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空手道是一项适合竞技体育也适合学校体育的运动,近几年来随着我国高校对体育的重视,空手道项目在部分高校也有了极好的发展。大学是空手道项目发展的优质平台,而现代大学生又需要一项合适的运动来提升身体素质和心理健康,空手道的发展无疑是百利而无一害的,而对空手道发展策略的寻找是空手道在高校发展的核心。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料研究、访谈、调查问卷等方法,通过对上海大学生习练太极拳与空手道的动机进行调查、比较、研究,了解到现代大学生参与太极拳与空手道训练的习练动机丰富多样,动机水平根据运动项目的特点及文化背景不同存在个别差异性。对两项项目如何更好地在高校中开展,培养和保持习练者的运动动机,促进青少年身心发展,提供了合理的建议与实践参考。  相似文献   

空手道进入普通高校的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中国空手道协会和大学生空手道协会的相继成立,表明国家正积极将空手道引入高等院校,而高等院校将是其发展的重要平台。空手道是一项以"礼"为核心身心俱炼的体育运动,是一种"点到为止"的符合人类生态文明发展趋势的安全对抗体育运动,空手道的运动形式为型(套路)与组手(对抗)并重,具有广泛的适合人群,适于今后在高校中大力开展。  相似文献   

郭小涛 《当代体育科技》2020,(3):233-233,235
空手道运动项目已经成为亚运会、省运会、全运会和奥运会的参赛项目,中国大学生空手道协会、中国空手道协会相继成立,国家积极向中小学、社会以及高等教育机构推广空手道运动项目,武术学校、体育专业学校相继成为空手道项目发展的重要平台。空手道是一种以"礼"仪式为核心,以身心均参与锻炼的运动,空手道的运动形式为型(套路)与组手(对抗)并重,嵩山少林武术职业学院具有广泛的武术基础人群,无论是型或者是组手,都适合在未来的武术学校中的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

我国空手道运动发展策略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法和综合分析法对我国空手道运动现状进行研究,认为目前我国空手道运动有良好的发展形势,但也存在管理制度不完善、发展不均衡等现象。建议采取相应的发展策略:制定我国空手道运动的发展计划和完善管理体制,加大对裁判员和教练员的培训,加强科研和空手道的梯队建设,积极开展各类赛事,处理好空手道运动与其他武道项目间、竞技空手道与大众空手道以及各个空手道流派间的关系,重点发展"组手"项目。  相似文献   

周莉 《体育世界》2013,(5):82-84
空手道是一项新兴的融拳法、腿法与摔法为一体的竞技体育项目。空手道运动不仅可以强身健体,塑造形体,锻炼品质,磨练意志,还可以促进身心发展和提高生理心理承受能力,所以越来越来被人们所接受,更为广大在校学生所喜爱。但是空手道运动损伤的发生率较高却限制了该项运动的开展与普及,因此如何降低甚至消除空手道运动损伤的发生就成为空手道运动发展中急需解决的问题。通过对空手道项目的运动损伤特点、成因及预防措施和手段进行了综述,为空手道运动的开展提供更多的借鉴。  相似文献   

对上海市空手道的发展状况的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章运用文献资料法、专家方谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对上海市的空手道发展历史和现状进行调查分析。上海市空手道的发展历程可分为:启蒙阶段、发展阶段和成熟阶段三个阶段,上海市空手道运动发展形势良好,上海市空手道运动的教练员和裁判员已有一定的规模。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法对天津市空手道运动开展的现状进行调查分析。认为天津市空手道运动的发展目前有一定的基础,发展形势良好,并且空手道裁判员、教练员和运动员已有一定的规模,但也存在管理制度不完善、发展不均衡等现象;空手道运动的训练设施不够完善、专业水平不高。针对其制约因素提出自己的点滴参考性的发展策略,制定天津市空手道运动的发展计划和完善管理体制,加大对裁判员和教练员的培训,加强科研和空手道人员的梯队建设,尽快完善训练设施,积极开展各类赛事,提高运动员技术水平。  相似文献   

