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地方本科高校转型是经济社会转型发展和高等教育结构体系自我调适、变革与创新的必然要求,其转型的核心在于转变传统的人才培养方式。国际化办学旨在培养具有国际视野的竞争性人才,是高校实现人才创新培养的重要方式之一。转型背景下地方本科高校积极开展国际化办学是经济进入新常态、高等教育合理化和高校人才培养转型发展的必然要求。本研究结合铜仁学院国际化办学的实践成效与现实反思,基于教育生态理念对地方高校国际化办学理念、办学模式、办学体系和办学品牌等发展路径进行探讨,以期对推进地方本科高校转型发展和新型人才培养提供一定的理论思考和实践参照。  相似文献   

大众化背景下,办学的特色化和个性化、构建核心竞争力、强化区域服务功能和拓展办学空间,已成为高等学校所追求的重要目标。一般地方高校应根植于区域发展的需要,培育具有区域特征的办学特色;立足区域特色培育核心竞争力;培育具有区域特色的科研方向,依托区域特色提升科研层次;不断推动区域特色的国际化,力争把区域特色打造成国际品牌。  相似文献   

国际化办学是提升我国高等职业教育办学质量和扩大我国职业教育国际影响力的重要举措,也是“双高计划”建设的核心任务之一。基于对197所“双高计划”建设单位国际化办学的调查分析,发现高职院校近年来在引进优质海外职业教育资源、对口支持亚非国家、联合培养国际化技能人才等方面产出的标志性成果颇丰,自身办学水平以及国际影响力得到了一定提升;但也存在高等职业教育国际化地域发展不平衡、国际合作交流不深入、办学质量不高等不足等问题。为此,建议在“双高计划”的终期建设中以平衡区域发展、创新国际合作交流方式、多元主体加强合作三方面为推进路径,持续做好国际化办学建设,进一步提升我国职业教育的国际地位,扩大国际影响力。  相似文献   

普通高校与境外高水平大学合作办学是教育国际化的重要组成部分。探寻合作办学新方式,必须将"引进来"和"走出去"相结合,选择合适的教学伙伴,探寻适合普通高校自身的合作模式,拓展办学经费来源,合理配备教师和行政管理人员,制定培养计划和管理方法,只有这样,才能提高中外合作办学质量,促进中外合作办学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

上世纪六、七十年代,西方发达国家的高职教育初步形成规模之时,就开始走国际化之路,并且得以迅速发展。目前,我国高等职业教育的发展速度很快,已经形成了很大的规模。拓展办学渠道,走高职教育国际化之路是解决这一系列问题的重要方法之一,也是我国高职教育自身发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济全球化进程的不断加快和我国教育改革的不断深入,中外合作办学的发展进入提速阶段,中外合作办学规模逐年增大、层次逐年提升、模式日渐丰富,已成为中国高校教育国际化的重要组成部分。本文结合自身经验,从拓展国际视野,增强全球意识,建立国际化教育理念;加快师资力量国际化建设;开设国际化优秀课程,开展双语或全外语教学;建立网络教学资源数据库系统等多个方面对中外合作办学与省属高校教育国际化对策进行了一些初步的研究。  相似文献   

天津市是我国实行高等教育国际化比较早的城市,曾有许多举措都开创全国先河,目前也处于国际化的优势地位。但当前天津的高等教育国际化还存在着认识不足与层次较低的问题。为此,建议通过鼓励教育机构进入国际教育市场进行竞争、拓展中外合作办学空间、提升教师队伍的开放度、推进留学工作、打造优质的高等教育资源等途径进一步拓展天津市高等教育国际化的发展空间。  相似文献   

浅谈我国高等职业教育的国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪六、七十年代,西方发达国家的高职教育初步形成规模之时,就开始走国际化之路,并且得以迅速发展。目前,我国高等职业教育的发展速度很快,已经形成了很大的规模。拓展办学渠道,走高职教育国际化之路是解决这一系列问题的重要方法之一,也是我国高职教育自身发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

国际化是世界一流大学的重要特征,美国纽约大学坚持以开放的理念办学,通过拓展国际招生、建设海外教学中心、打造全球课程体系、完善国际服务等措施建构"纽约大学全球教育体系",其高等教育国际化走在全球大学的前列。纽约大学的经验和做法,对中国大学的国际化发展以及建设世界一流大学有一定的借鉴和启发意义,如应拓展国际学生教育并丰富其内涵、促进在校师生国际流动、开展中外合作办学、加强国际课程建设、提高职能部门服务质量等。  相似文献   

高等职业教育国际合作办学,强化了国际化高职人才培养的理念,创新国际合作办学"2+1.5"联合人才培养模式,拓展就业空间、实现国际化就业,实现资源国际共享,师资互派交流,锻炼国际化专业教师队伍,促进国际交流与合作,提高办学水平。  相似文献   

International high school science teachers are crossing international and cultural borders to teach, raising important issues in education. In this article, we describe the cross-cultural assessment challenges that four international science teachers encountered when they migrated to teach in the United States. These included differences in grade expectations for a given quality of work, the weight given to final examinations, the assessment process, and cut-off scores for letter grades. To become proficient in their new teaching contexts, the participating teachers had to modify (or hybridize) their assessment philosophies and practices in order to conform to the expectations of their new schools. This hybridization process ushered them into what is proposed as the pedagogical imaginary; a transitional space between the “purity” of their native educational conventions and that of their American schools. The implications of these findings are discussed in hopes of improving high school science teaching experiences for international science teachers.  相似文献   

