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Student employment is increasingly common in many countries. Compared to earlier decades, not only more students work but they also work longer hours. Among European countries Estonia is one of the clear “leaders” in student employment. This study uses survey data from 2,496 students in Estonian public and private universities to examine the reasons for working on such a massive scale and its consequences on academic success. The results show that, unlike in most other countries, Estonian students from more privileged families are as likely to work as students from poorer families and they are even more likely to have a full-time job. Furthermore, working seems to have only a marginal negative effect on academic progress. These results seem to support the theory that in Eastern European countries student employment has become a signal of students’ capabilities and ambition, and that relatively low academic standards contribute to the strength of the signaling mechanism. A long-term solution to student employment would require changes in quality standards, student financing, alternative higher education opportunities, and perceptions of students, employers, and academics.  相似文献   

The paper explores academic staff and departmental research and teaching cultures in the Education Departments of five universities in Scotland and England, countries with increasingly diverging public policies in respect of education. The relationship between research and teaching, how the purposes of universities are defined and the status of research in Education are current UK higher education policy preoccupations. Data is drawn from interviews with 40 academics, observation of department settings, documentation and websites. The analysis draws on the work of Bourdieu, considering the changing habitus of individual academics, their departmental and academic subject context and the forms of symbolic capital now required in Scottish and English Education departments in response to new policies affecting their academic field. The paper also utilises recent literature on the research–teaching relationship. The career trajectories of respondents, their habitus and the forms of symbolic capital that they bring to academic life are examined, as are the extent to which the teaching and research cultures in each of the five departments studied mirror each other and whether these also reflect the two different policy contexts. The themes how academic cultures are shaped and research/teaching connections viewed have international as UK relevance.  相似文献   

This study analyses why and how academic inbreeding as a recruitment practice continues to prevail in Japan, a country with a mature higher education system, where high rates of academic inbreeding endure in most of the research-oriented universities in spite of several higher education reforms. Based on a qualitative analysis, we disclose three characteristics that lead academics to become inbred at Japanese universities. One characteristic—the adoption of “open recruitment processes” in detriment of “closed recruitment processes”—changed over time, limiting academic inbreeding practices, but two other characteristics remained unchanged over time: the “one university learning experience” and the “concentration of doctoral supervisors at the same university”. These latter characteristics represent difficult challenges to be tackled as they are also traditional characteristics of the Japanese higher education system. The research also shows that academic inbreeding practices are a means to assure organizational stability and institutional identity, features perceived as important by Japanese universities. A central challenge for the Japanese universities is then to guarantee these features without needing to rely on academic inbreeding practices to obtain them. However, devising policies to meet this challenge calls for institutional will to change, proactive strategies and time.  相似文献   

Although several studies in the affluent world have examined the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of lecturers in higher education, little is known about academic job satisfaction in the low-resource countries. This study probes those factors contributing to academic satisfaction and dissatisfaction in higher education in the developing world. Using a sample of 182 respondents drawn from two universities in Uganda, this analysis reports that the factors most prevalent in the prediction of dons’ satisfaction relate to co-worker behaviour, supervision and intrinsic facets of teaching. Analogously, the stimuli that create academic dissatisfaction are largely extrinsic (contextual) factors with respect to facets of remuneration, governance, research, promotion, and working environment. This article discusses these findings in the light of Herzberg’s dichotomy and concludes that any given factor be it intrinsic or extrinsic can either evoke academic satisfaction or induce dissatisfaction. The present analysis finds that while age, rank, and tenure significantly predict academic job satisfaction, no evidence is adduced to support a gender influence on dons’ job satisfaction. Implications for Ugandan academics’ job satisfaction are formulated, recommendations made, and a further research agenda proposed.  相似文献   

The union of teaching and research in universities has a very long history with roots pre‐dating the Humboldtian conception of the research university. A major part of this union is personal, in the person of the academic staff member who has been trained through research and will invariably engage in both teaching and research in a university. Even researchers working in exclusively research organizations will have been trained in universities. Moreover, the research undertaken in universities will tend to be transparent, partly the result of the normal practices of academic freedom and of the traditions and procedures of university autonomy, and therefore, more likely to be the beneficiary of public trust than the research undertaken in research institutions, the latter tending to be viewed as more secretive and patron‐oriented. Although globalization may require universities to become enterprises of a non‐business type, along the lines of the medieval corporation, even this new paradigm will continue to require a proper balance between research and teaching, the one supporting the other.  相似文献   

