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语言交际能力的测量应通过交际语言测试来实现。"真实性"是衡量交际语言测试的一项重要标准。本文主要探讨英语专业八级Mini-lecture听力测试题型的真实性。  相似文献   

英语口语测试中的真实性一直是个颇具争议的概念。英语口语测试过程的真实性具有四个维度,即测试任务和测试情景的真实性、受试者与测试任务之间互动的真实性、受试者之间互动的真实性、评价标准及实施过程的真实性。对此进行探究发现,英语口语测试的真实性是一个主观的和相对的概念。  相似文献   

教师职前阶段研究的薄弱和混乱,不单造成了师范生教育教学水平的下滑,也极大地制约了教师职后教育的发展。师范教育在“专业性与师范性之争”、“通识教育与专业教育之争”、“理论性与实践性之争”、以及“教育学与语文教学法之争”中曲折前进。以师范专业汉语言文学方向为研究视角,使得师范教育改革有了一个“落脚之地”。  相似文献   

试论语言测试的真实性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何实现语言测试的真实性一直是个颇具争议的问题.虽然其重要性已受到语言教师和测试研究者的关注,但对其构成成分及其在测试中可实现的程度意见不一.当前在真实性研究中存在的主要问题是如何建构更全面的理论框架并进行更多的实证性研究.该文主要介绍了什么是语言测试的真实性,如何体现语言测试的真实性以及真实性对语言教学的反拨作用.  相似文献   

真实性是交际语言测试面临的最重要的问题之一。引述有关现代测试理论对真实性的论述以及对阅读测试的要求,然后对一份英语学业测试卷阅读项目进行相关分析和对比研究。通过与理论标准的对照。求证这份试卷的真实性程度,以达到发现差距、缩小差距,对测试的科学性和客观性进行有益探索的目的。  相似文献   

This study explored how a free-space digital storytelling approach that advocates autonomy and creativity can be implemented in a formal elementary classroom and how it impacts students’ language learning motivation and performances. Participants of the study were 64 sixth grade students in Taiwan. Following an experimental design, the data collected from three data sources, including motivation surveys, achievement test scores, and digital stories, were analyzed and triangulated. Two performance indicators of the digital storytelling, levels of language usage and levels of creativity, were found to have significant but different impacts on language learning. While the students’ language usage performance in digital storytelling was significantly related to their achievement test scores, their creativity performance were significantly related to multiple motivation components, including extrinsic motivation, task value and elaboration. It was also found that the proposed digital storytelling approach had a positive impact on students’ language performance and contributed to an increase to students’ motivation in two dimensions: extrinsic goal orientation and elaboration, rather than intrinsic goal orientation. The results suggest that the positive impact of the proposed storytelling pedagogy resides in allowing students to stretch their creativity while demonstrating their language productivity, with the leverage of a holistic assessment scheme.  相似文献   

听力测试是语言测试中必不可少的部分,因而其真实性直接影响语言测试的真实性。听力测试的真实性主要体现为测试材料的真实性和测试任务的真实性。本文以语言测试的真实性为理论依托,试论专业英语四级测试中(TEM4)听力题型的真实性,指出TEM4听力题型应适度增加主观题,使受试者完成非言语性的交际任务。  相似文献   

In the process of problematizing what intellectual work looks like, poststructuralist discourses have opened up new spaces through which to examine the processes of knowledge production. Our purpose is to engage with these processes of knowledge production as they attempt to tell particular truths about good pedagogy in Physical Education (PE). Indeed, there has been a long running debate between various forms of expertise claiming to tell the truth about what constitutes good pedagogy in PE. In this paper, we revisit this debate via a mobilization of Hall's (1985) theorization of articulation, and the reflexive modernization thesis of Beck, Giddens and Lash (1994). These lenses lead us to argue that a more reflexive modernity profoundly problematizes all forms of truth telling in Education.  相似文献   

结合写作教学研究,对任务型教学进行反思,针对任务、任务真实性、任务难度、任务的边界等概念提出自己的看法,倡议教师慎重考虑任务型写作教学法的实施。  相似文献   

任务型教学是在国外二语教学背景下从交际语言教学理论发展出来的一种新的教学途径,要把它广泛地应用于缺乏目的语环境的我国基础外语教学,存在着诸多的不适应。中国缺乏实施任务型教学的环境,缺乏实施任务型教学的合格师资队伍,缺乏广泛实施任务型教学的受众群体。对任务型教学法实施"本土化"改造,要用"学"的规律来指导"教"的方式,要区分课程性质、课程内容、学习阶段以及学习对象,要结合中国外语教学实际,博采众长,合理取舍任务型教学法的原则与步骤,推广前任务与语言焦点两大教学环节,有限使用任务循环环节,以适当降低难度系数,增加可操作性。  相似文献   

