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发球是网球运动中的重要技术环节之一,也是惟一由自己掌握并组织进攻的机会.所以发球在网球训练中至关重要。发球技术包括抛球举拍动作技术、放松倒拍动作技术、屈膝下蹲动作技术、挥拍击球动作技术和击球后的随挥跟进动作技术。本文具体分析了每个技术动作特点和影响发球技术的因素,并且提出了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

通过文献、观察和访谈法来研究学生网球技术动作诊断与矫正是当前体育教学研究最常见的一种方法。论文选取了几个较为典型的网球技术动作为例,分析总结了这些技术动作易范错误的原因,并提出合理纠正方法策略。学生只有在明确技术动作标准,明了技术动作产生错误的原因的基础上,才能较快地领会纠正错误技术动作的策略,提高网球技术水平。  相似文献   

发球是网球运动中的重要技术环节之一,也是惟一由自己掌握并组织进攻的机会,也是网球教学与训练中最难和最关键的地方所以发球在网球训练中至关重要.发球技术包括抛球举拍动作技术、放松倒拍动作技术、屈膝下蹲动作技术、挥拍击球动作技术和击球后的随挥跟进动作技术.本文具体分析了每个技术动作特点和影响发球技术的因素,并且提出了相应的训练方法.  相似文献   

原地双手后抛实心技术球动作是学校体育中发展学生身体素质,提高协调用力能力和辅助抛投类项目教学的基本练习.本文采用文献资料法,针对该项目技术动作研究滞后的现状和教学中存在的主要问题,对该项目技术动作特点进行全面分析与探讨,包括动作结构、动作的重点与难点、动作要点、动作要点口诀,并提出提高该项目技术动作教学效果的相关要求.以满足该项目教学与学习需要.  相似文献   

训练过程含教学因素。训练儿童少年运动员除给予正确示范外,讲解是不可忽视的一环。教练员要力求把所教授的动作进行语言概括,以强化运动员对技术动作的观察和记忆。为此,教练员必须深入钻研动作技术,学会用精练的语言准确地揭示动作技术的关键和细节,让运动员了解动作各环节之间的内在联系,加深对动作技术要领的理解。  相似文献   

在对运动技术动作的有效教学进行了几年的实践、研究与探索,我初步摸索出了“帮助学生建立清晰技术动作表象;引导学生理解、掌握技术动作要领;指导学生自主学练掌握技术动作”的教学方法。取得了既使学生快速有效掌握技术动作、提高身体素质,又使学生的自主学习能力、心理健康水平、交往能力和团结、合作精神得到很好的提高和培养的教学效果,较好地解决了有效进行技术动作教学的问题。  相似文献   

李则芳 《考试周刊》2013,(99):110-110
学生在网球学习中,由于各种原因不可避免地出现一些错误技术动作。这是学习任何一种运动技能的规律,只有不断纠正错误技术动作,才能形成并巩固正确技术动作。教师在网球教学过程中必须及时发现和诊断学生出现的错误技术动作,并采取积极有效的纠正对策,提高学生的网球技能。本文主要分析了网球学习中常见错误技术动作的诊断.有针对性地提出了网球教学中纠正错误技术动作的具体对策.有效提高高校网球教学的有效性。  相似文献   

<正>体育运动是在人类社会发展中逐步产生和发展的。运动技术是人们合理利用身体能力和动作提高运动成绩的有效方法,即科学地完成技术动作,充分发挥人的潜能的方法和途径。技术"要领"是什么。笼统地讲,就是动作技术的要点、重点。我们所从事的体育运动,都有其动作技术要领。动作技术的质量,取决于对技术要领的掌握情况。怎样来理解动作技术"要领"。  相似文献   

抓举是运动员以快速连续不断的动作,将杠铃从举重台举起,它是举重比赛中的第一项动作,又是一项技术性较强的动作,稳定性较差.如果抓举技术掌握不好,将影响挺举的发挥,而抓举技术动作的好坏又与第二步发力技术有着直接的关系.  相似文献   

跆拳道假动作技术:顾名思义是跆拳道假的技术动作,是为真实的技术创造条件的动作。是跆拳道运动技术的一种。跆拳道运动员在比赛时主动的寻找对方的破绽或创造对自己有利时机的技术动作。是为了隐蔽自己真实动作意图,在进攻或反击技术中利用身体部位的虚晃,眼神的变化及身体位移的突然变速、变向等动作假象。运用身体各种动作的假象迷惑和调动对方,使对方对其动作产生错误的判断或失去身体方向移动能力,诱导对方引入自己的设下的陷阱圈套,露出破绽或造成对自己有利的形势,从而取得时间、空间位置的优势,达到自己真实跆拳道进攻技术动作得分的意图,借此战胜对手。  相似文献   

从本质上讲,一般的网络恶搞并没有很多的恶意,往往只是一种自娱的手段或需要。但恶搞也是一把双刃剑,在给人短暂快乐的同时,也带来各种不良的信息和道德法律问题。对于网络恶搞,一味的指责与批判是非理性的,关键在于清醒地认识和正确地引导与规约。  相似文献   

