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本文对天津少年儿童图书馆馆藏文献入藏情况,购书经费分配比例,中文图书馆复本情况,读者借阅图书分类统计等进行了综合统计分析,从中找出问题,并略谈点滴看法。  相似文献   

天津图书馆馆藏文献分布及藏书利用率的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对天津图书馆馆藏文献覆盖率,购书经费分配比例,中文图书复本率,读者借阅率等进行了综合统计分析,从中找出问题,并提出改进的对策。  相似文献   

人类已进入网络时代,网络正以惊人的力量改变着社会生活的方方面面。网络技术的迅速发展,已经使图书馆业的工作方法、作业对象、信息处理和服务方式产生了划时代的改革。数字化网络的建立,取代了图书馆传统的手工操作,改变了图书馆以购书、藏书、借阅为主要形式的被动式服务。图书馆业迎来了一个崭新的时代。  相似文献   

公共图书馆自我发展的新路——馆外流通站的实践报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于书价的上涨,财政部门拨给经费有限,购书经费远远满足不了读者对图书的需求,已成为困扰图书馆的一个极其严重的问题。作为公共图书馆,藏书既要满足广大读者对文化生活需要,又要满足研究型读者的需要。然而,有限的经费又不能同时兼顾,那么能否有既不增加经费,又能同时满足二者需要的自我启动的途径呢?我们认为公共图书馆门庭冷落的原因,除了图书馆地点借阅时间固定,远离图书馆的读者不方便借阅外,最主要的是购书经费有  相似文献   

大连市区市县公共图书馆购书经费短缺问题的调查报告   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
近年来,我市各级政府在财政十分紧张的情况下,仍给予图书馆大力支持和一定投入。目前,我市各区市县80%的公共图书馆都已经拥有或正在建设新馆舍,馆容馆貌有了较大的改善,借阅面积和阅览座席大幅度增加,有效缓解了大连地区读者读书难局面。然而,与新馆建设大相径庭的却是,购书经费未见同步增长。有的馆除了订报刊外,购书廖廖;更有甚者,几年未见入藏新书。这种状况已经大大影响了当地读者的阅读需求。最近,根据各馆实际反映,我们对全市各区市县图书馆馆舍面积、购书经费、藏书总量等基本情况进行了调查,现将调查结果作一论证…  相似文献   

左德藩 《图书馆》1994,(1):51-52
中国的图书户和日本的文库左德藩中国的图书户和日本的文库都是各自国家的图书馆事业的一个组成部分,均已得到本国图书馆界的承认,在社会上发挥了一定的作用。中国的图书户是自费购书,并有一定数量的藏书,既自我利用,又进行业余借阅,为群众义务服务,是一种家庭型图...  相似文献   

在许多图书馆,由于受诸多因素影响,读者借阅新书难的现象普遍存在,如何面对这一客观存在,怎样有效地解决这一难题呢?沈阳市图书馆以创建新书展示厅的办法.较好地解决了读者看新书难、图书馆购书经费短缺、出版社推销新书难这三者之间的矛盾.  相似文献   

鲍红 《出版参考》2005,(11S):11-11
本刊讯 近年来,由于国家重教政策的实施,加之学校人均藏书量和流动借阅量成为高校评估的重要指标,许多高校图书馆购书经费开始大幅增加。1994年北大图书馆的经费是400万,2004年,这一数字达到2400万。据新华书店总店营销中心经理王海明介绍,最保守的估计,我国图书馆采购每年也有二三十亿元。其中采购经费超过2000万的高校图书馆有近20家。  相似文献   

当前 ,购书经费短缺 ,旧书多 ,新书少 ,已是高校图书馆的普遍现象。高校图书馆在开展借阅工作的同时 ,附之以租、买、卖、换的有偿服务 ,将会是高校图书馆逐步满足读者对新书的需求 ,改变目前状况 ,进而搞活高校图书馆藏书工作的一条新路。  相似文献   

美国<图书馆杂志>2009年度对美国公共图书馆进行了购书调查.调查显示,当前的经济危机对美国公共图书馆经费预算、流通都有很大的影响.它驱使图书馆削减预算,同时也推动着图书馆的高流通量,改变着人们的借阅倾向.图书馆正在采取一系列的措施应对经济危机.调查还显示了引起流通量增长的多方面的原因.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey undertaken by the World Health Organization of health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia. It includes information on clientele, budget, personnel, collections, lending policy, dissemination of information, and reference services. The survey indicates that the collections in most of the health sciences libraries in Southeast Asia are deficient and that services provided to readers are inadequate. Recommendations for improvement are outlined.  相似文献   

