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学前智障儿童普遍具有语言障碍,影响其思维、沟通交往能力以及社会适应能力的发展。江苏省张家港市特殊教育学校以培养生活适应能力、遵循身心发展规律、体现学前游戏特性、关注个体差异为指导思想,根据学前智障儿童语言发展特点和学习需求,开发出学前智障儿童语言康复校本课程“生活适应+语言”,有效促进学前智障儿童语言能力的发展。  相似文献   

刘娟 《学周刊C版》2019,(23):88-88
手指游戏在智障儿童教学与康复中的应用,对智障儿童的教学效果以及身体机能的康复有着积极的影响。手指游戏可激发学习兴趣,调节课堂气氛,促进身心康复。在运用手指游戏对智障儿童进行教学时,可采用纯手指游戏,变幻手指形状,拓展想象空间,还可运用生活材料进行手指游戏。  相似文献   

智障儿童由于智力发展迟缓,普遍存在语言障碍。针对多数智障儿童具有的语言能力不佳问题,以手指游戏《五个苹果》以及拓展的学习活动为例,为智障儿童提供听、说、读、写的学习机会,从而增强智障儿童的语言表达能力。本文介绍了选择和使用手指游戏时需要注意的问题:按照学生的发展水平选择手指游戏的内容;根据教学主题单元设计游戏活动;成人指导游戏活动;不断重复游戏活动。  相似文献   

为了解“托幼机构”轻度智障儿童支持性游戏开展的现状,对成都某学前特殊教育机构的轻度智障儿童进行观察记录,并对教师和家长进行访谈,发现教师普遍没有给予符合轻度智障儿童实际需要的游戏支持,轻度智障儿童的支持性游戏开展很不够.对特教机构开展智障儿童支持性游戏的建议为:教师应加强对智障儿童的特点的研究,特教机构应组织教师参加各种学习不断更新教育观念,提高教师对智障儿童支持性游戏的认知和操作能力.  相似文献   

江苏省张家港市特殊教育学校依据《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》,根据学前智障儿童的身心发展特点,明确“适应生活”的重点目标,开发“生活适应+”课程;突出“康复训练”的首要需求,统筹安排每日教育活动;体现“游戏特性”的教学要求,合理设计教育活动内容,让康复和认知学习浸润在游戏中;重视个别化教育需要,制订个性化教育活动方案,保证教育活动的有效推进,促进学前智障儿童的健康发展。  相似文献   

德国著名教育家巴赛多认为:一切知识始于感觉,事物的经验重于一切。对儿童来讲,他提出的教学方法是一切学习在游戏过程中进行。游戏是促进智障儿童智力发展的有效手段。游戏中有动作,有情节,有玩具和游戏材料,符合智障儿童认知的特点,唤起智障儿童的兴趣和注意力,激发着智障儿童积极的感知、观察、注意、记忆、思维和想象等,在轻松、愉快的氛围中实现着智障儿童智力的发展。特殊教育一方面要把  相似文献   

当前,智障儿童的阅读素养普遍较低,而培智学校义务教育生活语文课程总目标对其阅读能力提出了明确要求,阅读素养的提升也是其适应与融入社会的现实之需。游戏作为智障儿童绘本阅读教学中常用的教学方式,通过在五轮行动方案中实施绘本游戏,智障儿童的阅读素养在阅读流畅度、信息定位、文本理解、评价与反思四个方面均有不同程度的提升。同时,一套适合智障儿童的绘本游戏模式,即“语言游戏+运动游戏+表演游戏+美工游戏+科学探究游戏”也在实践中逐步成形。  相似文献   

随着学前教育的发展,儿童游戏权逐步受到国人重视。梳理建国后的学前儿童游戏政策与法律文本,发现其经历了学前儿童游戏初露头角(1949-1996)、学前儿童游戏持续发展(1997-2019)、学前儿童游戏有序推进(2020-2022)三阶段,实现了从“基本活动”到“法律权利”的转变。同时,游戏权的确立使得游戏政策中的儿童观、游戏观、学习观、权利观发生转变。游戏权也被赋予了自由价值、人权价值与正义价值。为更好落实学前儿童游戏权的发展,需保障幼儿游戏时空、创设游戏安全环境、尊重幼儿游戏选择意愿、健全学前教育游戏权教研指导网络与质量评估体系。  相似文献   

