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课堂提问是优化课堂教学的重要手段之一,一个适时、准确的提问可以为学生指明正确的思考方向,启发思维,发挥学生的主观能动性。善教者,必善问。提问的效果取决于老师发问的技巧。  相似文献   

课堂提问效果的好坏不能单纯取决于提问的数量,但一堂成功的阅读课必须保证师生一定量的课堂交流,而且提问的覆盖面要尽可能广,让每个学生都有课堂交流的机会。课堂提问的次数的多少取决于阅读材料的难易程度,取决于学生的英语水平和相关的背景知识,教师在备课时要侧重于问题的技巧。若阅读材料简浅,学生又掌握了大量相关的文化背景知识,有关课文表层理解方面的问题可少提,以便让学生有充分的时间熟悉课文内容,为阅读后的语言交流活动服务。  相似文献   

课堂提问,是课堂教学的重要途径,是师生之间进行信息和情感交流的重要环节。有效的提问具有增进师生交流、激发学习兴趣、启迪学生思维、锻炼学生表达能力的功能。因此,课堂教学的效果在很大程度上取决于教师提问的时机,技巧。  相似文献   

课堂提问是优化课堂教学的重要手段之一,一个适时、准确的提问可以为学生指明正确的思考方向,启发思维,发挥学生的主观能动性.“善教者,必善问.”提问的效果取决于教师发问的技巧。  相似文献   

课堂提问要想问得好,就要在提问的内容、方式、技巧等方面讲究策略.教师在提问问题、提问方式和提问技巧上都要"给力",才能使课堂提问有效、高效.  相似文献   

课堂提问是优化课堂教学的重要手段之一.要充分发挥提问的作用,必须讲究提问的技巧.“善教者,必善问”,提问的效果取决于教师发问的技巧.1巧设矛盾、激疑设问矛盾是打开学生思维之门的钥匙,有矛盾才能激发学生思维的积极性.因而善于揭示矛盾、设置矛盾,是创造好的提问的关键.矛  相似文献   

试论有效课堂提问的技巧   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西方学者德加默曾提出这样一个观点:“提问得好即教得好”。这种看法不无道理。我们知道,好的课堂提问具有增进师生交流、激发学习兴趣、启迪学生思维、锻炼学生表达能力等教育功能,因此课堂教学的效果在很大程度上也就取决于教师提问的技巧。有效课堂提问的技巧是很多的,然而,如果从提问、听答、评答这样三个方面来看,那么合理分配答问对象、善于提探究性问题、给学生答问以等待和给学生答问以积极强化这四大技巧就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

师生互动是促进学生思维水平提升的重要方式,在初中英语教学中,课堂提问技巧的合理应用,有助于激起学生参与课堂的热情,并实现其交际能力的增强。但提问技巧的应用,需要建立在正确掌握提问作用并明确提问时机的基础之上,而盲目使用课堂提问,不仅难以获得预期效果,甚至还可能引起学生的“反感”。本文以课堂提问技巧的实践应用为出发点,简要分析课堂提问的作用,并讨论初中英语课堂应用提问技巧的策略。  相似文献   

周琼莉 《教师》2010,(21):104-107
高中英语阅读教学中阅读效果和阅读能力的提高在很大程度上取决于阅读技能的培养。在课堂阅读教学中利用提问技巧来组织阅读、训练学生的阅读技能是一个非常有效的手段。本文就笔者自身的教学实践从课堂阅读教学的三个阶段出发.对不同阶段中的提问技巧略作探讨,以反思自己的实践操作。  相似文献   

高中英语阅读教学中阅读效果和阅读能力的提高在很大程度上取决于阅读技能的培养.在课堂阅读教学中利用提问技巧来组织阅读、训练学生的阅读技能是一个非常有效的手段.本文就笔者自身的教学实践从课堂阅读教学的三个阶段出发,对不同阶段中的提问技巧略作探讨,以反思自己的实践操作.  相似文献   

探究性提问是探究性教学实施背景下的一种课堂提问方式。高中政治课堂探究性提问必须遵循提问的地方要恰当、提问的难易程度要恰当、提问的时机要恰当等基本要求。高中政治课堂探究性提问要以学生思维过程不断生成的新问题为落脚点;要以学生高层次的思维能力为发展指向;要把贴近学生生活的实际情境作为教学的着力点;要从学生的知识经验出发,寻找学生知识经验与探究目标之间的契合点。  相似文献   

在阅读教学中实施问题教学,对于激发学生阅读的认知动力,强化阅读的认知操作活动,提高阅读活动效能,培养学生独立阅读的能力以及评价反馈阅读教学效果,都有极为重要的意义.本文从三方面探讨了如何在阅读教学中实施问题教学创设问题情境、培养学生的问题意识;教给学生质疑方法,启发学生提出问题;教给学生解疑方法,培养他们解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