Conceptualising difference is a key task for inclusive pedagogy, and vital to the politics of inclusion. My purpose in this paper is to consider the place that imagination has in helping us to conceptualise difference, and to argue that imagination has a key part to play in inclusive pedagogy. To do this I draw closely on the work of Maxine Greene and Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s work provides a means to conceptualise difference whereby difference is itself at the very heart of what constitutes our humanity. Greene’s work on the arts has outlined the value of the imagination, and has argued for the place of the arts in education and pedagogy. What is needed, however, is a careful account of how the imagination is connected to politics. In this paper I take up Greene’s call to ‘release the imagination’ and, drawing on Arendt, develop an account of the relationship between the imagination, thinking, and politics and how this can be used to argue the place of imagination in inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

自索绪尔提出语言任意性这条第一原则以来,语言学界和哲学界对此都争论不休,维护者有之,否定者不乏。认为语言任意性的绝对性者,将对语言的思考置于发生之初和语言符号内部二元关系从共时层面进行考虑;而否定语言任意性者则从历时角度对语言自我发展过程中的理据性展开思考。我们认为:两者不是在同一个维度同一层次之上的争论;其争论有意义但不能绝对化;任意性和理据性在语言这个庞大系统中两者是共存互补的。  相似文献   

语言测评的真实性问题是交际语言测试区别于传统语言测试的一大标志,也是当前国际语言测试界研究的一个热门课题。如何正确诠释"真实性",是国际语言测评理论研究中一个亟待澄清的关键问题。本文对语言测试领域的"真实性"内涵作了初步探讨,阐述了真实性研究方面的观点,分析了如何正确看待语言测评真实性的本质问题,以期对我国目前外语测评与教学质量的提升具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

英语教学是一种交际性、任务型的教学过程,真实性原则为其首要原则。英语教学中的真实性包括创设真实的环境、使用真实的教学材料、执行真实的教学任务、习得真实的语言能力等方面。从不同角度分析真实性原则,进而在英语教学中贯彻真实性原则,将有助于我们更好地理解英语教学的实质。  相似文献   

语言测试的真实性问题是语言测试一个重要的概念,大学英语四、六级口语(CET-SET)在社会越来越引起大家的关注,最近几年来一些学者和研究人员对语言测试的真实性问题有所研究,却鲜有涉及CET-SET的真实性问题。本文将从语言测试真实性的概念入手,全面分析CET-SET各环节中真实性的体现。认为有必要提高语言测试真实性的理论研究水平,以期更好指导CET-SET的实践,保证其信度和效度。  相似文献   

论英语教师课堂话语的真实性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语教师在课堂上使用的话语既具有组织教学的功能,也是学生重要的语言输入。无论是作为组织教学活动的语言,还是作为语言输入,英语教师的课堂话语都应该尽可能具有真实性。英语教师课堂话语的真实性可以从情景真实性、语言真实性和内容真实性三个角度去考察。  相似文献   

In this self-study, a teacher educator and an experienced teacher analyze an unexpected shared opportunity to mentor pre-service elementary educators. Our partnership arose during a graduate course on literacy development for elementary students, serendipitously captured during an extended electronic conversation with the pre-service candidates. We uncovered an interplay between authenticity and authority that generated enhanced professional development for each of us and for the teacher candidates who were enrolled in the course. As well as reflections on our own practices, implications for teacher education development and pedagogy are noted.  相似文献   

需求分析是开展语言教学的首要阶段,其相关理论常用于外语课程改革和教学大纲设计的研究。语言测试作为对教学内容的检核和评估的手段,其测试内容的设计与需求分析也有明显的关联,但从需求分析的角度来探讨语言测试的相关性研究论述较少。文章对需求分析模型和语言测试真实性原则进行论述,并以IELTS听力试题为例阐述需求分析与交际语言测试真实性的相关性,探讨语言交际测试原则中真实性的实现途径,发现语言测试只有始终与持续性的语言需求分析相结合,客观反映受试者的语言水平,才能保障测试的真实性。  相似文献   

语言测试的真实性问题是交际语言测试区别于传统语言测试的一大标志,也是当前测试界研究的一个热门课题。对真实性的内涵及其特征进行了分析,评述了真实性研究方面的两大类观点,并初步探讨了真实性在测试中的实现问题。  相似文献   

汉语国际教育与国际移动通信-2000(IMT-2000)或称第三代移动通信(3G)结合的发展问题目前研究较少。基于3G的汉语国际教育要以汉语国际教育工作团队(CIET)为模式开展工作,以汉语国际移动教育网(CIMEN)建设为基础,以汉语国际教育资源库(CIER)建设为工作核心,以流媒体技术(SMT)为手段解决多媒体传输问题,以3G手机为教与学的便利工具,以获取政府支持和走产业化道路为发展途径。这是通过对教育队伍、网站建设、资源库建设、媒体处理、教与学工具、发展途径等主要问题进行分析后提出的整合策略,从而将使基于3G的汉语国际教育成为现实。  相似文献   

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