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A small-scale concept-based laboratory component: the best of both worlds   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this article, we describe an exploratory study of a small-scale, concept-driven, voluntary laboratory component of Introductory Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We wished to investigate whether students' attitudes toward biology and their understanding of basic biological principles would improve through concept-based learning in a laboratory environment. With these goals in mind, and using our Biology Concept Framework as a guide, we designed laboratory exercises to connect topics from the lecture portion of the course and highlight key concepts. We also strove to make abstract concepts tangible, encourage learning in nonlecture format, expose the students to scientific method in action, and convey the excitement of performing experiments. Our initial small-scale assessments indicate participation in the laboratory component, which featured both hands-on and minds-on components, improved student learning and retention of basic biological concepts. Further investigation will focus on improving the balance between the minds-on concept-based learning and the hands-on experimental component of the laboratory.  相似文献   

生物是高中阶段的重要教学内容之一,在高中阶段学生要学习的学科数目多,学习任务重,学生的压力很大,此时对于学科的学习兴趣就成为激发学生学习积极性的主要动力,只有学生对学习内容有兴趣才能使学生面对沉重学习任务时也能保持积极的学习态度,学习质量才能有所保证。因此,教师在教学时,除了要达到教育目标,更要让生物教学具备趣味性,为此,本文主要研究高中生物趣味性教学方法的有效实施策略。  相似文献   

We have developed and validated a tool for assessing understanding of a selection of fundamental concepts and basic knowledge in undergraduate introductory molecular and cell biology, focusing on areas in which students often have misconceptions. This multiple-choice Introductory Molecular and Cell Biology Assessment (IMCA) instrument is designed for use as a pre- and posttest to measure student learning gains. To develop the assessment, we first worked with faculty to create a set of learning goals that targeted important concepts in the field and seemed likely to be emphasized by most instructors teaching these subjects. We interviewed students using open-ended questions to identify commonly held misconceptions, formulated multiple-choice questions that included these ideas as distracters, and reinterviewed students to establish validity of the instrument. The assessment was then evaluated by 25 biology experts and modified based on their suggestions. The complete revised assessment was administered to more than 1300 students at three institutions. Analysis of statistical parameters including item difficulty, item discrimination, and reliability provides evidence that the IMCA is a valid and reliable instrument with several potential uses in gauging student learning of key concepts in molecular and cell biology.  相似文献   

Decreasing interest in Science among students, confirmed by several investigations, calls for the need to revise the contents of the curricula for Science subjects, including Biology. Modern Biology curricula should not only contain key biological concepts but also provide a teacher with sufficient space to develop students’ competencies of scientific work and positive attitudes to Science. When preparing the curriculum, it is necessary to consider also students’ interest in selected curriculum topics and their benefit for everyday life. The objective of our research was to identify whether the performed transformation of the Biology curriculum for elementary schools increased the students’ interest in Biology and the contents thereof. We were also investigating students’ preferences in their interest in Biology topics and their interest in selected teaching methods and approaches. Our research confirmed the positive interest in Biology among majority of students who prefer direct, active participation in the process of knowledge acquisition through the study and exploration of living organisms as well as by the execution and assessment of practicals and experiments.  相似文献   

在全面推行素质教育的今天,如何提高生物课堂的教学有效性是一个重要课题。生物科学本身就是一门实验科学,对学生实际解决问题能力的培养是素质教育的核心。PBL教学法是以问题为基础的学习,是一种以学生发展为主,实现全人发展的新型教学模式,已被生物学科教育领域广泛接受和研究。本文就PBL教学法促进生物课堂有效性方面做出几点思考。  相似文献   

中专学校对生物等非专业课课时安排相对较少,且学生学习基础相对较弱。因此在教学中需要更加重视激发学生学习生物的兴趣,以提高生物教学的课堂效率。师生间的感情融合、教师的激情感染、成功的豪情鼓舞、积极的语言和表情激励,都能有效地激励学生的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性,提高学习效果。  相似文献   

