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The purpose of this paper is to examine current status, issues, and visions of higher education reform in Korea by focusing on ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21). ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21), is a major higher education reform project initiated by the South Korean government to prepare Korean human resources for the 21st century. ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21) aims at fostering world-class graduate schools and high quality scholars by providing funds to higher education institutions. In this paper, societal, economic and educational changes which led to the initiation of BK 21 and its implementation processes are described first. Then, some resistance and controversies against BK 21 are discussed. Major achievements of BK 21 are highlighted and future directions of higher education reform in South Korea are addressed.  相似文献   

"智力韩国21工程"("Brain Korea21工程")是韩国建设世界一流研究生院,对硕士生、博士生培养给予集中资助的高等教育项目。此工程的第一阶段从1999年开始,到2005年结束,取得了巨大成就。"智力韩国21工程"从2006年开始进入第二阶段,进一步支持并发展研究生教育,其目的是培养21世纪韩国所需的新型高级人才和国家栋梁。  相似文献   

This study reviews the developments of 9 Chinese top universities supported by “985 Project” during 1997–2005 based on the analysis of a series of scientometric indicators, including the total number of publications indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, the cumulated impact factor of publications, the number of publications divided by the number of faculty members, the average impact factor of publications, percentage of publications in top 20 percent journals, the percentage of internationally collaborative publications, the number of publications in six broad subject fields and the Index of Disciplinary Balancing. The findings are helpful to the understanding of the achievements of Chinese top universities during this period as well as the remaining gaps between them and world-class universities. __________ Translated from Kexuexue Yu Kexue Jishu Guanli 科学学与科学技术맜理 (Science of Science and Management of S. & T.), 2007, (9): 132–138  相似文献   

This paper addresses to the question of how to empower research competence of a kind which would lead a peripheral university like SNU to becoming a world-class university. There have been noticeable achievements in building competitive, first class universities in many developing nations, particularly in Asian countries. This paper will examine the process by which SNU can be transforming SNU into a world-class university in Korea. The analysis will focus on the internal reforms implemented at SNU over the last 10 years and the effectiveness of these policies. The main strategy undertaken to bring SNU up to the world-class level was to emphatically pursue excellence in research. Long before governmental funds were allocated for this purpose from 1999 onwards, SNU had already vigorously pursued excellence in research and teaching. The experiences of SNU in these endeavours represents an important case study that bears vital theoretical and practical implications for other Korean universities, as well as for universities in other middle-income countries.  相似文献   

二战以来美国陆续涌现出一批世界一流大学,这并非完全是大学自然发展的结果,还有美国政府,特别是联邦政府,出于美国国家利益而采取的政策扶植与介入.美国建设一流大学的时间段主要集中于1941-1971的30年间,以1960年的<西博格报告>为标志,可划分为前后两个阶段,在两个阶段中,联邦政府均发挥重要作用.联邦政府首先通过科技政策间接地扶持了一流大学的出现,继而采取专项资助的方法帮助一批大学实现跨越式发展.美国政府长期稳定的高等教育发展战略,不同阶段具体政策的运作方式及其经验教训值得我们思考和借鉴.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the Korean government’s policies for building world class universities (WCUs) and their implications for Korean higher education institutions. Primarily through an extensive literature review, but also through a discussion of field interviews and the experiences of one of the authors as a public official in education policy making, this study examines the Korean government’s policies to establish WCUs, as well as the outcomes and consequences of these policies. Using the framework suggested by Salmi (The challenge of establishing world-class universities. The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2009), the study seeks to answer the following research questions: (a) What policies has the Korean government implemented to build WCUs since the late 1990s? (b) How has the government’s quest to build WCUs transformed the Korean higher education system? Specifically, how have HEIs in Korea responded to the policies implemented? (c) What issues and challenges has the Korean higher education system confronted in its quest to build WCUs?  相似文献   

