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In this paper I address the question: How is it that people come to choose mathematics and in what ways is this process gendered? I draw on the findings of a qualitative research study involving interviews with 43 young people all studying mathematics in post‐compulsory education in England. Working within a post‐structuralist framework, I argue that gender is a project and one that is achieved in interaction with others. Through a detailed reading of Toni and Claudia’s stories I explore the tensions for young women who are engaging in mathematics, something that is discursively inscribed as masculine, while (understandably) being invested in producing themselves as female. I conclude by arguing that seeing ‘doing mathematics’ as ‘doing masculinity’ is a productive way of understanding why mathematics is so male dominated and by looking at the implications of this understanding for gender and mathematics reform work.  相似文献   

A beautiful myth? The gendering of being/doing ‘good at maths’   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper draws on a research study into why more boys than girls choose to study mathematics. My starting point is that only four of the 43 young participants, and all of them male, self‐identified as ‘good at maths’. By reading these interviews as narratives of self, I explore the ‘identity work’ accomplished within their talk and within the talk of those who produced themselves/are produced as ‘not good at maths’. I argue that central to this are the ways that young people locate themselves in a series of inter‐related gendered binary oppositions including: fast/slow, competitive/collaborative, independent/dependent, active/passive, naturally able/hardworking, real understanding/rote learning and reason/calculation. I then explore the socio‐cultural context that makes such imaginings a central feature of young people’s relationships with mathematics, discussing the role of the gendered discourses of rationality evident in western enlightenment thinking and in popular culture’s stereotypes of mathematical ‘nerds’ and ‘geniuses’.  相似文献   


This paper explores the process of becoming within the relation between a human and a horse, and seeks to reimagine pedagogy as a relational process of ‘becoming-animal’. In order to emphasise the relational space between a horse and a human, I begin with an experimental style of writing that traces specific moments between an actual relation between a horse and myself. Considering the relation as a singularity in this way acts as a method through which the pedagogical relation can be explored and new pedagogical images can be suggested. I then move onto to discuss Rosi Braidotti's post-humanist ideas on becoming and link these to the ideas of the ‘event’ and of ‘beginnings’ within the educational theory of Gert Biesta, drawing out two lines of thought. One line follows Braidotti's work on becoming-animal, and the other Paul Patton's work on the nuances of power relations between humans and horses. In conclusion, I discuss how this figuration of a halter and a lead rope in the human–horse relation helps to think pedagogy as rooted in becoming-animal and how this contributes to the development of new imaginaries of becoming.  相似文献   

In this paper, I address a perceived gap in the lifelong learning literature. There is very little research which addresses how learning should be construed, when individuals transition across a longitudinal span of their working life. This transition which could be viewed as a process of ‘becoming somebody’, often oversimplifies the full complexity of individuals’ learning experiences. Using a sociocultural perspective, the paper explores the lived experiences of individuals in the process of becoming a vocational teacher, in order to help conceptualise the individuals’ learning through their working life. The study draws upon data from a completed research on a group of vocational education trainee teachers learning to teach. This paper argues that learning varies significantly from individual to individual, time to time, context to context and also in different stages of individuals’ lives. This transition could be viewed as an individual learning journey, through understanding the interrelationship between individuals and the contexts, across the individuals’ lives. Drawing from this understanding, the individual’s agency is presented as a way that individuals construct their own lifecourse through the actions and choices they made within the opportunities and constraints of the context. The findings of the study also contribute to the understanding of changes, from the individual learner’s perspective, which could be useful for policy and practice relating to lifelong learning.  相似文献   

This article addresses two questions. The first question is this: ‘when ought teachers to encourage or discourage students’ belief of a given proposition on the one hand (call this ‘directive teaching’), and when ought teachers to simply facilitate students’ understanding of that proposition, on the other (call this ‘non‐directive teaching’) (cf. the work of Michael Hand)? The second question is this: ‘which propositional content should curricula address?’ An answer to these questions would amount to what I will call a ‘theory of propositional curricula content’, by providing both a means for choosing content, and a directive for teaching that content. While the answer that I give to the second question is unlikely to prove exhaustive, I still consider that it would form an important part of the answer, hence the title a ‘towards a theory of propositional curricula content’.  相似文献   

While first‐generation college students are ‘at risk’, the majority do persist. Using in‐depth interviews with 28 white college students I ask: How do white, first‐generation, working‐class students understand their college experiences, especially in terms of their academic, social, and cultural adjustment? Moreover, what kinds of factors seem to help or hinder their adjustment to college life? I discovered three patterns of adjustment among these students: (1) about half expressed few feelings of marginality and appeared well integrated into campus life; (2) one quarter experienced persistent and debilitating marginality; and (3) another quarter overcame their feelings of marginality en route to becoming socially and academically engaged on campus, with some transforming their feelings of marginality into motivation for social change. I argue that these variations can be understood by looking at how working‐class students’ economic resources may function as an asset, while their whiteness may function alternately as an asset and a liability.  相似文献   