In research universities, research time is often too scarce to satiate the wishes of all faculty and must be allocated according to guidelines and principles. We examine self-reported research hours for full-time faculty at research universities in 13 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Norway, UK, USA, and Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous special administrative region of China). We examine the level of variation in individual faculty research time and the factors associated with individual differences, including differences in: (a) university policy regarding the allocation of working time for research between individual faculty members, (b) individual motivation towards research, and (c) family commitments. Our results suggest that the factors associated with additional research time vary across countries, but individual motivation towards research (relative to teaching) is a significant in all countries. University policies towards research and the research status of individual faculty, are relatively weak predictors of individual research time, though stronger effects are generally found in English-speaking countries. Research hours typically decrease with age, but plateau or increase in the oldest cohorts. Family and gender are weak predictors of research time amongst full-time faculty.  相似文献   

This research investigated the statistical predictive power of organisational commitments for academics’ teaching approaches. Participants were 268 academics working in six elite universities in Beijing, mainland China. Results showed that academics’ organisational commitments as measured by the Organisational Commitment Inventory significantly predicted their teaching approaches as assessed by the Approaches to Teaching Inventory – beyond gender, age, taught academic discipline, academic rank and type of institution. Limitations and theoretical contributions of the study are noted; and practical implications of the findings are discussed in relation to academics and university senior managers.  相似文献   

This article presents recent reform processes in Japanese higher education, concerning the tensions emerging within the system regarding ‘excellence’ and ‘diversity’. The article particularly focuses on how Japanese universities have reacted to the recent ‘competition’ and ‘differentiation’ policy promoted by the government, drawing on recent survey results conducted with academic managers at Japanese universities. It is interesting to examine the case of Japan, a historically diversified and differentiated national system, which has been changing rapidly with recent national ‘top-down’ policy reforms, followed by more recent and new bottom-up institutional initiatives. The study shows that universities are trying to achieve excellence, fulfilling different functions at the same time, aspiring to be excellent in teaching, research and social contribution without having institutional capacity to meet these expectations. Appropriate internal governance and external mediation mechanisms need to be created at the institutional level to manage diversification of the higher education system as a whole.  相似文献   

While official reviews have concluded that Commonwealth Government programs to encourage university - industry research links have been largely successful, studies are needed to explore the extent and nature of such partnerships, and their effects within universities. Further, sections of the academic community and major media warn that industry links and university commercialisation efforts threaten traditional research and scientific values, and accepted norms of academic life including academic freedom. Survey data reported in the paper show that, on balance, industry - research links are working reasonably well for Australian science and technology academics. Some 36.7% of respondents in our sample drawn from three major Australian universities received industry research support and this group tended to be better qualified, more senior and more productive in research than academics without such partnerships. Respondents generally were well aware of both the benefits and risks of industry funding. On the positive side, respondents identified the main benefits as the provision of additional resources, support and enhanced career opportunities for students, opportunities to apply basic research results to industrial problems, less red tape than with government funding, and enhanced university prestige. On the negative side, respondents were concerned about threats to research autonomy, undesirable consequences associated with the commercialisation of knowledge, the low intellectual level of some contract work, reduced time of talented researchers available for teaching, and pressures on researchers to spend increased time on commercial activities.  相似文献   

Teaching is increasingly being considered for inclusion in academic promotions in a number of universities. This raises questions about how teaching is appraised in relation to research; and which teaching criteria contribute to promotions outcomes. This article investigates these questions from a gender perspective by statistically analysing the actual promotions outcomes by rank levels at a South African university where teaching and research have been equally evaluated in academic promotions. The findings show that, overall, there was no statistically significant difference in promotions success rates between males and females and that more females achieved excellence in teaching with higher scores than males. Two of the 10 teaching criteria analysed – ‘ongoing study of tertiary education’ and ‘special recognition of teaching’ showed statistically significantly higher scores for females with high effect sizes, pointing to the importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic promotions for women. This study has implications for closing the gender gap in the senior ranks of universities.  相似文献   

上个世纪90年代以来,我国高校世界史教学研究取得显著成绩,相关学术成果陆续推出,对促进我国高校世界史教学改革具有重要的参考价值和指导作用。回顾和梳理这些研究成果,分析和反思世界史教学现状,不仅有助于我国高校世界史教学水平的不断提升和历史学科的继续发展,对我国文化繁荣和对外文化交流也有积极影响。  相似文献   

