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Editor's Note: This essay was delivered at a Carleton University conference titled “Politicizing the Classroom” and will be published with the other papers by the University of Toronto Press in 1995. This essay is printed by permission of the University of Toronto Press.  相似文献   

James A. Pershing, CPT, PhD, is a professor of education in instructional systems technology and educational inquiry methodology at Indiana University. He is the former editor of the Performance Improvement journal and TechTrends, past director of the International Society for Performance Improvement, and association manager of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology. He is now a consulting reviewer for TechTrends and is editor of the Asia Pacific Cybereducation Journal. The Handbook of Human Performance Technology: Principles, Practices, Potential (3rd ed.; ISBN: 978‐0‐7879‐6530‐0) is published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The publisher may be reached online at http://www.pfeiffer.com/WileyCDA/ or contacted at 978–750–8400.  相似文献   

This article was written in January 1970 for The Cambridge Review and appeared in the issue of 29 May 1970. The author had University readers chiefly in mind; the stress would have been differently placed had it been written in the first place for the present journal, but it seemed best to keep the article in its original form apart from small corrections. It is printed here with the kind permission of the Editors of the Review.  相似文献   

本文结合首都师范大学“科学前沿进低年级本科生课堂”、“综合自然地理学”、“第四纪环境学”、“全球环境变化研究”四门课程的教学,探索如何有效利用信息技术平台引导学生进行科研活动,并以完善的科研素材指导本科生科研活动。基于信息技术平台的科研素材向本科生开放,具有即时性、开放性、自主性、权限性,并让学生在科研活动中有最直接的参考实体。、  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to analyze some of the factors underlying differing levels of morale in university departments. Morale is conceived to be primarily a product of perceived department-head performance, although it is also suggested that environmental and satisfaction variables may be important. Morale is seen as a potential symptomatic attribute which might be used in diagnosing organizational difficulties. The authors did indeed find, using multiple discriminant analysis on departmentally aggregated data, that the perceived performance of department heads was more important in predicting levels of morale. In addition, department size was also found to be useful. The conclusions drawn were that morale could be used as a symptom of departmental (or organizational) well being and that such data could be useful to those managing department heads both in the selection of department heads and in their ongoing supervision.The authors were designated by Western Kentucky University to supervise the collection and analysis of the data described. The data were used with the permission of the Office of the President, Western Kentucky University.  相似文献   

Peter C. Honebein is a business consultant and adjunct faculty member at Indiana University and University of Nevada, Reno, with a Ph.D. from Indiana University. He is the author of numerous articles and the book Strategies for Effective Customer Education. Roy F. Cammarano is a business consultant and a former division president with Premiere Global Services. He has been a contributing editor to Success magazine and is the author of the award‐winning book Entrepreneurial Transitions. Creating Do‐It‐Yourself Customers: How Great Customer Experiences Build Great Companies (ISBN 0–324–31154–0) is published by Thomson Higher Education. This publisher may be reached at 800‐423‐0563.  相似文献   

In this column, the author introduces a special issue of the Journal of Perinatal Education, in which a position paper and six care practice papers, published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission, are presented along with accompanying commentary. Together, these papers present evidence in support of the six care practices that promote, protect, and support normal birth.  相似文献   

An International Review section within this special international issue may seem redundant. This regular department usually features articles on research and/or development in countries outside of North America. This “review”, however, does not highlight any one country or program but views the entire world as an appropriate domain for educational technology practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to outline some of the many opportunities available for competent educational technology professionals to contribute their knowledge and skills in international settings beyond the North American borders. He was Founding Director, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology; Fulbright Professor in Chile, Peru and in the American Republics; has taught and consulted in Indonesia, iran, South africa, the Philippines and The Netherlands. He is currently Visiting Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands and Florida State University. A post president of AECT, be is the recipient of the International Division's Exemplary International Contribution Award.  相似文献   

CHIRONOMIA; OR A TREATISE ON RHETORICAL DELIVERY: COMPREHENDING MANY PRECEPTS, BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN, FOR THE PROPER REGULATION OF THE VOICE, THE COUNTENANCE, AND GESTURE. TOGETHER WITH AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ELEMENTS OF GESTURE, AND A NEW METHOD FOR THE NOTATION THEREOF; ILLUSTRATED BY MANY FIGURES. By The Reverend Gilbert Austin, A.M. [London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806]. Edited with Bibliography and Introduction by Mary Margaret Robb and Lester Thonssen; Foreword by David Potter. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1966; pp. xxix+13+xvi+584+15. $12.50.

AN INTRODUCTION TO ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC WITH ANALYSIS NOTES AND APPENDICES. By E. M. Cope [London and Cambridge: Macmillan, 1867]. Dubuque: William C. Brown Reprint Library, 1966; pp. xvi+464. $15.00.

IBID. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1966. Paper. $16.85.

