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In response to increased performance expectations, schools and districts are turning to nonsupervisory, school-based, instructional teacher leader roles to help improve teachers’ instruction and enhance student learning. Increased opportunities to learn about teacher leadership may facilitate the implementation and institutionalization of instructional teacher leader roles. We discuss how institutions of higher education could develop programs for instructional teacher leaders, provide related coursework to school administrators and preservice teachers, and educate school communities about the potential usefulness of these roles.  相似文献   

媒介素养教学方法和教师培训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于全球文化急剧变化以及素养在提高个人、社会和文化发展中的作用,如今的素养概念已经扩展为包括数字、视觉和电子媒介以及流行文化在内的一种内涵;这也就提升了媒介素养教育对个人和社会发展的重要意义。开展媒介素养教育可以在正规和非正规教育环境下进行,它将对学生学习动机的激发、师生关系的改善、公民技能的提高产生作用。  相似文献   

The ubiquitous nature of technology in the world has not yet translated into the ubiquitous use of technology to transform learning and teaching. Teachers lack the confidence and competence to integrate technology across a broad range of tools within a range of contexts. Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has become a common framework to explore technology within teaching and teacher education. However, little research exists to explore the similarities and differences of TPACK between different teacher education programmes, within different countries or even different disciplines, especially in a secondary context. Using a self-report online survey, this study sought to compare and contrast TPACK results from pre-service teachers studying in secondary teacher education programmes in Australia and Israel. Findings suggest that TPACK is higher in Australia, and in both countries for those students who were aged over 26. There were no significant differences between gender and disciplines reported. The paper also discusses broad-scale implications for the future of research in TPACK.  相似文献   

面对如何混合多种形态和不同的教育技术去促进和加强学生的学习这一挑战,Matthew J.Koehler和Punya Mishra提出教师必须获得并发展整合技术的学科教学法知识(TPACK)这一解决方案。TPACK教师知识框架引起了新时代教师专业素养要求、培养方式和策略的变化,在这种背景下笔者在河北省遵化市某中学进行了为期一学期的教师整合技术的学科教学法知识素养研究。实验表明教师应当具备与TPACK相关的7种教师专业能力素养,并通过实验证明了富有成效的五种培养策略。  相似文献   

教学媒体不仅是承载信息的工具,更是给学习者创设一种学习情境。教学媒体的应用是一个复杂的过程,教学媒体的相关研究也需要从宏大的视角进行解读。媒介环境学这一视角在关注教学媒体自身作用的同时,也需要关注教学媒体呈现信息内容的重要性。教学媒体的应用研究必将使教学媒体使用者对媒体的本质有一个正确的认识,同时提高教学媒体使用效益,推进教育信息化进程。教学媒体的应用也必将对教育领域产生更加深远的影响。  相似文献   

Researchers have identified general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) as a relevant category of teacher knowledge. However, hardly any study has examined the relationship between GPK of teachers and the instructional quality delivered to their students. This article therefore investigates the relationship between teachers’ GPK assessed via a standardised paper–pencil test and the quality of their instruction rated by their students. A sample of 246 in-service teachers at vocational schools in Austria is used. Teachers’ GPK positively correlates with students’ perceptions of effective classroom management, generic teaching methods/teacher clarity and teacher–student relationships. Regression analysis shows that GPK is a significant predictor for instructional quality even when controlled for teacher education grades, teacher personality (Big-Five) and teaching experience. Implications of teachers’ GPK as a resource for their teaching, limitations of the study and perspectives for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

