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从权力概念发展到权利概念,标志着由国家权力到公民权力的回归。主权在民原则为公共教育体制的实现奠定了重要的社会基础。公共教育的基本价值是实现受教育权利的高扬,其充分实现需要公民权力、教育福利、全社会参与以及公共性四个方面的保障,这四个方面诠释了受教育权利的内涵,同时也是公共教育体制的重要特征。  相似文献   

从权力概念发展到权利概念,标志着由国家权力到公民权力的回归。主权在民原则为公共教育体制的实现奠定了重要的社会基础。公共教育的基本价值是实现受教育权利的高扬,其充分实现需要公民权力、教育福利、全社会参与以及公共性四个方面的保障,这四个方面诠释了受教育权利的内涵,同时也是公共教育体制的重要特征。  相似文献   

构建在利益基础之上的政治权力和政治权利是政治生活的中心。其中又以主要表现为公共权力的政治权力为核心。政治权利凭借政治权力得以实现,政治权力要以政治权利的实现为基本目标,它们的共同基础是利益。但政治权力总是要借助具体的个体实施,所以,要实现公共权力的良性配置和有效运行,必须首先着力研究政治权力和政治权利、公共利益和个人利益之间的矛盾关系。  相似文献   

国家作为政治组织在从社会中分离出来以后,有着双重属性,即阶级性和社会性。这种双重属性体现在行政权力上:其一,行政权力是公共权力的主体权力形式,行政权力行使的根本依据是公共性;其二,的确存在着总要摆脱公共性的属性。这决定了公共权力既可以成为谋取公共利益的权力形式,也可以成为谋取个人或集团私利的手段。防止和遏制公共权力异化,必须实现从统治到治理的转变;从权力制约权力到社会制约权力的转变;从无限政府到有限政府的转变。  相似文献   

公共教育权力腐败是指掌握与行使公共教育权力的主体滥用公职权力谋取私利的行为.从伦理学的角度来看,公共教育权力腐败主要源于公共利益与私人利益之间的矛盾,这既表现为公共教育权力性质方面的"公共性"与"有限性"之间的矛盾,也表现为公共教育权力运作方面的"公众委托"与"私人使用"之间的矛盾.当前,对于公共教育权力腐败的治理,需要通过权力、社会、权利与道德等不同路径来综合执行与实施.  相似文献   

在任何一个社会结构中,权力的存在和作用都是必不可少的。其中,行政权力作为社会权力体系中必不可少的构成要件,它以公共利益的实现为目标,是公民权利和人民利益实施保障功能和达到实现效能的客体和承担者,因此,全面系统地研究行政权力的特性,有助于促进中国特色的行政管理新局面的形成。  相似文献   

在我国长期的计划经济体制下,教育是由国家和政府包下来的,主要通过公共途径来提供,公共教育权力主要以国家教育权力的形式存在。当前,在我国社会转型的进程中,伴随着经济领域的市场化和社会领域的自治化,这种以国家教育权力为主要形式的公共教育权力开始变迁,并对我国教育政策的有效性提出了挑战。  相似文献   

当前学界普遍认为税收正义是限制国家权力以保护个人权利,将国家税收行为囿于国家与个人的二元分化。实际上,国家权力与个人权利的二元结构并不是税收正义的全部内容,并且二者难以为国家税收找到合理的根据。在税收正义范畴中,应当是公共利益、个人权利与国家权力三者的统一,其中,公共利益是国家税收的目的,个人权利是国家税收的前提,国家权力是实现公共利益与个人权利关系的工具,只有通过国家权力的合理行使达到个人权利与公共利益的互融,最终实现公共利益才是税收正义的本质。  相似文献   

目前我国学校教育质量中存在着诸多个体权利问题,具体表现为入学时的权利分化、教学过程中学生发展权遭遇的困境、学生的精神自由权利被漠视、考试竞争让儿童的生存权受到威胁、人才选拔中的教育特权等。其背后的原因在于公共教育权力制约机制的缺失。为提升教育质量中的个体权利,有必要深化新《义务教育法》的研究,通过权利制约权力的机制保障个体的受教育权利。  相似文献   

马克思认为,权力是社会公共意志的集中体现,权力作为一种追求政治统治的强制性力量,是统治阶级实现其政治目的的保障。马克思以合理性为尺度,对权力进行反思和批判,目的是使权力服务于人类社会生活的普遍自由和幸福,防止权力给人类带来奴役和不幸。马克思的权力伦理思想体现了权利与义务、观念与实践以及功利与道义等有机统一的特性。在当代中国,弘扬和实践马克思权力伦理思想,既是马克思主义理论创新的需要,也是实现社会幸福的必然要求。  相似文献   

在赫尔巴特的"普通教育学"理论体系中,"教育性教学"理论是非常重要的一环。他驳斥了当时教育界关于"没有‘无教育的教学’也不存在‘无教学的教育’"的观点,并进一步提出了"教育性教学"理论,对后世的教育理论产生了极大影响。通过解读他的"教育性教学"思想的提出背景、内容及实施情况,对于解决我国现存的"教育"与"教学"相分离的问题,有着重要的借鉴意义:首先,提倡道德教育与知识教学相结合,在教学过程中陶冶学生的心灵;其次,教育者要具备较高的知识水平和专业素养;最后,教育体制的确立要注重本土文化,尊重本民族的教育传统。  相似文献   

