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历史上大报恩寺前身的诸寺塔,多为舍利塔。而相关史料的搜求、梳理、研究的结果表明,永乐皇帝敕建之金陵大报恩寺塔亦为舍利塔:地上第一层装有金舍利塔,其中奉安有佛祖舍利子;地下有阿育王塔,其中奉安有佛祖真身舍利。经考古发掘,2010年其中的佛祖顶骨舍利等已盛世重光,从而确证了大报恩寺塔供奉的主佛为释迦牟尼,寺塔实为一座佛祖舍利塔,这是其最重要最基本的属性。它赋予了该塔至高无上的地位和丰厚的历史文化内涵。南京重建大报恩寺塔应仍定格为佛祖舍利塔,对这一属性的继承,乃是对其基本特色的传承,是重建大报恩寺塔成为传世精品的历史文化内涵的核心。  相似文献   

明代金陵大报恩寺琉璃塔形体的古意特色主要体现在"准大内式"和"高壮坚丽,度越前代"等方面,塔和塔基的尺度都可能寓含着一定的历史意义。继承和发扬金陵大报恩寺塔原有的特色,将有助于重建后的琉璃塔成为二十一世纪南京的精品文化工程,从而延续和彰显古都南京的明文化、佛文化和报恩文化。  相似文献   

明永乐—宣德年间建造的金陵大报恩寺琉璃塔,清咸丰六年(1856)毁于兵火。有关的重要的史籍《金陵梵刹志》、《金陵大报恩寺塔志》等,对其外部形态、内部结构的记载过于简略,致情况不明。在对有关史料搜求、辨析、梳理、研究的过程中,发现清嘉庆大报恩寺僧参照实物,不仅绘刻有迄今为止所知我国现存国人所绘最早、最详细的一幅大报恩寺琉璃宝塔全图,直观地记录了它的外部形态;还撰写有迄今所知我国现存最早、至今仍鲜为人知的一部金陵大报恩寺专志,翔实地记录了它的内部结构。今将之整理后,阐述于下,为后世认知它在历史上的本来面目,和当代按原有式样与风格重建、再现其原貌,提供一份反映历史实际的宝贵参考资料。  相似文献   

为推进职业教育高水平对外开放,江苏实施职业教育“郑和计划”,致力于打造江苏职业教育国际化品牌。“郑和计划”的优点表现为服务意识强和服务水平高,不足集中在品牌意识不强和全省职教资源整合不到位。为确保“郑和计划”品牌化顺利推进,江苏高职院校应聚焦品牌特色、品牌制度和品牌文化,找准品牌定位、推进内涵建设,优化政策体系、加强机制建设,深挖郑和精神、做好舆论宣传。  相似文献   

南京重建大报恩寺琉璃塔供奉主佛方案的抉择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南京重建大报恩寺琉璃塔所供奉主佛的抉择,是重建面临的重要问题之一。目前诸说纷纭,方案不一。该塔之主佛应具备以下条件:其在佛教诸佛中的身份地位,应与[明]永乐皇帝和第一塔相称;与大报恩之主旨寓意相符;与历史上的实际情况一致;为中外佛教各派宗与信众共同尊奉;能丰富塔的历史文化内涵、赋予其世界性的影响力和知名度。对四个主要方案,逐一进行了研究、分析,认为千手观音、药师佛、阿弥陀佛均不符合条件,唯有释迦牟尼完全符合条件,确认南京重建大报恩寺琉璃塔的供奉主佛,非佛祖释迦牟尼莫属;已行公示的千手观音方案,应予更改。  相似文献   

明代郑和七次下西洋,是世界航海史上的壮举.研究郑和下西洋,是继承和弘扬中华海洋文化的重要课题,具有鼓舞当今中国人走向海洋的现实意义.在近百年的研究中,学者们不时提到一个问题:指言郑和下西洋的档案,在明代中期被职方郎中刘大夏烧毁了.本文考证,史实大有出入.刘大夏藏匿一时的是永乐年问征讨安南的档案,并非郑和档案.  相似文献   

郑和下西洋是世界航海史上的奇迹,但却与地理大发现失之交臂。郑和下西洋在内在动因、组织形式、文化心理等方面与哥伦布航行都有很大的差异。只有从这些层面展开剖析,才能对郑和下西洋为何未能实现地理大发现做出合理的历史解释。  相似文献   

糟了,今天学习《郑和远航》时,我把它上成数学课了。 《郑和远航》用生动的文字详细介绍了郑和第一次下西洋远航的情况,并点明了郑和七次远航的重大意义,表现了我国古代劳动人民顽强的探索精神和出色的航海技术。教学中,我围绕从哪些地方可以看出“郑和远航规模之大、时间之长、范围之广”这一问题统领全文。学生默读、圈画后出现了这样的一幕:  相似文献   