空手道作为一项广受人们欢迎的格斗运动,要求运动员不仅要具备出色的技术,而且要拥有强大的核心力量。因此,核心力量训练对于空手道运动员来说至关重要。文章探讨了核心力量训练在空手道运动中的应用及其对运动员整体表现的影响,以期为空手道运动员加强核心力量训练提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对上海市5所高校空手道项目开展现状的调查,结果发现该5所高校的空手道协会在组织、管理等方面已经初具形态,宣传手段上已逐渐走向成熟,发展趋势良好,但在训练设施、考核及收费标准等方面不够完善,还需要进一步规范,以促进上海高校空手道的健康发展。  相似文献   

This chapter traces the way in which Nellie Kleinsmidt, known as the grandmother of karate in Africa, has negotiated discriminatory practices and overcome race and gender-related struggles, including the struggle to free the female body, in pursuit of empowerment. It explores her expectations and the constraints and frustrations she experienced, as well as the many contributions she has made to women's karate in South Africa. Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, which began in 1965, coincided with the early developments of South African karate. As a woman of colour her life and karate career were significantly shaped by apartheid legislation. It divided the country into areas of occupancy and residency according to race and was designed to prevent contact between the people of the government defined race groups. Black karate-kas were prohibited by law from practising karate in white designated areas. Lack of facilities and qualified instructors in areas allocated to Kleinsmidt's race group meant that she received very little formal karate instruction between 1966 and 1973. Soon after, she met Johan Roux, a white male. He was to become her chief karate instructor and life-long companion. They defied the apartheid legislation and in 1978 set up home together. They organized defiance campaigns, resisting the pressures from government to close their dojo because of its non-racial policies. Freeing her body at the broader political level involved the abolition of the race categories and all other apartheid legislation which impacted on her life choices and experiences. Initially this struggle and that of freeing her body occurred simultaneously. In her ongoing struggle against gender discrimination in the sport, it was in karate that Nellie Kleinsmidt could strive for the personal empowerment she sought. She could however not translate this into freedom in South African society itself. The impact of apartheid legislation together with the imposition of a sports moratorium by the South African Council on Sports (SACOS), hindered the growth of Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, yet she managed to obtain her sixth Dan Black Belt in 1998. This was a remarkable achievement given the constraints she had to overcome. In karate, Kleinsmidt was often viewed as a female first. The problem of female access is exacerbated by the overwhelming number of male instructors perpetuating the notion that the martial arts are inherently male sports. Accessing the various levels of karate has involved claiming physical and symbolic space on the dojo floor as well as involvement in the decision-making arenas of karate. In 1992 with the unification of karate in South Africa, Sensei Nellie began to extend her involvement with the refereeing arena and jointly established a Women's Karate Forum in her province. She has subsequently become a South African national referee and has earned the status of continental judge with the Union of African Karate Federation (UFAK). Nellie Kleinsmidt is the first and only woman of colour to have been appointed to the Referee's Board of South Africa and the only woman of colour in Africa to have obtained a sixth Dan Black belt.  相似文献   

