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美国大学入学考试ACT深度剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ACT是美国历史上除SAT外又一使用最为广泛、研究最为深入的大学入学考试,至今已有近50年的历史。ACT试题由英语写作测试、数学测试、阅读测试、科学测试四部分组成。ACT考试全美统一,每年举行6次。ACT属于成就测验,但与SAT一样都非常重视对活学活用、分析推理与解决问题、批判性思维等能力的考查。目前,几乎所有美国高校都平等地接受考生的ACT和SAT成绩。ACT与SAT编制、设计与实施方面的许多经验,值得我们认真研究与借鉴。  相似文献   

2014年3月5日,美国大学理事会宣布,SAT将进行其88年发展历史上最大的一次改革。目前SAT考试词汇晦涩,内容与课本严重脱节,作文也无法反映学生的真实水平。与ACT相比,SAT正在失去优势。新题型的总分将从2400分改回到1600分;改革后的词汇将是常见的单词,阅读材料除了来自人文科学外,还将选取自然科学等学科的原始材料;写作要求考生在阅读材料中找出支持论点的证据,时间延长至50分钟,并变成可选项;数学试题涉及三个重点领域,注重考察学生解决问题与数据分析的能力。改革后的SAT将与课本更加密切,并通过免费培训、免交申请费等方式来帮助贫困考生。新SAT考试将不断向ACT考试的要求靠拢,试图通过题型的改变夺回昔日的主导地位。  相似文献   

美国大学入学考试主要有两种:SAT与ACT。美国大学在选拔新生时强调素质的全面考查,但SAT、ACT等大学入学考试的成绩也至关重要。美国大学入学考试SAT或ACT每年均开展多次,大学入学考试与高校录取工作相对独立地开展,实行"招考分离"。学生亦可报名参加多次SAT或ACT考试,高校以最高成绩为选拔依据。SAT、ACT考试编制的科学化程度较高,试题难度稳定,得到了多数大学的信任。变"一次高考机会"为"多次高考机会",实行"招考分离",是我国高考改革的大势所趋。但具体改革的操作细节应深入研究,谨慎实施,以免发生执行上的偏差。  相似文献   

刘莉莉 《教育文汇》2014,(18):12-13
面对来自各界的诟病和老对手ACT(大学人学标准测试)的竞争,有着美国“高考”之称的SAT(学术能力评估考试)也吹响了改革号角:减少生僻词汇考查、缩小数学考试范围、将作文定为选考项目…… SAT的改革内容,旨在突出考生逻辑思维和知识运用能力,剔除死记硬背、学而不思的学习方法。SAT称,今后在互联网上,将免费提供辅导SAT考试课程。  相似文献   

SAT和ACT是美国具有代表性的大学招生考试,其与学校教育存在双向互动的关系。一方面,学校教育对SAT和ACT考试具有规定性:考试制度设计在于服务社会现代化人才选拔需要,考试目的和试题内容注重匹配学校课程目标和教学内容;另一方面,SAT、ACT考试对学校教育具有能动影响:考试改革促进中学课程改革,考试评价提高学生自我认知,考试成绩的合理使用提高大学招生效率。最后,大学招生考试与学校教育的良性互动是大学招生考试的本质追求,也是提高学校教育质量的关键。  相似文献   

SAT自身的缺陷以及来自ACT的竞争压力使得拥有90多年历史的SAT考试逐渐失去了其原有优势。为了适应新的发展需求,2016年美国大学理事会对SAT进行了其发展历史上规模最大的一次改革。此次改革注重考试与中学课程的联系,重视对实用知识的考查,强调通过为所有考生提供免费备考资源来创造一个相对公平的备考环境。美国新SAT改...  相似文献   

美国的大学入学实行综合性测评,其中大学入学考试(包括SAT和ACT)起重要作用.本文以SATⅡ美国历史与社会学科为例,从考试对学生的能力要求、对学生要掌握知识的分析以及试题特色与不足三个不同的视角对SATⅡ美国历史与社会学科进行了分析,从而也打破了以往只分析考试试题的传统.  相似文献   

美国的大学入学实行综合性测评,其大学入学考试包括:SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)和ACT(American College Test),它们在综合性测评中的地位越来越重要(见下图)。其中,SAT由SATⅠ和SATⅡ两部分组成,SATⅠ是使用最为广泛的大学入学考试,在全美和世界各地有几百个考点,只考语文和数学;SATⅡ有15门考试科目,学生可任选三门,学生要考好的学校,如哈佛等必须要有这三门课的成绩。ACT和SATⅠ颇为  相似文献   

考试频率:“一年七次,一次三小时”与“一年一次,二至三天” 美国不实行全国大学入学统考,但中学生申请上大学影响最大的考试是SAT(学业能力评估考试)和ACT(美国大学测评系统),美国高考一般指的是SAT。目前SAT考试一年举行七次,考试时间三小时。  相似文献   

