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态度改变理论是社会心理学研究的重要课题之一。这一理论认为,学生成长的过程也是其态度不断改变的过程。没有态度的改变就没有学生的发展。教育者要使学生接受教育,只靠强制灌输不能解决根本问题,必须使学生原来的态度体系发生变化,形成新的态度,才能取得预期的结果。为此。研究态度改变理论及其在教育工作中的应用具有重要意义。 态度是由认知、情感和意向三个因素构成的比较  相似文献   

2 怎样突破毕业水平考试评价学习过程的瓶颈——命题技术创新数学纸笔测试能较为有效地评价学生数学基本知识和基本技能水平,但评价过程性、发展性目标,评价学生的情感态度则难以如意.运用合理的命题技术,命制兼具学习过程和学习结果评价功能,融合显性的基础性目标评价任务和隐性的发展性目标评价任务的试题是学业水平考试命题创新的基本方向.以知识技能应用为载体。  相似文献   

态度改变—说服模型的理论传承及其简化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍夫兰德的态度改变—说服模型(劝说情境的模式)是在其信息传递理论与社会判断理论基础上提出的,社会传递理论及社会判断理论从不同角度说明态度改变—说服模型是一种合理模型,态度改变—说服模型各部分分别代表了个体在态度改变过程中涉及到的不同因素,对这一模型中的各元素进行精简合并,得到简化模型。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》指出:突出语文课程评价的整体性和综合性,要从知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观几方面进行评价,以全面考察学生的语文素养。然而,笔者在语文日常检测试卷中看到一些命题,深感命题者在命题过程中忽略学段特点,  相似文献   

态度改变理论在高校思想政治教育中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育对象态度的转变是思想政治教育活动研究的重要内容.思想政治教育者、教育信息、教育对象及教育情境构成影响教育对象态度改变的四个基本要素,协调平衡认知结构则构成教育对象态度改变的内在机制.高校思想政治教育者要把握好态度改变的一般规律,在思想政治教育中科学、有效地借鉴和运用态度改变的方法和理论,提高思想政治教育的科学性、针对性和有效性.  相似文献   

广州市2021年中考语文非连续性文本阅读命题,引导语设计、语料选择编排和试题创意设计,创设了真实任务情境、学科认知情境和个人体验情境三种不同情境类型。三种情境的创设,有效引导学生在阅读、答题的过程中完成自我体验、自我建构新知的过程,从而获得"汉字研究"的知识和能力。该命题,积极实践"提高试题情境设计水平"和"评价即学习"的理念要求。  相似文献   

态度改变理论与师德教育创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据霍夫兰德的"态度改变――说服模型"、费斯汀格的认知失调理论、凯尔曼的态度改变三阶段理论,师德教育要促成年轻教师或师范生发生态度转变,首先,要提高教育者的可信度;其次,要重视教育内容的针对性,满足接受者的需求;再次,要引发接受者内心的冲突,进而产生改变自己的动机。通过认知改变或行为改变,达到态度改变,实现教育者的期望。  相似文献   

态度改变是社会心理学研究的核心问题。自20世纪30年代以来.西方社会心理学界对态度形成和改变的原因和过程进行了深入研究并形成诸多理论流派。其中.认知失调理论是由美国著名社会心理学家费斯汀格(Leon Festinger)1957年提出的。  相似文献   

汉字宝藏包含着智慧,犹如煤炭蕴着光与热的巨大能量,只有把它点燃,人们才能感到它的温暖,得益于它的光芒。汉字具有“联想”功能,这是无争的事实。但汉字的这种“联想”功能还不等于学生的“联想”思维的能力和品质,不等于学生的大脑潜能得到了开发。尤其是学生的年龄小,特别是一年级儿童,识字刚刚起步。作为语文老师,如何在识字教学过程中,自觉地、有效地发掘、发挥汉字的“联想”功能,开发学生的潜能?这是一个新的命题。我们在实验过程中,创造了“汉字开花”这一方式,受到了师生的欢迎,收到了比较理想的效果。  相似文献   

用构造曲线(这里特指平面解析几何研究的曲线)解题的基本思路是:欲解命题A,通过分析命题的特征,运用联想构造一个几何模型——曲线B,然后利用该曲线模型的性质,演示命题A的正确.本文以三角题为例,从构造的类型出发,谈谈如何构造B.  相似文献   

Supervision is conceptualized in terms of social influence processes that result in attitude and behavior change in the trainee. This article emphasizes attitude change, which both accompanies and mediates behavior change. The implications of the social influence perspective for understanding supervision and for conducting research on supervision are explored.  相似文献   