世界一流大学建设中的政府角色研究:以日本和韩国为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从历史的视角,探讨了日本和韩国在建设世界一流大学进程中的政府角色问题。文章认为日本和韩国政府对建设世界一流大学的作用主要体现在通过立法来保障研究型大学在国内高等教育体系中的特殊地位,通过高等教育改革来主导、促进研究型大学的组织创新和学科发展,通过高度重视和财政的倾斜来确保研究型大学的迅速发展,通过赋予研究型大学的特殊使命来主宰研究型大学的发展方向等方面。这种作用从整体来看是正面的,但也存在负面影响,这正是政府要努力规避的。建设世界一流大学的进程中,政府扮演主要角色在东亚国家是一个普遍现象,这与东亚国家的政治背景和文化背景是密不可分的。从日本和韩国建设世界一流大学的经验来看,建设世界一流大学需要政府和学校的通力合作,更需要政府的长期支持和重视,绝不是一个短期努力就可以达到目标的进程。  相似文献   

This study examined science teachers’ conceptions of creativity in science education, pedagogical ideas, and contextual factors perceived as constraints on teaching for creativity and any differences in the conceptions of teachers from South Korea and the United States. Participants in the study consisted of 44 South Korean and 21 US secondary science teachers. Data was collected from open-ended and Likert-type questionnaires. Results indicated that each individual teacher’s conception was considerably limited, but the teachers’ conceptions of creativity as a whole group were consistent with the literature. In terms of teaching methods for creativity, the teachers commonly emphasized problem-based or project-based inquiry which was consistent with the literature. The South Korean teachers tended to consider ethics as a more important criterion for judging creativity than the US teachers and emphasized providing thinking opportunity for fostering creativity, while the US teachers emphasized environmental or emotional support. Possible sources of these differences were discussed. The commonly mentioned constraints included pressure of content coverage for high-stakes tests, difficulties in assessing creativity, and class size. Suggestions for professional development of teachers and further research questions were made based on the findings.  相似文献   

In this article, we compare two recent university reform projects: the Korean Brain Korea 21 project and the German Universities Excellence Initiative. We describe and compare both projects’ goals, selection processes, and preliminary outcomes. While the Korean project is characterized by a relatively high level of political intervention and can be seen as mainly a human resources development program with clearly defined strategic goals, the German tradition of university autonomy is also reflected in the reform project analyzed here. The project goal is more vaguely defined for the German project, but lies mainly in the field of research capacity building. Another key difference is the time horizons in both projects and the resulting incentives for publication and chosen research projects: while the Korean projects are evaluated on a yearly basis, the German projects have a longer time horizon for evaluation. A preliminary evaluation shows that both programs have succeeded in increasing publication output in the respective countries. However, an analysis of the quality of the new publications by, for example, their citation numbers, remains to be done in the future.  相似文献   

This case study of Yanbian University, a Korean minority university in China, examines the challenges faced, strategies employed, and resources mobilized by a minority university in its attempt to become a world-class university. Specifically, this case study focuses on how the University is attempting to reach its goals within the context of the 211 Project, China’s plan to create 100 world-class universities capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. The rise of the knowledge economy has resulted in an increased link between economic prosperity and higher education. Thus, higher education reform has explicitly tied higher education to economic development and attempted to transform economic structures by turning the labor force into a highly skilled, technologically competent, educated work force capable of competing in a global economy. The socioeconomic changes that have occurred as a result of globalization and China’s transition to a market economy have also created new imperatives and challenges for higher education institutions, particularly among minority higher education institutions endeavoring to carve out a unique place in China’s higher education landscape.  相似文献   

