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以贵州5所示范性普通高中学生为样本,通过调查法研究了高中生物学科学生合作学习的应用范围、参与态度、人员分工、任务胜任等情况.结果表明:合作学习策略在高中生物课堂教学中的应用还不足;学生主动参与合作学习的态度还有待提高;合作学习中任务分工还不够明确,学生完成任务的能力还有待培养;另外合作学习的应用范围、任务胜任情况与性别没有关联,参与态度、人员分工方面与性别有极显著关联,男生的参与态度要优于女生,女生在人员分工方面要优于男生.  相似文献   

研究表明,在大多数情况下,女生在学业表现上要优于男生,医学生中也存在这种现象。自主学习能力是影响学业表现的重要因素。通过研究发现,医学生的自主学习能力存在女生高于男生的性别差异。为了减小这种性别差异,提高医学生的自主学习能力,从而优化医学生的学业表现,医学院校要改革教育教学方式,确立学生在教学中的主体地位,培养学生良好的学习习惯。  相似文献   

英语学习中的性别差异以及提高英语教学成绩的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何震 《教育革新》2007,(7):49-50
男女两性在生理、心理方面的特点和差异.早已得到人们的公认,但男女在语言学习、言语使用方面的特点和差异,尤其在外语学习中的差异需要给予足够的重视。本人在多年的英语教学中,感觉到有一种现象存在,就是女生学英语总是略优于男生,尤其是口语表达的流利程度,也超过男生,而男生的英语阅读理解能力超过女生。  相似文献   

大数据分析表明,在高考和中考等学业成就测试方面,女生的表现明显优于男生;而在国际奥林匹克数学、物理和化学竞赛等高阶思维能力测试方面,男生的表现明显优于女生.其中,女生在文史类科目上成绩更好,而男生在数学和自然科学方面成绩更优.其原因可能与个体的生理和心理发展特点,学校、家庭和社会的教育观念、教学模式和心理期待,以及考试内容和方法等因素有关.深层次的原因则需要进一步调研.这些现象带来的启示是:可以鼓励女孩加强数学和自然科学知识的学习,鼓励男孩多关注语言和社会科学知识的学习,同时加强学生高阶思维能力的培养和测试力度.  相似文献   

武均宜 《考试周刊》2011,(73):111-112
为了解高中生英语学习策略使用情况.对高中生英语学习进行科学引导,作者采用Oxford语言学习策略量表(SILL),以保定市某重点中学高中生为测试对象随机抽样进行问卷调查、统计学分析,其结果表明被测学生英语学习策略使用情况一般.使用直接策略情况优于间接策略。女生使用学习策略情况优于男生.文科生使用学习策略情况略优于理科生。由此得出结论,教师和学生均应高度重视学习策略的科学使用.在教与学过程中强化学习策略训练.以提高学习效率。  相似文献   

时下,不论中学,还是小学,学生干部中男女生人数差别很大。我调查发现,很多班级男生干部明显偏少,差异最大的班级十几个班干中只有一个男生。造成这一现象的原因,从学生方面分析,主要由于女生在中小学阶段的学校生活中的诸多方面比男生有优势。首先,女生的交际能力优于男生。调查表明,女生的语言理解能力和表达能力均明显优于男生。女生在语言方面的天赋,使得她们伶牙俐力的协同发展。第三,女生成绩大多优于男生心理学研究表明,男女生的心理成熟期是不一致的,小学阶段女生一般比男生早熟。所以,当男生还在调皮游戏,到处疯玩的…  相似文献   

本研究以《大学生学习情况调查问卷》为工具对2000名大学生进行测评,调查贵州省大学生学习的基本状况。结果:(1)大学生学生情况随着年级的增加而逐渐消减,表现为低年级学生学习情况优于高年级学生;(2)不同学科学生学习情况差异显著,文科较好,而理工科较差;(3)女生的学习态度好于男生,而男生更容易适应大学的学习;(4)农村大学生学习情况优于城镇大学生。  相似文献   

我们对河北省中小学学生数字化学习的现状进行了调查,发现:河北省中小学生数字化学习整体情况并不乐观;在对数字化教学的评价中,女生比男生表现出了更积极的态度,而在网络使用能力方面,男生的自信程度要显著高于女生;在对数字化教学和对自己数字化技术的评价当中,小学生均给出了较高的评价;乡镇学生对数字化教学的接触较少,好感度偏高,但是对于网络的使用情况不够自信.  相似文献   