在检阅有关古籍的过程中,发现清僧人悟明《折疑梵刹志》是迄今所知现存最早的金陵大报恩寺专志。作者为金陵大报恩寺僧人,从嘉庆九年到十二年冬,据亲目所见,广搜博考,历时四年撰写而成。原钞本为八卷,今缺第五、第七卷。它较民国时的张惠衣《金陵大报恩寺塔志》早130年,当时寺塔尚未毁,而篇幅为其数倍,许多方面的记载也更为翔实,且为张书采摭书目中所未有。现存诸卷不仅具有很高的史料价值和研究价值,而且对于现代南京金陵大报恩寺的重建也具有重要的参考价值。它是南京的珍稀文献,值得重视、研究。  相似文献   

金陵大报恩寺琉璃宝塔为大内式建筑,其特色体现了佛理、地理标志性,大内式、报恩的主旨。目前已公示的方案与效果图,不太符合该塔历史地理的实际情况,丢失了原有的一些重要特色。传承文明,应尊重历史,还原特色;发展文明,应度越前代,有所创新。  相似文献   

目的:探究草莓对隔离环境中人的生理、心理及认知的影响,为改善深空探测等隔离环境中乘员的情绪和认知提供新的可能措施。创新点:定量研究了草莓对隔离环境中人的生理、心理及认知的影响,并在研究中同时纳入了实验室短期模拟隔离实验和真实环境下的长期隔离实验。方法:在实验室实验中,通过测量心率、唾液皮质醇和心理量表等指标,并与草莓模型和静坐对比,研究观察草莓对情绪的影响;采用注意广度、短时记忆广度和选择反应时测试,进一步探究草莓对认知的影响。基于实验室实验的结果,在生物再生生命保障系统中进行长期隔离实验,进一步验证隔离环境中草莓对人情绪的正向调节作用。结论:本研究中,在实验室短期模拟隔离实验和真实环境下的长期隔离实验下,观察草莓15分钟可降低皮质醇水平,并减轻紧张和困惑等负面情绪。同时,15分钟的草莓观赏使隔离环境中人的选择反应时显著降低,反应力明显加快,有助于警觉性的提高。  相似文献   

Children's perceptions of plants following their visit to the Eden Project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study described is part of a larger research programme designed to investigate primary aged children's learning during a visit to the Eden Project. Children from eight primary schools were interviewed approximately four weeks after a one‐day, teacher‐led visit to the Eden Project (EP) in Cornwall. Their responses revealed that the children enjoyed their visit to the EP and were affected by the sensory experience of being immersed in such a profusion of plants from around the world. The children showed interest in the plants that were relevant to their lives but were often unsure of the relationship between plants, people and resources. The analysis highlights the need for teachers to integrate a visit to the EP within their school's curriculum, particularly in respect of prior preparation and mediation, in order to capitalize effectively on the children's experiences during their visit to the Eden Project.  相似文献   

Children from England and the United States of America have a basic similar knowledge of plants and animals, which they observe during their everyday life. Nine children of ages 4, 6, 8, and 10 years, in each country, were asked to free-list plants and animals. Afterwards, they were interviewed individually about the plants and animals they listed to determine where they were seen. Additionally, children were asked to name animals they knew that were found in specific habitats or had specific characteristics. The results showed that children from the earliest years notice the animals in their everyday lives and 8 year olds were able to name the most animals. Plants were not named as often as animals and children in the USA found it difficult to name plants when questioned. This study shows that children are in touch with their everyday environment to varying extents, and that rich experiences can greatly contribute to their knowledge about plants and animals.  相似文献   

植物抗逆基因分离策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物在其生长发育过程中受到多种环境因子的影响,干旱,盐渍,低温等逆境对植物胁迫的研究一直受到众多学者的关注,近年来,随着分子生物学技术的不断发展,形成了多种分离抗逆基因的方法,本文对近年来发展起来的分离抗逆基因的策略分别加以综述。  相似文献   

南丹长坡尾矿坝五种植物富集重金属的生态调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为寻找适合矿业尾矿废弃地生态恢复和植物修复的植物,有效的进行矿业尾矿废弃地植被生态恢复,本文调查分析广西南丹长坡矿堆存50年之久的尾矿坝上的灯心草、节节草、类芦、莎草和醉鱼草的覆盖度、生物量以及植物体内的重金属含量.结果表明:这5种植物覆盖度超过40%,高度超过40 cm,为该尾矿坝的优势植物.且具有较高生物量,特别是类芦、灯心草和莎草,生物量均超过20 g-株(干重),说明这些植物适合尾矿坝环境,对重金属有很高耐性.5种植物中,类芦地上部分Zn含量最高为286.45 mg/kg,醉鱼草地上部分Pb和Cd含量最高,分别为148.46 mg/kg和5.54 mg-kg,都未达到超富集植物标准,考虑到高生物量和重金属的耐性,这5种植物在矿废弃地生态恢复和植物修复中都有一定应用价值.此外,5种植物对重金属的转运能力有较大差异,其中醉鱼草对3种重金属的转运系数均超过1,其转运机理值得进一步探讨.  相似文献   

