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思想政治的教学意义在于增强国民的政治素质;提高国民的思想品德和心理素质;培养新时期所需要的高素质人才。同样,思想政治教学是一项具有创造性的工作,教师需要从实际出发,不断反思自己的授课效果,才能有所提升。  相似文献   

在晚清国家观念的现代转型中,除了我们习知的民族国家观念之外,还有一种国民国家的论述,它也是当时思想界对于现代国家建构的一种理论回应。国民国家将国民确立为政治的主体,强调国民平等的政治权利和义务,树立了主权在民的原则,使传统一家一姓之私产的国家成为国民之公产;国民与国家直接的和没有中介的关联,切断了传统君权神授或天命人归的国家论所赖以存在的宇宙秩序与政治秩序之间的纽带,具有鲜明的现代性格。但作为一种外源的、翻译的现代性,"国民国家"又在各种竞争性的阐释中没落:革命派理论家以民族吸纳和取代了国民,以民族国家取代了国民国家,以种族革命作为立国之道;改良派虽有新民以新国、铸造国民的意识,却以有机的国家、集体的国民吞噬了个体的国民,一度还以国民资格不足而误入开明专制的歧途。晚清的国民国家论述中鲜明的集体主义倾向,在当时内忧外患的历史情境中虽不难理解,但也因其不能妥善安置个体的国民在国家中的位置而难以奠定现代国家的观念基础。  相似文献   

鲁迅文学写作教育思想包括:文学功用在于改变国民精神;写作主体要冲破一切传统思想与手法;作者以政治思想素质为根本;人物创造宜采取"杂取合成"法和"画眼"法;语言表现力求易懂;习作要先求内容的充实和技巧的上达;反对文学批评的"捧杀"与"骂杀".  相似文献   

国民电影教育的目标是通过影像形式提升国民的审美能力,培养国民良好的欣赏趣味,增强国民的影像表达能力。法国国民电影教育体系的特点是国家主导,政策先行;多方参与,市场运作;开放多元,国际融合。法国根据不同群体需求施行中央或地方层面的多种政策和计划,在电影教育资源库建设、电影教育人才培养、电影教育基金使用等方面拥有较为成熟的实践经验。借鉴法国的经验,我国应从课程设置、人才培训、资源利用等方面提升国民电影教育水平。  相似文献   

日本的《中学社会》课,分历史、地理、公民三门课程。为了上好公民课,日本近年来做了不少的改革。经过试验,确定公民课共分三个单元;人间与社会、国民生活与政治、国民生活与经济。这三个单元的设置,目的是十分明确的。《人间与社会》,是讲人间就是社会生活。社会生活包括家族生活、职业生活、地区(里弄)生活、文化生活等等。目的在于教育学生懂得  相似文献   

陶行知、晏阳初的平民教育思想共同之处在于:把国民整体素质的提高当作平民教育的宗旨;平民教育面向平民,谋求教育公平;平民教育关注民生,注重职业教育;平民教育与乡村建设连环扣合,整体推进。他们的平民教育思想对我们今天实施平民教育具有巨大的启示意义。  相似文献   

国俗语义在反映概念意义的基础上附加的国民文化色彩,英汉民族在传统文化、生活环境、社会习俗、社会观念、语言系统等方面存在诸多差异,故语言和言语单位中伴随概念义而存在语义延伸或转义,国俗语义的本质属性为语言单位的国民文化附加性,国俗语义的产生一方面受国民文化因素促动;另一方面也受基于国民文化背景下形成的认知模式和思维方式的促动。  相似文献   

本科全英语教学在大陆高校渐成蓬勃之势,但是不少公立高校的全英语教学存在教学语言、教学安排、教学服务以及教学效果等多方面的问题。这些问题的根源在于办学定位不准导致的投入产出矛盾。公立高校的性质和使命与全英语教学培养对象的人生理想或职业规划很难契合,因此,公立高校的全英语教学不适宜定位为普通国民学历教育,而应该定位为外向型高等教育服务,实行市场化办学。  相似文献   

我国国民缺乏公民意识的原因探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前,我国正处在社会主义现代化建设的关键时期,尤其是人的现代化最为关键。公民意识的确立与培养是人的现代化的基本构成,而中国与先进国家最大的差距在于我国国民缺乏公民意识,要清除这个思想障碍,我们有必要深入探究我国国民缺乏公民意识的原因,以求得解决问题的途径和方法。  相似文献   

推进教育信息化建设 加快教育现代化进程   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
CHINAHIGHEREDUCATION中国高等教育2002年第5期(半月刊)信息技术、网络技术等高新技术的飞速发展,及其在教育领域的应用和渗透,为教育的发展带来了机遇和挑战。教育信息化是国民经济和社会信息化建设的重要基础,如何按照国民经济和社会发展的客观需要推进教育信息化,是我们需要认真研究的一个重要问题。目前,我国信息技术人才短缺和国民信息技术素质低下是制约国家信息化进程的核心问题,而解决信息技术人才短缺和国民信息技术素质低下的关键就在于教育的改革与发展,在于教育信息化发展的程度和水平。从世界教育发展的…  相似文献   