学前智障儿童的教育实践中没有成熟的教学模式、缺乏教学内容、教材、方法和成熟经验,教育师资也严重匮乏,这是事实。加之智障儿童的障碍种类、程度等各不相同,现今学前培智教育教学工作一直都处于摸索阶段。因此,学前培智教育需要合适的课程理念,需要挑选有价值的教学内容,需要确定恰当的教学目标,也需要更加注重启发智障儿童的潜能。  相似文献   

精细动作训练是对智障学生进行康复训练的一个重要方法,能够增强其手部动作的灵活性、准确性,提高他们的手眼协调能力。在数学活动课中,有意识安排了精细动作训练的尝试:把精细动作训练与思维的有序性相结合;把精细动作训练与操作的准确性相结合,改善手指动作的精细化程度,提高了智障学生手—眼—脑的协调能力,从而提高智障学生的智力。  相似文献   

为了解决体育教学中智障儿童学习的困难,文章根据智障儿童的身心特点,提出了体育游戏教学法及其编排原则。  相似文献   

Children’s biases toward their peers with intellectual disabilities tend to have negative developmental and social consequences for those with intellectual disabilities. As a result, researchers developed intervention programs to reduce biases toward children with intellectual disabilities. This meta-analysis is a quantitative summary of 59 studies and 144 hypothesis tests involving intervention programs to change children’s attitudes toward their peers with intellectual disabilities. Results revealed an overall significant effect (d = 0.44): following intervention programs, children’s attitudes toward their peers with intellectual disabilities increased. Moderators indicate that the most effective interventions were those that occurred over multiple sessions, involved active engagement in multiple strategies and social interactions, emphasized equal status contact that was unstructured or indirect, and had little adult guidance. Interventions had no effect on changing children’s perceptions of competence and participants in junior high had more negative attitudes following the interventions. Findings provide guidance for researchers, educators, and counselors who seek methodologies to reduce biases toward children with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the role of the peripatetic pre-school teacher for children who have special educational needs. It explores the key issues involved in home-based teaching; the importance of developing meaningful partnerships with parents; early intervention; and the significance of play in promoting learning for young children. The research that informs this article is concerned with the possibility of teaching science to pre-school children with special educational needs. The author, Andrea Bennington, was herself an early years special educational needs inclusion teacher when she undertook the work described here. She is now an advisory teacher for children with physical disabilities. In this example of practitioner research, key scientific concepts are discussed in the context of intervention through play carried out in the home setting. The work focuses on the responses of six children to a sequence of six 'experiments' carried out through a period of teaching. Andrea Bennington asks whether science activities can be used to promote the learning experiences of pre-school children who have special educational needs and, therefore, their inclusion in teaching and learning situations.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,对于特殊儿童的关注度不断提高,越来越重视特殊儿童教育。智障儿童是特殊的儿童群体之一,由于大脑出现器质性的损伤,大脑发展不全,在认知、心理、运动以及社会交往中都存在一定的障碍,从而影响儿童之后的健康成长。而这些障碍其实可以通过采用不同的感觉统合训练加以改善,帮助儿童过上正常的生活。本文就感觉统合训练对智障儿童的实效性影响以及应用策略进行分析。  相似文献   

The present study assessed the impact that children with intellectual disabilities have on their mothers' self-esteem. It also examined the differences in self-esteem between mothers of children with intellectual disabilities and mothers of non-disabled children. The study sample consisted of 50 mothers of children with intellectual disabilities living in Central Greece and a comparison group of 50 mothers of non-disabled children. Two instruments were used for the data collection: (a) a questionnaire for biographic information and (b) an adaptation of the Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory. Results indicated significantly lower self-esteem for the mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. Moreover, the best predictor of maternal self-esteem in the disabled group was the size of the family.  相似文献   