文化是一种人的活动方式,学校文化是学校长期积累的教育活动方式和成果的总和。它具有教育性、选择性、创造性、个性和差异性。在冲突与融合中建立,具有统率、规范、激励、熔炉的作用。校园文化是学校教育的重要组成部分,是全面育人不可缺少的重要环节。良好的校园文化,对培养德智体全面发展的中国特色社会主义事业接班人具有重要意义,我们必须高度重视校园文化建设。  相似文献   

为了更好地评估职前教师实际教学表现和提高教师教育机构培养质量,美国政府与斯坦福大学联合开发了一套职前教师表现性评价标准体系(edTPA),在评价目的、评价主体、评价框架上具有明确的要求和规定,突破了传统以量化方式评估职前教师教学质量的方式,但在推广实施过程中也面临着一些挑战,对我国职前教师培养和评估改进具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

教育公平的核心是教育平等,但必须考虑教育差别,两者之间的平衡点应该由教育自由来确定。教育不公平不仅是教育现象,更应该是社会现象,所以要想理解和减少教育不公平现象,必须探索它的社会成因。  相似文献   

Instructional Science - Educative curricula support teacher learning as well as the learning of students. High quality educative curricula contain features that help teachers customize learning...  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse the nature of the global hegemonies in higher education. While anti‐colonial thinkers describe the dominance of the Western paradigm as an oppression of indigenous culture and knowledge and as neo‐colonialism in higher education, their arguments lead to such questions as how much self‐determination do non‐Western countries have? On what basis can the colonised resist the coloniser? To what extent are non‐Western nations aware of the Western hegemony? To answer these questions, this article uses the concept of soft power to interrogate how global hegemonies are manifested in higher education agendas. With reference to the pursuit of a world‐class status in higher education in East Asia, it discusses how the international inequality in higher education is viewed from the anti‐colonial perspective in the existing literature. The article then proposes the soft‐power perspective as an alternative way to explain why non‐Western countries are willing to follow the Anglo‐American paradigm to develop their higher education systems. Extending this analysis, the article argues that the emerging global university rankings are important resources of soft power that have the potential, as a governance tool, to reshape the global higher education landscape.  相似文献   

New reform documents underscore the importance of integrating science practices into the learning of science. This integration requires sophisticated teaching that does not often happen. Educative curriculum materials – materials explicitly designed to support teacher and student learning – have been posited as a way to support teachers to achieve these ambitious goals, yet little is known about how elementary teachers actually use educative curriculum materials to support student engagement in science practices. To address this gap, this study investigated how five upper elementary teachers supported students to engage in science practices during an enactment of two curriculum units. Three of the teachers had units enhanced with educative features, informed by current research and reforms, while two of the teachers had units without these features. The teachers varied in how they supported students in the science practices of justifying predictions, constructing evidence-based claims, recording observations, and planning investigations. For example, some of the teachers with the educative features supported students in constructing evidence-based claims and justifying predictions in ways called for by the educative features. Implications for curriculum developers and teacher educators are discussed based on the patterns found in the teachers’ use of the educative curriculum materials.  相似文献   

Greed and power have morphed into forms of capitalism unaddressed from a philosophical, moral or educative framework. This article seeks to address this important gap in the literature by first outlining how the financialisation of capital constitutes the new educational subject in primary, secondary and tertiary school. The author establishes how these new morphologies of power create an imagination that renders students and even the goal of education as a function of unending growth, extraction and disembodiment. In response, the author posits a different vision of habits, practices, postures and morals that root out power in education. Drawing from degrowth theory and an emphasis on simplicity, care, conviviality and the ritual destruction of accumulation, the author theorises what a pedagogy of degrowth may entail. Doing so answers an ever‐important question—what is an educational good?—by conceiving of the ‘value’ of education beyond the bounds of capitalism.  相似文献   

Reform efforts have emphasized the need to support teachers' learning about reform‐oriented practices. Educative curriculum materials are one potential vehicle for promoting teacher learning about these practices. Educative curriculum materials include supports that are intended to promote both student and teacher learning. However, little is known about the extent to which existing curriculum materials provide support for teachers and the ways they can be improved. In this study, eight sets of high school biology curriculum materials were reviewed to determine their potential for promoting teacher learning. Design heuristics for educative curriculum materials were adapted for use as evaluation criteria. From this analysis, several themes emerged. First, the materials tended to provide support for teachers' subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge for students' ideas (e.g., misconceptions) but rarely for their pedagogical content knowledge of scientific inquiry. Second, the materials contained several implementation guidance supports but far fewer rationales for instructional decisions, which are an important feature of educative curriculum materials. Finally, the quality of support varied widely, differing in its degree of relevance, pedagogical helpfulness, and depth. The article concludes with recommendations for the redesign of existing curriculum materials. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 977–998, 2009  相似文献   

国家教育权是主权国家享有的公权力,具体表现为教育立法权、教育行政权及教育司法权。面对教育的快速发展,国家教育权需要在这三方面逐步改进,才能有效保护公民基本受教育权利,跟上教育发展的时代步伐。  相似文献   

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