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刍议图书价格问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章就市场经济环境下日益突出的图书价格问题进行探讨,从异常的图书价格入手,通过大量的调查、比较、分析、研究,认为目前我国图书价格虚高,这是由于多种原因造成的,并且针对改善图书价格不当提出自己相应的对策。  相似文献   

图书定价的经济学:理论与实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、关于图书定价的争论随着图书定价的不断上涨,图书价格问题始终是一个敏感的热点问题。总的来看,大多数学者都倾向于认为,近年来的图书价格上涨速度过快,目前的图书定价过高,存在图书价格虚高问题。在他们看来,"书价定得太高会影响书籍的销售,从而阻碍知识的传播。"因此,"书价还  相似文献   

图书价格是否虚高常常是媒体和百姓谈论的话题之一.有报道说,出版业属我国十大暴利行业之一,自然让人联想起图书高定价低折扣、盗版猖獗、销售萎缩、库存积压等现象.显然,图书价格不尽规范已严重影响了出版业的健康发展.  相似文献   

《齐鲁晚报》报道:业内图书大多数是根据印张来定价,近几年随着纸张成本的上涨,图书价格也有所上涨。排除材料涨价等客观因素,业内人士表示,近些年图书定价有走高的趋势,只是定价体现的是"虚高",图书的实际售价依然不高。为什么是"虚高"呢?图书策划人王文鹏告诉记者,之所以现在有这么多图书定价走高,与图书的销售渠道多元化有关系。"从网络书店流行起来之后,图书销售渠道开始  相似文献   

图书价格是一个出版界和民众都普遍关注且有争议的话题。许多读者抱怨书价涨得太快,书价虚高;而多数出版者则申辩书价并不高,有出版者说:"做出版之前,我是读者,我觉得书贵;干了出版,我才真的体会到,我国的书不是太贵,而是太便宜。"那么,图书价格到底是高还是低呢?  相似文献   

近年来,中国教辅图书"价格虚高"、价格偏离价值的现象已呈泛滥、恶化之势,"高定价低折扣"教辅图书所占市场比重日趋加大,并且波及整个教辅出版业供应链,"打折大战"、"无序竞争"已经成为教辅图书出版业的一个顽症,对于整个行业的健康发展构成了威胁。  相似文献   

书价虚高早已引起人们的关注.社会各界也一直在呼吁降低书价。但多年来一直事与愿违。书籍价格不降反升的势头预演愈烈。造成了图书市场上的怪圈:一方面由于书价过高读者买不起书.使得图书销量减少。书商利润降低。出版社成本提高;另一方面出版社和书商为了保证自己的利益。反过来再抬高书价。加剧了书价的虚高不下。书价越高.读者越买不起。读者越不买。书价越高.如此循环往复。形成价格的恶性攀升。  相似文献   

书价虚高早已引起人们的关注,社会各界也一直在呼吁降低书价,但多年来一直事与愿违,书籍价格不降反升的势头预演愈烈,造成了图书市场上的怪圈:一方面由于书价过高读者买不起书,使得图书销量减少,书商利润降低,出版社成本提高;另一方面出版社和书商为了保证自己的利益,反过来再抬高书价,加剧了书价的虚高不下。书价越高,读者越买不起,读者越不买,书价越高,如此循环往复,形成价格的恶性攀升。  相似文献   

类目控制是《中图法》修订的重点之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过<中国图书馆分类法>类目数量与我国图书出版、归类实际的比较、分析,不仅指出前者类目设置不当问题而数量虚高,还就其形成的原因及改进提出建议.  相似文献   

刍议图书馆采访的经济意识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章从图书价格的升降现象入手,通过分析研究,论述图书价格的结构、基本定价因素,提出鉴别图书合理价格的参考值,同时认为图书馆采访人员应当增强经济意识,采取新的举措应对市场经济环境与我国加入WTO后变化的形势,与时俱进。  相似文献   

The authors examine trends in Russian book publishing in 2006, including statistics and subjects covered. Russia has been the guest of honor at several recent international book fairs, a testament to the vibrancy of its publishing culture. Major prizes and anniversaries related to books, journalism, and scholarship are discussed. The article concludes with a consideration of past, present, and future price increases for books and serials—wholesale prices in Russia and Russian Press Service's prices for its library customers.  相似文献   

