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假期外出游山玩水当然少不了导游的帮忙;想要在英语王国中畅游,也一定要请方位小导游来帮帮你!next to...在……旁边Myhouse is next tothe library.我家在图书馆的旁边。in front of...在……前面My house is in front of the hotel.我家在旅馆的前面。between...(and)...介于(两者)之间My house is between the supermarket and the park.我家在超市和公园之间。behind...在……后面Supermarket My house ParkLibrary My houseMy houseHotelMy house is behind the school.我家在学校的后面。across from...在……的对面My house is …  相似文献   

1.That’smysister.那位是我妹妹。Thesearemybrothers.这些是我的兄弟们。①this,that既可指代物品,也可以用来指代人。向别人介绍某人时常用句型Thisis...(这位是……)或That’s...(那位是……)。例如:Hi,LiPing,thisismysister,Mary.你好,李平,这是我妹妹,玛丽。②That’s是Thatis的缩写形式,是非常口语化的一种形式,但要特别注意Thisis是不能缩写的,千万不要把Thisis写成This’s。Thisis...(这位是……),Thatis...(那位是……)这两种句型只用于单个的人,当被介绍的人是两个或两个以上时,此句型要作相应变化。This(这位)变为These…  相似文献   

1.公共汽车是非常受欢迎的交通工具。误:The bus is a very popular traffi c tool.正:The bus is a very popular means of transport.分析:traffic=the vehicles moving along a road or street,是道路上机动车的流量,例如:There is a lot of traffic on this road.这条路上的车可真多。而tool  相似文献   

高考“阅读理解”题主要考查考生把握文章主题和理解中心思想的能力,要求考生在理解全文的基础上能对文章所述内容进行高度的概括或总结。其考查范围主要有以下三个方面。一、文章的主旨大意考查文章主旨大意的题目时常用以下设问句式:The m ain idea/key pointofthis passage is that.The passage is m ainly about.The statem entthatbestrelates the m ain idea ofthe passage is.From the passage we can learn/conclude that.W hich of the following statem ents best expresses the m ain idea ofthe passage?W hatis the textm a…  相似文献   

* Due to snow accumulation and ice formation onhighways, traffic accidents happen frequently in win-ter, causing great losses of economy and lives. Soroad snowremoval has been given great concern[1]. Geothermal road snow-melting system (GRSS)with solar energy storage is an effective, non-pollutionapplied sustainable energy technology developed in re-cent years. Its prominent advantage is to realize sea-sonal thermal storage and improve energy efficien-cy[2]. In Sapporo of Japan, a GRSS sys…  相似文献   

AToday,schoolgirls are already one of the m ain forces in beautycontests.B ut even though their charm is part of C hina s im age,theirpursuit(追求)ofbeauty has changed over the years.1993:Beijing Y outh D aily has a cover story on“Peking U niversitygirls…  相似文献   

连词是英语中的重要词类,因词义丰富、逻辑严密、功能众多而成为中考英语的重要考点之一,其热点考查内容如下:一、考查并列连词的判断【考点说明】表示同等概念的连词有and(和;而且),not only...but also...(不但……而且……),on(the)one hand...on the otherhand(一方面,另一方面)等;表示选择关系的连词有or(或者;否则),either...or...(或者……或者……),neither...nor...(既不……也不……)等;表示转折关系的连词有but(但是),however(然而),yet(然而),while(而、却);表因果关系的连词有so(所以),for(因为)等。【考点题例】1.—H ow abo…  相似文献   

50.in charge of主管/负责/照料……1)John was in charge of the company while the manager was on holiday. 约翰在经理度假期间负责公司工作。2)The nurse is in charge of the patients.那位护士在照料那些病人。3)Who is in charge of the money for safekeeping?谁负责保管这笔钱?[注]in charge意为“负责(人),主管”。例如:Who is in charge here?谁是这儿的主管?[辨析]in charge of意为“负责……;照管……;监督……”,in the chargeof意为“由……看管;由……监督”。试比较:  相似文献   

一、教学目标1.记住下列单词和短语 :hit,noise,m akea noise,disturb,pas-senger,get on,getoff,push,stand inline(in a queue)2 .记住并能口头笔头运用下列句型 :1) You must be m ore careful.2 )You m ustn't cross the road now.3) Ifthe traffic light is red,you muststop.4 ) When you are waiting for abus,you m ust stand in line.5 ) It'sbetter to wait and be safe.3.语法 :1)情态动词 m ust和 mustn't的用法。 2 ) if引导的条件状语从句和when,before引导的时间状语从句。二、教学步骤Step1Presentation教师在黑板上画一…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION For the past few decades, many researchers have made studies of modelling driver behavior to repro- duce the observed features of traffic flow. Recently Kerner and Rehborn (1997) observed that there are three distinct dynamic phases on highways: free traf- fic flow, coexisting traffic flow and traffic jams. The occurrence of traffic jams without obvious reasons had been explained in terms of the conventional phase transition (Nagatani, 1998). Various traffic flow models, suc…  相似文献   