This paper reports the use of quantitative and qualitative measures of university student learning during teaching in psychiatry. Concept mapping, pre-and post test scores and performance in written assignments were used to measure the quality of change in personal understanding and to show the ways that the knowledge-targets of the course were achieved. The data show that: (1) Concept mapping can be used to explore personal understanding because it facilitates discrete statements of meaning. (2) These personal statements can be compared through time to assess change. (3) Specific criteria can be used to measure the quality of the change from one statement to another so that the different qualities of change that occur can be made-visible in the course of teaching. The approach is discussed in the broader context of learning theory and teaching practice. We show in particular, that prior-knowledge is an important determinant of learning because it affects the sense that can be made of taught material.  相似文献   

This essay describes how the use of a concept inventory has enhanced professional development and curriculum reform efforts of a faculty teaching community. The Host Pathogen Interactions (HPI) teaching team is composed of research and teaching faculty with expertise in HPI who share the goal of improving the learning experience of students in nine linked undergraduate microbiology courses. To support evidence-based curriculum reform, we administered our HPI Concept Inventory as a pre- and postsurvey to approximately 400 students each year since 2006. The resulting data include student scores as well as their open-ended explanations for distractor choices. The data have enabled us to address curriculum reform goals of 1) reconciling student learning with our expectations, 2) correlating student learning with background variables, 3) understanding student learning across institutions, 4) measuring the effect of teaching techniques on student learning, and 5) demonstrating how our courses collectively form a learning progression. The analysis of the concept inventory data has anchored and deepened the team's discussions of student learning. Reading and discussing students' responses revealed the gap between our understanding and the students' understanding. We provide evidence to support the concept inventory as a tool for assessing student understanding of HPI concepts and faculty development.  相似文献   

We followed established best practices in concept inventory design and developed a 12-item inventory to assess student ability in statistical reasoning in biology (Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory [SRBCI]). It is important to assess student thinking in this conceptual area, because it is a fundamental requirement of being statistically literate and associated skills are needed in almost all walks of life. Despite this, previous work shows that non–expert-like thinking in statistical reasoning is common, even after instruction. As science educators, our goal should be to move students along a novice-to-expert spectrum, which could be achieved with growing experience in statistical reasoning. We used item response theory analyses (the one-parameter Rasch model and associated analyses) to assess responses gathered from biology students in two populations at a large research university in Canada in order to test SRBCI’s robustness and sensitivity in capturing useful data relating to the students’ conceptual ability in statistical reasoning. Our analyses indicated that SRBCI is a unidimensional construct, with items that vary widely in difficulty and provide useful information about such student ability. SRBCI should be useful as a diagnostic tool in a variety of biology settings and as a means of measuring the success of teaching interventions designed to improve statistical reasoning skills.  相似文献   

There is increasing enthusiasm for teaching approaches that combine mathematics and biology. The call for integrating more quantitative work in biology education has led to new teaching tools that improve quantitative skills. Little is known, however, about whether increasing interdisciplinary work can lead to adverse effects, such as the development of broader but shallower skills or the possibility that math anxiety causes some students to disengage in the classroom, or, paradoxically, to focus so much on the mathematics that they lose sight of its application for the biological concepts in the center of the unit at hand. We have developed and assessed an integrative learning module and found disciplinary learning gains to be equally strong in first-year students who actively engaged in embedded quantitative calculations as in those students who were merely presented with quantitative data in the context of interpreting biological and biostatistical results. When presented to advanced biology students, our quantitative learning tool increased test performance significantly. We conclude from our study that the addition of mathematical calculations to the first year and advanced biology curricula did not hinder overall student learning, and may increase disciplinary learning and data interpretation skills in advanced students.  相似文献   

We investigated biology instruction—using a generic framework of scientific reasoning and argumentation (SRA) with eight epistemic activities—on how to foster student learning in biological literacy which had not been clarified in previous studies. Our analysis of videotaped biology lessons and student achievement showed varying frequencies in using these activities and their effects on achievement. Those students taught with more epistemic activities had higher achievement. We believe that the SRA framework can be a worthwhile methodical tool for teaching biology to foster student learning. Therefore, we draw practically orientated implications for educational research, practitioners, teacher educators, and curriculum developers.  相似文献   