文章首先对ACT科学考试(生物部分)和SAT学科考试(生物学科)进行了介绍和分析,随后指出了ACT和SAT生物考试对我国高考生物学科命题的四点启示:(1)试题指向要清楚明确;(2)表达思想和观点类试题,是生物高考所必需的;(3)从强调阅读理解和推理入手,是能力考查的途径之一;(4)关注中学教学实际,命题评价要把握好考试的深度。  相似文献   

Data from college admissions tests can provide a valuable measure of student achievement, but the non-representativeness of test-takers is an important concern. We examine selectivity bias in both state-level and school-level SAT and ACT averages. The degree of selectivity may differ importantly across and within schools, and across and within states. To identify within-state selectivity, we use a control function approach that conditions on scores from a representative test. Estimates indicate strong selectivity of test-takers in “ACT states,” where most college-bound students take the ACT, and much less selectivity in SAT states. To identify within- and between-school selectivity, we take advantage of a policy reform in Illinois that made taking the ACT a graduation requirement. Estimates based on this policy change indicate substantial positive selection into test participation both across and within schools. Despite this, school-level averages of observed scores are extremely highly correlated with average latent scores, as across-school variation in sample selectivity is small relative to the underlying signal. As a result, in most contexts the use of observed school mean test scores in place of latent means understates the degree of between-school variation in achievement but is otherwise unlikely to lead to misleading conclusions.  相似文献   

美国将在2005年3月举行第一次"新SAT" (nSAT)考试,引起了公众关注。此次SAT的改革主要以内容改 革为切入点,并新增加了写作技能测试。SAT的本次改革旨在完 善自我,强化SAT的评价功能、选拔功能和教育导向功能。  相似文献   


Declines in college entrance examination test scores have been documented both on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Testing Program (ACT). Sources of such declines seem to be functions of three main contexts: (a) school-related factors, (b) student-related factors, and (c) family structure-related factors. It was found that academic course taking had the greatest partial regression coefficient. Next in predictive power was the level of educational aspiration of the student. Size of school was negatively associated with composite ACT scores. Student-related factors comprised the most significant context of association. More modest support was demonstrated for school-related factors. Family structure factors did not appear significantly related to composite ACT scores.  相似文献   

美国高校录取工作的宗旨就是要从众多申请者(考生)中选拔出那些最有可能在大学取得成功的学生,他们在选拔新生时往往全面考察报考学生的各方面素质及其他背景因素,包括高中选修的AP课程等大学预备课程的成绩、大学入学考试成绩、高中成绩总评、高中年级排名等十大因素。但在众多因素中,学业成绩仍然是最重要的考查指标。美国关于大学入学考试改革的争论也非常激烈,甚至有人提出"取消高考"的主张。美国高校录取工作的经验、做法和其中的争论,值得我们关注、研究与借鉴。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):295-308
Performance on the reading comprehension (RC) tasks of the Scholastic Assessment Test-I (SAT-I or the "new" SAT), the Enhanced American College Testing Assessment (ACT), and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) when passages were missing was examined. For the SAT-I and ACT, scores were well above chance and correlated substantially with verbal score on the earlier version of the SAT, indicating that examinees perform similarly with or without passages. Comparable but weaker results were found for the GRE. The findings raise doubts about the construct validity of the RC task. We argue that performance is influenced by the plausibility of item choices with or without the passages and that this, in turn, is the result of the construction of test items with little knowledge of the underlying reading process.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigated the extent to which boys and girls differed in their college-ready performance in reading, in math, and in both subjects for the 2006–2007 school year for the state of Texas (n = 1,099 high schools). Also examined were the extent to which boys and girls differed in their performance on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT) for the 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 school years. Differences in criterion scores, as well as how many boys and girls actually took these exams, were examined in addition to their average scores. Statistically significant differences were present between the college-ready scores of boys and of girls in reading, math, and in both subject areas. Of special note is that less than one-third of all students were deemed to be college-ready in both subject areas. Statistically significant differences also were revealed between boys and girls in the percentage taking the SAT or ACT, in the percentage meeting the SAT or ACT criterion, and in their SAT average scores, but not in their ACT average scores. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

New measures of college selectivity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Institutional averages of entering freshman scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and the American College Test (ACT) were combined and edited to produce a single institutional measure of selectivity for 2,601 institutions. Older scores were adjusted to reflect decreasing performance over time, and ACT scores were converted to SAT equivalents, resulting in a final measure that reflects 1973 performance levels and is expressed as an SAT Verbal plus Mathematical score (range 400–1,600). Actual scores were available for 1,803 schools; the remaining schools with missing values were given an imputed score based upon means from similar institutions among the 1,803. Correlations between scores from different years and between the final measure and 19 institutional attributes indicated substantial reliability and validity for the selectivity measure.  相似文献   

In earlier work, the authors found that only 10% of the students at 28 of the nation's most selective private colleges and universities came from families in the bottom 40% of the US family income distribution and that there is a larger share of low-income high-ability students in the national population than in the student bodies of these selective private schools. Using SAT and ACT data, this paper finds that inadequate attention to geography and the incidence of ACT tests in their search and recruiting activities has contributed to a bias against low-income students at these schools.  相似文献   

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