The majority of scholars in the humanities and the social sciences, the scientific, technical, and medical, and the legal, tax, and regulatory fields are interested in the state of scholarly book publishing because these books often play a pivotal role in the often-opaque tenure, promotion, and grant application process. In the past, several studies analyzed new title output and scholarly book prices. However, no one investigated the impact of the Recession of 2007–2009 on scholarly books. This study looks at the impact of this recession, its impact on scholarly book prices and new title output between 2009 and 2016, and makes a series of recommendations for university presses.  相似文献   

图书自动验收新构思的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆图书验收工作是一项复杂又繁琐的工作。以书商提供的到馆图书电子清单为验收源, 设计和开发出一种新型的图书自动验收模型,使图书验收工作更加自动化。这种验收流程不仅可省去人工验收需要核对并修正书名、著者、定价的过程,同样还可省去录入到货数量的步骤。  相似文献   

The article examines five major sources of data on inflation in Russian book prices: professional book magazines, organizations' publications and Web sites, vendor catalogs, the reports written by John and Kristine Bushnell, and automated library management systems. The author discusses the limits, advantages, and methodologies for each of them.  相似文献   


Librarians frequently have the opportunity to purchase Russian publications from nontraditional retail outlets, such as authors, book agents, or other independent sources, rather than book vendors. These transactions take place for a number of reasons, but generally they are done to acquire specialized materials that are not readily available through established outlets. In addition, the domestic price of Russian books is substantially lower than the prices charged by foreign vendors and as a result independent Russian purchasing agents can offer books at very competitive prices. Unfortunately, because these transactions do not follow established library procedures, they are often very labor-intensive and difficult to complete.  相似文献   

高职院校的图书采购是否有必要采用招投标方式集中采购,是否有必要依赖书商,这些问题都值得探讨。积极采用询价采购、分散采购是改进高职院校图书采购的有效途径;坚持专业图书真正由专业人员采选,才能切实提高图书质量。  相似文献   

This paper compares publishing in two European countries with fixed respective free book prices: Germany and Sweden, when it comes to the phenomenon vertical integration. Concentration of media ownership is a central issue in today’s global publishing industry and large international media groups are consolidating at a fast pace, taking over more and more links in the value chain of books. One of the foremost examples is Amazon—established in Germany and fast expanding in Europe, but not yet present in Sweden. This paper presents a broad overview of the two markets and interviews with several actors in the German and Swedish book trades are analyzed and compared. Amazon’s impact on the respective book markets as well as strategies for independent publishers are discussed. The question whether concentration of media ownership in the book trade affects publishing and distribution of “quality literature” is also raised.  相似文献   

This report provides a brief summary for trends in 2011 China publishing industry in general and the book publishing sector specifically. A general industry review and analysis includes the number of titles, list prices and units as a 5?year overview. The report for 2011 concludes with a summary for two main trends that have emerged over the recent years.  相似文献   

Business opportunities in international markets are largely determined by accessibility, transparency, and legal frameworks fair to all parties concerned. Arab book markets in principle offer a tremendous potential with more than 300 million readers sharing one common language. Besides unsolved censorship issues, problems with money collection, and differing regulations, however, the lack of a uniform book distribution system is the most critical hurdle for the development of a common Arabic book market. Most importantly, there is no comprehensive database containing accurate content briefs, background information on authors, ISBN numbers, and publisher company information as well as all relevant commercial data such as book prices, weight, logistics terms, and availability. Authors and publishers are hard hit as they often need to organize book transportation, delivery, and invoice collection on their own. At present, “selling book fairs” in the Arab world—with the exception of Abu Dhabi International Book Fair—present themselves as crowded book bazaars rather than executive meeting points. The authors of the article, however, are anticipating change: New distribution initiatives will soon interlink regional Arabic markets and create unique growth and profit opportunities.  相似文献   


The Russian government is exerting increasing control over the country's media, although the media are resisting. This government-media conflict is relevant to Western academics and libraries, because the variety and quality of Russian periodicals is at stake. In addition, if the media are constrained, publishers of books are likely to experience restrictions, too. The difficulties the government is having in controlling the media, however, are a measure of how much Russia has changed. At the same time this conflict is occurring, book publishing is thriving. Official statistics show the number of titles published surpassed even the previous record set in 1977. Planning is in progress to restructure the state book industry sector, including publishing, printing and distribution. Book prices have increased more rapidly than inflation, and postage costs have also increased. Russian Press Service is doing its best to keep its prices to Western libraries down.  相似文献   

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