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运用观察法、访谈法和文献资料研究法,对广东高校轮滑运动发展做了较为全面的把握.研究发现广东高校轮滑运动的发展存在积极和消极的双面因素.在积极因素方面,广东改革开放走在前头,已经具有了较为雄厚的经济基础,为民众的休闲的养成创造了条件;优越的粤港澳相邻地域带来了时尚的运动风气;良好的高校校园软硬件环境则为学生营造了进行轮滑运动的氛围;加上开放的校园体育教育改革理念,以及广东领先的中小学轮滑课程更成为了高校轮滑运动发展活水源头.在消极方面主要体现在轮滑运动中的各类伤害事故困扰爱好者,公共场地的限制与轮滑爱好者活动的冲突,正规的专门场地、设施严重缺乏,师资的缺乏与学生的经济的过重负担等问题,是限制广东高校轮滑运动进一步发展的因素.  相似文献   

短道速滑项目是中国的传统优势项目,2002年盐湖城冬奥会上,大杨杨虽然为中国冬奥军团实现金牌"零的突破",2010年温哥华冬奥会,中国短道速滑队史无前例地包揽了女子项目的全部4枚金牌,甚是完美。在这些成绩的背后各国虎视眈眈金牌的同时,今后的短道速滑比赛会更加激烈,因此,在运动员体能、技术、战术水平实力相对突出的情况下,还需要良好的心理控制能力才是取得比赛胜负的关键。本文对短道速滑优秀运动员心理能力的相关文章加以归类研究,旨在为优秀运动员在比赛中取得胜利,起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

运用影像测量与解析的方法,以具有代表性的我国优秀运动员作为研究对象,来获取实验状态下运动员疾跑技术的运动学参数数据。在此基础上运用运动学方法对我国优秀速度轮滑运动员疾跑过程中重心变化的实际情况进行了研究。目的是要准确地反映现阶段我国速度轮滑运动员疾跑技术的特点和水平,为提高该项目竞技能力提供新的思考线索。  相似文献   

针对速度轮滑运动的特点和人体平衡的浅析,探讨高校大学生速度轮滑运动的平衡和训练问题,提出了陆地平衡能力训练、轮上适应性和辅助性平衡能力训练以及速度轮滑专门性平衡能力训练,为轮滑课教学提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

Conclusion In analysing the results of Tables 1–7, one is led to the conclusion that if environmental education is to have a significant impact in our schools, it has to have some educational relevance, that is, that it must fit into the real life context of the child. This study confirmed that children in an inner-city school had more positive attitudes about an inner-city environment than the outer suburban children who were more concerned with the aesthetically pleasing aspects of wilderness areas (Tables 1 and 7). It seems that the further the reference was from the respondents' immediate surroundings, the less reluctant the outer suburban students were to identify significant problems like pollution. Only by taking into consideration such basic information about each group of children — inner-city, outer suburban or rural — can environmental education programmes be planned so as to present to each group of students the most relevant and effective programme.  相似文献   

朱有燉系明初杂剧大家,曹雪芹以《红楼梦》名世。二者相去甚远,似乎毫无干系。其实不然,朱有燉杂剧在清代宫廷有着广泛影响力,曹氏家族与宫廷关系密切,故曹雪芹对朱有燉杂剧当不陌生;朱有燉贵为王侯,周藩系中原名藩,及至清代则风光不再,曹雪芹由朱有燉及周藩遭遇引发身世之痛,曹雪芹对朱有燉的接受存在事实依据;朱有燉喜好、对女性态度与曹雪芹很近,《红楼梦》中有所体现;朱有燉度脱剧封闭式的结构与《红楼梦》以神话开篇又以神话终结也颇为一致,种种迹象表明,二者之巧合看似偶然实有必然,虽无铁证,但合乎常理,与那些按图索驹式的考证、索引相比,更接近事实。  相似文献   

花果山原型考略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和《红楼梦》里的大观园一样,《西游记》里的花果山原型是小说家们最为关心的话题之一。就地理地望的属性而言,花果山在“东方”“海外”,地近东海和淮水,云台山与这一属性没有抵牾;就《西游记》作者吴承恩的祖籍和诞生地而言,云台山是“淮海浪士”家乡的一座名山;就吴承恩的亲朋故旧而言,云台山地域有他的舅舅、老师、挚友,尤其是云台山有一支与淮安吴氏同宗相知的吴氏家族的聚居地,甚至有与报处机栖真地长真庵相邻的吴家花园;就云台山的风物而言,水帘洞、花果山、傲来国、玉女峰、尉迟公塔、定海神针、平顶山乃至诸多的唐王遗迹,皆在西游故事中有着清晰的投影,其中花果山几次大战的古战场至今还依稀可觅。  相似文献   

