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An apparatus is described for recording general atmospheric dust. The full-scale range of the present model of approximately 120 × 106 particles per cubic foot of air may be increased or decreased as desired. The dust concentrations measured are far below smoke concentrations. The method is to impinge dust on a slowly moving strip of transparent film, and to measure the deposit by a comparison of two beams of light, one passing through the dusty film, the other through clean film. The decrease in transmitted light due to the dust is balanced automatically by a motor-driven optical wedge in the unobstructed beam. The position of this wedge is recorded on a chart. Dusty air is sampled continuously for long periods. Rapid fluctuations of a few minutes in length are registered. In this, and in the fact that it is direct-reading, without tedious laboratory quantitation, the recorder offers distinct advantages over the present dust determinators, almost all of which take momentary samples. A different calibration is needed for different dusts. The machine may be adapted to laboratory or field use. In factories, auxiliary blowers may be operated through relays, when the dustiness exceeds a specified level.  相似文献   

Robert   《Research Policy》2003,32(10):1805-1827
Structured interviews with eight leading Japanese pharmaceutical companies and industry data show that drug discovery in the Japanese companies occurs predominantly in-house. In contrast, European and US pharmaceutical companies rely more on alliances with university-based start-ups and other biotechnology companies for drug discovery. Personnel policies in the Japanese companies are still geared to on-the-job training for lifetime employment and the accumulation of company-specific tacit knowledge. Despite government policies that discouraged innovative drug development, Japanese companies are discovering innovative drugs at rates comparable to those of overseas rivals of comparable size. However, in view of the explosion of new biomedical knowledge, autarkic innovation may no longer be compatible with global competitiveness. Autarkic innovation may be a characteristic of most Japanese technology-based manufacturers. Thus, the competitive advantage of Japanese companies may be greatest in industries where innovation does not rely upon inputs from universities and independent companies.  相似文献   

王红 《科教文汇》2012,(24):205-206
数字电影诞生于20世纪80年代.是科学技术飞速发展的产物。电影是一门可以容纳文学、戏剧、摄影、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、文字、雕塑、建筑等多种艺术的综合艺术,数字电影是电影的一种新的表现形式和载体。数字电影的灵活放映方式、数字化储存传统胶片、宣传先进军队文化以及DV在军营推广.必然对新时期的警营文化建设产生重大和深远的影响。  相似文献   

Flow-through gold film perforated with periodically arrayed sub-wavelength nano-holes can cause extraordinary optical transmission (EOT), which has recently emerged as a label-free surface plasmon resonance sensor in biochemical detection by measuring the transmission spectral shift. This paper describes a systematic study of the effect of microfluidic field on the spectrum of EOT associated with the porous gold film. To detect biochemical molecules, the sub-micron-thick film is free-standing in a microfluidic field and thus subject to hydrodynamic deformation. The film deformation alone may cause spectral shift as measurement error, which is coupled with the spectral shift as real signal associated with the molecules. However, this microfluid-induced measurement error has long been overlooked in the field and needs to be identified in order to improve the measurement accuracy. Therefore, we have conducted simulation and analytic analysis to investigate how the microfluidic flow rate affects the EOT spectrum and verified the effect through experiment with a sandwiched device combining Au/Cr/Si3N4 nano-hole film and polydimethylsiloxane microchannels. We found significant spectral blue shift associated with even small flow rates, for example, 12.60 nm for 4.2 μl/min. This measurement error corresponds to 90 times the optical resolution of the current state-of-the-art commercially available spectrometer or 8400 times the limit of detection. This really severe measurement error suggests that we should pay attention to the microfluidic parameter setting for EOT-based flow-through nano-hole sensors and adopt right scheme to improve the measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

提出了在铜表面络合上一种网格状高分子膜来实现水蒸汽滴状冷凝的新模型。预计这种单分子层的高分子膜可以被大片的配位键牢牢地粘附在金属表面上,并具有可自修复的特性,因而可望获得超长使用寿命和较高传热效率的滴状冷凝表面。根据相关的成膜或成滴的判据,用分子动力学模拟方法计算了水分子的内聚能和表面的吸附能。结果表明,在这种网格状高分子膜的表面上可以实现滴状冷凝。并且,通过观察粒子的平衡位型分布,可以看到网格状高分子中的大环结构可能起到核化中心位的作用。  相似文献   