The features of Korean higher education development are related to sociocultural tradition (Confucian tradition), the model university ideas, and economic development in Korea. The modern university ideas adopted in Korean are based on the German model which was established by the Japanese colonial government and drawing on the US university model after the World War II. However, the modern university ideas are intertwined with socio-cultural factors and have been embedded in current Korean universities. As well as the western ideas and the Confucian tradition, the growth of Korean higher education has relied upon the rapid growth of the Korean economy. Education development is well aligned with economic development in Korea thanks to government policy initiatives. This framework can be applied in the analysis of higher education development in other countries. Higher education development cannot be solely explained by individual cultural, historical or economic factor. These three factors are interlinked and influence the development of Korean higher education.  相似文献   

在首轮“双一流”建设周期期满之际,评价世界一流大学建设政策成效具有现实意义。本研究在归纳出世界一流大学建设政策成效的评价维度后,收集2015—2019年39所世界一流大学建设高校、57所世界一流学科建设高校的校际面板数据,采用双重差分法构建计量模型,评估了世界一流大学建设的政策效应。结果显示,世界一流大学建设政策的实施在综合实力、学科建设、师资队伍建设、社会服务能力方面对入选高校产生了积极影响,且政策效应估计值具有统计学意义,总体而言通过一系列稳健性检验。然而,少数反映世界一流大学建设政策成效的指标呈现的影响虽为正向但不显著,这反映了该政策效应与政策目标相比仍然存在一些差距和不足。基于此,本研究展望新一轮世界一流大学建设的政策导向:在学科建设上需关注“冷门绝学”,适当增添人文社会科学“色彩”;在师资队伍建设上需更注重“内源”发展,坚持“外援”“内源”相结合;在社会服务能力提升上需注重构建科技成果转化的长效机制。  相似文献   

朝鲜通信使又称通信使、遣日韩使、遣日使,是1607年至1811年时李氏朝鲜派往日本江户幕府的使节。从1392年开始,朝鲜宫廷就派遣使者前往日本。从1607年至1811年间,朝鲜共派有12个通信使团前往日本。柳相弼的《东槎录》便是对1811年最后一次使行的记录。从中可以发见诸多朝日情状,如朝鲜方面吏治腐败,朝鲜通信使行路的艰险,日本的房屋建筑、山水景观、居民装束衣着、民风民俗、节日庆祝、饮食音乐等地物风俗。此记录也展现了朝日的交好,朝鲜通信使对日本文化的态度和自豪感等。对于深入了解当时朝日历史人文景观具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study aims to understand Korean students’ motivations for studying in US graduate schools. For this purpose, I conducted in‐depth interviews with 50 Korean graduate students who were enrolled in a research‐centered US university at the time of the interview. In these interviews, I sought to understand how their motivations are connected not only with their family, school, and occupational backgrounds, but also with the stratification of global higher education. Theoretically, this paper attempts to combine the concept of global positional competition with Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural capital in the field of global education. By critically examining a push–pull model of transnational higher education choice‐making, this study situates Korean students’ aspirations in the contexts of global power and the hierarchy of knowledge‐degree production and consumption. After analyzing the students’ qualitative interviews, I classify their motivations for earning US degrees within four categories: enhancing their class positions and enlarging their job opportunities; pursuing learning in the global center of learning; escaping the undemocratic system and culture in Korean universities; and fulfilling desires to become cosmopolitan elites armed with English communication skills and connections within the global professional network. Based on this analysis, I argue that Korean students pursue advanced degrees in the United States in order to succeed in the global positional competition within Korea as well as in the global job marketplace. As they pursue advanced US degrees, Korean students internalize US hegemony as it reproduces the global hierarchy of higher education, but at the same time Korean students see US higher education as a means of liberation that resolves some of the inner contradictions of Korean higher education, including gender discrimination, a degree caste system, and an authoritarian learning culture. Therefore, this study links Korean students’ aspiration for global cultural capital to complex and irregular structures and relations of class, gender, nationality, and higher education that extend across local, national, and global dimensions simultaneously.  相似文献   

