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英语课堂教学中,为提高教学效果,应该采取有效措施,强化学生主体参与,调动学生学习热情,让学生更好参与课堂活动,从而构建高效英语课堂。文章主要就该问题提出教学策略,希望能够为实际工作提供指导。  相似文献   

教师类型、学生参与课堂的意识和课堂活动设计是影响英语课堂有效互动的因素。优化小组活动、注重提问策略,以及利用多媒体和网络创造互动,可以推动互动教学策略的运用,进而提高学习成效和促进语言习得。  相似文献   

近年来,由于上海市松江区的快速发展,外来人口的集聚导人,学校规模迅速扩张,生源质量相对下降。上海市松江第二中学实施"调控导学"的教学策略,让学生动起来,主动参与英语课堂全过程;建构"以学评教"绿色评价机制,打造充满活力的英语课堂,收到良好效果。一、有效调控现代教学论认为,活力课堂的核心是学生的参与,学生是学习活动的主体,教师的教学设计是围绕学生的需要而展开的。课堂有效调控能力是教师组织课堂的综合能力,它有赖于教师的理论修养与实践体验,它的目的在于在课堂上最大限度地调动学  相似文献   

有效教学的核心是通过教师切实有效地"教",使学生获得切实有效的进步和发展。因此,中职英语课堂实施有效教学,势在必行。本文试图从创造积极实用学习环境、培养学生良好学习习惯、充分发挥学生主体作用、开展任务课堂有效活动和注重课堂小组合作学习五个方面来探讨中职英语课堂的有效教学策略。  相似文献   

课堂互动本身作为一种语言交际活动,是学生语言实践的极好机会,而学生课堂参与程度又直接关系着师生课堂互动的成败。通过实际调查和量化统计的方法,本研究旨在了解大学英语课堂学生参与模式的基本特征和学生对课堂活动类型的认同状况,通过对课堂参与模式、课堂活动类型、学习成绩和性格之间的相关性分析,探讨互动教学中影响学生课堂参与的主要因素。在此基础上提出了改进大学英语学生课堂参与行为的教学策略。  相似文献   

英语课堂是学生学习英语最主要的途径,学生的积极参与是有效教学的核心,没有参与就没有教学。因而,在教学中必须充分调动学生的积极性,让学生最大限度地参与到课堂中去。教师要创设以"学生为中心"的英语课堂,培养学习兴趣,组织丰富多彩的课堂活动,及时地反馈和评价,从而提高学生参与课堂的积极性。  相似文献   

课堂是学生学习的主场所,英语学困生在英语课堂上往往出现一些不参与行为,提高学生课堂参与是学困生转化的重要途径。  相似文献   

透过对中职生英语课堂活动现状的分析,提出针对课堂活动的教学策略,即:树理想,明目标,消除自卑、胆怯心里,增添学生参与课堂活动的勇气;循序善诱,水到渠成,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情;精心创设英语课堂活动内容,激发学生参与活动的欲望;采用灵活多变的活动形式和现代化教学手段,增加学生参与活动的乐趣;改变“以教师为中心”的传统教学模式,形成新型的师生关系,调动学生参与活动的主动性;为学生创设语言实践活动的环境与氛围。扩大学生参与活动的空间与能力。  相似文献   

本文从目前农村高中英语课堂的现状出发,结合教学案例,提出通过合理进行教材重组、活用教材,创设情境、培养学生学习兴趣,精心设问、激发学生学习动力等教学策略,提高英语课堂教学的有效性,让英语课堂成为学生有效学习的乐园。  相似文献   

基础教育教学课堂中教师和学生的活动行为,集中体现了课堂生命发展的运动、生成和进化。而构建基于学生发展的英语课堂的关键在于教师要转变观念,不断改进教学策略,刺激学生主动发展的欲望,提供学生成功获取知识的条件,帮助学生完善持续发展的能力,从而全面落实自主学习、探究学习、合作学习,促进英语课堂有效教学。  相似文献   

