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Self-efficacy beliefs have been identified as associated with students’ academic performance. The present research assessed the relationship between two new self-efficacy scales (self-efficacy in reading [SER] and self-efficacy in writing [SEW]) and students’ writing performance on a piece of assessed written coursework. Using data from first and second year undergraduate psychology students at a UK university (N?=?145), the results showed that both SER and SEW were related to actual writing performance. Overall the results support the importance of the concept of self-efficacy in relation to student performance. We discuss the relevance of self-efficacy on students’ perceptions and self-regulations.  相似文献   

The notion that future performance can be affected by information about previous performance is often expressed in terms of ‘closing the gap’. Feedback has long been recognised as a mechanism through which teaching and learning may be influenced. The current wave of support in the United Kingdom for assessment for learning echoes these sentiments. This paper examines the feedback strategies employed by two experienced literacy practitioners in England. Using data gathered from field observations, interviews and documentary sources, the paper presents evidence of espoused practice associated with feedback, demonstrating that whilst teachers may claim that they make effective use of some feedback strategies to support pupils’ learning and motivation, that this is not supported by empirical data. The paper also identifies that whilst some teachers aim to mark every piece of pupils’ written work for perceived motivational benefits; such a strategy can undermine pupils’ intrinsic motivation and lead to a culture of over-dependency, whereby the locus of control with regard to feedback lies solely with the teacher. The paper concludes by exploring some possible implications for practice with regard to the provision of written feedback in particular.  相似文献   

This short piece is written in response to an article by Brian Street on the implications of New Literacy Studies in the last issue of English in Education.  相似文献   

曹植《怀亲赋》写作年代考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据济阳与东阿的距离,以及随从和守孝的情况,曾植的《怀亲赋》不可能作于封东阿王后,也不可能作于居鄄城、洛阳。据济阳和雍丘的距离,以及曹植居雍丘时的心态,《怀亲赋》最有可能作于此地。再据进一步证明,《怀亲赋》的写作年代最有可能在黄初五年(224年)或黄初六年(225年)或太和三年(229年)。  相似文献   

《儿童钢琴组曲》是柴可夫斯基针对儿童演奏者或钢琴初学者而创作的内容丰富的24首乐曲。每一首乐曲都反应了孩子不同年龄阶段的性格特点。24首乐曲备有特色,表现出孩子在生活中喜怒哀乐不同的情绪及生活场景。在演奏每首乐曲时要理解作者的创作意图、刻画怎样的音乐形象和音乐场景,因此要运用不同的演奏速度、力度、触键方法来准确的诠释。  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of Bullacta exarata spermatozoa observed by light and transmission electron microscopy are presented in this paper. The spermatozoon is composed of head with a simple acrosomal complex and an elongated nucleus, and tail with a midpiece, principal piece and an end piece. The midpiece consists of a mitochondrial ring, and the principal piece is composed of axoneme and lateral fin. The structure of B. exarata spermatozoa differs significantly from that of other gastropods, especially in the lateral fin and the principal piece, which was described scarcely before. A comparison is made between B. exarata and other gastropods, and its significance on reproductive evolution and physio-ecological adaptation is preliminarily discussed. Project supported by the Committee of Natural Science of Zhejiang Province (No. 398081) and Wenzhou Normal College (No. 2001Y15), China  相似文献   

Recent changes in mathematics curricula, both in South Africa and elsewhere, have begun to change the overwhelmingly symbolic nature of mathematics in schools (in the sense of use of mathematical symbolism), promoting more use of the oral and written language. Engaging students in `Writing-to-Learn' activities in mathematics classrooms has been identified and claimed by various mathematics education researchers as having a positive impact on the learning of mathematics. In this paper, I report on a piece of research, which is part of a broader study, on forms of mathematical writing and written texts produced by learners in grade 7 (12–13-year-olds) classes in six junior high schools in KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa.  相似文献   

《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉·勃朗特的杰作,也是世界文学园地中的一朵奇葩。女作家独特的性格和生活经历,作品中极具个性的人物塑造,环境刻画和情节构造方面的哥特手法,使《呼啸山庄》具有了永恒的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

康白情的《新诗底我见》是一篇综合性研究的诗论,它对于中国现代诗学的综合研究具有开创性意义,因此,《新诗底我见》是中国现代诗学综合研究的开端之作。  相似文献   

This article is a piece of ‘fiction written under oath’. It reports two key findings of a doctoral research project, which investigated English teachers’ reactions to the abolition of Year 9 SATs in England and in Wales. The research showed that in both countries, English teachers’ pedagogical repertoires have widened as a result of the removal of SATs. However, in Wales, in the absence of external testing, teachers are coming under pressure to inflate assessments. The piece also engages with the theme of professional empowerment via doctoral level work and asks questions about the conventions of academic writing.  相似文献   