Using the data from the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) survey, the study examined foreign-born women faculty members’ work roles and productivity in the areas of teaching, research, and service in comparison with their US-born counterparts at research universities in the US. The findings provided some evidence to suggest that foreign-born women faculty members’ patterns of engagement in work activities contradicted the gendered division of labor in academia. The findings indicated that foreign-born female academics were significantly more engaged in research that was evident in the number of scholarly outputs they produced compared to US-born women faculty colleagues. On the other hand, they seemed to be less involved in teaching and service functions of their work than their US-born women peers. The study could serve as a good starting point to further examine foreign-born women faculty socialization into faculty roles and their academic work culture.  相似文献   

Race shapes many aspects of students’ high school experiences that are relevant to the college admissions process. We examine the racially-specific effects of high school course of study on college selectivity. Using NELS 1988–1994, we test how race and track interactively predict the prestige of the first post-secondary institution attended. We find support for a “redemptive equity model” of college prestige for Latinos, who attend more selective colleges than White students, net of background and academic variables. Asian American students also attend more selective institutions than White students. Results for African-American students are more complicated, in that the colleges they attend are not significantly different from those of Whites, on average. When we exclude students who attend historically Black colleges and universities, however, African-American students attend significantly more prestigious universities than Whites, net of other factors. We also find racially-specific effects of high school course of study, with Latinos, Asian Americans, and African-Americans appearing to benefit more from taking more rigorous academic courses than Whites.  相似文献   

通过分析并量化《泰晤士高等教育》大学评价指标体系,指出中国大学的国际化水平和国际学术影响力明显落后于其综合实力。为推进大学的国际化发展,对国内20所985高校的英文网站进行了为期6个月的持续观察和评测,并通过与世界著名的20所大学(其中10所为英语母语、10所为非英语母语)的英文网站进行比对分析和研究,总结出国外大学英文网站的建设经验,指出我国大学英文网站存在学术信息报道不及时、留学生服务欠缺、译编行文难以通畅跨文化交流等问题,并提出在提升大学英文网站水平,促进中国大学国际化进程中需注意的问题。  相似文献   


Recent studies of academic work have identified increasing pressures on universities and academics throughout the world. These pressures relate to such factors as diminishing resources available to the higher education sector, widening diversity of the student clientele, moves for increased accountability and tensions between the research and teaching goals of academic work. Among the pressures being placed on the teaching component of academic work are the need for increased accountability of teaching performance and the need to update professional competence related to teaching. This paper reports a study of a selected group of academics — relatively junior staff who have participated in significant professional development activities related to their teaching. The data provided by the interviews with these academics allow a glimpse at their academic lives and how they fit teaching and professional development related to teaching into their working lives. The study highlights how these academics structure their work around their teaching commitments and how, although they make time available for professional development related to their teaching, this is done in response to the activities offered rather than as a proactive component of their career planning.  相似文献   

高等学校图书馆是学校的文献信息中心,是为教学和科学研究服务的学术性机构。但在目前新建的本科院校中,图书馆的学术性并没有得到很好的发挥。通过分析高校图书馆工作流程、任务所体现的学术性,认为应该通过组织协调、人员配置、交流机制等不同方面的工作提升和加强图书馆的学术性,在新建本科院校建设中重塑图书馆学术性。  相似文献   

Skachkova  Penka 《Higher Education》2007,53(6):697-738
The article draws on the narratives of 34 immigrant women professors from 22 different countries who teach in a major research university in the U.S. First, the article presents immigrant women professors’ voices of experiencing traditional academic activities in terms of teaching, research, and administration/service. Second, the paper voices women’s stories of social climate prevailing in their departments and institutions that affects their academic careers. Third, the article narrates women’s expressions of their efforts to balance academic life and family life.  相似文献   

和世界其他大学一样,德国大学经历了多次变革,但洪堡主张大学应当秉承教学与科研紧密联合的理念却始终享有崇高的声誉。反观之,重研究、轻教学在中国各级各类大学中已经是一个普遍现象,这种一哄而上的局面所带来的负面效应是显而易见的。反省自身,洞悉他者,通过深层解析不同层次、不同办学模式的各类德国高等教育机构中教授的工作特点,揭示德国大学教授在教学与科研中如何秉承"以研究促教学,以教学带研究"的动态平衡范式,以期能给我们启示。  相似文献   

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