This research documents the impact of a teaching interview aimed at developing a critical attitude in students, and focused on a particular topic: radiocarbon dating. This teaching interview is designed to observe students' reaction to limited written explanations of the phenomenon under study, and their possible frustration or intellectual satisfaction in relation to these texts. We aim to document the possible link between students’ developing conceptual understanding of a topic and their ability to express their frustration when presented with very incomplete explanations, or their intellectual satisfaction when presented with complete explanation. As a side product, we intend to observe some of their a priori ideas concerning this topic. Ten teaching interviews conducted with fourth-year University students were recorded, transcribed and coded. Beyond a series of results concerning students’ a priori understanding of the domain, the analysis of the interviews suggests that, when students are presented with texts of increasing completeness and discuss these with the interviewer, their critical reactions evolve in time in a very specific way. We propose a tentative model for this co-evolution of student conceptual command and critical stance. The discussion bears on possible interpretations for the ‘anesthesia of judgment’ observed in most students at the beginning of the interview, and for a few of them throughout the discussion. Keeping in mind the ‘competence vs concepts’ current alternative, the conditions that seem to free students’ critical potential are analyzed in relation to their evolving command of the topic and their degree of intellectual satisfaction.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore ‘the dream scene’, a mode of installation art described by art critic and art historian Claire Bishop to demonstrate how artistic practice can provoke participation and social engagement. I will focus on a concept entitled ‘the crypt’ that emerged in my doctoral research, and one that I continued to explore in a novel way in a collaborative event at Tate Exchange, in Liverpool, UK in March 2018. It is my intention that ‘the crypt’ can provide an example of what ‘a dream scene’ can look like and, more importantly, what a dream scene can do. Finally, I will attend to some of the implications that this type of engagement has for arts‐based educational research.  相似文献   

This paper looks at teachers' interpretations of a recent and controversial Greek–Cypriot policy initiative, which aimed to promote ‘peaceful coexistence’ between the two rival communities in conflict‐ridden Cyprus. Specifically, it focuses on the ways in which Greek–Cypriot teachers constructed the relation between the new policy for peaceful coexistence between Greek‐Cypriots and Turkish‐Cypriots with the long established but rather conflicting policy of ‘I don't forget and I struggle’. The study analyses a set of 40 interviews conducted a few months after the first introduction of the new policy and maps teachers’ interpretations using the analytical concept of interpretative repertoires. Despite the poor implementation of the new initiative in practice, the study argues that the introduction of the new policy has brought about discernible discursive shifts in some teachers’ perceptions of the older policy of ‘I don't forget’.  相似文献   


This article focuses on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and English as a Second Language (ESL) texts, that is texts produced in interactions between native and non‐native speakers of English. Such texts are hybrid in that they comprise a blending of ‘standard’ and ‘non‐standard'1 English forms. In these times of globalised English and the increasing prevalence of non‐native speaker models of English, research is increasingly likely to encounter ESL texts. The issue for the critical analysis of such ‘new’ texts is that CDA generally utilises ‘standard’ linguistic models for its analytical apparatus. Fairclough (2003), arguably the most widely‐recognised proponent of CDA, bases his analytical framework on Standard English. The question is whether and if so how CDA can accommodate hybrid texts, specifically those with a blend of linguistically ‘standard’ and ‘non‐standard’ forms of English. In this discussion, I consider the application of Fairclough's model of CDA to the analysis of an interview with a Thai ESL student beginning postgraduate studies in Australia. I argue that the analysis is made more effective by drawing on principles from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, in particular communication strategies.  相似文献   

How do young graduates view the role of immediate families in influencing/supporting them as they start their working lives and how do those reflections affect how they think of themselves as graduates? Social, political and economic changes have led to many young people being dependent on family for longer, but how does this play out in their reflections? This article addresses these questions by reporting upon findings from qualitative research with 14 young people from working-class backgrounds, who were part of a larger study of recent graduates. Figured Worlds theory illuminates data, with a consideration of the role that family plays in the ‘space of authoring’ and understanding of ‘positionality’. Findings capture vivid stories of the enabling but also limiting role of family. In our analysis of data, we borrow the words ‘salience’ from Holland and her co-authors and ‘distinction’ from Bourdieu, which help capture different depictions of family. Both articulations of ‘salience’ and a search for ‘distinction’ emerge in how graduates’ stories respond to family. We argue for a greater appreciation of the differing family resources of working-class graduates, and reject an emphasis on what they may lack, compared to their peers, which has tended to be the case in some media and policy commentary. There are implications for educators to foster student reflexivity about family sensitively, and to be aware of how family backgrounds may influence graduate career paths and students’ awareness of wider inequalities.  相似文献   

