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The present study provides an estimate of the U.S. economic impact of child sexual abuse (CSA). Costs of CSA were measured from the societal perspective and include health care costs, productivity losses, child welfare costs, violence/crime costs, special education costs, and suicide death costs. We separately estimated quality-adjusted life year (QALY) losses. For each category, we used the best available secondary data to develop cost per case estimates. All costs were estimated in U.S. dollars and adjusted to the reference year 2015. Estimating 20 new cases of fatal and 40,387 new substantiated cases of nonfatal CSA that occurred in 2015, the lifetime economic burden of CSA is approximately $9.3 billion, the lifetime cost for victims of fatal CSA per female and male victim is on average $1,128,334 and $1,482,933, respectively, and the average lifetime cost for victims of nonfatal CSA is of $282,734 per female victim. For male victims of nonfatal CSA, there was insufficient information on productivity losses, contributing to a lower average estimated lifetime cost of $74,691 per male victim. If we included QALYs, these costs would increase by approximately $40,000 per victim. With the exception of male productivity losses, all estimates were based on robust, replicable incidence-based costing methods. The availability of accurate, up-to-date estimates should contribute to policy analysis, facilitate comparisons with other public health problems, and support future economic evaluations of CSA-specific policy and practice. In particular, we hope the availability of credible and contemporary estimates will support increased attention to primary prevention of CSA.  相似文献   

果洛藏族习惯法是在长期的历史发展过程中兼收并蓄形成的。它与国家制定法的冲突尤以"赔命价"和"赔血价"为甚,而通过以化解矛盾、解决冲突、重构平衡,使社会恢复和谐为使命的刑事和解方式进行调适,不但有利于更好地维护被害人及其家属的合法权益,而且有利于矫正犯罪,改善犯罪嫌疑人与被害人的关系,化解冲突,有利于推进二者之间的互动,因此不失为一种有益的尝试。  相似文献   

在我国,大多数刑事案件的被害人都无法足额拿到赔偿款。被害人国家救助制度体现了人道主义价值,促进了三位一体刑事政策的形成,与和谐司法的理念一致。建立和完善我国的刑事被害人国家救助制度,在现行法律的指引下,明确赋予被害人及其家属的救助申请权,建立财政专项资金,保障所有案件的被害人都能平等得到赔偿金,确保被害人的基本生活是该制度设计中的重要问题。  相似文献   

本文认为市场与结构调整之间存在着中间环节———市场功能。市场通过发挥其功能来带动结构调整 ,结构调整通过市场功能反作用于市场。这个双向互动过程形成了市场带动结构调整的动态过程。市场功能大 ,对结构调整的带动力就大。因此 ,要加大结构调整的力度 ,就必须开发市场功能 ,以此符合市场经济的运行规律 ,这是结构调整的切入点和着力点  相似文献   

在我国现实经济生活中存在着大量的隐名股东,尤其是随着企业改制的深入发展,隐名股东更成为了我们不可忽视的现实存在。由于我国的法律对于隐名股东的问题没有做出明确具体的规定,致使一些人为了规避法律而成为隐名股东,而有的人却因为改制的原因非自愿的成为了隐名股东,后者往往是弱者,但利益即得不到法律的保护,成为企业改制的牺牲品。本文针对这种现象探讨了隐名股东资格的确认及其确认标准,并提出了自己的立法构想.  相似文献   

The present study examined psychosocial adjustment in the following four groups of students: victims, bullies, bully/victims and a control group of adolescents not involved in bullying or victimization problems. Psychosocial adjustment was measured considering as indicators: level of self-esteem, depressive symptomatology, perceived stress, feeling of loneliness, and a general measure of satisfaction with life. Participants (N=1319) were aged from 11 to 16 (47% male) and drawn from seven state secondary schools in Valencia (Spain). ANOVAs revealed significant differences among groups, reporting adolescents not involved a general better psychosocial adjustment; they had higher levels of self-esteem and satisfaction with life, and lower levels of depressive symptomatology, perceived stress and feeling of loneliness. The scores for this group were equivalent to those of bullies with respect to self-esteem, depressive symptomatology and loneliness. However, bullies perceived more stress and expressed less satisfaction with life, as did the other two groups, namely victims and bully/victims. Victims reported the strongest feelings of loneliness. Bully/victims seemed to share characteristics with both bullies and victims, though showing more similarities with the latter and a general poor psychosocial profile.  相似文献   

精神损害赔偿的主要功能在于填补受害人因此而受到的损害,使其得到抚慰,以便能开始新生活。因此,精神损害赔偿应本着“全面赔偿损害”的原则,不能脱离实际人为地限定数额。  相似文献   

