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This paper examines the impact of pre-school education on learning achievement at primary level in Bangladesh. Evidence from learning achievement test and household and school-related data were obtained from 7093 pupils attending 440 primary schools in Bangladesh. Findings suggest that a small proportion (15.3%) of primary school pupils attended pre-school. Pupils from educated parents and well-off families were more likely to attend. In principle, however, attendance at pre-school did not predict later learning achievement at primary level, but a range of socio-demographic, school-related and additional educational factors did have an impact. It is concluded that further research is warranted to examine the quality of pre-school provision offered in Bangladesh and the qualifications of professionals working with young children in these centres.  相似文献   

关于推进青岛市地理标志保护的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理标志是世界贸易组织知识产权法律制度中的一项重要内容。了解地理标志的有关知识和通晓其相关规则,加强地理标志保护研究,对促进青岛市名优特产品特别是农产品的产业化、市场化,推进农产品的品牌化经营战略和培育地方主导产业,增强农产品在国际市场上的竞争力,拓宽农民增收的渠道,促使农业经济向广度和深度发展,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this article, the author reports the outcomes of studying a programme that provided 35 primary school children with weekly, individual, half-hour listening and talking sessions with an adult over 10 weeks. The skilled adult 'Listening Partners' offered an open agenda and a private space away from the classroom. The children could use the session as they chose. The consequences of this intervention were measured against the experience of a control group of children. Evidence of change was collected by comparing results from a standard listening test, teacher assessments, National Curriculum assessments and behavioural records. The author explores two central questions: how does increasing the amount of time that a child has the individual, listening attention of an adult affect that child's capacity to listen, understand and respond constructively to what is said to them in a teaching and learning situation? Are there any other effects on children in school who receive this one-to-one attention? The study showed that the focused attention of a trusted adult provided children with opportunities to communicate, notably disclosing child protection issues that may otherwise have remained uninvestigated. Increasing the opportunities for children to experience being listened to by a skilled adult positively affected their educational progress. She argues that skilled listeners have a significant effect on children's learning and on some children's behaviour.  相似文献   

在会话过程中,听者是接受传达信息的一方,所以,很容易让人认为"听"这个动作是一种受动行为。但是,在实际的会话当中听者在听取对方讲话的时候,总是会从音声、词汇、语法等方面来理解发话者所讲述的话语,同时还会根据话语的前后关联或者结合会话的情境来积极地解释或对照知识和记忆来思考想象对方的已述话语,甚至还会推测发话者还未讲述的话语,或对发话者在话语中的省略进行信息补全。听者为会话的顺利进行起着积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

四川发展家庭农场具有现实的必要性,国内先行地区的成功经验对于四川发展家庭农场具有借鉴价值。四川发展家庭农场应处理好三对关系,即家庭农场、专业大户与农民合作组织之间的关系,家庭均田承包与家庭农场规模承包之间的关系,职业农民与传统农民的关系。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的纵深发展 ,农村原有的依赖家庭与土地的农民养老机制已经难以适应社会进步和深入发展社会主义市场经济的需要。在当前的农村人力资源开发中其消极影响日渐突出 ,它产生不利于农村社会发展的价值标准和基本信念 ,削弱农民的生产积极性 ,直接影响农村人力资源的科学开发 ,降低农村人力资源开发的效益 ,成为我国农村经济沿着社会主义市场经济方向快速发展的障碍  相似文献   

认知心理语言学家认为人的知识是以图式的形式储存于大脑中的。这种储存在人的大脑中的知识结构、过去的经历及信息加工的方式能引导听者去理解新输入的信息。在言语交流中,说话者和听话者所共有的知识、经历越多两者的交流越容易。本文分析了认知图式理论的含义,探讨了高中英语听力教学中存在的问题,指出这一理论对英语听力教学的启示作用。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the educative role of the farm in the development of relationships between young people and the homeplace they grew up on. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with a cohort of 30 Irish university students (15 men and 15 women) brought up on Irish family farms who would not become full-time farmers. The farm acts as an educational tool through which broader cultural and familial norms of land ownership, succession and affiliations with the land are transmitted to the next generation. This is manifested through, for example, the creation of foundational stories about their forebearers’ influence on the physical appearance of the farm. The resulting place attachments are of profound depth and serve a key role in the succession process in helping to build a sense of duty and responsibilisation into the next generation’s relationship with the landholding.  相似文献   

李锐的农具系列小说以农具为切入口,通过农具在现代社会用途的变化折射出了当下农民的生存境况。其中《残耱》和《袴镰》视角独特,笔调凄哀,表现了存活于黄土地上的农民在城市化进程中的心理遭遇和生存状态。  相似文献   


Will African farmers watch and learn from videos featuring farmers in Bangladesh? Learning videos on rice seed management were made with rural women in Bangladesh. By using a new approach, called zooming-in, zooming-out, the videos were of regional relevance and locally appropriate. When the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) introduced them to Africa in 2005, many scientists and civil servants thought that the videos would be culturally inappropriate and hence irrelevant to African smallholder farmers. However, African farmers who watched the videos did not experience cultural barriers. In fact, they enjoyed seeing another part of the world where farmers faced similar problems as theirs, and were able to solve these problems by themselves. To promote wider uptake of the videos a key challenge was to overcome the institutional barriers. Public sector agencies especially had to be convinced that African smallholders appreciated Asian videos. By watching the videos with farmers and listening to their feedback, the skeptical scientists and service providers changed their minds. By 2009, the Bangladeshi rice seed videos had been translated into 20 African languages and so became national products. Videos made according to the zooming-in zooming-out approach can bring farmer-to-farmer extension to a higher level of social aggregation.  相似文献   