本文以“实用和美感”两大分野的修辞假说为前提 ,运用唯物辩证法的基本原理 ,着重对实用修辞进行了比较系统的分析和描写。本文认为 :(1 )实用修辞即优化性修辞 ,它是美感修辞的基础和前提 ,是所有修辞行为的必然选择 ;(2 )实用修辞可分为优化的目标和优化的策略两个方面 ;(3)优化的目标包括“等同性”和“高效性” ,其中“高效性”又分为“经济性”和“时效性”两个方面 ;(4)优化的策略包括“适度与过度”、“详尽与省略”、“前瞻与回溯”等方面  相似文献   

中庸思想,是儒家思想传统的核心之一。简单讲,中的意思是不偏不倚,庸的意思是不易,合起来就是无时无刻都要不偏不倚,是让人保持独立精神而又不以自我为中心。明代的廖纪继宋代朱熹之后,拓展了这一思想。  相似文献   

相比较而言,中国传统文化缺乏怀疑精神,事实上,中国传统文化亦蕴含着怀疑精神,只不过这种怀疑是以更隐蔽和适度的方式出现的。对待中国传统文化应采取适中的继承原则,同时,怀疑本身亦值得追问,在信仰、价值等领域要审慎地使用怀疑。  相似文献   

While externally moderated standards-based assessment has been practised in Queensland senior schooling for more than three decades, there has been no such practice in the middle years. With the introduction of standards at state and national levels in these years, teacher judgement as developed in moderation practices is now vital. This paper argues, that in this context of assessment reform, standards intended to inform teacher judgement and to build assessment capacity are necessary but not sufficient for maintaining teacher and public confidence in schooling. Teacher judgement is intrinsic to moderation, and to professional practice, and can no longer remain private. Moderation too is intrinsic to efforts by the profession to realise judgements that are defensible, dependable and open to scrutiny. Moderation can no longer be considered an optional extra and requires system-level support especially if, as intended, the standards are linked to system-wide efforts to improve student learning. In presenting this argument we draw on an Australian Research Council funded study with key industry partners (the Queensland Studies Authority and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment of the Republic of Ireland). The data analysed included teacher interview data and additional teacher talk during moderation sessions. These were undertaken during the initial phase of policy development. The analysis identified those issues that emerge in moderation meetings that are designed to reach consistent, reliable judgements. Of interest are the different ways in which teachers talked through and interacted with one another to reach agreement about the quality of student work in the application of standards. There is evidence of differences in the way that teachers made compensations and trade-offs in their award of grades, dependent on the subject domain in which they teach. This article concludes with some empirically derived insights into moderation practices aspolicy andsocial events.  相似文献   

Moderation of student assessment is a critical component of teaching and learning in contemporary universities. Yet, despite this, it tends to be marked by idiosyncratic and sporadic processes informed by liminal understanding. This paper, in the light of forthcoming radical national requirements for the declaration of moderation processes in tertiary curricula in Australia, will present four discourses of moderation we identified in a recent study in a Faculty of Education in a large metropolitan university. The discourses are equity, justification, community building and accountability. Together, they will act as a starting point for academics to review their beliefs and attitudes towards the moderation of student assessment.  相似文献   

中庸哲学是儒家学派的世界观、认识论和方法论,它对我国当前新一轮课程改革的重要启示在于:“和谐”是课程改革的价值诉求;“创生”为课程实施的有效途径;“执中”是课程管理的理想境界。从中庸哲学探讨课程改革问题对于我国当前基础教育课程文化重建提供了有效参考。  相似文献   

“和”是古代中国文化的基本精神之一,中和是贯穿文人画理论始终的最高审美理想。通过对董其昌论画文字的解读,试图对其文人画的中和审美理想作一个初步的探讨。  相似文献   

This meta-analytic review of 148 studies on child and adolescent direct and indirect aggression examined the magnitude of gender differences, intercorrelations between forms, and associations with maladjustment. Results confirmed prior findings of gender differences (favoring boys) in direct aggression and trivial gender differences in indirect aggression. Results also indicated a substantial intercorrelation (r = .76) between these forms. Despite this high intercorrelation, the 2 forms showed unique associations with maladjustment: Direct aggression is more strongly related to externalizing problems, poor peer relations, and low prosocial behavior, and indirect aggression is related to internalizing problems and higher prosocial behavior. Moderation of these effect sizes by method of assessment, age, gender, and several additional variables were systematically investigated.  相似文献   

An understanding of how missed class and work are influenced by psychosocial factors is important. The authors collected data from 303 college students through self‐report questionnaires. Moderation analysis indicated that with higher perceived stress, students were more likely to miss class if they were less satisfied with social support and less likely to miss work if they engaged in avoidant coping strategies. College counselors can provide students with skills to enhance academic performance and engagement in academic life.  相似文献   

李绿园高擎的“歧路灯”首先是儒家的理学之“灯”,中庸之“灯”,同时也是一盏汲取了佛老意蕴的道释之“灯”。《歧路灯》着力塑造了三组“雅人”形象,主人公谭绍闻周围的一批“俗人”形象也刻画得比较成功,谭绍闻自身的雅俗演变更是形象地证明了高雅精神文化之“灯”的极端重要性。  相似文献   

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