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This paper examines Vygotsky’s conception of play as a leading activity in the contexts of children’s contemporary play worlds. Commencing with an examination of the relationship between leading activities and the development of psychological functions, the paper moves into a consideration of the relationship between imagination and reality as a basis for play as a leading activity. The relationship is considered in the context of current discussion regarding the sociology of childhood and the sociology of consumerism to explore the ways in which children’s experiences in digital–consumerist contexts possibly shape learning and development. Drawing on the example of the highly popular character Thomas the Tank Engine?, the paper examines the implications associated with understanding play as a leading activity within contemporary contexts, and how these might relate to existing perspectives on play, pedagogy and curriculum in early childhood education settings.  相似文献   

在虚拟实验室建设中融入游戏化学习概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟实验实是游戏化学习概念进入实际应用的最佳起点。阐述了考虑在虚拟实验室建设中融入游戏化学习概念的原因后,分析了目前虚拟实验室的一些使用情况,探讨了虚拟实验室在加入游戏化学习概念后的一些优势,并提出了初步的构建设想,最后对游戏化虚拟实验室使用可能出现的重要问题作了提醒。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the immersive and performative potential of new media for reading, writing and representing poetry to encourage an exploration of the relationship between text, image and sound and discuss how these are used to mediate meaning making. Based on the premise that poetry is meant to be lifted from the printed page and experienced in multimodal ways, the research explores the notion of poetry as digital performance.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have investigated learning associated with video gaming in out-of-school settings, only recently have researchers begun to explore gaming and learning in the contexts of home and family life. This paper discusses three different frameworks within which we can situate video games and learning at home: (a) video gaming as digital media, (b) video gaming as play, and (c) video gaming as family routine. Each framework brings different issues related to learning into focus, and contributes new insights into the role gaming plays in the lives of children, adults, and families as a whole.  相似文献   


This paper draws on an ESRC-funded study of play and creativity in preschool-aged children’s use of apps in the UK. The main objectives of the study were to collect information about access to and use of apps in the home, establish the most popular apps and identify the features of those apps that are successful in promoting play and creativity. A mixed-method approach was used to collect data, including video filming of children using the most popular apps. In identifying play types that emerged in the analysis of data, the team utilised an established taxonomy, which outlines sixteen play types. This taxonomy was reviewed and adapted to analyse data from the project relating to digital play. Through this process, an additional type of play, transgressive play, was identified and added to the taxonomy. The paper outlines the implications of the revised taxonomy for future studies of play.  相似文献   

The dilemma over whether or not teachers should allow superhero play in their classroom continues. This article examines adults' beliefs about superhero play and suggests some potential benefits of such play. The authors offer examples of ways they have incorporated superhero play in their classroom.  相似文献   

使幼儿从事的活动游戏化,是顺应幼儿喜好游戏之天性的必然要求,能够给幼儿带来浸润放松性警觉感的情境体验,并为幼儿创建最近发展区,激活其经验联结。所谓教学游戏化,就是"化"教学为游戏,是陈鹤琴提出的幼稚教育的原则之一,与杜威的"做中学"教育思想相呼应,是中国幼儿教育的本土化创举。课程游戏化既是对教学游戏化的传承,也是对教学游戏化的超越。实施课程游戏化就是要保证幼儿有充足的游戏活动时间,保障幼儿的游戏权利;就是要赋予幼儿园一日活动以游戏的性质,让幼儿感受到心智的自由,产生丰富的"游戏性"体验;就是要聚焦幼儿生活,帮助幼儿在生活化、游戏化的活动情景中逐步养成良好的学习品质。课程游戏化的持续推进,既需要政府的规范引导与幼儿园的努力实践,也需要家园加强合作,共同建构和谐共育的社会生态。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,国内外的学者在自闭症儿童的装扮游戏能力的研究方面取得 了很多有价值的成果.在分析了最新的研究成果之后,本文得出结论:装扮游戏能力缺陷 是自闭症儿童特有的障碍之一;心理表征及元表征缺陷、执行功能缺陷在一定程度上解释 了造成自闭症儿童装扮游戏困难的原因.此外,本文还介绍了针对自闭症儿童在装扮游戏 方面的评估以及干预措施.  相似文献   

游戏不仅是儿童的学习方式,也是儿童的生存方式,儿童应该拥有游戏的权利,那么,保障儿童游戏的时间和空间就是保障儿童游戏的权利,因为游戏的时间是儿童生命的节律,游戏的空间是儿童生存的家园。  相似文献   