从分析教学媒体的选择和使用理论出发,总结了云南电大高等数学教学媒体的选择和使用的实践经验,提出了开放教育中教师和学生选择和使用教学媒体的两个模型。这两个模型是在长期的教学实践中形成的,对开放教育的教学工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Since scientific literacy has become a key goal in science education, many people have argued in favor of the incorporation of inquiry in science education. However, scattered in the literature are extrinsic and intrinsic teaching challenges linked to the design and implementation of inquiry-based practical work (IBPW) in secondary school science classrooms. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to characterize and clarify the intrinsic challenges. From an instructional design perspective, the characterization of the challenges yielded four primary categories. The categories consist of initiation-phase challenges (such as unfavorable views regarding science and practical work), planning-phase challenges (including difficulties involved in designing IBPW), implementation-phase challenges (e.g., persuading learners to reflect on their experiences and findings), and summative evaluation-phase challenges which include concerns linked to the grading of practical inquiry. In the different categories, the challenges are linked to gaps in various aspects of teacher competencies especially in the context of the TPACK framework. The aspects include content knowledge (CK) (such as science content and scientific inquiry); in addition to technological knowledge (TK) linked to standard technologies. Also included is pedagogic CK (including orientation toward science teaching). Moreover, some of the intrinsic challenges are linked to gaps in skills (including pervasive classroom management and practical skills); in addition to values (such as commitment). These results have theory-, practice-, and research-based implications.  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy in a particular content area is seen as an important factor shaping teaching practice and student learning in the Western literature. However, inadequate efforts have been made to examine this assumption empirically. Drawing on the Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011 mathematics teachers’ data at the eighth grade level, this study examines the relationship between teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and teachers’ mathematical instructional practices in five Asian countries/regions. Guided with Bandura’s social cognitive theory, this study finds that overall teachers in the five countries/regions reported much lower teacher efficacy in teaching mathematics and lower levels of instructional practices than the international norms. The relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices varied within these countries/regions. Teacher efficacies in teaching mathematics are not always statistically and positively related to their instructional practices in engaging students. Together, these findings challenge the theoretical assumption about the positive relationship between teacher efficacy and instructional practices. Possible reasons of these findings and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the ways in which teacher education institutions (TEI) prepare pre-service teachers for integrating information and communication technology (ICT) in their classroom practise. Specifically, a multiple case study was conducted to examine the ways in which the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) was promoted in the existing curriculum of three TEI in Flanders. In the three cases, data were drawn from semi-structured interviews with the heads of the department and the ICT coordinators. Focus group discussions collected the perspectives of pre-service teachers and teacher educators. The results indicate that (1) the three institutions are moving from ICT as a ‘stand-alone’ course towards embedding ICT across the curriculum and (2) three approaches were adopted for developing pre-service teachers’ TPACK, each representing different ways of understanding the place of ICT in the curriculum. The discussion will focus on the challenges and opportunities inherent in understanding how to develop pre-service teachers’ TPACK in the curriculum of TEI.  相似文献   

教学过程是个动态的过程,涉及到的环境因素如学习者、教师、信息、媒体等也都处于不断变化之中,因此教学设计工作具有非常灵活的特点,应该改变观念,对教学设计进行新的认识,赋予新的内容,从而开发有自己特色的教学设计模式。  相似文献   

教学交互是实现远程教育教与学再度整合的关键,而交互活动的展开又离不开中介,在远程教育中这些中介就是各种教学媒体。随着信息技术的不断发展,远程教育中的媒体也在不断丰富、改进,第一代远程教育中所使用的媒体与当前远程教育中所使用的媒体已经存在很大差异。新媒体的引入以及协同原有媒体的合理应用使得教学交互更为有效、完善。目前,无线移动互联技术在教育中的应用已初见端倪,由这些新技术所创造的新媒体的特性让我们看到了进一步丰富教学交互所能使用的媒体的可能性。本文将在对比分析新媒体系统与已有媒体系统的易获得性的基础上,提出新媒体系统在远程教育教学交互中的一些应用设想。  相似文献   

Higher education institutions should provide adequate training for teachers in order to increase their awareness of the complex interplay between technology, pedagogy and the cognitive knowledge in their disciplines. However, research has shown that providing effective staff development from teacher educators to support these teachers’ skills is not straightforward. An online teacher training programme created and implemented by a team of 14 teacher educators in a cross-institutional programme in the Netherlands was followed by 67 teachers. Data were gathered using a TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) instrument in a pre-post test design. Furthermore, (perceived) learning satisfaction was measured in order to determine whether the design was appropriate. The results indicate that the teachers’ TPACK skills increased substantially. Furthermore, most participants were positive about the design and implementation of the online professionalisation programme. Nonetheless, not all teachers were able to effectively learn in this context, requiring further fine-tuning and research.  相似文献   