Brianne Lawton 《Sport in Society》2019,22(11):1762-1768

Since the eighteenth century, the traditional Okinawan art of Shotokan karate has transformed into a global sport. The violent history of Okinawa in the late 1700s led to the art’s initial creation. In its early years, karate was banned by the government and all practice of it had to take place in secret. Karate was practiced just in Okinawa for over a century. The spread of karate into Japan in 1922 initiated its move towards a Western migration. Through a combination of mass media and the experience of spectators and practitioners, karate spread around the globe. In 1970, international karate competitions began to take place. This initiated the popularization of the sport of karate, introducing more changes to the sport based on the preferences of the spectators. The World Karate Federation (WKF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) together took this art and created an Olympic sport.  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法及专家访谈法等研究方法,分析当下大学体育空手道"型"的技术特点、教学方法及教学中存在的问题,研究表明糸东流空手道"型"有其鲜明的特点"快慢相间、屈伸自如、闪转敏捷"。绝大多数教练员都是为完成组织委派的任务而从其他专项转到这个项目中的,在实际执教过程中出现了专业知识薄弱、专项技术水准不高等问题。通过从糸东流"型"的技术特点出发,探讨其有效的教学方法,旨在更好地增强学生对糸东流空手道"型"的了解及为其技术改革提供一些可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对空手道项目的国际竞争格局与我国奥运备战策略进行研究。结果显示:(1)空手道项目在欧洲、美洲地区发展较好,亚洲、非洲次之,大洋洲地区发展相对缓慢;奥运会首批空手道门票主要分布在日本、伊朗,土耳其、意大利、西班牙、阿塞拜疆、乌克兰等竞技强国。(2)我国空手道备战策略为:顺应国内实体化改革趋势,改变国内竞赛体制;强化后备人才队伍建设与协会自身建设;高度重视体能训练和科技助力工作;加强国际交流与合作,提升备战的软实力;扩大项目推广与普及力度。(3)我国空手道项目竞技水平与世界强国仍存在一定差距,奥运备战主力为女子组运动员。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料研究法和对比研究法。就空手道和武术的起源和发展、"道"与"德"、技术特点等进行比较分析。得出:传统的武术整体上优于过去的空手道;而目前,空手道在世界的推广却优于武术。最后总结出空手道的发展给武术带来的启示。  相似文献   

空手道被列为2020年东京奥运会正式比赛项目,人们对空手道项目的重视程度达到了空前的高度。为科学地认识我国空手道项目在各地区的竞技实力现状,该文通过对2019年全国空手道三站锦标赛比赛成绩进行分析,发现我国空手道项目在全国各地的发展极不平衡,河南省、山西省和中国香港发展水平较高,其他地区的整体水平较差;在后备梯队建设方面,这3个地区的青训体系也优于其他地区。  相似文献   

摔法是空手道运动技术的重要组成部分,是比赛取胜的重要手段。分析空手道摔法和散打摔法的异同点,旨为空手道选手的日常训练及比赛运用提供必要理论支持。  相似文献   

通过查阅相关资料文献,技术录像统计法对空手道比赛录像进行对比观看,来研究空手道运动员在比赛中的技术运用,加深对中段击重要性的认识。根据空手道比赛录像技术数据进行分析对比,得出在空手道比赛中,中段击是最主要的得分手段,对运动员比赛胜负的影响很大。在此基础上,分析了中段击获胜的技术原因及未来发展方向,并进一步提出了中段击组合技术在训练及比赛中的地位。  相似文献   

Little is known of the performance characteristics of the shotokan karate mae-geri kick. The aim of this study was to compare the execution time, the lower limb kinetics and kinematics, and their respective repeatability in the mae-geri kick of karate athletes of two different standards. Seventeen adult black belt karate competitors (9 national and 8 international athletes) performed six kicks with their dominant lower limb on a striking surface, combining maximum force impact and velocity. Execution time of movement and lower limb kinematics were recorded with a high-speed camera. Maximum force at impact and the forces exerted on the ground were measured using three force plates. The duration of the kick was significantly shorter for international than for national standard athletes. However, no significant difference in the maximum impact force of the kick was observed between the two groups. In addition, significant kinematic differences were observed between the groups, with two angles of motion and one velocity peak occurring sooner in the kick movement for the international athletes, specifically for the knee joint. International athletes also performed the kick with a significantly higher repeatability for duration and kinematics, specifically during the pre-loading phase that precedes the attack phase. We conclude that the duration of the kick and repeatability of lower limb kinematics could be useful in selecting top-level karate athletes and monitoring their training status.  相似文献   

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