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chool arden f ng sh “M other”is the m ost brilliant w ord in the sun.But I think this also goes for the other w ord——“Father”. B oth our fathers and our m others love for us are the sam e and it can only be described with one w ord—— G R E A T. W e are used to our parents love so thatw e always consider it a m at- ter ofcourse.H owever,as Im advancing in age,I get to understand what the m aternal or paternal love is.In m y view ,Parents love for their chil- dren is like the sun th…  相似文献   

W e are twin brothers. W e are nowstudents at G uilin M iddle School. W eare busier in study than before, butwe still play tennis every week,because tennis is our hobby.W e learned to play tennis when we were very young. It was a veryinteresting story why we chose to play tennis. W hen we were just sixyears old.M om and dad bought us a football,a basketball,a tennis anda volleyball as our birthday presents, but we both liked tennis only. Soour parents sent us to a tennis school to learn it.…  相似文献   

Last summer I went to Dalian with my parents for our summer holiday, and we had a very good time there.Dalian is a city by the sea. It is in North China, and lots of people go there to spend their holiday.  相似文献   

That was a traditional (传 统的) Chinesefestival—M id-autum n Day. As Senior 3students, we had classes that day. Som efam ilies were sitting around the tables, eatingdelicious m ooncakes. Som e were wandering inthe m oonlight, talking about pleasant things.Daughters and sons were on their way backhom e. But I was away from m y parents,unable to get back hom e. At that verym om ent,I m issed them very m uch,blessing(祈祷)them in m y heart.During the daytim e, I saw a girl walkinghand-in-hand with her father and m...  相似文献   

That was a traditional (传 统的) Chinesefestival—M id-autum n Day. As Senior 3students, we had classes that day. Som efam ilies were sitting around the tables, eatingdelicious m ooncakes. Som e were wandering inthe m oonlight, talking about pleasant things.Daughters and sons were on their way backhom e. But I was away from m y parents,unable to get back hom e. At that verym om ent,I m issed them very m uch,blessing(祈祷)them in m y heart.During the daytim e, I saw a girl walkinghand-in-ha…  相似文献   

Early to bed,early to rise,m ake a m an healthy,wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. H ave you ever heard of itbefore? Itm eans thatw e m ustgo to bed early and getup early in the m orning.Thenwe shall be healthy.W e shall also be rich(wealthy)and clever(w ise).This is true.If we have enough sleepwe ll be healthy. Children of young ageshould have ten hours sleep every night.Children who do not have enough sleepcannot do their work very well. They willnot be w ise and they m ay no…  相似文献   

In Japan, there is a residence status known as “the trainee”. This is the status for residents who undertake “activities to learn and acquire the technology, skills, or knowledge at public or private organizations in Japan”. With the introduction of the Industrial Training Program in 1993, trainees have been permitted to extend their stay in Japan for education and employment purposes up to a maximum of three years. This study aims to investigate the adjustment styles of trainees and to consider the changes in their attitudes toward Japan in the course of this adjustment. Six male Indonesian trainees (mean age=23.83) were invited to a semi-structured interview. They were employed at the same factory, involved in the manufacture of car components, and were trainees in their first-, second-, and third-years. The interview mainly focused on the trainees' Japanese language skills, the changes in their images of Japan or Japanese people, the communication between them and their Japanese colleagues, and the difficulties they encountered during their stay in Japan. The results revealed that there were clear differences between the first, second, and third trainees. As the trainees' Japanese language skills improved, their communication with the Japanese colleagues increased. Subsequently, they developed more positive images of Japan and Japanese people and hoped to have more informal communication with Japanese people.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.When we plan our vacation,m otheroften offers(实用的)suggestions.2.The conference has been held to discussthe(影响)of tourism on thewildlife in the area.3.A t school we learn a(各类)ofthings.4.W e belong to the sam e(代).5.The patient’s______(情况)is critical.6.The(发现)of oil on their landm ade the people rapidly rich.7.Can you(捆)up this parcel form e?8.(产量)of com puters hasincreased double in the last few w eeks.9.To build this m achine…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.M ery Streep w as a fam ous actress.W hen she w as still a student,sheplayed r in m any plays.2.This film is for a only.C hildrenm ustn’t w atch it.3.Zhang Y im ou is a fam ous d inChina.4.W ar started again after eight years ofp.5.A p school is the first schoolyou go to.6.A fter they got m arried,they had m anyyears of(幸福).7.H e really could not m arry her—it w ouldm ean the end of his(事业).8.She w ants to st…  相似文献   