关于经济公益诉讼制度的研究是近年来法学理论界探讨的一大热点,而经济公益诉讼原告主体资格问题一直是经济公益诉讼制度研究中的一个重要问题。传统诉讼法"直接利害关系人"理论阻碍并限制了经济公益诉讼原告主体资格的确定。在司法实践中,扩大原告主体资格的范围,赋予检察院、社会团体、受害者及其家属原告资格,才能扩大经济公益诉讼的适用范围,更有力地保障公共利益。国外主要国家对于经济公益诉讼原告资格的界定经历了一个历史过程,对我国经济公益诉讼原告资格的构建具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

1929至1933年,一场举世为之瞩目的经济危机迅速席卷了整个资本主义世界。全球主要发达经济体都饱受冲击以致贸易萎缩、企业倒闭、工人失业,经济危机的持续影响则更为深远,它对各国政府都是一次最为严峻的考验。日、德等国在这次危机中走上了法西斯主义道路,而美国则是依靠罗斯福“新政”缓解了这次危机所带来的灾难性后果,并藉此开创了国家干预经济的先河。深入研究罗斯福“新政”中的各项措施,对我们应对当前这场波及全球的经济危机有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Child maltreatment incurs a high lifetime cost per victim and creates a substantial US population economic burden. This study aimed to use the most recent data and recommended methods to update previous (2008) estimates of 1) the per-victim lifetime cost, and 2) the annual US population economic burden of child maltreatment. Three ways to update the previous estimates were identified: 1) apply value per statistical life methodology to value child maltreatment mortality, 2) apply monetized quality-adjusted life years methodology to value child maltreatment morbidity, and 3) apply updated estimates of the exposed population. As with the previous estimates, the updated estimates used the societal cost perspective and lifetime horizon, but also accounted for victim and community intangible costs. Updated methods increased the estimated nonfatal child maltreatment per-victim lifetime cost from $210,012 (2010 USD) to $830,928 (2015 USD) and increased the fatal per-victim cost from $1.3 to $16.6 million. The estimated US population economic burden of child maltreatment based on 2015 substantiated incident cases (482,000 nonfatal and 1670 fatal victims) was $428 billion, representing lifetime costs incurred annually. Using estimated incidence of investigated annual incident cases (2,368,000 nonfatal and 1670 fatal victims), the estimated economic burden was $2 trillion. Accounting for victim and community intangible costs increased the estimated cost of child maltreatment considerably compared to previous estimates. The economic burden of child maltreatment is substantial and might off-set the cost of evidence-based interventions that reduce child maltreatment incidence.  相似文献   

Trajectories of stability and change in bullying roles were examined through a longitudinal prospective study of 916 school students followed up biannually from age 11 to 17. Perpetrators and victims had relatively stable trajectories with most of the children remaining in the same role over time or becoming uninvolved. Bully/victim was the most unstable role with frequent transitions to perpetrators or victims. Developmental change in bullying roles was found with a decrease in physical forms over time in bullies and victims but with persistently high perpetration and victimization in bully/victims. These findings open new horizons in research and practice related to bullying and can be useful for its early detection or design of targeted interventions.  相似文献   


Education in Australia is a concern of the state. Tertiary education is based on philosophies of utility and political expediency. This is particularly true of technical and further education. To include a liberal education in technical and further education one can not argue for it, perse. A course must be shown to be materially useful and to have a place in economic productivity. This paper makes a utilitarian argument by showing the necessity for people to understand their industrial and economic world if they are to lead productive lives. Vocational education needs to include an understanding of what is common to all aspects of an industrial society. The humanities have a vital role to play, as only the humanities offer experience by means of analogies, metaphors, models, paradigms, ideologies and myths. By understanding these individuals can make well‐informed choices and so map out career and life paths for themselves. In this way they will not become passive victims of rapid technological change, by relying on outmoded traditions, but can help create their own productive world.  相似文献   

现代物流企业活动与信息化密不可分,建立现代通讯系统需要开发和利用管理软件技术和应用网络信息技术。然而,我国物流企业管理信息系统不健全,专业技术人才缺乏,网络信息技术应用水平较低,利用系统软件技术优化物流配置非常少,企业之间的物流共享机制尚未形成。因此,政府要搞好战略规划,进行引导、示范和扶持,多渠道培训专门人才;企业要努力实现物流服务网络化,建立完整的物流企业管理信息系统。  相似文献   

建立刑事被害人国家补偿制度,对刑事被害人或其家属予以及时的经济补偿,有利于社会的和谐稳定。应当遵循保护被害人合法权益、实事求是原则;补偿的对象应以被害人或依靠其生活的人陷入生活困境为条件;其基金来源于政府财政拨款、罚金收入和社会各界捐赠;补偿金额可以规定最高限额,在司法实践中结合各地具体经济发展水平酌情量定。  相似文献   