Although a literature search yields much data on validity, reliability and construction of educational and psychological tests, little information on test collection management in libraries is available. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign initiated a survey of selected test collections in order to verify that their practices conformed with those of other institutions. An attempt was also made to rank collections and compare staff and budget allocations. The fact that two other institutions were found during the distribution and compilation of the survey to be engaged in a similar activity indicates that there is currently great interest in the management of test collections in libraries.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine how efforts to contain the soaring cost of U.S. health care in the 1980s have affected the size and stature of Michigan hospital libraries, a survey was sent out in April 1988 to 156 hospitals across the state. Fifteen of the 97 responding institutions did not maintain libraries during the survey period and were subsequently excluded from the study. Total FTEs in the 82 responding libraries decreased by 6.1%. In the 69 libraries reporting budget data, materials budgets increased, but by less than 7% a year. Eighteen of the 82 libraries had positions reclassified, with 12 (14.6%) assigned downgrades. The trend toward reduced size and perceived value of hospital libraries that emerged from the survey points to the need for regular collection of comprehensive hospital library statistics to assist hospital librarians in effective direction of their profession's course.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a survey conducted in 1986 of music collections in academic libraries of the Association of Research Libraries. There were five sections in the survey instrument: (1) General Information; (2) Staffing and Location of the Music Collection; (3) Collection Development Policies and Procedures; (4) Collection Evaluation Policies and Procedures; and (5) Tables. These sections correspond to the major questions which initiated the survey: (I) Where did Louisiana State University (LSU) rank in music holdings and budget among the respondents? (2) In relation to collection size and budget how did LSU compare in staffing, and where did the majority of other ARL libraries house their material? (3) How many libraries had collection development policies as guidelines for developing their collections? (4) How many libraries had formal collection evaluation procedures, and what bibliographic sources were used for this (5) How did other institutions view the provision of chamber music "performance parts" and "elementary/secondary classroom materials" in a research collection, and what were the collection preferences for certain book, non-book, and score materials?  相似文献   

高校图书馆文献资源建设经费是高校图书馆发展的基础,其预算和配置的方法及模式直接影响到图书馆的良性发展。随着文献价格涨幅增大、出版形式多样化、信息需求的多元化趋势,高校图书馆面临着优化文献经费预算管理和分配机制的重要课题。文章在调查分析国内高校图书馆文献经费分配现状的基础上,提出文献经费预算及分配的优化方略。  相似文献   

高校图书馆文献经费预算与分配问题的核心是方法问题.文章论述了高校图书馆文献经费预算与分配的方法及各自的适用范围.在此基础上,提高了高校图书馆文献经费预算与分配的模式,即"模型 原则 综合平衡"的模式.参考文献8.  相似文献   

The design is explained of a survey of the holdings of 30 first novels from 1979 in 100 medium-- and large-size academic libraries. First novels are discussed as a literary phenomenon and as an object of collection development. The survey findings are then presented and analyzed, with particular emphasis on the acquisitions budget and selection procedures. One major finding: few first novels are held other than those having advance publicity or honors. A discussion follows of whether the relationship between first novels and academic libraries is neglected, and why, and a rationale is given for paying greater attention to first novel acquisition.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey conducted in 2015 of librarians who work for small town and rural public libraries throughout the United States. Questions were asked about personnel statistics, budget, community involvement, programs, technology, managerial challenges, and how to solve the organization’s problems. The purpose of this research was to ascertain if conditions have improved for libraries in areas of low population and what managerial challenges these librarians faced. The survey found that financial conditions had improved or will improve in the future and that the most challenging managerial issue was staffing.  相似文献   

Current fiscal shortfalls are projected to bring deep and long-lasting budget cuts to libraries. With every budget dollar under close scrutiny, the urgency of filling patron information needs efficiently and cost-effectively increases. Interlibrary loan plays an important role in filling in gaps in library collections, yet as significant budget cuts are made at libraries of all sizes, materials will be available from fewer and fewer lenders. Libraries unable to find items from those with whom they have reciprocal arrangements will be will be forced to use lenders who charge. This article examines fees associated with interlibrary lending in 30 academic libraries in the southeast from 1995 and 2008.  相似文献   

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