THE PUBLIC SPEAKING OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. By George P. Rice, Jr. [New York: Columbia University Press, 1951]. New York: AMS Press, 1966; pp. x+142. $5.00.

THE RHETORICAL IDIOM. ESSAYS IN RHETORIC, ORATORY, LANGUAGE, AND DRAMA PRESENTED TO HERBERT AUGUST WICHELNS WITH A REPRINTING OF HIS “LITERARY CRITICISM OF ORATORY” (1925). Edited by Donald C. Bryant [Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1958]. New York: Russell &; Russell, 1966; pp. x+334. $8.00.

THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH, VOLUME 1, 1915 [Chicago: University of Chicago Press], New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966; pp. 331, including Index. $20.00.  相似文献   

In this professional paper, published by Lamaze International and reprinted here with permission, Lamaze International identifies six care practices-adapted from the work of the World Health Organization-that promote, protect, and support normal birth. The six care practices are: labor begins on its own; freedom of movement throughout labor; continuous labor support; no routine interventions; non-supine (e.g., upright or side-lying) positions for birth; and no separation of mother and baby with unlimited opportunity for breastfeeding. Evidence to support each care practice is presented. Health-care providers and places of birth are encouraged to adopt these care practices as standards of care. Additionally, women are encouraged to choose health-care providers and places of birth whose care practices promote, protect, and support normal birth.  相似文献   

The Second Careers program undertaken by the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences during 1975–1976 was designed to help older persons seeking second careers in the health care field make realistic career decisions. The program grew out of an awareness that persons over 45 are not adequately served by American educational institutions and frequently are denied opportunities to embark upon second careers in which they can make significant contributions. The age group 45–65 now makes up 20% of the American population. This group of persons is increasingly well educated, politically active, and relatively healthy; many are not inclined to settle for retirement or continued participation in jobs they may have outgrown. This population includes the early retiree; the homemaker returning to the marketplace either from choice or necessity; and the individual who seeks counseling, training, and education to support a midlife change to a new career. Second Careers was established for this large and educationally underserved group. This article describes a model program, conducted over a one year period, which combined classroom work and field experience with individual and group counseling. It involved twelve part-time students, all of whom made significant career decisions by the end of the year. Although this effort focused primarily on exploring career opportunities in the health care field, the model can be adapted to almost any educational setting. This paper is offered as a guide for individuals and organizations involved in or contemplating similar educational, counseling, and/or service programs for older persons.This article reprinted with permission fromEducational Gerontology An International Quarterly Vol. 4(1) Hemisphere Publishing Company.  相似文献   

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has selected a number of young people who have a firm grasp of a certain level of knowledge in culture and science attained through independent study. With more cultivation they have a future as graduate students, so they have received permission to enter the Chinese University of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

对留学生本民族文化的研究以及与目的语文化对比的研究,可以帮助我们更好地教授汉语。本文分析了对外汉语教学中俄罗斯文化研究的重要性,对比了中国和俄罗斯文化的差异,并给出了教学建议。  相似文献   

中共中央和中央红军进驻陕北后,为适应建立抗日民族统一战线的需要,适时实施了从"苏维埃共和国"向"人民共和国"和"民主共和国"的体制转换。根据新近共产国际解密档案资料和中共有关文献可获知,中共延安政权从苏维埃体制向抗日民主体制的转换,源于共产国际的指示,始于中共中央的决策,成于南京政府的认同。这一体制转换的成果,集中体现在中华苏维埃共和国中央政府改制为中华民国特区政府(即陕甘宁边区政府),中国工农红军改编为国民革命军八路军、新四军。这是历史潮流所向,时势剧变所致。  相似文献   

本文对"事件管理"这项二十一世纪的朝阳产业进行了介绍与分析,并以作者在澳洲昆士兰大学该专业就读的经历为例,为在全球事件管理行业及其教学科研进程中目前尚处落后地位的中国提供了值得借鉴的教育模式。  相似文献   

清代诗歌总集研究较少,存在的各种问题很多,而读者一般不大注意。现就涉及《诗风》《海虞诗苑续编》《己丑宴集续编》以及《黎星使宴集合编》等总集的若干问题予以考辨,供有关读者参考。  相似文献   

深入分析"一带一路"相关企业对物流管理人才的需求,设计"复语型+跨文化"物流管理人才培养体系的优化模型,建立"复语型+跨文化"国际化物流管理人才课程教学体系;为学生创造更多的实习机会,为"一带一路"倡议培养更多具备物流管理专业素养的"复语型+跨文化"人才。  相似文献   

Priorities in Religious Education. Edited by Brenda Watson. Pp viii, 210+. Index. London: Falmer Press, 1992. £12.95 paperback. ISBN 0–75070–017–3.