王艺沛 《海外英语》2011,(4):209+221
There are a lot of stories in Greek Mythology that involve the relationship between parents and their children.Human beings use their imagination weaving mystery into Myth.Among these stories,some impressed me deeply.Through them,I know that there are no perfect parents in the world just as there is no perfect person,they all have their own unrealistic desire of their children.This is the flaw of human nature,but is also very natural and understandable.Parents should remember that the children are not gods,they come to the world to have their own lives.If every parent can keep this in minds and let their children be the person they want to be,then,this ancient myth helps them to become smarter,wiser and more generous parents.  相似文献   

During the Spring Festival, most students received an amount of new year‘s money. There is a good chance that they can afford a cellphone. So, many of them spend their money in buying one without hesitation. Nowadays, it becomes more and more common to find students own cellphones. Why are cellphones so popular among the middle school studentsMaybe it is convenient for them to communicate with their parents and they can enjoy themselves after a long time‘s study. But in my opinion, we must say “no“ to cellp...  相似文献   

N owadays there is often a lack of under-standing betw een our parents and us. Q uite afew of us com plain that parents can’t understandus while parents feel sorry that children seldomlisten to them .W hy? Because of different ages, experiences andways of thinking, w e have likes and dislikesquite different from our parents.O n one hand,asyoung people,w e are energetic(精力充沛的)andcurious(好奇的).W e are eager to learn.A nd atthe sam e tim e,we are always active and w e en-joy a lot from t…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Children sleep in d when theylive at school.2.I r Peter although I hadn’t seenhim for10years.3.W ill you please e the thirdparagraph again for us﹖4.If I pay all m y d I shall haveno m oney left.5.H e has e a lot of m oney byworking in the evenings.6.I am going to l to m y studentstoday.7.This new m odel is of high qand is not expensive either.8.They’re being very(神秘的)about their holiday plans.9.W e buy j from a jeweller’s…  相似文献   

In1837,the historian Carlyle m ade the firstrecorded use of the word“queue”(排队).H e spoke ofthe French and their“habit of standing in a queue”.Forty years later Paris was the best place to wait inline.H owever,queuing becam e popular in Britain too.The Second W orld W ar was the golden age of queuing,and people joined any line in the hope that it was aqueue for som ething to buy.This was the source ofm any Second W orld W ar jokes:Shopkeeper to custom er:Excuse m e,m iss,are youpregnant(怀孕)?Custom er:W ell,...  相似文献   

ol den 根据上句,完成下句,使两句意思基本相同。每空限填一词。 1.W hat are your parents? W hat your parents ? 2.There s no food in the fridge. There s in the fridge. 3.H is father drives a car to work. H is father to work car. 4.Lets go to the zoo together.  相似文献   

Chinese are very generous(慷慨的)when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even to England, the United States or Australia. They also want their children to take extracourse activities where they will either learn a music instrument or ballet, or other classes which will give them a hard start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their sons or daughters.  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1~20各题 所给的四 个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D ) 中,选出最佳选项。 R ecently, a professor of philosophy in the U .S.has written a book called M oney and the M eaning of Life. H e has discov- ered that how w e 1 m oney in our day-to-day life has m ore m eaning than we usually think. O ne of the exercises he asked his students to do is to 2 ev- ery penny they spend for a w eek. 3 they spend their m oney,they can see what they really 4 in life. H e says our relation …  相似文献   

One afternoon, when Jim was on his way to school, he saw a littlegirl standing near a tree,crying.The girl looked sad.“W hats wrong withher?”Jim said to him self.H e went to her.The little girl told him that shewent the wrong w ay and she did not know how to go back hom e. Jimthought thather parents m ust be w orried now. So he decided to help thegirlgo hom e.H e took the girl to the nearest police station. Just then, the littlegirls parents cam e to the police station,too.W hen they saw …  相似文献   

It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christm as. W e asked som e ofour friends to explain whathappens in their countries. This is whatthey told us: France In France, Christm as is always called Noёl. Everyone has a Christm as tree,som etim es decorated in the old way with red ribbons and realwhite wax candles. Fir trees in the garden are often decorated too, with lights on allnight. G erm any Germ ans love to decorate their houses at Christm as. M any houses willhav…  相似文献   

Most parents,I suppose,have had the 1 of reading a bedtime story to their children.And they must have 2 how difficult it is to write a 3 children's book.Either the author has aimed too 4 ,so that children can't follow what is in his 5 most often,her)story,seems to be talking to the readers. The best children's book are 6 very difficult nor very simple,and satisfy both the 7 who hears the story and the adult who 8 it.Unfortunately,th-ere are in fact 9 books like this,10 th problem of finding the right bedtime story is nol 11 to solve.  相似文献   

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