李晶 《大众科技》2011,(12):244-245,230
影视旅游最大的特点是借助影视作品来宣传旅游目的地。文章阐述了影视旅游的概念,指出中国影视旅游的发展现状,总结出我国影视旅游发展所存在的问题,提出相应的未来发展建设对策,并对中国影视旅游的未来发展趋势展望。  相似文献   

黄艺平  农舒淋 《大众科技》2013,(10):143-144
英语影视作品是艺术与英语的结合,由于其本身固有的特点可以选择作为艺术类大学生的跨文化交际能力学习素材。文章在基于对英语影视及艺术类大学生的特点分析的基础上,提出了使用英语影视欣赏作为艺术类大学跨文化交际能力培养的方法策略。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of rotavirus (RV) and soyabean trypsin inhibitor (TI) on lipid composition and uptake of glucose and glycine in rotavirus (RV) infected malnourished (PEM) infant mice. Malnutrition was achieved in animals by doubling the litter size. Cholesterol (Ch) and phospholipd (PL) contents, uptake levels of glucose and glycine were determined in jejunum and ileum portion of small intestine. Increase in Ch/PL ratios was observed in PEM+RV group. The levels became comparable in PEM+RV+TI as compared to PEM. Uptake levels of glucose and glycine increased in PEM animals. With rotavirus (PEM+RV+TI group), the levels decreased which became comparable to PEM. Changes in uptake and lipid composition with rotavirus and trypsin inhibitor may be responsible for altering membrane fluidity and organization during rotavirus diarrhea. The results establish the importance of trypsin inhibitor during oral infection with rotavirus.  相似文献   

郭蕾 《科教文汇》2014,(13):118-120
近十年来,中英双字幕的影片资源不断增多,让英语和电影的爱好者们在欣赏外国电影的同时也能学习地道的英文。目前国内大部分进口影片的中文翻译工作绝大多数是由兼职翻译或爱好英语的志愿者完成的,他们大多不是为了收入而来,更多的是因为爱好和荣誉感;同时,仓促或无法全身心投入地翻译使汉语字幕中有一些翻译不尽如人意,甚至是错译的现象。错误的中文翻译不仅对于观影者来说是个误导,不能清楚地理解原意,对于英语爱好者和学习者来说更是会产生错误的引导作用;同时也不利于中西方的跨文化交际。本文以影片Ever After(讲述的是在16世纪的法兰西,展开了一段酷似童话《灰姑娘》的爱情故事)为例,对电影对话中的英汉翻译进行了认真的思考,同时给出了试探性的翻译供大家探讨。  相似文献   

Diego M. Morris 《Research Policy》2018,47(10):1918-1932
This paper examines the links between firm innovation and productivity using the largest cross-country panel dataset assembled for this purpose to date. We use harmonized and comparable data on a total of 40,577 small, medium and large firms surveyed in the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) and provide some support for the reported patterns previously found in the innovation literature. Our results indicate that estimates from studies using cross-section data may be upward biased but nevertheless, innovative firms are significantly and economically more productive in both the manufacturing and services sectors.  相似文献   

R.S.J Sparks 《Endeavour》1979,3(1):27-31
In the late Bronze Age, sometime between 1500 and 1450 BC, a paroxysmal explosive eruption of the volcano Santorini took place in the Aegean Sea. Many scientists now link the rapid decline of the Minoan Civilisation centred on Crete with the destructive effects of this catastrophic eruption. The geological record indicates that one or two eruptions of comparable magnitude may occur every 1000 years. In our present-day world with its rapidly expanding population and economy the catastrophic effects of such an eruption occurring today should be seriously considered.  相似文献   

