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<正>聋童,是指由于天生或在语言形成前丧失听力,而不会说话或在语言形成时或形成后丧失听力,语言也受到损害的儿童。由于生理上的缺陷,他们既不能听,也不能说,无法接收包括言语在内的一切外界声音的刺激。这种状况影响了他们思维、情感、智力等各方面的健康发展,造成了聋童认识、思维、表达等各方面的困难,难以与他人进行沟通和交流。现代特殊教育表明,大力发展聋童的书面语言能力,对促进聋童的思维和情感等的健康发展,起着非常重  相似文献   

聋童的早期教育对他们的康复具有决定性作用:及早发现、及早诊断、及早配戴助听器,聋童便可立即接受紧凑的听觉及语言的康复训练.聋童的康复教育关键在"早"."0~6岁"是早期教育的黄金期,一旦错过,再难补偿.早期康复教育包括诊断、配助听器以及相关的训练.早期教育成功与否,教师起关键作用. 一、及早、正确选配助听器 及早、正确选配助听器是康复教育的第一步,教师首先协同家长对聋童进行正确的语言评估及听力筛查,对没有通过筛查的聋童则应进一步检查,作出诊断.其方法是:测听一阻抗一耳声发射一脑干电位等,在专家医生的帮助下为聋童选配最合适的助听器.教师必须了解每个聋童助听器的增益和最大输出功率及调制电位器的使用方法,密切观察聋童的听力变化,并随时调助听器,以取得最佳助听效果.教师同时评估其智力、语言、情绪、气质、性格情况及家长的支持情况,从而提供适合聋童的教学方式.  相似文献   

近日,香港大学听力学家黄丽娜博士来南京特师讲学.此间,本刊记者就教育听力学和聋童听力语言训练等有关问题对黄女士进行了采访.  相似文献   

单多英 《中学教育》2007,(11):50-51
一、问题的提出聋童由于丧失了听力,因此在其语言形成期(0-3岁)未能自然地习语和发展语言,从而产生了严重的语言障碍。随之而来,聋童的认知、思维、心理等各方面的发展都受到了局限。在学校里,最直接  相似文献   

听力正常家庭和聋人家庭中聋童心理理论的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聋童能否正确理解他人心理状态直接影响其正常的社会交往。已有研究表明,听力正常家庭中的聋童心理理论水平低于正常儿童,但随其语言发展和年龄增长而逐步提升。聋人家庭中的聋童心理理论处于正常水平,并随年龄增长而成熟。尽管存在心理表征能力发展的迟滞,听力正常家庭中的聋童能在一定程度上理解图片对于现实的错误表征。研究结果提示正常的社交情境可能与聋童的心理理论发展有关。  相似文献   

采用认知心理学的反应时研究模式,本研究以36名聋童和32名听力正常儿童为研究对象,对聋童和听力正常儿童的心理投影能力进行了比较研究。研究结果表明:(1)在反应时上,听力正常儿童的男女差异显著,表现为男性听力正常儿童的反应速度快于女性听力正常儿童;男性聋童和听力正常儿童的差异显著,表现为男性听力正常儿童的反应速度快于男性聋童。(2)在错误量上,聋童的男女差异显著,表现为男性聋童的反应准确性高于女性聋童;女性聋童和听力正常儿童的差异显著,表现为女性听力正常儿童的反应准确性高于女性聋童。  相似文献   

律动课是针对听力残疾学生特点专设的一门重要学科,是对聋童进行舞蹈教育的重要途径。律动课的教学目标:一是发展聋童的智力,使他们的身心得到协调、均衡、健康的发展;二是发展聋童的视觉、触觉、震动觉参与听力和语言能力。通过美育陶冶情操,补偿聋童生理、心理缺陷,促进个性发展。律  相似文献   

近几年,佩戴助听器或植入电子耳蜗的聋童越来越多,对听力补偿(或重建)较好但又不能完全补偿的一年级聋童来说,聋校语文教材的词汇量偏少,普校语文教材又相对偏难.因此,我们要寻找适合这些聋童语言学习和发展的语文教材,并且运用科学的康复教学方法帮助聋童提高语言学习的效率,才能充分发展聋童的语言能力.我们针对本校一年级8名聋童,在语文教学中运用“最小音位对”,取得了较好的成绩.  相似文献   

聋儿语言训练和家长课外辅导的作用盐城市第二小学随班就读聋童家长黄开成我是盐城市郊区民政局离休干部,儿子和儿媳都是聋哑人。孙女黄艳,现年13岁,因遗传右耳、左耳听力损失分别为75和70分贝,五岁时还不会讲话。1987年配戴助听器,经过一年多的语言训练,...  相似文献   

颜笑涛 《教师》2013,(2):32-33
律动课是聋校1~3年级学生的必修课,是根据聋童身心发展规律专门针对听力残疾学生的特点设置的一门重要学科。通过律动教学,让聋童孩子能够掌握简单的舞蹈基础知识和基本技能,训练聋童的身体协调能力,培养聋童感受美、欣赏美、表现美的能力。律动课是聋童艺术教育的重要组成部分,是对聋童进行舞蹈教育的重要途径。通过律动课的教学,能够使他们逾越心理障碍。  相似文献   