Across Asia, the international school scene has experienced marketisation and corporatisation. A consequence is that many wealthier families – outside of expatriate communities – view international schools as a desirable choice, and they seek ways to enrol their children in international schools. States have responded to this situation through policies that manage the boundaries between public or national school systems and international schools. States have made compromises in their international school policies – compromises that allow markets to creep into the broader education systems. This mode of market creation is subtle: Neither families nor state agents advocate for ‘choice’ as a value, nor are there public discourses around international schools in the region celebrating ‘choice’ in education. The compromises made in international school policy relate to whole education systems and have implications for inequality, citizenship, and national identity.  相似文献   

International schools are commonly depicted in the academic literature and popular press as offering elite educational credentials to an elite, oftentimes international, student body. In this paper, I draw on a case study of a Canadian international school to argue that a new form of international school is emerging in China – one that offers a haven for domestic students from certain competitive and discriminatory features of the Chinese educational system. Fieldwork was conducted at a Canadian curriculum high school for Chinese citizens in Beijing. Most students at the school were internal migrants or children of China’s ‘new rich’ entrepreneurial class; that is, their families had economic resources but occupied precarious social positions in contemporary Chinese society. Analyses reveal that the international school offers a pathway to obtain baseline academic credentials in the absence of other opportunities for progress in the Chinese educational system. Together with evidence of dramatic growth in international schools and tracks in China, this case study suggests the emergence of a new type of international education programme that departs from a picture of international education as ‘elite’ in terms of student body, academic environment, and expected educational trajectories of graduates. The paper also develops our understanding of class and educational strategies in contemporary China.  相似文献   

This paper explores the consequences of these discourses for the ways that international students are identified and positioned within school communities. My argument is developed in four sections. The first describes my ongoing exploration into the impact of international student programmes in Australia. The second exemplifies my argument: exploring the day‐to‐day experiences of vice principals in two Victorian government state secondary schools as they market their schools, and examining the systemic and ontological discourses played out within those conversations. The third interrogates discourses of identity and difference, neo‐liberalism and naïve cosmopolitanism which I find shape teacher conversations about international student programmes. In the final section, I argue that the impact of the discourse formations implicit in teacher talk about international student programmes has been the objectification of international students and their ambivalent inclusion within the school community.  相似文献   

Setting international benchmarks for education systems of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries is one of the goals of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). However, some countries are not able to participate in PISA, despite their desire to set international benchmarks for their education systems. This article presents a method of setting international benchmarks for a country's school education system, without necessarily participating in PISA, by designing a test using the test items released by PISA for public consumption. The method has been implemented in a study that involved 1,500 Grade 10 students across 60 schools in Bhutan. The students were administered a mathematics test constructed from the PISA Mathematical Literacy test items. The study showed that the performance of Bhutanese students was comparable with the performance of the students from the countries that participated in PISA 2003 and that Bhutan could learn from both high- and low-performing school education systems of those countries.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the views of school counselors in international school settings; international schools being those that enroll students from varying nationalities (both English speaking and non-English speaking countries) and follow an American/International college preparatory education curriculum. Results were pursued in regard to three important areas: (1) mental health needs of students (e.g., coping with cultural transitions, aggression, self-esteem), (2) their own professional development needs (e.g., multicultural development, networking), and (3) their interactions with teachers, administrators, and parents (e.g., lack of knowledge of the counselor’s role, lack of trust in the counselor, lack of teamwork). Implications for supporting international school counselors are provided. An earlier version of this article was presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois (2008).  相似文献   


The paper considers questions of ethics and methodology in international research. An action research project designed for Ghana/UNICEF as part of a consultancy on school attendance is used as a case‐study from which to examine the ethical dilemmas facing consultants and their clients in educational research carried out as part of international aid. Ethical dilemmas of resourcing, ownership, accountability and self‐interest are discussed by the English consultants. It thus has a double purpose. It both contributes to research on school attendance, and also furthers debate about methodology and constraints on it.  相似文献   

International mindedness is considered by many educational researchers and organizations as a determining feature in international education. This article used data as part of a PhD case study inquiry to explore how international mindedness is developed by two students in an IB school in an Indian Ocean Island Nation. Through a qualitative approach within an interpretivist paradigm, it provides insights into the complexities of the students' development of international mindedness through the following questions: Why do the students aspire to develop international mindedness? What are the tensions they experience in developing it through the theory of knowledge programme in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)? Using socio-cultural frameworks, the article discusses theories on knowledge development, identity and post-colonialism. Data were collected through a survey, journal entries and interviews. The analysis was conducted using theoretical sampling, categorization and coding. The findings revealed that students' cultural backgrounds and identities are critical factors determining their sense of engagement with the development of international mindedness in the IBDP. They indicated also that the Diploma Programme (DP) knowledge content needs to be carefully addressed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) host school, which also must consider the socio-cultural and historical factors of the country in which it is found, in negotiating a locally meaningful implementation of the IB's international mindedness.  相似文献   

With the increasingly frequent international exchanges,English,as an international language,has been attached greater importance.The oral English ability of junior high school students plays an indispensable role in their everyday study and social interaction,and it is the present junior school study that can lay a solid foundation for their future study and life.Therefore,to comprehensively improve their oral English ability is in urgent need and of paramount significance.This paper focuses on analyzing the external and internal factors influencing the cultivation of junior high school students’oral English ability,and put forwards the corresponding cultivating strategies of the oral English ability of junior high school students.  相似文献   

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