当前幼儿园的民间体育游戏普遍存在素材挖掘不深、活动计划性不强、运动技能弱化、材料提供不力、安全隐患突出等问题。为改善这一现状,幼儿教师应深入分析原始材料,发掘民间体育游戏的教育价值;科学组织与安排游戏的内容、形式和时间;合理运用组织策略,促进民间体育游戏的整体优化;多方搜集、改良和拓展游戏材料;做好安全保障工作,确保幼儿在民间体育游戏中的安全。  相似文献   

游戏素养是幼儿园教师的核心专业素养之一,是教师关于游戏的态度、知识、能力相互联系与作用而形成的一种高级、复杂、综合的心理结构。其中,游戏态度作为内隐的价值与情感向度,主要包括游戏精神、儿童视角、伦理敏感等要素。游戏知识作为承上启下的基础养分,主要包括关于游戏的本体性知识与方法性知识及幼儿发展知识。游戏能力作为外化的行为与技巧,主要包括分析与解读幼儿的能力、创设游戏条件的能力、师幼互动的能力等要素。没有基本的游戏态度,游戏知识与能力便难以有生根的土壤。同时,游戏知识与能力又反作用于游戏态度的形成。在这样类似于生态系统的结构模型中,教师的游戏态度与其游戏知识和能力的水平通常具有一致性,决定了教师所处的游戏素养发展阶段,并呈现出多种样态。根据生态学的循环原理,在充分关注教师需求的基础上,可以通过设计从"问题思考"到"理论学习"再到"实践反思"的层层深入且循环往复的培训环节,组合不同的培训内容和方式,形成系列培训方案,系统帮助教师提升游戏素养。  相似文献   

论教学的游戏品格   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
游戏是人的基本存在方式,教学作为师生教育生活的存在方式,理应具有游戏的品格。人类早期教学充满着游戏精神。随着班级授课制、心理技术的引入以及教学中计划性和工具理性的加强,现代教学已基本丧失游戏的品性,中国的教学尤其如此。为此,教学应呼唤人的回归,反思计划的界限,培育游戏的精神。  相似文献   

团体游戏治疗:借鉴与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
团体游戏治疗将团体治疗与游戏治疗有机结合,具有很大的应用价值。借鉴国外主要的团体游戏治疗模式,对我国幼儿园和小学展开团体游戏治疗的理论与实践有启迪意义。  相似文献   

Defiant behavior in two- and three-year-olds is a natural expression of a young child’s growing autonomy, and, although frustrating to adults, is a natural phase of a child’s socio-emotional growth. L.S. Vygotsky’s socio-historical theory of the development included a discussion of “crisis” periods, one of which he felt occurred at age three. The crisis that Vygotsky asserted occurred at three is characterized by a group of seven “behaviors”, all of which indicate a struggle with the child’s position in relation to family social structures. This study examined the occurrences and characteristics of defiant behavior in two-and three-year-old children during outdoor play at a child development center, and the existence and context of defiant behaviors the modern childcare setting. Patterns in defiant behaviors during play in different age groups were apparent, and suggested an instrument to facilitate the documentation and analysis of defiant behavior in modern group-care settings.  相似文献   

中国戏剧目前面临着从未遭遇的困境,但失去观众群的主要原因并不是因为现代科技传媒的发达,而在于戏剧脱离了观众。要使戏剧重新回到广大观众之中,不使观众群断代,必须要来一次“爱美剧”运动。实际证明,“爱美剧”运动的展开,是必要的也是可行的。  相似文献   

自十八世纪游戏艺术论产生以来,游戏与艺术之间的关系开始不断被西方哲学家及美学家关注,进入二十世纪之后,人们对游戏与艺术之间关系的探讨热情不断高涨。福禄贝尔首次将其引进了教育领域,自此,游戏与艺术之间的融合逐渐体现在幼儿教育领域的方方面面。本文主要对前人对游戏与艺术之间的关系论述进行梳理,并且对早教领域里游戏与艺术的研究现状进行梳理,希望能够加深教师对儿童游戏本质的认识,对以后指导儿童游戏有一些启示。  相似文献   

The role of block play in the development of reading and writing is presented and discussed. A literacy-enriched block-play center is described, and accompanying tables identify books and additional literacy materials suggested for integration into a block-play area. Additionally, children's use of literacy props in a block-play area is presented through observations made in two preschool classrooms. Samples of children's writing produced during spontaneous block-play sessions are included to support examples given in the text.  相似文献   

游戏治疗和家庭治疗的新发展:家庭游戏治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,西方国家发展起来一种新型心理治疗法——家庭游戏治疗。文章主要介绍了家庭游戏治疗理论的提出、理论原理、功能、方法、家庭治疗师的作用以及怎样使成人摆脱对游戏的抵触心理,最后对该疗法进行了简要展望。  相似文献   

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