英语中表示方位的介词很多,易于混淆。如果能巧妙地借助简笔画,就能化难为易,轻轻松松地掌握它们。40picture1e郾g—W here’s the ball?—It’s on(in、under、near、behind)the box.oninunderbehindneare郾gThe bus is com ing郾The driver is at the front of the bus郾(在……内部的前面)The wom an is at the back of the bus郾(在……内部的后面)The old m an is in front of the bus郾(在……外部的前面)The little girl is behind the bus郾(在……外部的后面)behind in front of穴in雪at the front ofat the back ofpicture2pic…  相似文献   

(A)A s we allknow,fire,one ofthe m ostterrible killer1.in our m odern society,is m ain caused by the sm okers.2.In2003,thousands offires were happened in China.A bout3.50%ofit were caused by sm okers w ho leftcigarette-ends4.in everywhere.30%were caused by defective insulation(绝缘)and5.20%by children play with m atches.N o m atter w hat type ofthe6.fire broke out,there is one thing in com m on:carelessness.7.Therefore we should warn children w ith the dangers of playing8.with m atches.A ta …  相似文献   

1IntroductionRecently traffic flow has attracted increasing intere-sts of scientists.A variety of traffic models have beenproposed to study complex traffic phenomena.Thesemodels describe traffic flowin the following three lev-els.(1)From the macroscopic level,traffic flow istreated as continuum,i.e.,compressible gas in fluiddynamic models;(2)Fromthe mesoscopic level,ve-hicles are regarded as gas molecules in the kineticmodels;(3)Fromthe microscopic level,the detailedinteractions betweenindivi…  相似文献   

To ensure that limited resources are allocated more effectively to reduce marine risks, formal safety assessment (FSA), a proactive method, is introduced in planning a vessel traffic system (VTS). Based on the data of Wuhan port, some new solutions based on risk-indices are put forward. The weighted number of traffic accidents is predicted after the future weighted vessel traffic volume is estimated by analyzing the trend of trade development. To analyze risk acceptability, the as-low-as-reasonably-practicable (ALARP) matrix is transformed into a new model containing two parameters: the future weighted vessel traffic volume and the future weighted number of traffic accidents. The new risk control options (RCOs)can be identified by a revised Domino model with several feedback loops from all system levels to close a limited window of accident opportunity. The results indicate that the four most beneficial RCOs are a wider sub-area 1 channel, a VTS bridges area, a dredging sub-area 2 main route, and a VTS QSX anchorage to the 3rd bridge. The FSA is a method that is effective in evaluating the rationality, necessity and cost-effectiveness of VTS projects.  相似文献   

1. Introduction With the development of transportation, more and more road tunnels, especially the long tunnels, such as Erlangshan Tunnel (4176 m, China), Arlberg Tunnel (13972 m, Austria), Kan-etsu Tunnel (11055 m, South tube, Japan) and Laerdal Tunnel (24510m, Norway) have been built on the highway lines [1]. In a road tunnel, the exhaust gases given off by automobile engines, such as smoke, carbon monoxide (CO), oxynitride (NOx), hydrocarbon, etc., and dust produced by the passing a…  相似文献   

After wowing(使……叫绝) them in Paris, LEONARDO DiCAPRIO' s taking his 'Gang' on the road to London for the premiere of his new movie!Just before the film' s U. S. debut, Leo satdown in the Big Apple with MARY HART to talk about'Gangs of New York, ' his take on Hollywood - and  相似文献   

近年来,在全国各地区的中考英语试卷中,对连词的考查是热点之一。本文拟对2005年全国部分地区中考英语试卷对连词的考查要点作一归纳和简析,供同学们学习时参考。[焦点一]考查并列连词的基本用法[要点归纳]1)表示联合关系的并列连词有and(和、并且),not only...but al-so...(不但……而且……)等;2)表示转折关系的并列连词有but(但是),how ever(然而),yet(但是),w hile(而、然而)等;注意:汉语中的“虽然……但是……”在英语中不能译为though/although...but...,但可译为though/although...yet...。3)表示选择意义的并列连词有or(或者),eith…  相似文献   

Have you heard of the earthquake(地震) of the Indian Ocean that happened 1 the last Sunday of 2004? About 300,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake. Do you know 2 in an earthquake? Let me 3 you.D uring a quake,ifyou are in a room ,you m ustget into the open air and stay away 4 buildings,trees,and 5 dangerous things.Y ou 6 stay in a door way 7 in a corner or get 8 a heavy desk or table. If you drive a car,a truck or a bus,you m ust drive it 9 the side of the road and stop.…  相似文献   

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