新近发表的美国数学顾问专家组总结报告基于大量的严谨教育研究成果,概括了数学课程、学习过程、教师和教师教育、教学实践、教学资料、教学评估以及研究政策和机制等方面的重要发现,特别强调了代数学习的重要性。总结报告将对美国的数学教育发展产生积极影响,值得我们加以研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was (a) to develop an instructional design model for preservice teachers’ learning of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in multidisciplinary technology integration courses and (b) to apply the model to investigate its effects when used in a preservice teacher education setting. The model was applied in a technology integration course with fifteen participants from diverse majors. Data included individual participants’ written materials and TPACK survey responses, group lesson plans, and the researchers’ field notes. The data analysis results revealed that: (1) the participants had difficulties understanding pedagogical knowledge (PK), which hindered their learning of integrated knowledge of TPACK and (2) their learning of TPACK was the combination rather than the integration of PK, technological knowledge, and content knowledge. Suggestions and implications for refining the model and future research possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

教学是学校的中心工作。随着全国范围内课程和教学改革的深入推进,人们越来越关注教学领导。教学领导研究是当前国际上的一个研究热点,并呈现新的特点。教学领导涉及多方面的因素,校长不仅要担当教学监控、反馈和指导等职能,而且还要致力于营造良好的学校文化和组织氛围;校长不仅是教和学的领导者,同时还承担支持者的角色,为教学提供资源和时间上的保障,促进教师在专业上不断进步。而教师也不再只是单纯的课程执行者的角色,而是被赋予课程开发者的角色,创造性地生成课堂和开展教学。  相似文献   

This paper presents the third version of a technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) based instructional design model that incorporates the distinctive, transformative, and integrative views of TPACK into a comprehensive actionable framework. Strategies of relating TPACK domains to real-life learning experiences, role-playing, and teachers as designers were developed based on the three views and integrated into the third version of the model. The model was then applied in a teacher education undergraduate course on technology integration. A case study approach was used. Data were collected from the participants’ discussion worksheets, lesson designs, and the researchers’ field observation notes. Data analysis results suggest that the strategies integrated into the model helped the participants deepen their understanding of student-centered technology applications and practice TPACK. Findings, implications, and future research possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

师范生受国家公费政策支持,要从事中小学教育教学岗位的工作。当前信息技术发展使他们面临把信息技术整合到未来教学中的挑战。TPACK知识理论框架在对职前教师专业发展的研究方面取得了较好成果。本研究利用新加坡Chai,Koh,Tsai,&Tan(2011)开发的TPACK量表,对我国463位大学免费师范生进行了调查。结果发现,与其他研究中职前教师的水平相比,我国免费师范生TPACK知识处于较低水平。师范生TPACK知识水平受到年级和年龄影响,但在性别方面未表现出显著差异。回归分析结果发现,二维整合知识(TCK和TPK)和单一维度知识(CK,TK和PK)均对TPACK水平存在显著贡献。教师教育机构对师范生提供ICT课程时,应考虑到如何通过加强这些基础性知识的学习来促进教师信息技术与课程整合的信心。  相似文献   

Instructional practices in schools have been constantly changing over the years, and educators’ knowledge about these practices is an important factor that influences their effective use. This paper presents an examination of teachers’ knowledge and perception of 24 instructional practices commonly used in the field of education, especially in the field of technology-based teaching and learning. Data from 162 experienced teachers who had enrolled in teacher education courses in two universities were collected from 2005 to 2007. Consistent with the literature, findings suggest that teachers with higher degrees and more teaching experience are aware of and understand more about educational practices. A predictive model was developed from this study.  相似文献   

Instructional development has been a recent innovation in higher education, responding to the needs of the new American model of universal higher education. Misconceptions and misapplications of instructional development have been frequent, especially its confusion with media service. A fundamental obstacle to success in any instructional improvement program is hypothesized to be lack of concern with faculty attitudes in the planning of methods to serve them. This study discusses the background of the problem and reports on a survey designed to investigate faculty attitudes toward instructional development on one campus. Tentative conclusions are drawn in order to guide further study. The data presented appear to indicate that there is a need to rethink the basic model of instructional development as currently used when applying it to the unique circumstances of higher education.  相似文献   

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