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李庆社 《初中生》2008,(11):34-37
列方程解应用题的常见题型有:(1)和、差、倍、分问题;(2)行程问题;(3)调配问题;(4)工程问题;(5)浓度问题;(6)体积问题;(7)利润率问题;(8)数字问题.  相似文献   

辩证思考:我国高等教育难点问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本认为,我国高等教育问题需要辨证思考。为此,本从大学生的成长受多种因素的影响;高等教育发展受多种因素的制约;高等教育发展的随机与规律问题;大学生培养中的个性与共性问题;高等教育的现象与本质问题;大学生评价中的高分与能力问题;高等教育发展中的可能与可行问题;高等教育改革的辩证法等八个方面,论证了辩证法在分析高等教育问题中的运用问题。  相似文献   

针对英语阅读课教学中问题设计单一、提问方式单调的实际情况,以H.Douglas Brown的理论原型为基础,以具体语料为例,分析了七类不同问题的设计方式:细节复述型问题;细节理解型问题;分析型问题;综合型问题;推断型问题;评价型问题;应用型问题。并提出了各种问题具体应用的方法。  相似文献   

当前中小学心理咨询存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国中小学校心理咨询的现状,有几个较普遍的并须亟待解决的问题即:心理咨询与社会需求的适应性问题;心理咨询的专业性问题;心理咨询的伦理性问题;心理咨询的时效性问题;心理咨询的相关性问题。要改变这一现状各级领导必须给予应有重视,同时还要加强专业培训;做好普及工作;进行规范管理;提高人员素质。  相似文献   

反馈的主渠道有以下几个方面:1)备课时充分估计;2)上课中勤于捕捉;3)板演时注意收集;4)答问中随机提炼5)作业里逐一分析;6)阅卷中仔细归类;7)讲课后及时小结。复习时注意强化矫正的主要方法:1)少数人的问题个别矫正,群体性的问题集中矫正;2)简单问题立即矫正,复杂问题专题矫正;3)关键性问题重点矫正,一般性问题自我矫正;4)差生问题分层矫正,优生问题点拨矫正;5)特殊问题特殊矫正,综合问题对症矫正。  相似文献   

2009江苏物理高考试题总体比较平稳,难度设计张弛有度.试题注重理论联系实际,注重物理知识在生产、生活等方面的广泛应用.注重理论联系实际,关注科技的发展,体现时代性.如:红绿灯与刹车问题;跳伞问题等;闪光灯问题;水立方问题;回旋加速器问题;黑洞问题等;这些素材来自于生活实际与尖端技术,对学生在学习过程中关注社会、关注科...  相似文献   

掌握学习运用中的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了掌握学习,指出掌握学习运用中的误区及解决策略:学生观的真正改变;反馈──矫正程序的科学实施;创造性的学习问题;差生的转化策略问题;优异学生的教学问题;教育目标的零散问题。  相似文献   

人工冻土冻胀融沉问题研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了冻胀融沉问题和人工冻土冻胀融沉问题的特殊性;冻胀融沉问题的研究现状,包括冻胀机理和冻胀预报模型;融沉机理和影响融沉的主要因素;与冻胀融沉有关的参数测试的进展情况;工程中控制冻胀量和融沉量的一般方法;分析了冻胀融沉问题研究目前存在的问题;并展望了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

命题趋势 关于古代经济史我们应该关注以下几个方面作为未来高考的走向:商品经济和城市经济的发展;江南的开发和古代经济重心的南移;赋税制度改革的得与失;水利基础设施建设;东西经济区域发展的问题;历代中央政府对边疆地区和少数民族地区的开发和管辖;交通发展问题;人口迁移问题;  相似文献   

