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Pablo Latapí 《Prospects》1990,20(1):51-57
Founding director of the Centro de Estudios Educativos (Centre for Educational Studies) in Mexico City and of the Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos(Latin American Journal of Educational Studies). He was in charge of the National Programme of Educational Research of the National Council for Science and Technology. He now carries out research at the Regional Centre for Adult Education and Functional Literacy for Latin America. His recent publications include: La política de alfabetización de seis países latinoamericanos, Participatory Research: A New Research Paradigm?and Elementos para una propuesta orientada a elevar la calidad: La enseñanza tutorial.  相似文献   

In lieu of the usual "From the Editors" piece, the Director of UNESCO-CEPES briefly describes the scope of the Thirtieth Jubilee Conference held at the Centre on 6-8 September 2002. He introduces the articles that resulted from the presentations and the interventions of a number of participants in the Conference.  相似文献   

Antoine Bailly 《Prospects》1995,25(4):783-790
Conclusion At a time when transnational communities are being created which extend beyond the confines of regions and natio-States, geographers are questioning the very foundations of their discipline and their function in society. Not only do they no longer avoid acknowledging their role in the transmission of spatial, regional and national identity, but they no longer act solely within the framework of the nation-State. The juxtaposition of local and world considerations prompts them to embark upon new inquiries tending towards the teaching of a conceptual and topical geography which can mobilize pupils and teachers alike according to broad social, temporal and spatial principles. Human beings, frail creatures of the earth, have only one real tool adapted to the vastness of the spaces with which we have to grapple: the mind (Ratzel, 1988). Born in 1944. Professor of geography at the University of Geneva, having taught in Canada and France. He holds a doctorate from the Sorbonne and has studied geography and regional sciences in France and the United States of America. He has been chief examiner at the International Baccalaureat Office. He is now President of the Western Regional Science Association and the Swiss Association of University Lecturers. His recent publications, as author or editor, include:Encyclopédie de géographie [Encyclopedia of geography] (2nd ed., 1995),Introduction à la géographie humaine [Introduction to human geography] (5th ed., 1995) andLes concepts de la géographie [Geographical concepts] (3rd ed., 1995). He is editor-in-chief of the series entitled ‘Géographie’ at the Anthropos publishing house, Paris.  相似文献   

François Orivel 《Prospects》1991,21(3):341-350
Director of IREDU (Institut de Recherche sur l'économie de l'éducation), a laboratory of the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) at the University of Burgundy in Dijon. Author of numerous books and articles on the sujet of the costs, financing and efficiency of education systems. He is also a consultant to international organizations (UNESCO, IIEP, UNDP, OECD, World Bank, ILO) and governments, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

西斯蒙第虽是经济浪漫主义的创始人,但他却开创了经济学人本主义的先河,因而被称为经济学家中第一位认为人比物更重要的人物.在他看来,经济学要为了所有人的生活福利,他因此而反对利己主义,呼唤同情良知;他反对无限制自由竞争,认为这样会导致社会经济危机和贫富分化;他主张通过培养良好道德和"平均私有"来实现理想的社会经济生活.西斯蒙第所提出的这些人本主义经济伦理思想,对于当前构建我国社会主义市场经济的伦理秩序,落实科学发展观,建设和谐社会都具有重大的启迪.  相似文献   

李贺诗在宋元之际非常盛行是一个值得关注的文学现象。通过对现存文献记载的分析与梳理,简要论述了评点大师刘辰翁对李贺诗的盛行具有极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

通过分析《儿女英雄传》中何玉凤的形象,阐述了传统男性文学话语中女性意识的困围和消解,并从外在因素和内在因素两个方面分析了在男性话语权下女性意识所面临的主要困围。  相似文献   

Antonio Provolo, of Verona Italy (1801-1842), was a priest who was 'inspired' to teach deaf children by giving them the gift of speech through music. Under the patronage of a wealthy noblewoman he set up a school in Verona where he taught 'deafmutes' to peak with normal intonation and rhythm and to sing. He was a gifted musician himself and used his skills and training to develop his brilliantly innovative techniques, which are briefly described in this article. But, like many dedicated innovators, he was a fanatic. To further his system, he insisted on banning any use of sign-and thus indirectly contributed to the banning of sign at the Milan Conference in 1880.  相似文献   

古希腊叙拉古城邦狄奥尼修斯的僭主制维持了五十余年。究其原因,与狄奥尼修斯本人善于审时度势,利用敌对势力,推行强有力的军事改革,不断满足民众利益,成功转移国内矛盾等举措密切相关。狄奥尼修斯的所作所为不仅巩固和发展了僭主制,也为之后西西里帝国的强盛打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

阿兰?德波顿是深受欧美广大读者喜爱的英国青年学者型作家。他的小说轻情节重分析,视角独特写法新颖,被誉为“德波顿式”的新型小说艺术。本文以《爱情笔记》为例,从他对爱情哲理的睿智遐想、调侃式细节描写、图表式的理性分析三方面探讨他的独特小说创作手法。  相似文献   

