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Weblogs have been used by organisations as both a communication means and a knowledge sharing tool. Traditionally, research has explored the use of weblogs and virtual communities for knowledge sharing. Nevertheless, relatively little has been published focusing on the factors that influence the intention to share knowledge in employee weblogs. This paper aims to address this gap based on a survey of 175 respondents. The results indicate that self-efficacy, perceived enjoyment, certain personal outcome expectations, and individual attitudes towards knowledge sharing are positively related to the intention of knowledge sharing in employee weblogs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of the adoption and use of information and communication technology (ICT) on organizational learning (OL). The focus is on knowledge, creation, as an articulated construct for the OL concept, and the SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization) model is used as a reference for knowledge, creation. ICT use is seen here as consisting of three different orientations: informative, communicative and workflow. The results, based on a sample of around 300 Spanish small- and, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), indicate that ICT has a significant positive influence on the, four processes for creating knowledge. ICT oriented to communication and workflow is found, to produce a significant positive impact on knowledge creation processes, except for, socialization process, while ICT use for information does not influence any of the processes for, creating knowledge and OL.  相似文献   

组织冗余对企业知识管理能力的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的以效率为中心的企业理论认为,组织冗余降低企业效率,在企业运作中扮演负面角色,应予以根除;而基于知识的企业理论则认为,组织冗余具有促进知识管理能力的正面功能,应当维持在一个合理的水平.在回顾不同理论视角下组织冗余研究的基础上,应用基于知识的企业理论探讨组织冗余与企业知识管理能力的关系,并给出确定最优组织冗余度的基本思路.研究发现,适度的组织冗余能够增强企业知识管理能力.其中,信息冗余主要通过作用于知识获取能力影响知识管理能力,角色冗余主要通过作用于知识共享能力而影响知识管理能力;人员冗余主要通过作用于知识保持能力而影响知识管理能力;时间冗余则主要通过作用于知识创新能力而影响知识管理能力.  相似文献   

This study examines the organizational knowledge creation processes in two highly virtual teams involved in new product development projects in the automotive industry. Using Nonaka's model of knowledge creation, we explore how the virtualization of knowledge-based processes, i.e. the intensive exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICTs), has led to new forms of knowledge creation at both the individual and organizational levels. In contrast to previous studies that identify knowledge codification as the main contribution of ICTs, this study provides detailed micro-level evidence about the ability of virtual technologies to support the transfer and the creation of new knowledge – both explicit and tacit – and offers some implications for scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

以湖南省内21家IT企业知识管理实践活动为研究对象,基于组织理论分析框架,从组织结构特征、组织文化和组织互动关系构建并检验了知识共享影响因素模型。研究发现,组织正式化程度、复杂化程度和集权化程度对企业知识共享行为都有负向影响;官僚型文化不利于知识共享行为的产生,虽然支持型文化和创新型文化都有利于知识共享,但创新型文化的影响更大;跨部门或个体之间的信任和组织承诺对知识共享行为有积极影响作用。  相似文献   

Organizations have often implemented Knowledge Management programs to connect employees better and promote knowledge sharing (KS). In the context of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), this is particularly valid as knowledge creation and dissemination direct their mission and vision. Academics are one of the pillars of HEIs, where knowledge is created and shared. Nonetheless, as HEIs strive to promote academics’ knowledge sharing culture, the actual behaviour of academics might remain inhibited by numerous issues, namely the organizational. Prior research has been focused primarily on individual, technological and scarce aspects of organizational elements. Therefore, this study assesses the role of organizational climate operationalized by organizational leadership and trust in academics’ KS in HEIs. Partial Least Square (PLS) method where variance-based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied in this study. Results from 257 surveyed academics indicate that organizational climate has an exceptionally strong influence on academics’ KS practices. Additionally, organizational leadership and trust had a positive relationship with academics’ KS behaviour. These findings indicate that it is necessary to consider organizational elements and their interactions when understanding and fostering academics’ knowledge sharing behaviour in HEIs context.  相似文献   

通过调查中国274家企业,研究组织记忆对企业创新绩效影响过程,研究结果表明,组织记忆对企业创新绩效有显著正向影响,企业知识共享行为在其中起到部分的中介效应,而企业家社会资本调节了知识共享和企业创新绩效之间关系,并对研究结论进行讨论。  相似文献   