论文是作者通过说理的方式来说服读者,使读者接受自己观点的一种文体,它与教材最大不同之处就在于,论文具有强烈的问题意识,始终必须围绕读者的“问题”来做文章。论文“问题”能否成立的判断条件是:①读者有疑问;②读者有兴趣;③作者能回答。一篇论文如果不具有问题意识,其主要表现往往是:①虚构问题;②只说常识话;③口号式文字表达;④语言晦涩;⑤为引用而引用。能否提出“问题”与作者提炼问题的能力有关,提炼问题的方法一般有:①作相反的思考;②请读者提问;③换位思考。提炼问题的能力与问题意识有很大关系。问题意识可以通过以下途径来培养:①同一主题同时看;②研究A,也看非A;③经常参加辩论会等。  相似文献   

Both active questions i.e. questions asked by subjects, and provided (or passive) questions i.e. offered to subjects as problems for solution, had been found to facilitate learning and retention of prose material when subjects were faced with a task of sufficient difficulty to challenge their competence. With difficult prose, boys and low ability subjects had gained most from active questions. These effects were more pronounced in the long term. In this study, the effects of relevant active questions i.e. questions which subjects can put alongside answers, are investigated and compared with those of active and provided questions, over a series of six presentations for both the short and the long term (i.e. after ten months). In the short term, although active questions give greater help than provided questions on the first presentation, and relevant active questions give the greatest improvement between the first and second presentations, provided questions are the most helpful overall. In the long term, however, both the active questions treatments prove to be as effective as provided questions. For low ability boys, the difference between treatments is negligble even in the short term; under the relevant active questions treatment the number of questions asked is greater; and the decline in inspection time over presentations is negligible.This study formed part of a Schools' Council Research project (Director: Dr. W. P. Robinson) in the Department of Psychology, University of Southampton.  相似文献   

While many teachers agree that the questions students ask are valuable, researchers have found that student questions are notably absent from most classrooms. We know almost nothing about the exceptions to this—classrooms where teachers manage to elicit and use student questions effectively in instruction. One fourth grade teacher, known for her use of student questions, was selected for this study. Classroom observations and interviews were used to gather data; qualitative methods were utilized to analyze the teacher interviews and the interactions surrounding 260 questions students asked during observations. This paper highlights the teacher’s stance toward her students and their questions. 1) The teacher viewed her students as learners who asked questions to increase their understanding. 2) The teacher viewed the assumptions revealed by student questions, as ‘steps’ to the curriculum. 3) The teacher viewed her students’ questions through the lens of potential; that is, she responded to questions based on how they might promote the understanding of her students.  相似文献   

This study examined teachers’ questions and children's responses during a play-based activity implemented in small groups within preschool classrooms. The first aim of this study was to describe teachers’ questions in terms of four levels of abstraction (i.e., a continuum of literal to inferential questions) and children's responses to these questions. The second aim was to examine the relations between teachers’ questions and children's responses using sequential analyses, to include children's level of abstraction and mean length of utterance (MLU). Participants were 39 teachers and up to six children from their preschool classroom. We found that teachers’ questions made up an average of 25% of their talk to children during play, and were relatively balanced between literal and inferential questions. Furthermore, significant sequential associations were found between the level of abstraction of teachers’ questions and the level of abstraction of children's responses (e.g., teachers’ inferential questions tended to elicit children's inferential responses). Finally, we found that teachers’ inferential questions were not related to children's MLU; that is, teachers’ more abstract questions did not elicit longer utterances from children. These findings suggest that play is a valuable context in which teachers may promote children's use of inferential language.  相似文献   

We present an exploratory study of biologists’ ideas about higher-order cognition questions. We documented the conversations of biologists who were writing and reviewing a set of higher-order cognition questions. Using a qualitative approach, we identified the themes of these conversations. Biologists in our study used Bloom''s Taxonomy to logically analyze questions. However, biologists were also concerned with question difficulty, the length of time required for students to address questions, and students’ experience with questions. Finally, some biologists demonstrated an assumption that questions should have one correct answer, not multiple reasonable solutions; this assumption undermined their comfort with some higher-order cognition questions. We generated a framework for further research that provides an interpretation of participants’ ideas about higher-order questions and a model of the relationships among these ideas. Two hypotheses emerge from this framework. First, we propose that biologists look for ways to measure difficulty when writing higher-order questions. Second, we propose that biologists’ assumptions about the role of questions in student learning strongly influence the types of higher-order questions they write.  相似文献   