作为欠发达地区,近年来安庆市的城镇化发展缓慢,主要是因为其动力机制中存在产业结构转换缓慢、多重的二元经济结构并存、人口红利空间转移上的流失、制度变迁严重滞后等问题。必须从加快推进农业现代化、加速工业化以推动产业结构转换、加快推进农业转移人口的市民化进程、加强制度创新等方面对动力机制积极加以完善,为区域经济的发展创造条件。  相似文献   

Bystanders can reveal valuable information about bullying to school personnel to take action on it. If they remain reluctant, of course, they frustrate our efforts to stop bullying. But then, why would they get involved if doing so might make them victims of aggression too?
This paper investigates the importance of adaptive shame management in encouraging bystanders to prevent bullying. Data were collected through the Cross-national School Behaviour Research Project from 1452 secondary school students (49% girls) in grades 7–10 (mean=8.42) in Bangladesh. As predicted, students who scored higher on shame acknowledgement (admitting shame, accepting responsibility, making amends) were more likely to intervene to prevent bullying. Those with low shame displacement (blaming or hitting out at others) were also likely to intervene to stop bullying. Implications of these findings pertaining to pastoral staff, counsellors and school teachers working with students to encourage coming forward against bullying are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the 1770s, formal knowledge about conditions later known as mental retardation (learning difficulties/disabilities) slowly accumulated with civil administrators, physicians, psychologists and teachers in East Bengal/Bangladesh. Factors in this growth of knowledge are reviewed. Most people with mental retardation and their families managed without professional advice. Some children with mental retardation were casually integrated in ordinary schools. Rooted in local cultures and concepts, the accumulated knowledge and experience of both families and professionals should be recognised, formulated and used in modern disability service planning. It risks being obscured by imported knowledge having greater prestige but less relevance.  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of the paper is to explore how advisors’ relational and professional competence influences inter-subjectivity and farmers’ perceptions of farm visits in a setting where advisors have formal power.Methodology: Advisors from the dairy company Tine, which is owned by farmers in collaboration, visit farmers at least once a year. The aim of the visit is to assist farmers in managing the farm and to control the production conditions in the cowshed. In a case study, we attended 10 such mandatory advisor visits and interviewed both farmers and advisors.Findings: Together with advisor style, our findings show that the power relation leaves room for advisors to define their roles widely, ranging from inspector to coach. Advisors have different perceptions of what their jobs are and when they have done a good job. These differences determine the degree of inter-subjectivity and how satisfied farmers are with visits. Furthermore, advisors’ relational and professional competencies are crucial for achieving high inter-subjectivity and satisfied farmers.Theoretical implications: This paper contributes to the theory by identifying factors that influence farmers’ perceptions of advisor visits, as well as by showing the importance of the advisor’s relational and professional competence in a setting where they have formal power.Practical implications: Partly as an outcome of this study, Tine has started a process to separate the control function from farm visits. Tine has also decided to let farmers choose advisors themselves. Originality/value: The power relation in our study differs from most consultant–client interactions in the literature.  相似文献   

乡土情结是中国传统社会的产物,与土地和宗族观念紧密联系。在现代化进程中尤其改革开放以来随着农民流动加剧,乡土情结不断地经历着嬗变。现代化进程对乡土情结的冲击引发了农民工对自身的认知冲突,是困扰农民工市民化的一个重要心理障碍。要改变乡土情结对农民工的束缚,必然要求从制度安排、市民认可和自我认同三个方面着手,以此促进农民工的市民化。  相似文献   

农村土地管理制度是否科学、合理,对稳妥解决"三农"问题的影响极大。稳妥推进农地流转,是构建新型土地生产关系、深化农村土地制度改革、加快农业发展方式转变、适应农村经济社会发展的需要。然而近年来,我国农地流转实施过程中一些问题依然突出,影响了流转效果,一些农民的利益受到损害。并由于法制化、规范化程度低,农地流转的可操作性差,风险较大。正确发挥政府作用,加强对土地流转的管理,完善流转配套政策和制度,有利于健全土地流转机制的措施,规范管理农地流转。  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate farmers’ attitudes and skills of farm management. Two scales were constructed as an instrument for data collection, based on a sample of 100 farm units. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were .84 or higher, which indicated that the instrument scales were internally consistent. Non-parametric tests were used to analyze the data. Operators appeared to be largely commercial, but they did not highly rate the significance of farming as a business, or their level of management skills. Two-thirds of respondents perceived technical skills as the key to success. Poor management skills limit the operators’ ability in making informed decisions, planning and analyzing the financial performance of their operations. Farm management extension enhances farmers’ willingness and ability to make successful changes to their management practice. Improvement programs have to be targeted to the groups of operators who are more favorable to management extension, that is, full-time farmers, renters, the more experienced, the educated and the more dependent on farm income.  相似文献   

听前预测是英语听力理解中的一项基本技能,其目的是为了有的放矢地听者。听前预测的内容主要包括预测听力材料的大体内容,听后将要提出什么问题,以及待选项中何者是其正确答案。听前预测的方法很多,主要是利用书面的已知信息,借助于听者的语言知识、背景知识、生活常识和逻辑推理等手段,对听力材料的内容、问题及答案做出某种猜测或期望。  相似文献   

"三农问题"是我省经济与社会发展中需要解决的重大问题。要解决好这个问题,改善农民的生活,农业产业化经营是一条有效途径。根据农产品供应链的特殊性,运用SWOT分析法,指出江苏省发展农产品供应链存在的优势、劣势以及所面对的机遇与威胁,并在此基础上,进行发展农产品供应链的对策研究。  相似文献   

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