Educators aim to equip students with learning strategies they can apply when approaching new problems on their own. Teaching design-thinking strategies may support this goal. A first test would show that the strategies are good for learning and that students spontaneously transfer them beyond classroom instruction. To examine this, we introduce choice-based assessments (CBAs). CBAs measure how people learn when there is minimal guidance and they must make decisions as independent learners. Here, sixth-grade students completed multiple design activities that emphasized either seeking constructive criticism or exploring a space of alternatives. Afterward, they completed the CBAs, which measured strategy transfer. Results showed that lower-achieving students benefitted most from instruction, exhibiting a relative increase in their use of design-thinking strategies. In addition, strategy choices correlated with prior achievement measures and appeared to mediate performance in and learning from the CBAs. The choices to use the two strategies themselves were not correlated, which indicates that they are not subsets of a larger construct, such as growth mindset. In sum, CBAs enabled a double demonstration: design-thinking strategies may improve learning and problem solving, and design-thinking instruction may improve the likelihood of lower-achieving students choosing to use effective strategies in novel settings that require new learning.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in teachers' and students' perceptions of students' effort, strategy use, and academic difficulties when strategy instruction was infused into the classroom curriculum. The sample consisted of 201 students with learning disabilities, 210 average achievers, and 57 teachers from Grades 4–9 in two urban and suburban communities. After six months of classroom‐based strategy instruction, students with learning disabilities reported more consistent use of strategies with their schoolwork and perceived themselves as struggling less in reading, writing, and spelling. Teachers perceived the students with learning disabilities as more strategic and as applying more effort to their schoolwork. Teachers also perceived their students as showing significant improvements in spelling, regardless of whether they had learning disabilities. These findings extended the results of previous investigations and indicated the small, positive impact of classroom‐based strategy instruction. Further investigations are critical to evaluate the generalizability of these findings.  相似文献   

学习策略教学的类型、阶段与特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教会学生学习、教会学生思考已成为当前心理学关注的热点问题。课堂策略教学主要涉及学习策略教学类型、教学阶段和教学的特点。学习策略教学的类型主要分为通用和学科学习策略,学习策略的教学基本阶段为激发兴趣、策略剖析、策略运用和策略反思四阶段,学习策略教学的特点包括策略的选择、策略的教学要素、策略的教学展示及策略教学的有效性条件诸方面。  相似文献   

英语学习策略及在课堂中的训练   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据学习和信息加工的一般认知模式,中学阶段学生英语学习过程中要培养的学习策略应为认知策略、元认知策略和资源管理策略。学生学习策略能力的提高,需要进行必要的训练,为此教师应做好以下准备:1.建立一个以学习者为主体的课堂;2.培养学生反思的意识;3.学生对语言学习的自我评估;4.帮助学生识别正在使用的学习策略;5.教学生学写学习日记。学生学习策略的课堂训练主要包括:介绍、讲授、练习、评价、扩展五个步骤。  相似文献   

高宪礼 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(12):107-110
借鉴西方显性学习策略训练模式,采用书面问卷、策略教学及阅读测试等调查方法,对以策略训练为基础的阅读教学的影响进行探讨和研究。结果表明:系统地接受显性策略训练的学生在阅读成绩方面明显优于对照组;以策略为基础的阅读教学增强了学生的策略使用意识;通过对成功和非成功阅读者的比较,发现策略的运用与阅读水平的提高间有显著相关性。问卷调查显示,学生对策略训练普遍持认同态度,说明这类策略训练活动应用于大学外语课堂阅读教学是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

Sometimes students will exhibit various aggressive behaviors in the preschool classroom. Early childhood educators need to have behavior management strategies to manage the students’ negative behaviors within the classroom setting. This article will provide a rationale for embedding literacy instruction within behavior management strategies to assist preschool age students with negative behaviors. Three widely used classroom management strategies will be explained: group contingencies, anger management, and individualized behavior plans with differential reinforcement of other behaviors. Each strategy will have developmentally appropriate literacy skills infused into it. In conclusion, a suggestion will be given to early childhood educators on how to implement these blended management techniques.  相似文献   

运用数学方法论指导中小学数学课堂教学是提高教学效率的一个有效途径,恰当运用数学方法论有利于加深学生对知识的理解和记忆,有利于发展学生的数学能力特别是创新能力和应用数学的能力,有利于节省讲授时间,有利于提高学生探究问题的效率。  相似文献   

有效课堂教学策略是教师为了达到预期的课堂教学目的、促进学生有效学习、实现课堂教学有效性所采取的一系列具体的解决问题的行为方式。通过体现有效课堂教学特征、促进大学生有效学习的课堂教学行为策略的探讨,可以提高西部地区新建高校教学质量和教师有效教学的能力,有效地促进教师专业成长。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study examining the effects of combined strategy and attributional training through small-group intervention in a specific reading task context. The training aims to provide instruction in the use of reading strategies while at the same time to convince students that their reading performance is attributable to their use of effective strategies, which is under their personal control. Four grade 7 (13 year old) classes, consisting of 40 poor readers and 56 average readers, participated in the study. Students were randomly allocated to one of four instruction conditions involving different combinations of strategy instruction and attributional training. Instruction was provided in small groups of 6 to 8 students over nine one-hour sessions. Results indicated that teaching poor readers use of effective reading strategies, while convincing them that reading successes and failures were attributable to use of effective or ineffective strategies, not only improved their comprehension performance and increased use of reading strategies, but also reduced their perceptions of learned helplessness.  相似文献   

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