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张玉婷 《兰台世界》2020,(2):139-142
由清代提督杨玉科宅邸改建而成的西云书院,清代以来即为滇西著名学堂。该书院初建本是清政府对迤西地区的文教传播手段,后弦歌不辍,培养了不少学者人才;院内教学管理严格有序,具体涉及到人事管理、经费管理、师生交往和教学管理等多个方面。而该书院也作为白族文化的缩影和地区人才培养的平台,见证了清代白族地区的教育。  相似文献   

宋代祠庙修建通常是官民共同参与的活动,其中经费筹集是祠庙修建中最为关键的因素。考察发现,其修建经费的来源不仅包括官方的拨款,还包括个人的捐献,同时也有祠庙经营自身庙产所得。考察祠庙修建经费的多元化来源,有助于我们深入了解当时官民互动之一斑。  相似文献   

近年来文献资源的载体形态日趋多元化,经费来源渠道也不再单一。因而高校文献信息资源资产管理体系需要进一步构建,需要对文献信息资源资产管理范围,数字资源资产管理,文献信息资源购置经费的多种渠道来源等问题,制定相应的管理办法。  相似文献   

分析了粤西地区数字资源的现状和存在的问题,从协作的理论基础、统筹规划、经费筹集、特色数据库的建设与共享、沟通与培训平台的创建等方面提出了构建粤西地区数字图书馆联盟的实施办法。  相似文献   

博物馆的经费问题是一个不可回避的问题。博物馆的经费来源应突破传统单一渠道,实行多元化、多渠道,建立多种经费来源的长效机制。建立博物馆经费基金和发展基金,是建立博物馆经费来源长效机制的战略选择。博物馆经费基金,在市场经济条件下,基金资金的筹措和运作,具有可行性。  相似文献   

作为中国古代最高学府,书院是古代士人文化积累、研究、创造与传播的文化教育组织,经费来源主要分捐赠收入和投资收入两类。收入稳定、来源广泛,成为书院发展的重要经济基础。研究古代书院的经费来源,对大学基金运作具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

元代书院藏书重要来源之一——书院刻书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从拨捐学田刻书经费充裕、刊刻书院教学和研究用书形成书院藏书一大特色,以及山长主持刻书质量精善等方面,阐述书院刻书成为书院藏书重要来源的问题。  相似文献   

以大理洱源县右所镇温水村为例,分析建立民族地区农村图书馆(室)的必要性,以发动村民自主办馆为出发点,从经费筹集、馆舍及管理人员、资源配置和服务模式方面构想和论证了民族地区农村图书馆(室)的建设方案.  相似文献   

杨萍 《云南档案》2004,(6):13-14
西云史略西云书院为大理一中办学的开端,建于清代后期,是当时滇西规模最大,设备较好,经费充足的书院。光绪三年丁丑(公元1877年),清军将领杨玉科在当时复兴文教的情势下,顺应潮流,采纳舆情,慨然将自己位于在大理城内的公寓捐办书院,经抚院奏准朝庭,书院便由此初建。《新篡云南通志·杨玉科传》称他“改建书院,地方攸赖”。书院建立在大理,规模较大,生童来源较宽,其培育的子弟亦多,对滇西地区文化教育恢复发展有过一定贡献,为清末在云南较有声誉的书院之一。西云书院的命名是取企望迤西学子青云直上的意思。西云书院序并章程刻石建碑于光绪三…  相似文献   

鳌峰书院是清代福建省的最高学府,培养了如林则徐、张际亮等人才。鳌峰书院形成了完备的教育教学制度,在讲学、教学管理、经费使用方面都有典型性。特别是它秉承中国古代书院藏书、刻书的传统,取得了良好的成绩,是清代书院藏书、刻书方面的重要代表。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):262-271

This study examined the extent to which the destruction of trust of one group member by another, influenced the quality of communication in a small group discussion. A nonfluency category system was applied to verbal data. Under trust‐destroying conditions, results indicated substantial decreases in verbal fluency of a naive subject, as well as the remaining group members.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

For centuries publishers have acted as intermediaries between author and audience. Copyright, like freedom of expression, is an essential element of freedom in this role, because without it authors' rights are not fully protected. Only when they are protected against theft and other economic or moral infringements are authors free to express themselves without fear. Publishers, too, rely on copyright to protect their investments and their freedom Paul Nijhoff Asser has been secretary of the International Group of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM), Amsterdam, since 1970. He has been active in publishing and bookselling for more than forty years. This article was adapted from a presentation at the seminar “East Meets West: Copyright and the Publisher in a Market Economy”, Hamburg, March 1991.  相似文献   


Lettie Conrad reported on the findings of original research on academic user experience with serendipitous discovery in scholarly research. This research has been released as the fourth installment of a series about discoverability as part of the SAGE White Papers. This research was designed to examine how students and faculty seek content beyond the search box. The researchers being studied take advantage of unplanned or unexpected content discoveries such as selecting a link in an e-mail alert, following a trail of citations within an important paper, or making use of recommendations. The study found that researchers decide to follow recommendations, either machine generated or from an acquaintance, based on a combination of perception of relevance to the field of study, access to the recommended article, and trust in the provider. SAGE has used these findings to enhance its products to better showcase content to users and then help them to more readily make sense of it.  相似文献   

In late nineteenth-century USA, technological developments in paper production—a shift from a reliance on scarce cotton rag to plentiful wood—drastically reduced the price of newsprint. That decline helped overturn the reigning economics of the daily newspaper and resulted in the rise of new cheap papers with vastly expanded circulation. This novel mass press encompassed almost all Americans in the public sphere as represented by its pages. Focusing on newspapers in Detroit, this study examines the manifold consequences this shift had for the press's economics, its news agenda, and the implicit identity of the audience it addressed. The rise of a mass press in the late nineteenth century, however, was not specific to Detroit or the USA. As comparative historians have highlighted, the emergence of a mass press in Europe and elsewhere was a turning point that deeply marked the historical evolution of press systems around the globe.  相似文献   

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