知识治理是知识管理活动的制度保障,是在制度层面上对知识行为的引导、激励和约束,进而维护知识活动各方的利益平衡、促进知识活动效益的最优化。知识共享行为是一种组织制度安排的结果,同时也是一种行为过程,受到知识治理的影响。知识治理对于知识共享行为的影响研究,很多的学者都从不同的侧面进行分析,涉及变量和因素有限,结论不稳定。另外,知识治理对于知识共享影响的内在机理有待进一步深入地探究。最后,从研究方法上,知识治理是组织层面的变量,个体知识共享是个体层面的变量,现有文献较少运用跨层次分析方法来整合组织和个体两个层面,剖析知识治理机制对个人层次知识共享的影响,因而研究结论有待验证。因此,基于现有文献研究的不足,本文探索性地引入中介变量组织支持感来分析知识治理对于知识共享行为的影响关系。依据已有的文献成果,本文提出以下8个假设:(1)正式知识治理对非正式知识治理具有正向的影响作用;(2)正式知识治理对于个体知识共享行为具有显著的正向影响;(3)非正式知识治理对于个体知识共享行为具有显著的正向影响;(4)正式知识治理对于组织支持感有显著的正向影响;(5)非正式知识治理对于组织支持感有显著的正向影响;(6)组织支持感对个体知识分享行为有显著的正向影响;(7)组织支持感中介了正式知识治理与个体知识共享行为之间的关系;(8)组织支持感中介了非正式知识治理与个体知识共享行为之间的关系。为了验证以上假设的有效性,本研究以中国华北地区140家企业621名员工为被试对象,其中男性占53.62%,本科以上员工占89.05%,工龄在5年以上的员工占76.97%,基层和一线工人占87.76%。对于模型中所涉及的变量,本文借鉴已有研究的中成熟量表进行测量。正式知识治理和非正式知识治理的测量参考了Cao等(2012)对于正式知识治理和非正式知识治理的测量量表,组织支持感使用Eisenberger编制的问卷,知识共享行为采用Yi开发了一套有效可靠的知识共享行为量表。所有变量在本文样本中内部一致性信度α系数都达到标准。在确保问卷的可信性和有效性基础上,本文利用跨层次分析对研究假设进行验证。得到了如下结论:(1)在知识管理领域中,员工组织支持感是链接组织知识治理与个体知识共享行为的中介桥梁。组织层面的知识管理活动一方面通过正式的知识治理对于员工的知识共享行为产生一定程度的影响,但是更重要是要通过对于员工组织支持感的影响来间接的作用员工知识共享行为。(2)组织知识活动对于员工个体知识共享行为的影响是多层次相互作用的结果,过程复杂。组织层面的正式知识治理通过三条途径作用员工个体知识共享行为:直接作用、通过非正式知识治理影响组织支持感的间接作用以及通过组织支持感的间接作用。非正式知识治理是间接的通过组织支持感的单途径来影响个体知识共享行为。与同类研究相比,本文进一步打开了知识治理对知识共享行为影响的"黑箱",丰富了知识管理的相关理论。此外,本文结论对企业知识管理实践活动具有很强的指导意义,具体表现在两个方面:一是企业要有效创建完善的知识治理机制,二是要重视对员工组织支持感的提升。本文虽然做出了一定的贡献,但仍然存在一些不足:第一,样本收集的数据受到地域和行业的限制;第二,对于知识治理的划分需要进一步研究;第三,中介变量、作用路径和机理还需要进一步探索。以上三点问题将是今后研究和改进的方向。  相似文献   

Contemporary information technologies such as social media have invigorated the way knowledge is shared within organizations to the extent that we have to rethink and reassess our understanding of the role and influence of technology in organizational processes and knowledge sharing. This paper uses the strategy as practice lens guided by the interpretivist philosophy to understand the influence of informal social media practices on knowledge sharing and work processes within an organization. The paper uses empirical evidence from the case study of a telecom organization in Tanzania to gain theoretical insight into informal social media practices and knowledge sharing. This research contributes to the Information Systems (IS) literature by asserting that organizational processes are achieved by mundane knowledge sharing mediated by informal social media use within the organization. Also, the study contributes to IS literature by highlighting how emerging informal practices are essential to daily processes within organizations.  相似文献   

由于双元创新存在目的和特征的差异,它们对创新环境也有不同的要求。探究创新环境中不同要素的联动作用与不同类型创新的关系对全面把握创新发展理念具有重要意义。基于集合论思想,构建包含知识网络嵌入、知识资源管理以及组织惯例三个层次六个因素在内的企业双元创新影响机制模型,通过对171家创新集群样本企业进行模糊集定性比较分析,研究发现:知识网络嵌入情境下实现高突破性创新有两类构型,类型1强调知识搜索与知识创造策略的组合,类型2强调知识网络嵌入下探索惯例与知识创造的组合、利用惯例与知识搜索的组合、知识共享条件缺失下网络治理机制与知识搜索、知识创造的协同作用;实现高渐进性创新也包括两类构型,类型1强调知识搜索与知识共享策略的组合,类型2强调知识网络嵌入下利用惯例与知识共享的组合、探索惯例与知识搜索的组合、知识创造条件缺失下网络治理机制与知识共享、知识搜索的协同作用。研究结果为解释企业双元创新提供新的视角,也为科技管理部门有效引导企业双元创新提供多个指导路径。  相似文献   

在分析项目导向型企业知识共享主体以及共享路径的基础上,对其知识共享障碍因素进行深入的研究。结果表明,项目导向型企业的知识共享障碍主要表现在个体与个体、团队与团队以及个体、团队与组织等3个层面。为解决项目导向型企业中知识共享的障碍问题,从搭建知识共享平台、制定制度保障和营造欢快、信任与合作的文化氛围等方面提出解决方案。  相似文献   