过去两年全球性金融危机对我国旅游业的发展造成了严重影响,桂林旅游经济也深受其害,尤其那些"小、弱、远"的乡村旅游面临困难。但经济危机是把"双刃剑",有挑战也有机遇。文章就桂林及周边旅游在新形势下如何寻找新途径提出了发展对策。  相似文献   

文化语境的意蕴下,公正司法是在一定历史阶段的社会生活中,在交流沟通的过程中,受各种主客观因素的影响,参与司法的主体通过司法实践而形成的对司法程序和实体的整体价值判断。刑事司法的制度创新,需要在刑事案件侦查、起诉和审判制度中体现刑事被害人参与和评价作用,以实现公正司法。  相似文献   

论唐代的旱灾与政府赈济   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐代是我国历史上自然灾害的多发期,尤其是旱灾,极其频繁,共计发生210次,主要集中在夏、秋二季,以中度干旱和严重干旱居多.频仍的旱灾造成农作物减产甚至是绝收,引发大面积的饥荒;连锁发生蝗灾和疫灾等次生灾害;导致流民潮的出现和农民起义的爆发.给百姓生活、社会经济带来巨大的灾难和损失,并严重影响到社会秩序的稳定.旱灾发生后,唐朝的统治者出于维护自己统治的考虑,及时采取了实物救助、赈贷、蠲免赋税徭役、调粟赈民及节约开支等一系列的赈济政策和措施,在一定程度上减轻了灾害,保障了灾民的基本生活  相似文献   

近年来,微博、SNS、视频分享网站等新媒体的发展突飞猛进,它们以前所未有的开放性和互动性,创造了新的工作方式、生活方式和思维方式.“新媒体”一直都是一个不断变化的概念,它的承接与更新是技术和社会双重驱动的结果.这种既分裂又融合的新媒体传播几乎重塑了人类生活的所有重要领域:一方面,它导致了网络文化的变迁,受众集媒介生产者和接受者于一身,通过各种方式主动参与新媒体,与互联网“对话”;人们的生活中,真实和虚拟、线下与线上逐渐融为一体;新媒体的传播使人们的文化实践“脱域”,同时也加强了本土化认同,全球本土化趋势越发明显.另一方面,它也创造了极大的商业价值,新媒体传播带来了新市场、新模式和新力量,为我们铸造了一片供更多合作伙伴共同创造、供用户自由选择的商业新天地,但新媒体经济繁荣的背后也隐藏了商家和新媒体自身的危机.  相似文献   

Border Region culture has both progressive and regressive aspects: New Democratic culture is its progressive aspect, the remnants of feudal culture are its regressive aspect. The Border Region people have destroyed feudal control on the political and economic fronts; in cultural life, which is a reflection of politics and economics, feudal control should also be destroyed; and from the standpoint of the direction of government leadership and of government's new cultural and educational work, the old kind of cultural control has indeed already been destroyed. In the army, factories, public schools, and in many mass organizations in the Border Region, the old kind of cultural control basically has ended as well. As far as the most important aspects of peasant ideological attitudes are concerned, feudal bondage also has already been broken. But as far as the general sphere of the majority of peasants' cultural life is concerned, remnants of feudal culture still exist, and in certain spheres, such as public health and art, they temporarily occupy a dominant position and clash with rather than conform to political and economic life in the Border Region. Therefore, moving from old to new and destroying feudal remnants, opening up a broad route for the new democratic culture, and making culture appropriately reflect the new political and economic life - these are still important historical tasks for Border Region education, and it is necessary to devote massive efforts to these tasks before we can succeed.  相似文献   


The distinction between subtypes of passive and aggressive victims in studies of bullying has been a cornerstone of research in recent decades. However, some aspects of victimization still need further elaboration, such as the differentiation of subtypes of aggressive victims of bullying, the dynamics of the process of victimization, and the perceptions that participants have of their victimized classmates. The objective of this qualitative research is to distinguish between different types of aggressive victims, taking account of the testimonies of secondary school students. Focus groups and in-depth interviews have been conducted with 72 adolescents from the second, third and fourth years of Compulsory Secondary Education and the information has been analysed following the steps proposed by Grounded Theory; a systematic methodology involving the discovery of theory through the analysis of data. The results identify six types of aggressive victims: due to the accumulation of stress, provocative victims, victims through contagion, passive telltale victims, academically gifted victims protected by teachers, and finally, displaced aggression victims.  相似文献   

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