在语文教学中,提出问题具有重要的意义。新颖的问题能激发学生的学习情趣;抓住契机的问题能激活学生的思维;曲变的问题能发展学生的思维;多层次的问题能使学生各得其所;发散型的问题能使学生举一反三,灵活变通。  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that orchestrating scientific discourse in classrooms is difficult and takes a great deal of effort on the part of teachers. In this study, we examined teachers?? instructional moves to elicit and develop students?? ideas and questions as they orchestrated discourse with their fifth grade students during a learner-centered environmental biology unit. The unit materials included features meant to support teachers in eliciting and working with students?? ideas and questions as a source for student-led investigations. We present three contrasting cases of teachers to highlight evidence that shows teachers?? differing strategies for eliciting students?? ideas and questions, and for developing their ideas, questions and questioning skills. Results from our cross case analysis provide insight into the ways in which teachers?? enactments enabled them to work with students?? ideas and questions to help advance learning. Consistent with other studies, we found that teachers could readily elicit ideas and questions but experienced challenges in helping students develop them. Findings suggest a need for more specified supports, such as specific discourse strategies, to help teachers attend to student thinking. We explore implications for curricular tools and discuss a need for more examples of effective discourse moves for use by teachers in orchestrating scientific discourse.  相似文献   

Quiz questions can be very effective teachers. They may condition students to study in particular ways, to attend to some types of information and to ignore others, and they may determine how the student processes information.Basic reinforcement theory holds that rewarded behavior is repeated while unrewarded behavior is extinguished. Successful test performance is a powerful reward for specific study techniques; and students, consciously or unconsciously, adapt their study techniques to fit and patterns in requirements of test questions.It has been demonstrated in several studies that frequent quizzes improve final test performance. But it has also been demonstrated that students identify very subtle patterns in test questions and focus their study efforts according to these patterns. A teacher could presumably use this phenomena to insure that students will notice pre-defined classes of information, or by unintentional patterns in questions, may motivate students to memorize inert and useless data.There is some evidence that quiz questions can be used to induce reasoning about information and discovery of unstated implications of particular kinds. Two studies have demonstrated that when a particular type of reasoning is required in a series of quizzes, students improve in their ability to solve similar problems on subsequent tests.Several general rules for designing constructive quizzes may be extracted from these data. Frequent quizzes of appropriate difficulty for individuals can be constructed by identifying a particular type of information or reasoning to be learned. Questions can be written which consistently require students to use the desired knowledge or skill and the questions may be segmented into a series of quizzes to produce a desired type of study.Since any quiz may affect study habits, teachers must insure that their quizzes have positive effects.  相似文献   


Deans and directors of education in the United States are being asked to position their schools, colleges and departments of education (SCDE) for teaching and learning in the twenty-first century. A key question related to this effort is ‘How is the unit going to utilize current and emerging technologies as an integral part of their planning for instructional and managerial problems? ’ If deans and directors are to answer this question in an innovative way, at least two things must happen. First, they must understand their role as institutional technology leaders. Second, they must engage faculty, staff, and students in the careful exploration of three critical questions: 1. How does the SCDE create and maintain a technology infrastructure to support innovative instruction and program delivery? 2. How can the SCDE prepare faculty, staff, and students to teach and learn in a connected learning environment? And, 3. How best can the SCDE deliver programs in this new environment? This article describes why deans and directors must be leaders if technology is to be a part of the renewal process, discusses the issues related to each of the three questions, and provides a series of questions for deans and directors to stimulate discussion and planning efforts  相似文献   

民办高校学生心理健康问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自卑、焦虑和逆反心理是影响民办高校学生心理健康的三大问题。这些常见异常心理主要是因为民办高校学生能力素质、认知水平和社会、学校、家庭支持不到位所导致的。需要采取有效措施提高民办高校学生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

陈凡 《天津教育》2021,(2):159-160
儿童是天真活泼又古灵精怪的,他们的脑海里储存着各种各样的问题。一堂优质课堂,必然将学生作为课堂的主体,充分尊重学生立场。笔者就"质疑直击要点——因势利导组织探究;提问别出心裁——引发创新思维;质疑挑战威望——发扬批判精神;质疑价值甚微式提问——审时度势堵漏截流;提问延展课外——倡导研究学习"五个方面谈谈自己的想法。  相似文献   

论高校辅导员修养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校辅导员是大学生思想政治工作的一支重要力量,对青年大学生的成长、成才起着十分重要的作用。因此,辅导员必须加强自身修养,才能做好学生的教育工作,肩负起育人的使命,本文从三个方面阐述了高校辅导员的修养内容。  相似文献   

与时俱进做好新时期高校辅导员工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生政治生活辅导员是学校与大学生、家长联系的纽带和桥梁,是大学生最直接的思想政治生活教育者,辅导员的言行、能力、品格及工作方法将对大学生的人生观、世界观、政治观产生重大影响。因此,辅导员要依据时代的要求,当今社会的特点以及大学生这一特殊群体的特性,选择和创造有实效的工作方法,以完成当今社会、时代赋予的神圣使命。  相似文献   

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