在<人类的由来>中,达尔文试图彻底地从自然主义的角度对良心这种道德意识进行阐释.但是,他的道德或良心进化论不仅具有描述或说明的维度,而且包含了丰富的规范内容:他把恩爱、同情心和社会性本能当作"人的道德组成的最初的原则",表明他站在利他主义立场上反对利己主义道德原则;他也没有简单采用功利主义道德原则,不是把"最大多数人的最大幸福"而是把"社群利益"当作最高的道德标准;他把"你们愿意人这样待你们,你们也怎样待人"这个"应然"的规律当作人类道德的基础;在论述人类道德的进化时,他站在自己鲜明的价值立场上对种种愚昧、野蛮的行径展开批评,等等.对达尔文而言,对事实的描述和说明同价值或道德规范的设定是完全一致的.把达尔文当作主张弱肉强食的社会达尔文主义者是对达尔文的一大误解.  相似文献   

Antonio Provolo, of Verona Italy (1801-1842), was a priest who was 'inspired' to teach deaf children by giving them the gift of speech through music. Under the patronage of a wealthy noblewoman he set up a school in Verona where he taught 'deafmutes' to peak with normal intonation and rhythm and to sing. He was a gifted musician himself and used his skills and training to develop his brilliantly innovative techniques, which are briefly described in this article. But, like many dedicated innovators, he was a fanatic. To further his system, he insisted on banning any use of sign-and thus indirectly contributed to the banning of sign at the Milan Conference in 1880.   相似文献   

从振速分布不均匀振动面辐射阻抗的定义出发,分别推导了四边简支方形薄板不同模态的以面平均振速为参考和以中心点振速为参考的两种辐射阻抗表达式,研究了两种辐射阻抗与辐射声功率的关系.结果表明,对于振速分布不均匀的辐射面,选取不同的参考振速,辐射阻抗的绝对大小不相等,但二者在计算辐射声功率时被统一了起来,并且方形弯振薄板的辐射声功率的表达式与圆形活塞的辐射声功率表达式有着相似的形式.  相似文献   

研究性学习是学生在教师的指导下,以问题或课题为内容,以研究为手段主动地提出问题,分析问题,创造性地获取知识和经验的学习活动。在研究性学习中,英语教师的角色必须进行相应的转变。即由知识的传授者转变为学习的参与者、组织者、促进者和引导者;由一桶水转变为一条流动的河;由关注学生的成绩转变为关注学生的发展。  相似文献   

郑道昭是北魏著名政治家、诗人、书法家。我国"魏碑体"鼻祖,被称为"书法北圣"。试对郑道昭的主要事迹进行较为翔实地记述和探讨,希望对其深入研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

In 1924 Bose introduced a counting rule for the states of a gas of photons which explained Planck’s law for thermal radiation at one stroke. Einstein not only recognised the importance of this idea but immediately applied it to a more conventional gas like helium. In this case, unlike that of radiation, the number of particles is held fixed. He derived the stunning conclusion that a finite fraction of the particles could settle in the lowest energy state even above absolute zero. These ideas had to wait fourteen years for their first application. Seventy years later they are being used in atomic physics laboratories all over the world.  相似文献   

R. Nityananda 《Resonance》2005,10(12):142-147
In 1924 Bose introduced a counting rule for the states of a gas of photons which explained Planck’s law for thermal radiation at one stroke. Einstein not only recognised the importance of this idea but immediately applied it to a more conventional gas like helium. In this case, unlike that of radiation, the number of particles is held fixed. He derived the stunning conclusion that a finite fraction of the particles could settle in the lowest energy state even above absolute zero. These ideas had to wait fourteen years for their first application. Seventy years later they are being used in atomic physics laboratories all over the world.  相似文献   

The discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965 was a defining moment in the history of cosmology — the science that deals with the universe as a whole, its origin, evolution and future. This discovery was recognized with Nobel Prizes to Penzias and Wilson in 1978. The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2006 further acknowledged the importance of the study of this background radiation. The precise measurement of the spectrum of this radiation and its variation across the sky have helped our understanding of the evolution of structures in the universe. This article explains these discoveries and their importance. T Padmanabhan is a professor at IUCAA, Pune. He is interested in all aspects of theoretical physics, and especially in those in which gravity plays a role.  相似文献   

对于东晋佛学与玄学的发展而言,支道林起到了特殊的作用。他综贯内典外书,援庄入释,又引佛入道,不仅创立了即色宗,而且领袖玄谈。本文拟以《世说新语》所载支公事迹,对其玄、佛之思想及魏晋之社会风气略作探讨。  相似文献   

J. Srinivasan 《Resonance》2008,13(12):1146-1155
The surface temperature of the earth is controlled by the balance between the absorbed solar radiation and the emitted infrared radiation. During the past 150 years the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million to more than 380 parts per million on account of burning of fossil fuels. The higher absorption of infrared radiation by the atmosphere (on account of higher carbon dioxide) has resulted in an increase in the surface temperature of the earth. The burning of fossil fuels has also caused an increase in sulphate and soot aerosols in the atmosphere. Both these aerosols reduce the solar radiation incident at the earth surface. Hence the surface of the earth has cooled on account of increase in aerosols. The sulphate aerosols have also cooled the atmosphere but the soot aerosols, which absorb solar radiation, have heated the atmosphere. The net impact of increase in carbon dioxide and aerosols has been an increase in the surface temperature of the earth by 0.7 degrees centigrade in the past 100 years. J Srinivasan is a Professor at the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He was a lead author in the second and fourth reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  相似文献   

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