在PISA2015科学素养的测试中,我国学生在科学整体认知、科学能力、科学知识、科学内容等认知维度多个层面的表现上,男生整体优于女生。同时,在与科学相关的非认知背景调查中,男生在乐意学习科学、科学学习兴趣以及科学活动三个变量上的表现亦明显优于女生。基于我国学生在科学学习中认知和非认知层面上的性别差异,为缩小或消除中学生科学学习的性别差异,在科学课程编制中,需要凸显科学知识选择的公正性以消除课程内容的性别偏见;在学校课程建设中,需要彰显学校课程的适应性以增强学校课程的性别适应;在教师课程实施中,需要尊重学生的差异性以保持课程实施的性别敏感。  相似文献   

随机抽样跟踪分析同一所学校高一学生英语学习效能和进展情况,结果表明:学习效能和学习进展与他们来源于城镇或乡村没有直接联系,但女生总体上优于男生,不同录取类别的学生总体上有很大的差距;学生综合素质和英语语言实践极为重要;入学时处于中等水平的学生进步显著。  相似文献   

本文在回顾心理康复特质文献的基础上,根据自编的青少年心理康复特质问卷,选取四川省彭州市等各受灾程度不等的中学的650名学生进行施测,以探讨四川灾区中学生心理康复特质的差异。本研究采用SPSS16.0进行数据的分析和处理,并运用相关分析、双因子变异数分析统计方法进行统计,所得结果如下:从不同年级的中学生的平均数来看,初一和初二、高一和高二年级的中学生在乐观与希望、问题求助方式、不安全感、安全感维度以及总问卷上的平均分具有不同程度的差异:(1)初中二年级学生具有的乐观与希望、安全感特质好于其他年级的学生;(2)初中二年级学生整体心理康复状况好于其他年级的学生;(3)高中二年级学生比其他年级学生更善于运用问题求助来帮助自己康复。从不同性别的中学生的平均数来看:(1)男女中学生具有的整体心理康复特质没有显著的差异;(2)在遇到突发事件时,女生比男生表现出更高程度的不安全感;(3)女生比男生更多地用问题求助的方式来帮助自己康复,且女中学生比男中学生更能找到问题解决和求助的途径。  相似文献   


Drug use was examined in a sample of high school students from a small city of 16,000 predominantly working-class residents. There were 579 high school participants (296 girls and 283 boys) of whom 102 were Black (53 girls, 49 boys). The analyses were based on responses to a self-report questionnaire administered to students by their classroom teachers. Items for this study were selected from a larger database that was part of a community-wide project. The findings did not support the general consensus among professionals who provide services to this age group that minority youth are more at risk for drug use than their White peers are. The White students were more likely than the Black students to have had exposure to legal and illegal drugs. Whites more than Blacks, and boys more than girls, used tobacco, but White females were more likely than the others to be alcohol users. Also, Black males reported the highest self-esteem, and White females, the lowest. These self-esteem reports were supported by the results from a question about thoughts of suicide—Black males reported the lowest percentage of suicidal thoughts, and White females reported the highest.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation has been to explore whether differences existed between gifted and nongifted fifth graders and between genders and related subgroups with respect to attitudes toward science. Both groups (N = 25) were matched on the demographic characteristics of school-site, race, sex, and socio-economic background. Gifted students were found to have more positive attitudes toward science than nongifted students; however, no significant differences were found. In all cases, boys (all boys, gifted boys, and nongifted boys) exhibited more positive attitudes toward science; again, no significant differences were uncovered between the boys and their counterpart group or subgroups. The item which consistently reflected the most positive rating (gifted students, all boys and gifted boys, and all girls and nongifted girls) was “usefulness of things done in science class.” Items where discrepancies surfaced included “usefulness of science when playing at home” where nongifted students and gifted girls were significantly more positive than their counterparts, and “spending more time doing science experiments” where all boys and gifted boys were significantly more positive than their counterparts.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the importance with KEYW ORDS which students regard teachers as sources of support in coping with their problems, and whether there is any link between this and the type of problem seen as being of major importance to them. A structured interview was conducted and a questionnaire administered individu-ally to 623 pupils aged 15-19 years, from 12 different schools and colleges. The results show teachers rank rather low in the list of those to whom the pupils will turn for help to cope with their problems. Boys and girls experience very different problems. Girls communicate as a means of dealing with their problems more than boys, who tend to look to themselves for support. The implications for those boys whose main problems concern school are discussed. It is stressed it is important not to neglect the needs of girls, who tend to adopt a lower profile in class.  相似文献   

