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培育特色学科,创新人才培养模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
广西北部湾经济区的开放开发对区域高等教育人才培养工作提出了新的要求.钦州学院主动将学科专业建设和人才培养纳入地方经济社会发展的大系统中,依据产业结构调整的需要,加快学校学科专业建设步伐,培育特色学科,创新人才培养模式,服务地方经济建设,促进学院的稳步发展.  相似文献   

地方综合性大学研究生教育作为我国研究生教育的一个重要组成部分,其发展应当是低重心的。坚持地方性,综合挖掘院校类别优势和院校内部优势;利用学科专业目录调整机会和学科综合性优势,加强学科群建设,发挥学科群整体效应;进一步密切与企业的多方位合作,切实加强研究生教育为科技服务的实效性;保持基础学科研究生教育的优势,逐步建立内涵发展模式。  相似文献   

学科专业调整优化是高等教育改革的重要课题。要积极探索学科专业调整优化的创新模式,将学科专业链精准嵌入产业链、创新链、人才链以及全球价值链。强化“四新”建设引领的学科交叉与专业升级改造,以“四个面向”确立学科专业动态调控机制,适应新时代快速变化的经济社会发展需求。  相似文献   

关于浙江大学学科建设情况的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了新的所江大学针对四校合并后各校区拥有的学科专业存在较多重复的状况,把学科建设作为重中之重,瞄准国内外先进水平,以制度创新为突破口,实施学科合并调整,加强重点建设,发展优势学科,优化和完善学科结构布局的成功经验。这些经验对近年来合并的院校发挥学科的综合性优势,不断提高办学水平和学科建设水平具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

推动钦州城市化建设和高等教育的发展,需要深刻认识城市化建设与高等教育发展的互动关系;要把高等教育列入钦州城市化建设的重要组成部分优先发展;钦州的高等院校要把加快自身发展作为推动钦州城市化建设的责任与义务。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校在办学中需坚持学科专业一体化建设原则,并重建设学科与专业.就人文社科类学科专业而言,在凝练学科目标、创新课程内容、优化教学组织形式、转变学习方式等方面,需要紧扣学科与专业之间的关系,着力创新人才培育路径、建构实践能力训练模式.加强师资队伍建设是推进学科专业一体化建设的关键所在,既要注重培养人文社科类教师的政治思维与责任意识、地域视角与国际视野,也要鼓励支持其跨学科、跨领域转型发展.  相似文献   

中国研究生学科专业目录经历了四次分类调整,本科学科专业目录经历了六次调整,学科门类的数目逐渐增加,一级学科(学科类)的数量逐渐增加,二级学科(专业)的数量逐渐减少。本文从提高创新人才培养质量的角度,提出了中国学科专业分类调整的四条基本思路:建立研究生、本科学科专业目录的有效衔接;提高学科门类、一级学科和二级学科的综合性程度;增加新兴学科,为交叉学科预留位置;注重学科专业内涵建设,提供更多高质量课程。  相似文献   

北京工商大学是1999年6月10日经教育部批准,由北京轻工业学院、北京商学院合并组建而成的多科性大学。为了继承两校历史上所形成的特色和优势,学校大力调整学科专业结构,强化办学特色,在人才培养模式上进行了大胆的探索与实践。一、大力调整学科专业结构,为学校人才培养模式改革奠定坚实的基础学校为整合原有的资源,继承和发挥经济管理类和工科的特色与优势,从适应首都经济结构的战略性调整,建设国际化大都市的需要出发,调整学科专业结构,重点发展与高新技术产业、现代制造业和现代服务业相关的应用学科,并将原有的学科专业优化组合,对原有…  相似文献   

论高校专业结构调整与专业建设   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
专业结构是学科结构在人才培养上的体现,专业建设是高等学校一项教学基本建设.调整专业结构,加强专业建设,必须以发展高新技术类学科专业和应用型学科专业为重点,以学科建设为基础,以基础学科专业为依托,以社会需求为导向,以课程建设为核心,同时处理好一般专业与优势、特色专业,专业建设与学科建设等方面的关系.  相似文献   

依托行业特色优化专业结构培养高素质应用型人才   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西安科技大学依托学校的办学定位、办学特色和学科优势,确立了"以地矿及其相关学科专业为特色,其他专业围绕特色学科专业发展"的专业建设格局.不断调整优化专业结构,明确本科教学培养定位.实施科研反哺教学,培养创新意识和创新能力,强化实践教学训练,不断创新人才培养模式,为培养高素质应用型人才奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