现代远程学习是可以预见的未来教育发展趋势。概念图是一种有效的促进学生有意义学习的工具。如何将二者结合起来,利用概念图工具促进远程学生的有意义学习,对于现代远程教育具有重要意义。本文在参考国内外研究成果的基础上,分析了远程学习环境中各要素的关系,采用教育建模法建构了一个利用概念图工具促进远程学生有意义学习的过程模型。  相似文献   

概念是高等数学学习的基石,但是学生对概念的理解水平较低.本文介绍了概念意象的定义和特征,论述了高等数学教学中,利用数学模型建立概念意象、消除错误和解决实际问题,从而掌握概念.  相似文献   

全国统编中专<生物学>教材是一套既具有本学科知识系统性,又能与现代医学教育相联系的优秀教材.笔者通过多年的教学实践,认为教材中"生物的基本特征"、"核酸的结构与功能"部分内容的编排,以及"先天愚型病因"等个别知识的叙述尚存在值得进一步探讨之处.  相似文献   

PBL-NAI教学模式在《生物工程设备》课程教学中的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《生物工程设备》是生物工程专业本科生的专业必修课程,具有较强的多学科交叉性和应用性.针对《生物工程设备》课程教学中出现的"两多两难"的问题,将以问题为导向的教学方法与网络结合起来,构建问题式网络辅助教学(PBL-NAI)平台,并将这种以课堂讲授为主、网络研习为辅的新型教学模式运用到《生物工程设备》教学过程中,着力于提高教学质量.  相似文献   

兴趣是学生基于自己的学习需要而表现出来的一种认识倾向,这种倾向是获得知识的内驱力,影响着学生的学习行为与效果.由于初中生物长期以来所处的"偏科"地位,造成不少学生轻视生物学习,甚至把生物课看成负担.在此情况下,激发初中生的学习兴趣,搞活初中生物教学,提高初中生物课堂教学质量,已经成为初中生物教师的主要任务.生动精彩的开课、丰富的资源和最新的生物科学成果都是激发初中生学习生物的有效手段.  相似文献   

提出了生本教育理念的教学思想,教师应在课堂上充分发挥学生自身的积极性和创造性,从而培养学生的学习能力。分析高职院校学生特点,指导学生如何利用自身资源优势,最大限度提高学习成绩。结合生本理念,对数控加工工艺与编程的新教学模式进行阐述。  相似文献   

数学概念教学是数学教学中重要的一个环节,在教学中教师可以从数学史、生活及探究中引入数学概念,数学概念的理解可运用不同的教学方法与教学手段。这样,不仅可激发学生学习数学的兴趣,而且有利于掌握数学概念的实质,把握数学概念的本质,进而提高数学教学的有效性。  相似文献   

We determined short- and long-term correlates of a revised introductory biology curriculum on understanding of biology as a process of inquiry and learning of content. In the original curriculum students completed two traditional lecture-based introductory courses. In the revised curriculum students completed two new learner-centered, inquiry-based courses. The new courses differed significantly from those of the original curriculum through emphases on critical thinking, collaborative work, and/or inquiry-based activities. Assessments were administered to compare student understanding of the process of biological science and content knowledge in the two curricula. More seniors who completed the revised curriculum had high-level profiles on the Views About Science Survey for Biology compared with seniors who completed the original curriculum. Also as seniors, students who completed the revised curriculum scored higher on the standardized Biology Field Test. Our results showed that an intense inquiry-based learner-centered learning experience early in the biology curriculum was associated with long-term improvements in learning. We propose that students learned to learn science in the new courses which, in turn, influenced their learning in subsequent courses. Studies that determine causal effects of learner-centered inquiry-based approaches, rather than correlative relationships, are needed to test our proposed explanation.  相似文献   

数学概念是数学的逻辑起点,在数学学习中具有重要地位。数学概念的教学策略主要有:概念同化与概念形成相互渗透;从模糊到精确;形义结合;化繁为简;加强数学语言教育;形成良好的数学认知结构;利用实例进行数学概念教学。  相似文献   

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