We performed a pilot accuracy study on glucometers from three sources: “Advantage” from Boehringer Mannheim (A), “Glucometer* 4” from Bayer (B) and “One Touch Basic” from Life Scan (C) and compared these results with the results on autoanalyzers-Dimension RxL (1) and Hitachi 704 (2). Each glucometer was tested with venous blood in duplicate, from three different groups of 20 patients each, at random, on three different days, in our outpatient phlebotomy section. The rest of the sample was collected into heparinized tubes & the plasma separated within 15 minutes of sample collection & analyzed on both the analyzers in duplicates. The data were analyzed for accuracy by tabulating the number and percentage of test values that vary from the analyzer (reference) method by 10% or less, by 10% to 20%, or greater than 20% and the results tabulated on the Accuracy Study Table. This being a pilot study and the numbers being small, it may be suggested from the Accuracy Study Table alone, that the results of glucose in whole blood done with glucometer (A) were comparable with that of plasma values without applying any factor; whereas the results with glucometers (B) & (C) need to be divided by 1.11 to be comparable with plasma results; statistically though, results with glucometer (C) were comparable with or without factor. Patients using glucometers need to be alerted about the variance in their glucose results when compared to laboratory results, more clearly by the respective companies in their product inserts. An external quality control material that is glucometer method specific is needed, so that the Clinical Biochemistry laboratory in any hospital setup can more effectively monitor the performance of the glucometers in the wards periodically.  相似文献   

丁晶华 《科教文汇》2011,(2):127-128
本文以电影《赤壁》为例,探讨影视剧字幕的翻译策略,指出由于其自身的艺术形式,影视剧字幕翻译必须在关联原则的指导下,灵活处理文化问题,重组文化意象的明示和隐含意义,以求为目的语观众提供最佳关联的字幕。  相似文献   

A case study for impelling university research productivity and impact through collaboration is presented. Scientometric results support the hypothesis that a knowledge management model increased research collaboration and thereby boosted a university’s number of publications and citations. Results come from fifteen years of data at a Mexican university with 2400 researchers who produced 24,000 works in fifteen research disciplines. These data are treated with social network visualizations and algorithms to identify patterns of collaboration and clustering, as well as with normalizations to make disciplines comparable and to verify increasing citation impact. The knowledge management model implemented in the study may be a cost-effective way for universities to intensify collaboration and improve research performance.  相似文献   

A selective amplifier is developed which is simple, and more flexible than other types. It utilizes an audio transformer with a variable series resistance in the primary circuit, and a variable secondary load capacitance both of which may be adjusted to give broad or narrow peaked amplification at any frequency within a wide range, or flat amplification throughout this range. Theoretical and experimental amplification curves are shown, and a transient solution gives the primary and secondary currents resulting when a voltage is suddenly applied to the amplifier. This analysis shows that the time constants for the circuit are comparable with those for other peaked amplifiers. Oscillograms are shown illustrating the transient behavior of the amplifier.  相似文献   

叶小军 《科教文汇》2014,(16):130-132
影视教学不是简单的电影播放,更重要的是在合适的影片中选择合适的讲解或讨论切入点以支持课程中的某些知识点,并在有限的课堂时间内实现这一目标。影视教学不仅牵涉完整的教学环节设计,还要有基本的软件技术支持,这样才能最后确保学生不是单纯地看电影,而是真正地在学习影片中的语言或影片所反映的文化。  相似文献   

周婉京 《科教文汇》2014,(8):141-142
南韩奉俊昊导演过的许多电影均在本土和国外取得了票房上的卓越成绩,《汉江怪物》一片更是位居韩国大片榜单榜首至今。本文致力于透过分析电影《汉江怪物》的商业成功,结合南韩电影产业发展中推行的多元连锁院线模式和电影配额制度,检视南韩电影在运营上的成就与其带给中国电影产业的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

汤君丽 《科教文汇》2011,(4):113-114
汉英红色词汇的联想意义有着重叠性和异同性。因此,两种语言在互译时要准确传达红色词汇本身的联想意义及融入影片片名的信息性、宣传性和文化性,可以遵循翻译功能目的论的忠实原则。  相似文献   

李坤 《科教文汇》2013,(5):135-136
随着科技的发展,计算机在社会的各个领域中得到广泛的普及和应用。多媒体技术作为一种有效的辅助教学手段,已被广大教师广泛使用,并产生了积极的作用,但在实践中也暴露出种种弊端。本文就多媒体辅助数学教学的利弊进行分析并提出对策。  相似文献   

温偲睿 《科教文汇》2014,(25):161-162
随着大批的英语电影进入中国市场,为了吸引观众的眼球,影片片名的翻译变得至关重要。本文以新兴的功能翻译理论为基础,从电影片名的特点和功能入手,分析了英语电影片名翻译的主要策略,并对各种策略的优缺点进行了探讨,指出英语电影片名的翻译应以实现片名的功能为原则,灵活地运用各种方法。  相似文献   

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