This study tested three models of the structural relationship between the writing achievement of primary grade students and their attitude towards writing (defined here as an affective disposition involving how the act of writing makes the author feel, ranging from happy to unhappy). The three models tested were: (a) writing attitude influences writing achievement in a unidirectional manner, (b) writing achievement influences writing attitude in a unidirectional manner, and (c) the effects of writing attitude and achievement are bidirectional and reciprocal. The model that best fit the data was based on the assumption that writing attitude influences writing achievement. In addition, the direct path between attitude and achievement in this model was statistically significant. Although third grade students were better writers than first grade students, there was no statistical difference in younger and older students’ attitude towards writing. In addition, girls were more positive about writing than boys, but there was no statistical difference in their writing achievement related to gender. This research extends models based on the cognitive and language processes of writing to include the role of attitude, which is an affective component of motivation.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses while at the same time increasing the number of theses without expanding the existing resources proportionately is a huge challenge faced by higher educational institutions. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of multiple change processes on Bachelors and Masters level thesis work in a selected higher educational institution. The following research questions were studied: (1) How has the thesis quality changed? (2) How has the number of completed theses changed? and, (3) How has the ratio of completed theses per supervisor changed? The change processes were introduced into the thesis process in the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University during 2008–2014. The results show that the quality and the number of completed theses have significantly increased. The multiple change processes including a purpose built ICT system named SciPro, which was introduced and improved incrementally during 2010–2014 are discussed and evaluated in relation to these results.  相似文献   

Linux是一个多任务的操作系统,系统上同时运行着多个进程,正在执行的一个或多个相关进程称为一个作业。使用作业控制,用户可以同时运行多个作业,并在需要时在作业之间进行切换。现就进程与作业的基本概念、进程管理(仅以启动进程为例)及作业控制作以介绍。  相似文献   

苏轼在被贬的路上,从黄州时期的摆脱功利态度,到惠州时期的身世永相忘,再到儋州时期的“寄我无穷境”,一路走来,一路顿悟。文章从他被贬三地所写的游记散文中,揭示他不同时期的思想变化,梳理他思想发展的脉络。  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in the rate of change in mathematics affect (attitude and anxiety toward mathematics and utility of mathematics) across middle and high school, using data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth. Hierarchical linear models indicated no gender differences in the rate of decline in either attitude or utility, but females grew faster in anxiety than males. Schools were more responsible for variation in the male than female rate of change in mathematics affect. Student and school variables influenced the rate of change in mathematics affect in a quite different way between males and females.  相似文献   

从身体语义学的视角重读《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,可以发现其间隐含着变革学生课堂姿态的强烈诉求。给手松绑,是学生课堂姿态变迁的首要步骤。只有手被松绑以后,学生的整个身体才能变得活络起来。用身体之镜去映照新课程改革的当下处境,不失为判析课程改革成效与问题的重要方法论立场。对于教师而言,在课堂中富有智慧地涵容诗意的课堂行为艺术,不仅可以促成学生的身体解放,而且对于增进心灵自由、培养创造力亦将有益。  相似文献   

Tested was the effect of a one-sided and two-sided persuasive message on the attitudes toward energy conservation of 85 preservice elementary teachers categorized as developmentally or nondevelopmentally advanced with respect to the topic of the message. The study addressed the following questions: (1) Are one-sided and two-sided systematically designed communications more effective in persuading nondevelopmentally advanced and developmentally advanced persons, respectively? (2) Do positive attitude gains between pre- and posttests, if any, dissipate within four weeks following the treatment? The important finding was that the two-sided communication was more effective than the one-sided communication regardless of subjects' level of developmental advancement when attitude change is measured immediately following the treatment. Secondly, positive attitude change dissipated four weeks after exposure to the two-sided communication for developmentally and nondevelopmentally advanced subjects, alike. Thirdly, while the attitudes of nondevelopmentally and developmentally advanced subjects exposed to the one-sided communication did not change immediately after exposure, the nondevelopmentally advanced subjects exhibited a positive shift in attitude four weeks following the presentation of the communication.  相似文献   


The authors used data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth to investigate variables related to change in students' attitude toward and beliefs about mathematics in middle school and high school. Using hierarchical linear modeling techniques, the authors modeled variation in students' rate of change with variables associated with student characteristics, instructional experiences, and environment. They also identified variables that differentially affect change at different levels of secondary school (i.e., middle school vs. high school) and for different affective dimensions (i.e., attitude toward mathematics, beliefs about the social importance of mathematics, and beliefs about the nature of mathematics). Results showed a substantial negative change in students' attitudes toward and beliefs about the social importance of mathematics throughout secondary school. However, students' notions of the nature of mathematics did not change throughout secondary school. The authors identified variables related to change and found that they differed according to the level of secondary school and affective dimensions.  相似文献   

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