政治体制改革的原则必须与时俱进。原有政治体制改革原则是政治体制改革新原则的前提和基础,政治体制改革新原则是对原有政治体制改革原则的继承与发展,是对原有政治体制改革的提升、提炼和升华。政治体制改革的新原则包括:民主原则,即政治体制改革的启动机制是民主互动的,博弈机制是民主双赢的,以民主文化为支撑的,民主的实质是给人的尊严与幸福提供保障;宪政原则,即把民主纳入宪政的轨道,公民才有良质,社会进步才有良序;完善根本制度原则,即人民代表大会制度有很大的拓展空间;遵守宪法原则,即政治体制改革必须在宪法和法律的范围内进行。  相似文献   

论多数原则的限度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多数原则的限度是指多数原则作为一种决策规则所适用的范围。这一范围可以从"少数的合法权益"、"程序正义"和"多数暴政"三个角度来加以界定。多数原则以保障少数的合法权益为限度,这既是多数结构特征的必然结果,也是多数与少数平等法律地位的现实要求;多数原则以维护程序正义为限度,是因为程序具有限制多数保护少数的功能;多数原则以防止多数暴政为限度,要求严格限制多数的无限权威,给少数人更多的自主治理,培育公民的民主精神。  相似文献   

论述了高职设计类专业素描课程重构的必要性,重构课程的原则和内容,通过重构的课程主要培养学生的审美能力、想像能力、表现能力。重构课程在实践中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

对民主观念的理解我们要走出以下五大误区:民主不是“为民求主”、“为民作主”,而是人民作主;民主不是多数压制少数,而是多数尊重和保护少数;民主不是否定个人,而是弘扬个人;民主不是只讲权利,而是也讲义务,民主不是追求最优的求全机制,而是保证满意的纠错机制。  相似文献   

In November 1989, there was a meeting of people who had been involved in helping to bring about fundamental restructuring in public schools. This chapter reports on one person's view of the results of that “Asilomar Conference.” It describes 15 activities that appear to enhance the success of systemic restructuring, but more importantly it describes principles or guidelines that appear to enhance the success of each activity. Hopefully, this tentative process model will contribute to building a knowledge base that will help practitioners and other stakeholders to attain a quantum improvement in the quality of their educational systems.  相似文献   

The premise underlying this paper is that one of the best ways of improving education in the United States, short of totally restructuring the public schools, is to teach pre-service teachers how to use systems approach principles and to work to insure that they employ those principles when they become teachers. The paper begins with a rationale for this premise and goes on to describe the systems approach principles likely to be most rel evant to teachers. A detailed examination of the real world of teacher planning and the factors likely to influence teachers' planning activities is also presented. In light of those factors, the authors suggest a number of steps that can be taken in order to increase the likelihood that future teachers will employ systems approach principles as they engage in instructional planning.  相似文献   

The higher education system of Romania has been one of the sectors of Romanian society most determined to undertake drastic reform and restructuring. The reform process, which got underway during the first months of 1990, is complex, particularly the efforts in favour of restructuring and diversification aimed at adapting Romanian higher education, both in terms of national and of curricular structures, to the realities of a market economy and liberal democratic principles. An appropriate legal framework is to be provided by two new laws, the Law on Education and the Law on Quality Assessment and Accreditation.  相似文献   

This article discusses the complexities surrounding the teaching of a critical thinking and academic writing module on a vocational postgraduate programme. Students enrolled on this programme are strongly industry focused and often fail to see the relevance of such a module, despite the fact that most are international students with English as their second language. Obtaining student buy in has been challenging, and initial feedback from students and discipline lecturers was disappointing. However, this frustration was the trigger for an innovative approach that adopted assessment design as the starting point in the restructuring of the module. The approach is based on the principles underpinning Assessment for Learning. Taking varied student interests and backgrounds into account was crucial in the restructuring and has led to a marked improvement in both the attitude and engagement of students.  相似文献   

高职护理专业的课程体系改革应围绕以护理为主导,以培养技能为主线,突出应用性和针对性的培养目标,构建新的课程模块,设置不同专业方向课程;调整相关时间安排,重组模块课时比例;加强实践性教学,重视职业能力培养。  相似文献   


Recent educational policy reports in the U.S. have called for significant changes in teachers’ work to increase their effectiveness. The paper examines the relationship between the restructuring strategies in two comprehensive high schools and teachers’ engagement, which is defined as a multi‐dimensional construct. In one school, the restructuring strategies focused on creating a supportive climate for students, and in empowering students and teachers; in the other, emphasis was on developing professional skills of the faculty and strengthening group cohesiveness. The implications of the strategies for teacher engagement are illustrated with case study data. The discussion points to several conclusions: (1) the effects of restructuring are more bounded than is often assumed; (2) a quality of work life framework drawn from the social scientific literatures is useful for analyzing the effects of reform policies on teachers’ work; (3) teachers make trade‐offs between different types of engagement in order to increase their work satisfaction; and (4) restructuring has potential for increasing teachers’ engagement in schools with mixed socio‐economic and racial populations.


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