Two reading literacy/text comprehension tests with different demands (on-line comprehension vs. memory-based comprehension) were administered to 6,104 15-year-old students from all German states and school types. The combined and specific effects of proximal and distal variables from small-scale psychological research as well as from large-scale educational studies on each text comprehension measure were investigated. Metacognitive knowledge, decoding speed, and the number of books at home (as an indicator for family background) were found to have specific and large effects on on-line comprehension and accounted for 46 percent of the variance with the highest effects for metacognition. Metacognitive knowledge was also highly predictive when the effects of specific prior knowledge and thematic interest on memory-based text comprehension were estimated simultaneously. In addition, students who showed relative strength in building up a coherent representation of specific texts (memory-based text comprehension) were characterised by high amounts of prior knowledge and thematic interest thereby underlining the importance of these student characteristics for learning.  相似文献   

Are adolescents’ environmental attitudes similar to their parents’ attitudes? The main objective of this study is to examine what quantitative associations, if any, exist in parent-child environmental attitudes within the family. The survey data was collected assessing attitudes toward the environment and nature from 15-year-old students (n = 237) and their parents (n = 212) in Finland. A significant positive correlation emerged in environmental attitudes between mothers and fathers. Interestingly, the results revealed some indicative evidence that girls’ environmental attitudes could relate more to their father's than mother's attitudes. Girls were as positive in their environmental attitudes as their parents and in contrast boys were noticeably more negative than either their parents or girls of the same age. The parental level of education was not found to be significantly related to the level of environmental attitudes of their adolescent offspring. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In the December 2008 special issue of the Oxford Review of Education John Furlong focused upon Tony Blair’s modernisation of the teaching profession and associated attempts to harness teacher professionalism to a broader reform agenda. This article responds to Furlong’s contribution through an examination of the evidence base used to support his conclusions, the way in which different types of evidence are used in this process and the criteria used to judge Blair’s success in this venture. It is suggested that Blair’s reforms of the teaching profession might be better viewed as a mere technicality within a wider scheme rather than the ‘big prize’ claimed by Furlong. It concludes by suggesting an alternative approach to writing the history of Blair and New Labour in this context which foregrounds the relationship between teachers and the state.  相似文献   

This paper reports data from a questionnaire‐based UK study aimed at examining occupational sex‐role stereotypes and occupational preferences of male and female pupils at three ages. Data were collected from 594 children in total (108 8‐year‐olds, 307 12‐year‐olds and 177 16‐year‐olds) who responded to questions that asked for their views on who (males, females or both) should perform certain occupations and how much they would like to have each of the occupations as their career. The children were also asked to indicate their favourite school subject. Analysis indicated that the youngest age group held significantly more stereotyped views regarding who should perform certain jobs than the older children and that, generally, boys sex‐typed appropriateness of occupations to a significantly greater degree than girls, although this difference was not significant in the youngest age group. Furthermore, analysis of the occupational preference ratings revealed significant differences between male and female subjects for many occupations, with higher ratings generally being awarded to stereo‐typically gender‐appropriate careers. Significant differences between the three age groups were also observed in the preference ratings for many occupations, with a tendency for the majority of occupations to be perceived less favourably with increasing age of respondent. Finally, school subject preferences were considered. No consistent or stable pattern of preference emerged for males and females across age‐groups, confirming recent suggestions that gender stereotyping of school subjects is weakening.  相似文献   

任何自我教育都是在特定的环境中进行的。环境既是自我教育的外部因素的综合体和空间界限 ,又是自我教育的动力和支撑。由家庭教育环境、学校教育环境和社会教育环境共同组成的教育大环境 ,更是自我教育必须介入和关注的前提与参照  相似文献   

经济环境与均田制的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
均田制是古代一项名制度。史界对它研究由来已久。但研究的重点多放在均田制所包括的土地所有制形式、均田制的土地分配办法、均田制和租调、徭役制的关系等方面,至于其管理功能前后的变化谈论甚少。实际上,经济环境的变化才是均田制产生和变化的决定性条件,把均田制置于国家计划经济的基点上,通过对其管理功能的动态性考察,才能揭示其制度实质,弥补史界研究之不足。  相似文献   