The Victorian Governess by Kathryn Hughes. Pp. xvi, 256. London and Rio Grande: The Hambledon Press, 1993. £25 hardcover. ISBN 1–85285–002–7.

The Church Colleges 1918–1939: The Struggle for Survival. By Mark Lofthouse. Rearsby: J. Billings, 9 Church Leys Avenue, LE7 4YF. Pp. xviii, 116, £12 hardback, £6.50 paperback. ISBN 0 9520022 0 5 hardback, 0 9520022 1 3 paperback.

The Rationality of Feeling: Understanding the Arts in Education by David Best. Pp 211. London &; Washington DC: The Falmer Press (A member of the Taylor &; Francis Group), 1992. £13.95. ISBN 0 75070 056 4 (cased) &; 0 75070 057 2 (paper). Series: The Falmer Press Library on Aesthetic Education (Editor: Peter Abbs)

The Braid of Literature: Children's Worlds of Reading. Shelby Anne Wolff and Shirley Brice Heath. London: Harvard University Press, October 1992. £19.95. ISBN 0–674–08040–8

Quality Assurance in Training and Education. By Richard Freeman. London: Kogan Page, 1993. Pp. 176. £14.95. ISBN 0–7494–0868–5 (pbk)

Effective Schools for Disaffected Pupils by Paul Cooper. Pp x, 267. London: Routledge, 1993. £35 hardback, £11.99 paperback. ISBN 0–415–06483‐X hardback, 0–415–06484–8 paperback.

The IEA Study of Written Composition II: Education and Performance in Fourteen Countries. Edited by A. C. Purves. Pps 290. Oxford/New York/Seoul/Tokyo. Pergamon Press 1992. £44.50/$65 hardback. ISBN 0–08–041397/8 (v. 2) International Studies in Educational Achievement, Volume 6

Education Answers Back: Critical Responses to Government Policy. Edited by Clyde Chitty &; Brian Simon. Pp xv, 181. Index. London. Lawrence &; Wishart, 1993. £9.99 flexicover. ISBN 0 85315 781 2

A History of Youth, Michael Mitterauer (translated from the German by Graeme Dunphy), p. xii + 256, Blackwell, Oxford, 1992, hb £40.00 pb £13.99, ISBN hb 0631179836 pb 061179844, in series Family, Sexuality and Social Relations in Past Times, eds., Peter Laslett and Michael Anderson.

Teaching about Europe by Margaret Shennan. Pp xviii, 281. Index. London: Cassell, 1991. £35 hardcover; £12.99 paperback. ISBN 0–304–32292‐X hb; 0–304–32288–1 pbk. Cassell Council of Europe Series.

Mentoring: Perspectives on School‐Based Teacher Education. Eds. Donald Mclntyre, Hazel Hagger and Margaret Wilkin. Pp. 236. London: Kogan Page Ltd. £27.50 hardcover. ISBN 0–7494–0678‐X.

Secondary School Teaching and Educational Psychology by David Galloway and Anne Edwards. Pp x, 160. Index, Longman London and New York 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0–582–49724–8. The Effective Teacher Series.

Oxford, Cambridge and the Changing Idea of the University. The challenge to donnish domination. Ted Tapper and Brian Salter. Pp ix, 262. Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press, 1992. £40 hardcover. ISBN 0–335–15694–0.

Education 16–19 in Transition by Eric Macfarlane. Pp xvi 136. London: Routledge 1993. £30 hardback, £11.99 paperback. ISBN 0–415–08085–1, ISBN 0–415–08086‐X (pbk). Educational Management Series. Edited by Cyril Poster.  相似文献   

Professor Charles Wedemeyer has appropriately been called the father of American distance education; he could also be termed an uncle of the British Open University, having acted as a consultant before the University opened to students.

As William Lighty Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin at Madison he broke the ground for much subsequent research in the field of distance education. His most familiar published work is his book Learning at the Back Door (University of Wisconsin Press, 1981).

His long and distinguished career has included the Presidency of the International Council for Distance Education (ICDE), and the award of an Honorary Doctorate from the Open University in 1975.

He has attended many ICDE World conferences over the years, and in Oslo in the summer of 1988 gave a viewpoint on distance education for the future. Professor Wedemeyer has indicated that perhaps this paper will be the last he writes in this area; “This does not indicate a lack of interest... but at 77 years... I find it difficult to keep up with the volume of reading alone that must be maintained if I want to write among the best in our burgeoning field’.  相似文献   

G20峰会给杭州旅游发展提供了绝佳的机遇,把杭州成功的展示给了全世界,也为杭州赢得了很多赞誉,但是杭州旅游想要更上一层楼,就必须坚持走品牌化发展之路。而过去的"东方休闲之都"并不能很好的完全代表杭州,没有抓住杭州旅游的精髓,因此,笔者建议把"最忆是杭州"作为杭州旅游的新品牌,从而更好地发展杭州旅游。  相似文献   

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