何建明的问题报告文学《根本利益》,通过扎实细致的调查采访,以很强的责任意识和使命意识直面黑恶势力下的农民的苦难,站在人民的同一地平线上,为基层民众说话、为人民的利益鼓与呼,并成功塑造了一位时刻把生活在社会最底层的广大农民的根本利益放在首位、扎扎实实为群众办实事的“百姓书记”梁雨润这一典型艺术形象,表达了作者浓厚的百姓情结、可贵的忧患意识和清醒的人民信念,该作是新时期人民报告的“急先锋”。  相似文献   

吕茂丽 《海外英语》2012,(13):228-230
Love is a fallacy,written by Max Shulman,is a piece of humorous modern writing which demonstrates wit and satire of language.The thesis is intended to analyze the stylistic features from three levels:grammatical,lexical and semantic features,and thus to reveal the overall characteristics of language use and textual organization.  相似文献   

张爱玲是一位极具传奇色彩的作家,历来的研究者往往被其富有魅力的小说世界所吸引.<爱>是张爱玲写于1944年的一篇散文,虽然它远非张爱玲最成功、最具代表性的作品,但却对理解张爱玲创作的情感世界提供了重要线索以<爱>为着眼点,结合张爱玲的经历分析这一篇"心灵独白"及相关艺术形象,可以解读张爱玲荒凉感产生的原因,以及她在人生荒凉感中的心灵追寻.  相似文献   

论弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的后印象主义艺术观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张叶 《怀化学院学报》2009,28(12):86-88
20世纪初,伍尔夫在后印象主义绘画的影响下形成了自己独特的艺术观。其艺术观在《到灯塔去》中主要体现在两个方面:追求内在真实和艺术创作的非个人化。寻求内心真实的艺术观使得伍尔夫的兴趣由客观世界转向感受客观世界的人物的心灵;强调艺术创作的非个人化突出了人物在小说中的地位。通过对后印象主义绘画理论的借鉴,伍尔夫在艺术观的指导下成功地用文字绘出了画卷。  相似文献   

沈从文《丈夫》是一篇描写特殊湘西人的生活样式的短篇小说。文章从人性的角度剖析了“丈夫”在妓船上一天两夜间的三次心理变化过程 :即由蒙昧、矛盾到逐渐觉醒的心理历程  相似文献   

康有为政治制度改革思想的形成及变化,明显地从七上书中表现出来,《上清帝第一书》为第一阶段,为政治制度改革思想萌芽时期;《第二书》、《第三书》、《第四书》、《第五书》为第二阶段,此时他形成了君主立宪思想;《第六书》、《第七书》为第三阶段,他的政治制度改革思想趋向例退与保守。作为维新派领袖,其政治制度改革思想的形成和变化直接影响了变法的进程及成败。  相似文献   

备课是一门学问,备好课应该是一种艺术,它是教好课的前提,是学生学好的重要保证.备课的重点是"三备三写".  相似文献   

宋玉的《讽赋》是针对“楚襄王好女色”的专题讽谏文章,全文借自我辩白,概括了女性示爱的典型规律和男性自律的基本规范,为君王认知女色和应对女色提供了经验性借鉴,其讽谏的实质是止欲与戒淫。  相似文献   

彭桂萼撰写的《西南边城缅宁》仿地方志体例编纂,内容包括发端、自然环境、历史源流、社会活动和尾声5章,共9万余字。《西南边城缅宁》于1938年出版,是彭桂萼一生中最重要的学术代表作,也是云南重要的地方史志文献之一。  相似文献   

This paper is both a careful analysis of a seminal piece of work in the sociology of education, as well as a passionate plea to revisit with renewed urgency, the way in which education continues to fail unacceptably large numbers of working-class children. Through closely examining the work of Dennis Marsden (with his colleague Brian Jackson) in Education and the working class, the paper argues that this pioneering work done in working-class Huddersfield the 1950s, remains a stoic statement of what is wrong with working-class education, and is as rich in substantive and methodological insights as when it was written in 1962. By taking some biographical slices of key contemporary scholars, in particular Stephen Ball and Diane Reay, who have themselves been prolific scholars in this field, the paper speaks to the central arguments of Marsden’s unique work through their biographies, while establishing the distinctiveness of Marsden’s contribution to understanding social class within the wider field of sociology of education. The paper argues for a reinvigoration of the elusive search for the kind of authentic understandings of working class pioneered by Marsden, as the basis for an equitable and just schooling for working-class children.  相似文献   

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