摘要:以装备制造企业为对象,从探索供应商参与新产品开发、知识创造、关系互动、自主创新能力四个因素的关系出发,研究供应商参与新产品开发与企业自主创新能力之间的关系机理。通过实证检验,结果表明供应商参与新产品开发与企业自主创新能力显著正相关,知识创造和关系互动的中介效应明显。  相似文献   

Creating knowledge within a team for developing new products and services is considered a primary means for improving organizational performance. Drawing upon the socio-technical perspective, we investigate the blended effects of social (learning culture, teamwork quality, and knowledge complexity) and technical (IT support) factors on team-level knowledge creation and team performance. We propose a model that features synergetic interactions between social and technical factors in this knowledge creation process. The model was tested by utilizing data from a field survey of industry managers. The results show significant interactions between social and technical factors, which influence team-level knowledge creation and, in turn, team performance. Our findings can be used to develop socio-technical initiatives to enhance the process of creating team-level knowledge within firms.  相似文献   

邹波  张巍  王晨 《科研管理》2019,40(1):32-41
吸收能力是如何从个体层次上升到组织层次的,一直是理论关注的焦点。与既往研究采取相对静态的解释视角不同,本研究基于个体间互动的视角,提出个体间知识共享是由个体吸收能力向组织吸收能力演化的中介变量,通过运用275家企业数据的实证检验,本研究部分证实了这一假设。同时,实证结果还表明,知识交流平台和组织共同愿景正向影响个体间知识共享绩效,组织决策集中化程度负向影响组织吸收能力。本研究在理论上揭示了由个体吸收能力向组织吸收能力演化的内在机制,研究结论对于指导企业提升吸收能力具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Knowledge is regarded as a strategic resource in organizations; thus the leverage of knowledge is a key managerial issue. Knowledge creation, sharing and dissemination are the main activities in knowledge management. This study examines the influence that social and technological factors, such as learning culture and IT use, could have on knowledge sharing among students of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional survey was used as a research method for data collection and 302 valid responses were collected from all the three categories of students that include graduates, undergraduates and preparatory students. The results show that there is a significant positive relationship between both student learning culture and IT use and students’ knowledge sharing. The limitations of this study and practical implications, along with directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

考虑企业成长性是由于企业各生命阶段的需要不同,因而对知识管理的迫切性、创新意愿也不同,进而对绩效的影响程度更存在差异。将知识管理分为知识共享和知识创造,服务创新分为理念创新、技术创新、组织创新和市场创新,据此构建理论模型,并进一步选择419个样本进行实证。利用结构方程分析表明,在成立不到10年的企业中,知识共享对技术创新、知识创造对组织创新以及理念创新对企业绩效的正向作用均不显著;在成立超过10年的企业中,知识共享对市场创新的正向作用不显著,其他潜变量之间均有显著的正向影响。从整体上看,服务创新在知识管理对物流企业绩效的影响中起中介作用。  相似文献   

Knowledge processes (knowledge creation, retention, and sharing) are influenced by organizational structure, and governance and coordination mechanisms. While project-based organizational structures facilitate knowledge creation; they can hinder knowledge retention and sharing without adequate governance mechanisms. Drawing from the knowledge management and knowledge governance literatures, this paper proposes knowledge governance mechanisms – consensus-based hierarchy, shared human resource practices, and performance measures and output control – that promote knowledge processes in project-based organizations (PBOs). The functioning of knowledge governance is described in a Japanese PBO, Maekawa Manufacturing Ltd. Although the case indicates that both soft and hard dimensions of knowledge governance support knowledge processes, soft dimensions are prioritized in this particular organization. Some implications and suggestions for further research are given.  相似文献   

知识链组织之间通过知识传递和共享,促进知识创造,实现知识链价值增值。知识链组织之间的知识共享易遭受各种风险,风险的来源包括知识链外部环境、知识本身属性、组织特性、组织间合作特性等。通过识别并对这些风险进行分类,提出基于全面风险管理原理的知识链组织之间知识共享的风险防范措施。  相似文献   

在文献回顾的基础上,本研究提出了社会资本和竞争优势之间关系的假设模型,并通过对浙江省72家中小企业的问卷调查验证这一模型。研究结果表明:中小企业社会资本对知识共享与创造具有显著的正向影响;中小企业社会资本不仅直接影响智力资本,还通过知识共享与创造间接影响企业智力资本;智力资本在知识共享与创造和竞争优势之间起到了完全中介作用;中小企业社会资本不仅直接影响竞争优势,同时还通过知识共享与创造和智力资本间接地影响竞争优势。研究认为,中小企业要确立竞争优势,必须重视社会资本、智力资本的投入,同时还要营造有利于知识共享与创造的企业氛围。  相似文献   

研究物流企业知识管理通过服务创新这条路径对企业绩效的影响。将知识管理分为知识共享和知识创造两大维度,服务创新分为理念创新、技术创新、组织创新和市场创新四个维度,据此构建了理论模型且进行实证研究。利用结构方程分析表明,知识创造对组织创新的正向作用不明显、知识管理通过理念创新对企业绩效的正向作用不明显,其他均有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

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