The effect of Al and Cd on the growth, photosynthesis, and accumulation of Al, Cd and plant nutrients in two soybean genotypes were determined using hydroponic culture. There were six treatments: pH 6.5; pH 4.0; pH 6.5 1.0 μmol/L Cd; pH 4.0 1.0 μmol/L Cd; pH 4.0 150 μmol/L Al; pH 4.0 1.0 μmol/L Cd 150 μmol/L Al. The low pH (4.0) and Al treatments caused marked reduction in root length, shoot height, dry weight, chlorophyll content (SPAD value) and photosynthetic rate. Al-sensitive cv. Zhechun 2 accumulated comparatively more Al and Cd in plants than Al-tolerant cv. Liao 1. Compared with pH 6.5, pH 4.0 resulted in significant increase in Cd and Al concentration in plants. Combined application of Cd and Al enhanced their accu-mulation in roots, but caused a reduction in shoots. The concentrations of all 10 nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B), except Mo were also increased when plants were exposed to pH lower than pH 6.5. Al addition caused a reduction in the con-centration of most nutrients in plant roots and shoots; but K, Mn and Zn in roots were increased. Treatments with Cd alone or together with Al reduced the concentrations of all the plant nutrients in plants. Al-sensitive genotype Zhechun 2 has lower nutrient concentration than Al-tolerant genotype Liao 1. The current findings imply that Al and Cd are synergistic in their effect on plant growth, physiological traits and nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

熟语是语言的精华。由于各方面原因,泰中两国在熟语的来源上有着较大的可比性。两国人民有借助于自然界的植物表达思想感情的共性,也在不同的植物所代表的含义上有很大的差异。探究泰语和汉语植物熟语的来源,既有利于准确理解植物熟语的含义,又有利于正确使用植物熟语。  相似文献   

悬钩子属是蔷薇科中的一个大属,全世界有悬钩子属植物750余种。在野外调查和文献资料查阅的基础上,对七姊妹山国家级自然保护区悬钩子属植物的野生种的分布、生长习性等现状进行了研究。结果表明:该保护区有悬钩子属植物35种和7变种,且资源蕴藏量大。按其用途可将其分为食用植物类、药用植物类、工业用植物类和观赏植物类等,如能有计划地加以开发利用,对当地经济发展将会起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

People’s diminished awareness of plants, affected by anthropogenic environmental deterioration, has challenged science education to overcome the obstacles impeding a better understanding of their meaning and value. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the socioeconomic status of high-school students, as indicated by their attendance at private or state schools, on their knowledge of native plants. In total, 321 students aged 15–18 were asked to write down 10 plants native to Córdoba, Argentina, in a freelist questionnaire. Students listed a mean of 6.8 species of a total of 165 different categories of plant names. The majority of the species named were exotic to Córdoba (63%) or Argentina (50.6%, of which 33.8% were adventitious), indicating an ‘adventitious-to-native’ effect by which all spontaneously reproducing plants were presumed to be native species. However, the 20 most frequently named plants were mainly native, with ‘Algarrobo’ (Prosopis spp.) and ‘Espinillo’ (Vachellia caven) being the most mentioned. Students’ socioeconomic status had a significant effect on the number of species named, with the students of state schools (where the less well-off sectors of the society attend) mentioning more species and, among these, more native ones than the students from private schools. Furthermore, we defined size, colour and scent as being conspicuous traits of plant flowers that are relevant for human perception, and found that the most frequently named adventitious species, unlike the native ones, were those exhibiting big brightly-coloured flowers which ranged from being inodorous to having medium intensity scents.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a longitudinal study of pupils’ understanding of ecological processes, with emphasis on how their conceptions of matter influence the development of their understanding of those processes. A class of 25 Swedish pupils was followed from age 8 to 15 in an interview study using the revised clinical method. The pupils’ ideas were challenged by cultivating plants in closed transparent boxes and investigating leaf litter. Initially, the pupils expected the plants to die and constructed a ‘use up model’ in their minds to explain how water and air were consumed. When they saw plants survive they used a ‘cycle model’ to explain how the organisms maintained life‐supporting resources. Some pupils thought that water, air and oxygen were formed during the cycle. Many pupils thought that soil is the ending place for matter in decomposition, with the result that the Earth would increase in size. Other pupils constructed explanations as to why the size of the Earth does not change, such as matter disappearance, displacement, modification, transmutation and chemical/biological interaction. Pupils’ ideas about the transformations of matter can be explained by their limited conception of the gaseous state.  相似文献   

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