个核心术语的基础上,指出我国档案界仅从档案管理实践角度理解文件连续体理论是十分片面的,偏离了其核心思想,是对文件连续体理论的误读。具体而言,这种误读体现在对“连续体”概念、文件连续体理论、文件生命周期理论和文件运动规律的关系理解等方面。  相似文献   

从2002年起渥太华市档案馆一直致力于探索建立城市电子文件管理体系,为此渥太华市档案馆进行了一系列的工作,包括将各种形式的现行和非现行的文件管理与其档案价值联系起来,按照业务分类法对各类电子文件进行分类管理,依据宏观鉴定方法确定档案保管期限与处置方案,并通过在线联合目录的方式为政府和公众提供利用服务等。渥太华市档案馆基于文件连续体理念,正在探索多元主体协同的信息治理新方案。  相似文献   

The German registry system is unique in its approach to records management. By way of better understanding this approach, the historical development of this registry is portrayed in its characteristic phases: first the adoption of the practice of using registers in the Middle Ages; second the transposition of this practice into a complete recordkeeping system in the Prussian administrations of the 18th and 19th centuries; third the attempt to streamline this system in the early 20th century; and fourth the nature of the registry in modern German administrations, and in particular how it has adapted to the use of electronic records. Apart from the historical presentation, however, this study also aims to highlight central concepts of the German registry, including entries, action files, and the idea of registry itself being applied to the entire activity of keeping records. Finally, it is suggested that these concepts can provide new insights into various areas of archives as well as into current recordkeeping problems. This article is a completely revised version of the thesis which I submitted in 1997 (under the title “The German Registratur”) for the Master of Archival Studies degree at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia. My thanks to Angelika Menne-Haritz and Wendy Duff for their comments during the writing of this revision.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship in archival studies has employed “non-traditional” modes of analysis to theorize the nature of the record and recordkeeping in organizational contexts. In that tradition, this paper discusses the author's use of ethnographic methodology to study recordkeeping in one academic research laboratory. The paper explores how ethnography contributes to our understanding of the laboratory as a recordkeeping organization and the intersections of scientific practice and the kinds of records scientists create and use. The paper calls for more analysis of recordkeeping as an information infrastructure and inquiry into the nature of the record in other kinds of knowledge production environments.  相似文献   

Recordkeeping professionals build and manage systems that support the creation and maintenance of trustworthy records, however our approach to the design and implementation of such systems has suffered from a lack of innovation and a failure to collaborate effectively with allied disciplines. Contemporary society, politics and Internet culture are producing new models, tools and techniques which open up exciting possibilities for how recordkeeping systems might work, presenting both opportunities and challenges for recordkeeping professionals. In this article, some elements deemed necessary for trustworthy recordkeeping are identified and critically examined in light of the possibilities of participatory cultures, peer-to-peer business and trust through computation, in particular, blockchain technologies. Conclusions are drawn regarding what might be needed in order to adapt current models and practices to build new forms of recordkeeping systems that could enhance the agency of the individual in a networked society.  相似文献   

针对目前学界存在的对文件连续体理论的一些误读,本文系统梳理和阐释了文件连续体理论的核心概念、产生背景、主要内容及其应用,指出文件连续体理论是在澳大利亚基于证据和连续体的文件管理思想、文件系列体系思想的基础上,借鉴后保管主义及结构化理论建构的后现代主义文件保管的新范式。它强调文件并非是中立物,文件的运动具有时空延伸性。该理论的终极诉求是建立一个自下而上的、可靠的文件保存体系,以完整保存集体记忆,促进社会民主发展。要实现这一诉求,文件的保存就需多方主体的参与和合作。文件连续体理论为文件管理提供了重要的理论框架,对建构完整的社会记忆具有重要的指导价值,同时也为对传统档案学的核心概念及理论进行批判性反思提供新的视角和工具。  相似文献   

In an attempt to solve the current and future problems in electronic recordkeeping the Dutch government, namely the Minister of the Interior, and the Minister of Culture, established a nation wide program: Digital Longevity (Digitale Duurzaamheid). The program is run by a bureau, staffed by consultants from the ministry of the Interior, the National Archives, and a province. By various means the bureau creates awareness at the political and senior management levels, develops policies for electronic recordkeeping, and supports implementation. The program contributes to the developing of theories in the area, supports research, and cooperates in education and training. Via pilot projects the consultants keep in touch with record creating organizations. As an opus magnum the program works on a generic design of a recordkeeping system, including a structured definition of recordkeeping functional requirements.  相似文献   

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