Globally, children with intellectual disabilities are at an increased risk of being victims of maltreatment compared to those without disabilities. Among the children who do disclose the abuse, limitations with communication and working memory can result in their allegation being perceived as not credible. There are several evidence-based interviewing methods available to interviewers for improving the accuracy and amount of detail in children’s testimonies, such as free-recall and cognitive load questioning. In general, these interviewing methods have been developed and tested with typically developing populations, and do not take into consideration the needs of children with intellectual disabilities. Further, there is very little empirical work to guide forensic interviews with intellectually disabled populations, despite there being a great need for such strategies. To address this notable gap in the literature, the current article reviews the contemporary literature on forensic interviewing to identify the best methods for questioning children with intellectual disabilities in maltreatment cases. Adaptations to the commonly used forensic interviewing techniques, including verbal, nonverbal, and repeated questioning strategies, are proposed that address the unique developmental, social, and emotional needs of this population. Furthermore, a series of recommendations are provided to enhance the limited forensic interviewing research with this population.  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿最基本的活动,是一种特殊的社会性活动,对幼儿身心健康发展有着重要的作用。游戏是无功利性的,幼儿教师不仅自身要正确对待游戏教育,更要引导家长正确看待游戏,使"幼教小学化"不要借着"基本普及学前教育"这股东风愈演愈烈。幼儿教师应该意识到幼儿园课程的选择以及评价体系的"无目的性",以免给"应试教育"和"幼儿教育小学化"一个"繁衍"的温室。游戏的愉快性是游戏的本质所在,幼儿教师要真正地把游戏看作幼儿发展的活动,不要把游戏仅仅作为吸引孩子的"噱头"。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore Chinese parents’ understanding about the importance and feasibility of quality pre-school inclusion and how these beliefs are affected by their levels of education and the types of disabilities in the Chinese socio-cultural and policy contexts. Findings support parents are highly supportive of the philosophy of inclusion. Both groups of parents of children with and without disabilities have different expectations for what quality inclusion looks like in the six dimensions of inclusion except for professional development and resources. The higher the levels of education, the more likely regular parents agree on all six dimensions of inclusion. Finally, disability categories did not affect parents’ beliefs. Parents of children with multiple disabilities expressed the greatest need for inclusion. Overall, parents’ agreement with the important features of inclusion reflects a greater expectation for quality inclusion and policy-making to make this happen to all young children.  相似文献   

Children with and without intellectual disabilities were observed playing with toys during both home‐based independent play and classroom‐based freeplay situations. Categorical and sequential play was analysed for within‐ and between‐group patterns. Within‐group patterns during classroom freeplay were similar for both groups. There were no significant differences among home‐based categorical play variables for children with intellectual disabilities; however, children without intellectual disabilities engaged in significantly more constructive play than other home‐based categorical play types. Between‐group analyses of home–classroom difference scores revealed greater variability in play for children with intellectual disabilities than children without intellectual disabilities. The analyses presented complement and extend extant work on contextually‐based variation of children’s toy play supporting a more positive ability profile for children with intellectual disabilities than that engendered by classroom‐based observations. Results have implications for (a) perceptions of and attitudes toward children with intellectual disabilities held by stakeholders, and (b) how intervention targets are determined.  相似文献   

本研究主要通过问卷调查分析智障儿童学习活动支持程度的特点。通过研究发现,不同性别、年龄、家庭所在地、父母受教育水平、家庭序列的智障学生在基本学习活动、自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异不显著;不同家庭社经水平的智障儿童在自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异不显著,但在基本学习活动上差异显著;不同智力水平在基本学习活动、自我决定活动所需支持程度差异显著,但在健康与安全活动方面差异不显著;不同适应行为水平的智障儿童在自我决定活动、健康与安全活动所需支持程度差异显著。  相似文献   

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