Students' questions play an important role in meaningful learning and scientific inquiry. They are a potential resource for both teaching and learning science. Despite the capacity of students' questions for enhancing learning, much of this potential still remains untapped. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to examine and review the existing research on students' questions and to explore ways of advancing future work into this area. The paper begins by highlighting the importance and role of students' questions from the perspectives of both the learner and the teacher. It then reviews the empirical research on students' questions, with a focus on four areas: (1) the nature and types of these questions; (2) the effects of teaching students questioning skills; (3) the relationship between students' questions and selected variables; and (4) teachers' responses to, and students' perceptions of, students' questions. Following this, some issues and implications of students' questions for classroom instruction are discussed. The paper concludes by suggesting several areas for future research that have significant value for student learning.  相似文献   

Two focusing hypotheses were evaluated. First, do adjunct questions, focusing on science concepts and inserted after computer-animated sequences, selectively alter students' attentional or practice processing and thus produce differential learning effects? Theoretically, such questions selectively focus students' attention and enhance concept learning of focused concepts. Second, do these questions still provide enough metacognitive scaffolding to produce differential learning effects when only the first 8 out of 12 sequences are followed by focusing questions? Eighth-grade students (n = 160) were randomly assigned to a control group (lesson alone) or one of four treatment groups (lesson plus 12 questions focusing either on heat or on temperature, or lesson plus the same first 8 questions on heat or temperature followed by 4 placebo questions). Two significant two-way interactions with widely varying F ratios supported the differential focusing hypotheses (12 questions—more robust interaction, 8—less robust interaction).  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between fifth-grade students' verbal ability level and the adaptive nature of the questions that these students asked in attempting to find a correct synonym for vocabulary items. Questions were divided into necessary questions (questions posed after a wrong provisional answer) and unnecessary questions (questions posed after a right provisional answer). Another division of questions was into helpful questions (questions that led to a correction of a wrong provisional answer) and harmful questions (questions that led to a shift from a right to a wrong answer). Also examined were discontinued inquiries (instances in which a student decided to break off an inquiry in favor of inferring the right alternative). The results showed that students with high verbal ability asked more necessary questions and stepped up the number of unnecessary questions for difficult items, signaling that these questions were asked to increase confidence in knowing. Students' verbal ability did not affect the frequency of discontinued inquiries, but a significant effect was found for the helpfulness of these inquiries. A detailed account of the various processes and stages involved in students' questioning is presented.  相似文献   

问题是整个高等教育研究活动的逻辑起点,也是高等教育研究的灵魂,能够发现并提出有价值的研究问题是高等教育研究者的必备素质。问题的特点有三,第一,问题是在已经存在的理论和现实事物基础上产生的;第二,问题与主体(人)密切相关;第三,问题是不断发展的。高等教育的研究问题主要来源于高等教育实践和现有高等教育理论之间的矛盾,来源于高等教育理论内部以及高等教育和其他学科理论之间所产生的矛盾和问题。高等教育研究者在选择并确定研究问题时,要注意处理好真问题与假问题、热点问题与冷门问题、有重大价值的问题与自己能胜任的问题、他人的问题与自己的问题这四对关系,从而保证选好研究问题,使研究活动有一个好的开端。  相似文献   

刘彦华 《中学教育》2011,(3):86-90,103
随着新课程改革的发展,课堂提问有效性越来越受到人们的关注。课堂提问是师生互动的表现形式之一,教师在提出问题之前要考虑到学生的特点来设计问题;在提问之时要关注与学生的对话;在提问之后要尊重学生的回答并鼓励学生提问。  相似文献   

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