博尔赫斯一生酷爱阅读,喜欢在作品中引经据典。阅读使得博尔赫斯拥有了丰富的学识和复杂的思想。生活中的博尔赫斯经常流露出厌世情绪,家族的武士传统、对镜子的畏惧、失明和失眠的困扰、丧父之痛,都对他的创作产生了重大影响。博尔赫斯小说中的人物通常有着荒诞的行为和悲剧的命运。  相似文献   

戴来的小说《茄子》,通过单亲家庭父子两人的眼光,透视了一个婚外恋故事。小说构思独特,揭示的不是婚外恋当事人,而是偷窥者的精神与感情世界:父子两人的隔阂、冷漠,以及他们眼里看到的本该和谐的合法夫妻之间的别扭。这一主一副两组不和谐,深刻反映了人们心灵的困境。  相似文献   

朱自清先生的《背影》是中国现代散文史上的名篇。若将其置于开阔的文化视野中来品味,我们还会发现作品更为丰厚的意蕴。文学创作既是作家内心情感和审美体验的表达,又植根于作家所生活的文化环境。《背影》抒写的是作者自己真实的情感体验,又与民族的文化心理、情感结构和道德倾向血脉相通,包含着深广的文化底蕴,从而赢得了广泛的情感共鸣。  相似文献   

运用Simi motion生物力学分析系统对吉林省3名青年男子速度轮滑运动员入弯技术与出弯技术进行动作解析,通过运动生物力学理论参数进行分析,得出运动员入弯阶段与出弯阶段运动学特征,主要是身体倾斜角度和速度以及重心轨迹的变化。得出入弯时的速度没有出弯时的速度快但入弯阶段运动员身体起伏变化频率比出弯阶段快。  相似文献   

Maltreatment continues to be a leading cause of death for young children. Researchers are beginning to uncover which neighborhood attributes may be associated with maltreatment outcomes. However, few studies have been able to explore these influences while controlling for individual family attributes, and none have been able to parse out the most severe outcomes—injuries resulting in hospitalization or death. This study utilizes a retrospective, case-control design on a dataset containing both individual and environmental level attributes of children who have been hospitalized or died due to maltreatment to explore the relative influence of attributes inside and outside the household walls. Binary conditional logistic regression was used to model the outcome as a function of the individual and environmental level predictors. Separate analyses also separated the outcome by manner of maltreatment: abuse or neglect. Finally, a sub-analysis included protective predictors representing access to supportive resources. Findings indicate that neighborhood attributes were similar for both cases and controls, except in the neglect only model, wherein impoverishment was associated with higher odds of serious maltreatment. Dense housing increased risk in all models except the neglect only model. In a sub-analysis, distance to Family Resource Centers was inversely related to serious maltreatment. In all models, variables representing more extreme intervention and/or removal of the victim and/or perpetrator from the home (foster care or criminal court involvement) were negatively associated with the risk of becoming a case. Medi-Cal insurance eligibility of a child was also negatively associated with becoming a case. Government interventions may be playing a critical role in child protection. More research is needed to ascertain how these interventions assert their influence.  相似文献   

Family influences on vocational interest development were studied by hypothesizing that parents with similar interests are more likely to have adolescents who also develop those interests than are parents whose interests are very divergent. In order to unconfound genetic and environmental influences, the 844 parents and adolescent children in 114 biologically related and 101 adoptive families completed the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory. Parent-child interest difference scores were regressed on parent-parent difference scores (PPDIF), a dummy variable for family type, and the interaction between family type and PPDIF. For all parent-child pairs except mother-son, greater PPDIF scores predicted greater parent-child difference scores (indicating influence of family environment), and there was no family type X PPDIF interaction (indicating that the environmental influence was operating in both biological and adoptive families). Evidence of genetic variance in interest sytyes was also confirmed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigates the effect of the early home environment on self-regulation in preschoolers, and how self-regulation relates to later school achievement, while taking into account family resources. Participants were part of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Our model tested paths from family income and maternal depression through parenting to dyadic and child outcomes, including attachment, self-regulation, and child cognitive outcomes in the 1st grade. Findings indicated that family income and maternal depression had a substantial effect on parenting practices. Children whose parents did not display negative affect toward them during episodes of depression were more likely to maintain healthy attachment styles. Parenting, which was directly affected by family income, was the most important predictor of children's cognitive development. Practice or Policy: Regarding implications for practice, this research indicates that parents who provide a safe and stimulating environment for their children, despite limited financial resources or mental health issues, are more likely to have children who are prepared for school. School counselors, child care administrators, and policymakers should be aware of the importance of parenting to school success and should provide opportunities for parent education and involvement during the first years of life.  相似文献   

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