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王超 《良师》2004,(22)
在日常生活中,“职业”也是人们通常谈及的话题之一。人们通常用以下三种句式来询问职业。⒈whatdo/does+主语+do芽如:Whatdoyoudo芽你是干什么的?Iamastudent.我是一名学生。IstudyatNo.1primaryschool.我在第一小学学习。Whatdoeshedo芽他是干什么的?Heisateacher.他是一名教师。⒉what+be+sb'sjob穴s雪芽如:Whatisyourfather'sjob芽他父亲是干什么工作的?Heisaworker.他是一名工人。⒊what+be+主语?如:Whatisshe芽她是干什么的?Sheisanurse.她是一名护士。Whatarethey芽他们是干什么的?Theyarepolicemen.他们是警察。注:有时人们也…  相似文献   

功 能 口 语 1表达意愿在英美国家,人们通常会在不涉及个人隐私的情况下,较为坦率地说出自己做某事的打算、意图、安排与希望等. 常考口语 What does her mother want to be?她妈妈想要做什么工作? She wants to be a policewoman.她想当警察. What would you like?你想要点什么? I would like some noodles.我想要些面条.  相似文献   

功能口语 1 谈论职业 同学们,你们喜欢什么职业?今后想做什么?让我们一起来学习一下有关职业的问答吧! 常考口语 What do you do?你是做什么工作的? I'm an actor.我是名演员. What does he do?他是做什么的? He's a reporter.他是名记者. What do you want to be?你想做什么工作? 1 want to be a doctor.我想成为一名医生. What does he want to be?他想做什么职业? He wants to be a policeman.他想当警察.  相似文献   

be动词(am,is,are)常常表示“是”的含义,但在下列情况下,be不能译作“是”:1.在问候语以及答语中,be可以不译出来,例如:a.—H ow are you?你好吗?—I am fine.我很好。b.—H ow is he now?他身体好吗?—H e is O K.挺好的。2.在问及年龄以及答语中,be可以不译出来,例如:a.—H ow old are you,m y boy?伙计,你几岁?—I am tw elve.我十二岁了。b.—W hats his age?他多大?—H e is only five.他只有五岁。3.介词短语作表语时,be可以不译出来,例如:a.LiM in is athom e.李敏在家。b.H e is in bed.他在床上。4.形容词、副词作表语时,be…  相似文献   

夏安毓 《中学生英语》2002,(7):23-23,31-32
Ⅰ.听录音选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。1. A. Shall we go for a walk?B. Shall we go there on foot?C. Let us walk there, will you?2. A. Sometimes it will rain heavily.B. Sometimes it will be rainy.C. The wind will blow at times.3. A. It' ll be fine quickly.B. It' ll be cloudy soon.C. It' ll be rainy soon.  相似文献   

第1课时一、复习提问引入主题. 1.How is the weather today? Is it hot now? Is it cold? It's cool. 2.What season is it now? It's autumn. What will be the coming season? It will be winter. What was last season? It was summer.  相似文献   

6. My name's Bond, James Bond. 我叫邦德,詹姆斯邦德。——(《007系列》)7. You talking to me? You talking to me? 你在跟我说话吗?你在跟我说话吗?——《出租汽车司机》(《Taxi Driver》)8. To be or not to be, that's a question. 是生存,还是死亡,这是一个问题。——《哈姆雷特》(《Hamlet》)9. Mankind, that word should have new mean-ing for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests…you will once again be fighting for our f…  相似文献   

1.What’s the population of Germany?德国的人口有多少? 询问人口数量是多少,常用“What+be+thepopulation of+地点?”或“How large(big)+be+thepopulation of+地点?”句型,而不用“How many(How much)+be+the population of+…?”句型,如(2003年广西中考题).——the population ofGuangdong Province?A.What’s B.What number  相似文献   

1.询问某人现在从事何种职业 (1) W hat   do / does  某 人  do? (2) W hat   be  某人? (3) W hat  be  one’s occupation? A .-W hat do you do?你是 做 什么 工作 的 ? -I am  a police officer.我是 警 官。 B.-W hat’s your brother?你  相似文献   

1.你认为明天的天气会怎样?误:What do you think will the weather be like tomorrow?正:What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?  相似文献   

“Therebe...”句型是初中英语的重点句型之一,现将其用法归纳如下:一、be动词的形式句中be动词用单数形式还是用复数形式,由与其最靠近的用作主语的名词的数来决定。例如:Thereisapenandapencilinthepencil-box.Therearetwoapples,anorangeandsomebananasonthetable.二、时态运用一般现在时:ThereisamapofChinaonthewall.一般将来时:Therewill/isgoingtobeasportsmeetingnextweek.一般过去时:Howmanystudentswerethereinyourschoollastterm?过去将来时:TheteachersaidtherewouldbeafootballmatchonTVthisevening.现在完成时:Therehave…  相似文献   

How many times have you wished you could be more romantic with your partner? Chances are that it has been more than once or twice. So, how do you overcome your romantic hang-ups and be the romantic you have always wanted to be? Listed below are 3 simple steps to help you.  相似文献   

一、核心词汇★★★(略)二、核心句型★★★1.询问国籍:-Where are you from?你来自哪里?-I’m from America.我来自美国。拓展句型:-Where+be+主语+from?-主语+be+from+地点.问Mike来自哪里  相似文献   

1.usedtodosth.和be/getusedtosth./doingsth.1)usedto dosth.表示过去有过但现在已不存在的习惯或动作,常用于将过去某种情况与现在某种情况的对照。否定形式:usedn’tto/didn’tuseto。一般疑问句中,used可位于句首,也可以在句首用助动词did。如:①Heusedtobealazyboy,butnowheisveryhard-working.他以前是个懒惰的孩子,但现在工作努力。②———Usedhetosmoke?———他以前抽烟吗?———No.———不抽。③——Didheusetobeagoodswimmer?——他以前是个游泳好手吗?———No,hedidn’t.———不是。2)be/getusedtosth./doingsth.意思是“…  相似文献   

Unit One1.You mean all the newspapers and magazines ought to be read insidethe room?你的意思是所有的报刊杂志必须在阅览室里读?ought to be read 是带有情态动词的被动结构。此结构由情态动词 be V-ed 分词构成。  相似文献   

1.My name is Johnson.My parents have sixchildren.Half are boys and half are girls.How manybrothers and sisters have I? 2.I am ten years old.My brother is twice asold as I am.Will my brother be twice as old asI ten years later?How old will my brother be then?  相似文献   

1,I am ten years old.Mysister is twice as old as I am。Will my sister be twice as oldas I ten years later?How oldwill my sister be then?  相似文献   

there be透析     
Hi,friends,在上一单元中我们学习了一种新的句子,大家还记得吗?对,就是there be句型,表示某处存在某物或某人。今天,我们将更加深入地透析there be句型。首先请仔细观察下面的句子是怎么"改头换面"的吧!There is a river in the park.寅Is there a river in the park?There are some lakes on the mountain.寅Are there any lakes  相似文献   

Lindsay Lohan's and Paris Hilton's all-nighters would be no big deal. We'd be like, "You stayed up all night? So what. So did my grandma."There would be no need of Starbucks.  相似文献   

Questions: 1.What can you put in a barrel (桶) to make it lighter? 2.What has a mouth but doesn't speak,has a bed but never sleeps? 3.What has to be broken before it can be used? 4.What lives when you feed it but dies when you give it something to drink? 5.What flies without wings? 6.What do you break every time you say its name? 7.What can you feel but never see or touch?  相似文献   

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