This research investigates the feasibility of assessing the self‐perceived stress levels of people with mild intellectual disabilities by self‐report. People with intellectual disabilities generally find it difficult to complete commonly used self‐report checklists when they are administered in the prescribed manner because of unfamiliarity with both the language and the paper and pencil format. A measure of daily stressors was therefore adapted to a standardized interview format and administered to 28 people with mild intellectual disabilities on five consecutive days. The interview format using standardized questions enabled all participants to complete the questionnaire. The use of follow‐up clarifying prompts by the interviewers ensured that the participants understood the questions and gave responses that they could support with explanations or examples. The data appeared to have reasonable levels of internal consistency. On average, each person experienced seven stressful events per day which they generally rated somewhere between ‘not so good’ and ‘bad’. The daily events found to be most stressful involved difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The evidence, however, suggests that many of the events that people with mild intellectual disability find stressful may not be covered in standard instruments such as that used in the present study. Future research should continue to develop a more sensitive, standardized measure based on events that people with disabilities report as stressful in their lives.  相似文献   


This research focuses on ‘sociotechnical imaginaries’ about education and learning emanating from the Edtech research and development sector. MindCet, the first Edtech incubator in Israel, aims to bring ‘disruptive innovation’ to the educational field, mainly by bringing in tech start-ups with their problem solving culture and practices. This centre acts as an intermediary between techno-business and education. Based on Biesta’s notion of ‘the new language of learning,’ my research shows how the learning imagined and constructed in techno-business production casts the student as a ‘user.’ I will argue that the construction of learners as ‘users,’ not ‘students,’ is crucial to understanding education technology production and discourse. This user-focused understanding of learning has implications for the commodification and depoliticization of education, and is an important factor in neo-liberal educational reforms and venture philanthropy interventions, both globally and locally.  相似文献   

Revision is recognised as a key and complex element of the writing process. Despite this, research shows that students find it difficult effectively to revise their own writing due to a lack of metacognitive awareness and understanding of the processes they undertake when writing. The first part of this inquiry studies nine students’ understanding of the writing process and the revision strategies they employ using think‐aloud protocols and follow‐up interviews. Although the students all agreed that revision was an important part of improving their writing, they could not, or found it difficult to, articulate reasons for the changes they made to their writing. Therefore, the second part of the study explores the potential of collaborative writing to encourage and facilitate metacognitive talk through the implementation of a strategy where students are paired with a ‘writing buddy’. Observations of classroom work and interview responses of students showed that the scheme was successful in providing students with an experience of writing which was social, flexible and holistic, where talk is used to externalise thinking in order to develop a metacognitive understanding of the writing process.  相似文献   

This article addresses teacher training as a process of becoming literate in educational discourse. Through ethnographic research of a project for training science and math lecturers in educational practice, I follow how participants created a concept they called ‘Class-B’ to symbolise progressive educational discourse. Bringing the concept of key symbol and a New Literacy Studies approach to the analysis, I show how literacy in educational discourse is worked out and elaborated around the symbol of Class-B. The ethnography teaches us that key symbols can be keys to literacy, and perhaps be considered as a useful tool for teacher trainers.  相似文献   

This paper draws from research conducted as part of an Australian Research Council funded Linkage Project ‘Teaching effective 3D authoring in the middle years: multimedia grammatical design and multimedia authoring pedagogy’, which is a collaboration between the University of New England, the University of Tasmania and the Australian Children's Television Foundation. This project is being conducted in over 20 schools around Australia. The data presented in this paper focuses on one such school, located in Tasmania. It explores one school's endeavour in the teaching and learning of multimodal narrative. Data includes interviews from students and multimodal analysis of student narratives. The paper showcases the kinds of semiotic choices the children are making for their stories, and includes excerpts from the interviews to illustrate how they are able to articulate justifications for their choices. In particular, it focuses on how children are establishing literary concepts such as genre, characterisation and point of view using all semiotic resources. In doing so, it considers the pedagogy behind the creations to explore how effectively it works as children create new kinds of texts which are innovative, critical, creative and ‘of quality’.  相似文献   

The recently initiated debate on the relationship between science and health education is discussed. The notions of ‘everyday’, ‘scientific’ and ‘applied’ knowledge are explored through interview material gathered from a sample of 15‐year old pupils. The topic of the interviews was the common cold. The pupils’ levels of biological knowledge, their mode of applying it, and the frameworks of their thinking about infection and related issues were investigated. It is argued that no simple ‘translation’ of scientific to health knowledge is possible. Some of the complexities of the relationship are explored. In particular, the implications of non‐scientific ('lay’ or ‘traditional') knowledge are taken up and it is suggested that scientific knowledge may face considerable obstacles in displacing these.


This paper outlines the methodological issues I faced during my research as a ‘returning native’ in an English secondary school. The empirical research took the form of a three‐year case study and used some ethnographic methods, as it comprised interviews carried out over a period of three academic years in the school in which I was once employed as a teacher. I was also given the opportunity to work in the school as a consultant in the lead‐up to and during its Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OfSTED) inspection. This enabled me to conduct interviews, observe, interact in informal conversations and participate in the inspection week. In this paper I explore the unique role of the insider‐researcher, or returning native. Not only was this a school in which I had previously worked, but actually participating in the inspection added new layers of complex loyalty.  相似文献   

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