Boys show a stronger preference for digital entertainment games than girls. For this reason, it may be that game-based learning is more acceptable to boys than to girls. Yet game-based learning might improve the performance of both boys and girls, depending upon the instructional design. In a quasi-experimental study with a secret-trail game, effects were examined on students' subject-matter knowledge. Analysis of covariance revealed that both boys and girls of the game intervention group showed a higher test performance, compared to students of the control group. However, different game activities mediated this effect of the secret-trail game on performance: girls seemed to profit more from searching the Internet to complete assignments and boys from competing with others. The performance of both boys and girls was negatively influenced by technical problems. The results are discussed within the framework of gender-inclusive game design.  相似文献   

This research project aims to investigate how students in lower secondary school experience work with socioscientific issues (SSI). The six socioscientific cases developed and used in this project are relevant according to characteristics of SSI and to the national curriculum. Approximately 1,500 students in Sweden have worked with one SSI case chosen by the teachers. A questionnaire-based instrument was used to measure the affective domain of students?? attitudes towards and interest in science before starting to work with the case and a second questionnaire after finishing a case. The second student questionnaire, measured the situational characteristics of the SSI work and perceived cognitive and affective outcomes. According to the students?? self-reported experience, all cases were interesting and related to a current issue. Most cases were equally interesting to boys and girls, the only exception was You are what you eat, which girls found more interesting than boys did. Almost all students claim that they learnt new facts, learnt to argue for their standpoint and to search and evaluate information during the work with the cases. The girls?? average scores were higher on several aspects of learning outcomes. Furthermore the students, especially the girls, perceived that the outcome of working with SSI had relevance for their future, with some cases more relevant than others. The more interesting the student found the case, the more they claimed they learnt. The students do not, however, claim that they learnt more science than during ordinary lessons.  相似文献   

师院学生焦虑状况及原因调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Zung氏焦虑自评量表(SAS)和自制的调查问卷对福建漳州师范学院学生的焦虑状况及原因进行了调查.结果发现:漳州师范学院有少部分学生有不同程度焦虑症;男女的SAS总分平均分有显著性差异,男生的焦虑要高于女生;一年级与其他年级的SAS总分平均得分有显著性差异,一年级学生的焦虑低于其他年级学生;其他年级间无显著性差异,但有随着年级的升高,学生的焦虑状况越严重的趋势.文理科学生的SAS总分平均得分无显著性差异.引起学生焦虑的主要原因有学习压力大、自己能力不强、人际关系紧张等.最后针对引起学生焦虑的原因提出一些建议.  相似文献   

Two years after the end of a two-year intervention program intended to promote formal operational thinking, the achievement of students initially 12 years of age was tested by their results in British National examinations, taken at age 16. The intervention methodology was set within the context of science learning, so the difference between experimental and control classes was examined first in terms of their science results. The boys achieved an average of 40% more grades of C or above than the controls. This grade is the minimum criterion for higher education in Britain. The achievement was not found equally in all students: About 40% of the boys and 25% of the girls showed effect sizes of two standard deviations in relation to comparable controls, whereas the others did not differ from the controls. Both boys and girls showed significantly higher achievement in English than comparable controls, with an effect size about half that for science. The boys—but not the girls—also showed higher achievement in mathematics. It is argued that this evidence supports the interpretation that the students' increased science achievement was caused by increased general intellectual capacity, and not just by improved domain-specific skills.  相似文献   

采用《心理健康诊断测验》量表和《父母养育方式评价量表》对500名初中生进行调查,探讨初中生心理健康与父母养育方式之间的关系。结果发现,初中生的心理问题检出率依次是自责、恐怖、冲动和对人焦虑倾向,女生的学习焦虑倾向显著高于男生。父母的养育方式和初中生的心理健康紧密相关,积极的父母养育方式有利于健康心理的培养。  相似文献   

Same- and mixed-gender small groups of middle school, seventh grade, students were observed gathering data on knowledge construction in terms of verbal communication and physical engagement in the biology laboratory. Video cameras with wireless receivers were used to record interactions between students in groups of four (36 target subjects in total). Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to examine how students exchange ideas, construct scientific concepts and perform laboratory work during laboratory sessions. Results indicated that gender differences exist in several verbal communication and physical engagement behaviour measures regardless of the same-gender or mixedgender groups. However, one or two students in either all-boy or all-girl groups were dominant in their small groups' verbal communication and physical engagement, which suggested that individual differences also existed in the same-gender groups. It also showed girls working in the mixed-gender groups appeared to participate on a par with boys in the majority of engagement and verbal communication behaviours. However, more detailed analysis revealed that verbal communication and physical engagement patterns varied widely within the three mixed-gender groups. This study strongly suggested that girls have the potential to perform equally well as boys in the science laboratory and both individual and gender differences contribute to the students' differential verbal communication and laboratory engagement.  相似文献   

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