在世纪之交,我国实施了以建设世界一流大学为宗旨的"985工程",日本则出台了以创建大学卓越研究中心为宗旨的"21世纪COE计划"和"全球COE计划"。两国政策在建设愿景与目标、组织与实施、资助对象与重点建设学科领域、实施周期与建设经费、评价与绩效考核等方面既有相似之处,又有很大的差异。日本建设卓越研究中心的政策对我国的启示主要包括:加强特色和优势学科建设,提升大学核心竞争力;依托政府宏观调控,促进大学准确定位;融合研究与教育职能,培养具有国际竞争力的创新人才;引入课题竞标机制,提高教育投资的效率;导入第三方评价,加大社会参与力度。  相似文献   

Korea opened up to foreign intercourse in 1876, when the country concluded its first international treaty with Japan. Similar treaties with European and American nations followed during the 1880s. The period until 1910, when Korea was annexed to the Japanese Empire, saw manifold attempts to reform as well as resistance to these reforms. Against the background of research on the world institutionalisation of education, this contribution analyses the changes that the opening of Korea entailed in the field of education, especially focusing on newly established forms of education. First, modern education was characterised by newly created institutions and curricula. These institutions can be classified according to the actors engaged in their creation, private Korean citizens, foreign missionary actors and the Korean government. Second, new educational discourses and practices characterised modern education in Korea. These new discourses played a central role in negotiating Korean nationalism and in culturally positioning Korea between China and the “West”. Bodily practices were radically changed through uniforms, new hairstyles and military drills. A new system of classroom interaction was introduced to Korea.  相似文献   

This paper describes two studies that explore students' beliefs about critical and creative learning at two universities, and considers the implications of those beliefs in comparison to the universities' stated education goals. One is a mixed method study of students at a top university in Korea, and the second is a comparative study between the Korean university and a United States (US) university. The first study found that both high-achievers and the general population at a top Korean university perceived their critical and creative abilities as lower than their receptive learning abilities, and that higher achievers were neither more critical nor creative than lower achievers. The second study finds that the Korean university students, compared to US students, were more likely to rate their receptive learning ability as higher than their critical and creative learning abilities. Comparisons across year of higher education (HE) suggest that Korean students' perceptions did not significantly change with respect to year in school, while US students' perceptions of critical learning abilities significantly increased across school years. Results are discussed with respect to the impact of culture, epistemological beliefs, and HE instruction on critical and creative learning.  相似文献   

世界一流大学的学术生态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从学术生态的视角研究世界一流大学的特征就是研究世界一流大学的学术生态特征,主要包括卓越的学术人、顶尖的学科群、和谐创新的学术环境等七个方面。对世界一流大学的学术生态特征进行比较研究,将对我国社会转型时期建设世界一流大学有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Japanese flagship universities at a crossroads   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The increasing pace and scope of global structural change has left Japanese flagship universities at a crossroads. Reflecting upon historical trends, current policy changes and respective institutional strategies for global marketing among Japanese top research universities, the author discusses possible future directions for these institutions and how key decisions may be influenced by selected national policies. By taking a more active role in building flagship universities and making use of higher education for social and economic development, the Japanese government has already taken concrete measures to keep apace with higher education policies of neighboring Asian countries. However, in the author’s view, whether or not Japan can truly develop and maintain world-class universities ultimately depends on an overall improvement in the status of East Asian higher education.  相似文献   

我国何时能建成世界一流大学--从GDP角度预测   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
世界一流大学的产生与发展,与所在国家或地区的社会经济发展和文化传统有着密切的关系。分析当今世界高水平大学与所在国家或地区的国内生产总值(GDP)和人均GDP的关系发现:产生世界著名大学(世界前200名)的基本条件是GDP总量超过3000 亿美元,产生世界一流大学(世界前100名)的基本条件是人均GDP达到2.5 万美元。上海、北京等部分发达地区2020年前后GDP总量将超过3000 亿美元,人均GDP将接近或达到2.5 万美元,加之政府的重点支持,清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学和上海交通大学完全可能在2020年前后发展成为世界一流大学。  相似文献   

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