A group of 21 hard-of-hearing and deaf children attending primary school were trained by their teachers on the production of selected consonants and on the meanings of selected words. Speech production, vocabulary knowledge, reading aloud, and speech perception measures were obtained before and after each type of training. The speech production training produced a small but significant improvement in the percentage of consonants correctly produced in words. The vocabulary training improved knowledge of word meanings substantially. Performance on speech perception and reading aloud were significantly improved by both types of training. These results were in accord with the predictions of a mathematical model put forward to describe the relationships between speech perception, speech production, and language measures in children (Paatsch, Blamey, Sarant, Martin, & Bow, 2004). These training data demonstrate that the relationships between the measures are causal. In other words, improvements in speech production and vocabulary performance produced by training will carry over into predictable improvements in speech perception and reading scores. Furthermore, the model will help educators identify the most effective methods of improving receptive and expressive spoken language for individual children who are deaf or hard of hearing.  相似文献   

An overview is provided of (a) deaf education in China, (b) views of deaf Chinese, and (c) recent empowering international collaborations. China's national policy focuses on oral/aural education and hearing rehabilitation. However, everyday practice in schools for deaf children includes various forms of Chinese Sign Language. Early childhood education focuses on speech and hearing. Elementary and secondary school curricula reflect low expectations for deaf students and lack the same academic content provided to hearing students. There are limited higher education opportunities. There are no support services such as note takers or interpreters for mainstreamed students. There are no deaf teacher preparation or interpreter training programs. Jobs are few; the vast majority of deaf adults are unemployed. Deaf people interviewed for the article describe their needs, their dreams, and the changes they are witnessing, which result in part from recent empowering international collaborations.  相似文献   

为有效提高聋童言语康复训练的效果,在现代教育技术观念指导下,运用"缺陷与补偿"原理以及计算机多媒体技术,开发了"聋童言语训练系统"。研究者组织聋校师生试用该系统并进行了问卷调查和实验研究,结果表明:系统全面考虑了聋童的特点和认知规律,营造了人性化的言语学习环境和"寓教于乐"的言语训练环境。利用该系统辅助聋童言语康复训练,能够使他们的言语能力得到显著提高。  相似文献   

The present study concerns ethnic, age, and gender playmate preferences of deaf and hearing preschoolers who were observed during outdoor free play at their respective schools over a 7-month period. Hispanic, black, and white children were included. It was hypothesized that peer preferences would be less apparent among deaf children than among hearing children if these preferences were based on (a) language differences between ethnic groups (e.g., Spanish-English differences), age groups (e.g., verbal fluency differences), or gender groups; or (b) cultural values communicated by speech. Both deaf and hearing children preferred to play with children of the same ethnicity, gender, and age as themselves. In addition, play among children of the same ethnicity, gender, and age was qualitatively different from play among children of different ethnicity, gender, and age. The only effect of deafness was to decrease the amount of gender segregation that occurred. The results suggest that the development of ethnic, gender, and age playmate preferences is not dependent on intergroup language differences or spoken cultural messages. Several nonlinguistic factors that might contribute to early peer preferences are discussed.  相似文献   

In hearing children, reading skills have been found to be closely related to phonological awareness. We used several standardized tests to investigate the reading and phonological awareness skills of 27 deaf school-age children who were experienced cochlear implant users. Approximately two-thirds of the children performed at or above the level of their hearing peers on the phonological awareness and reading tasks. Reading scores were found to be strongly correlated with measures of phonological awareness. These correlations remained the same when we statistically controlled for potentially confounding demographic variables such as age at testing and speech perception skills. However, these correlations decreased even after we statistically controlled for vocabulary size. This finding suggests that lexicon size is a mediating factor in the relationship between the children's phonological awareness and reading skills, a finding that has also been reported for typically developing hearing children.  相似文献   


This study aims to compare word spelling outcomes for French-speaking deaf children with a cochlear implant (CI) with hearing children who matched for age, level of education and gender. A picture written naming task controlling for word frequency, word length, and phoneme-to-grapheme predictability was designed to analyze spelling productions. A generalized linear mixed model on the percentage of correct spelling revealed an effect of participant’s reading abilities, but no effect of hearing status. Word frequency and word length, but not phoneme-to-grapheme predictability, contributed to explaining the spelling variance. Deaf children with a CI made significantly less phonologically plausible errors and more phonologically unacceptable errors when compared to their hearing peers. Age at implantation and speech perception scores were related to deaf children’s errors. A good word spelling level can be achieved by deaf children with a CI, who nonetheless use less efficiently the phoneme-to-grapheme strategy than do hearing children.  相似文献   

Bebko (1984) reported that deaf children tend not to use spontaneously active memory strategies such as rehearsal in tasks requiring recall of ordered, temporal information. The present study investigated whether this tendency is task specific or generalized to other experimental paradigms. A central-incidental paradigm was used with profoundly deaf children and hearing children 6 to 13 years of age. The results for the hearing students replicated previous studies: central recall increased with age, but incidental recall changed little. For the deaf children, the results initially appeared very similar to those of the hearing children. However, on closer examination, the rehearsal strategies of the deaf students seemed less effective in mediating their recall. They apparently compensated for these difficulties by capitalizing on unique spatial features of the task, leading to recall levels comparable to those of the hearing students. Therefore, similar performance may not have been the result of equal strategy use but, rather, of the use of additional strategies by the deaf students. This study reinforced the need to provide additional training for deaf students in the use of memory strategies such as rehearsal when information is to be remembered in a sequential manner.  相似文献   

本文对聋儿听觉言语康复中评估的意义、发展特点以及评估中应注意的问题进行了探讨。作者认为:评估对聋儿听觉言语问题的诊断、决策以及矫治都有至关重要的作用。聋儿听觉言语康复评估的发展表现出了由主观向客观、由单一向多元、由静态向动态转变的特点。在对聋儿的听觉和言语进行评估时,应该综合使用各种评估指标,熟练掌握指标的评估要领,准确把握各指标的临床含义。  相似文献   

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