Theories of grounded and embodied cognition posit that situated actions are central constituents in cognitive processes. We investigate whether grounding actions influence reasoning, and how pedagogical language influences the action–cognition relationship. Undergraduate students (N = 120) generated proofs for two mathematical tasks after performing either grounding or non-grounding actions. Grounding actions facilitated key mathematical insights for both tasks, but did not lead to superior proofs. Pedagogical language in the form of prompts (prospective statements) and hints (retrospective statements) accompanying grounding actions enhanced proof performance on one task but not the other. Results from transfer tasks suggested that participants learned to apply their mathematical insights to new contexts. The findings suggest that relations between action and cognition are reciprocal: actions facilitate insight, while pedagogical language strengthens the influence of task-relevant actions for proof production. Pedagogically supported grounding actions offer alternative ways of fostering mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

斯科特的《弱者的武器》一书为研究维权行动提供了一个新向度,当前国内诸多学者多关注烈度大的、强硬的维权行动,但中国底层社会的雏权行动大多为斯科特意义上的弱抵抗性维权行动,这些弱抵抗方式的维权行动是受熟人社会、权力网路及宗教文化等逻辑制约的结果。  相似文献   

志愿行动是相对于规制行动而言的一种行动类型。按照帕森斯的"行动的自由意志理论",所有的行动都有一个规范尺度。因此,无论规制行动还是志愿行动,都不能没有规范。但是,志愿行动是一种与规制行动不同的行动类型,对于志愿行动,应该根据其特征来作出与规制行动有所不同的适度规范。不过,在灾害救助的特殊情境下,志愿行动也必须遵循紧急状态下的某些特定规范。  相似文献   

This study relies on eye tracking technology to investigate how humans perceive others' feeding actions. Results demonstrate that 6-month-olds (n = 54) anticipate that food is brought to the mouth when observing an adult feeding herself with a spoon. Still, they fail to anticipate self-propelled (SP) spoons that move toward the mouth and manual combing actions directed toward the head. Ten-month-olds (n = 54) and adults (n = 32) anticipate SP spoons; however, only adults anticipate combing actions. These results suggest that goal anticipation during observation of feeding actions develops earlier and is less dependent on directly perceived actions than goal anticipation during observation of other manual actions. These results are discussed in relation to experience and a possible phylogenetic influence on perception and understanding of feeding.  相似文献   

先行行为的范围一直是刑法理论研讨的重点,如何对其进行合理的界定关系到刑法功利和公正价值的实现。原则上,先行行为应当以违反法律规范为必要,但是,在对行为人施加作为义务不与刑法允许的其他更高价值目标相矛盾的情况下,合法行为也能引起作为义务。在刑法并未对先行行为本身作出法律评价,如规定为结果加重犯、转化犯等前提下,应当肯定犯罪行为引起的作为义务。先行行为既可以是作为,也可以是不作为。既可以是出于故意或者过失实施的行为,也可以是无责行为。  相似文献   

浅谈对抽象行政行为的司法审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抽象行政行为是指以不特定的人或事为管理对象,制定具有普遍约束力规范性文件的行为。我国目前尚没有把抽象行政行为纳入司法审查范围。但实际上对抽象行政行为进行司法审查是必要的也是可行的。  相似文献   

Environmental education (EE) and social studies education share an interest in behavioral outcomes. This study compares behavioral outcomes—including both self-reported knowledge of actions and reported actions taken—in the context of a land use curriculum enacted in secondary science versus social studies classes with 500 students and nine teachers. Data included pre- and posttests for comparison and intervention groups, classroom observations, and student and teacher interviews. Results indicated that students tended to know and undertake individual rather than collective actions toward sustainable land use. The type of actions students identified varied by course type: when the EE curriculum was presented in science class compared to social studies, students showed less diverse knowledge of actions in support of sustainable land use.  相似文献   

A proof is a connected sequence of assertions that includes a set of accepted statements, forms of reasoning and modes of representing arguments. Assuming reasoning to be central to proving and aiming to develop knowledge about how teacher actions may promote students’ mathematical reasoning, we conduct design research where whole-class mathematical discussions triggered by exploratory tasks play a key role. We take mathematical reasoning as making justified inferences and we consider generalizing and justifying central reasoning processes. Regarding teacher actions, we consider inviting, informing/suggesting, supporting/guiding and challenging actions can be identified in whole-class discussions. This paper presents design principles for an intervention geared to tackle such reasoning processes and focuses on a whole-class discussion on a grade 7 lesson about linear equations and functions. Data analysis concerns teacher actions in relation to design principles and to the sought mathematical reasoning processes. The conclusions highlight teacher actions that lead students to generalize and justify. Generalizations may arise from a central challenging action or from several guiding actions. Regarding justifications, a main challenging action seems to be essential, while follow-up guiding actions may promote a further development of this reasoning process. Thus, this paper provides a set of design principles and a characterization of teacher actions which enhance students’ mathematical reasoning processes such as generalization and justification.  相似文献   

教师不良教育行为的类型及矫正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育教学实践中,教师不良教育行为的类型主要有:刻板印象、挖苦、恐吓、冷漠、偏向、权压、体罚等,对教师不良行为的矫正可采取转变思想观念、提高心理素质以及增强法律意识等措施。  相似文献   

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