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杨开泰 《阅读》2014,(Z6):76-76
<正>Summer holiday is coming.I’ll make a plan for it.In July,I want to finish my homework and I’d like to do some housework with my mum at home.Sometimes,I will cook for my parents.Maybe I’ll have a short trip with my grandparents in Shandong.I want to swim in the sea.I think it will be very interesting.  相似文献   

卞欣悦 《阅读》2011,(10):46
There are so many holidays in China. My favourite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival. There’s a beautiful story about it : Chang’e flew to the moon. On that evening, my parents and I usually sit by the windows. We watch the moon, and I  相似文献   

Pie in the Sky     
周晓霞 《阅读》2013,(Z1):79
夜深了,Jack还在玩电脑游戏……Mom:Jack,it’s too late.Time to go to bed now.Jack:OK,Mom.I will go to bed after this game is over.Mom:But you will take a math exam(测试)tomorrow.Jack:Never mind!I can get good grades(取得好成绩)this time.Mom:I think it’s a pie in the sky for you.You always play computer games  相似文献   

As we know , most of the snake's vision is poor. But in the past, their vision was very good. What makes it like this? I will tell you the story. Long ago, there was a small snake named Huahua. Huahua was good at catching mice, rats were afraid of her. They wanted to eombat with Huahua. On the 999th meeting, the rat king had a good idea...  相似文献   

肖研鑫 《阅读》2016,(Z2):79
My winter holiday is often colorful.In the morning,I go to thebookshop and read books.I can learn a lot from it.In the afternoon,I domy homework.Sometimes I help my mother do some housework.I alsoplay games with my friends.When I am free,I will surf the Internet.Ithink it’s a good way to study and relax.During the Spring FestivalI also visit my relatives and get a lot of  相似文献   

吕乐阳 《阅读》2006,(9):43-43
1.I won't buy your story。我才不信你那一套,这句话表示对对方话语的怀疑,不屑一顾,对经常说大话的人,你可以用这句话。  相似文献   

A Birthday Wish     
徐子怡 《阅读》2012,(6):45
If today was my birthday, I would ask my mother if I could get a birthday present.I wish I could have a pet. Maybe it is a dog. If my wish comes true, I’ll be very happy. In the morning, I’ll take him outside for a walk, and then we come back. We’ll have breakfast  相似文献   

施燕 《阅读》2006,(12)
All Are BusyAre you busy, Peter? -Yes, I’m reading a newspaper. Are the girls playing chess? -No, they’re making a dress. Is Tom playing with a yo-yo? -Oh, no. He’s cleaning the window.难度系数: ☆☆☆w. Square, square, Here’s a square. Its four sides are the same. Turn it round, it doesn’t care. Circle, circle, Here’s a circle. It goes round and round. No end can be found. ShapesWe are going camping, Alice! Would you please come with us? When the stars twinkle in the sky, We’ll cook on the open fire. We Are Going...  相似文献   

A Kite Accident     
罗滢  师宾 《阅读》2006,(5):46-46
One winter holiday,Ibought a new kite.I flew itby the roadside becausethere was no fields or play-ground nearby.However,myfather soon caught me.“Don’t fly your kite bythe roadside,”he said.“It’svery dangerous!”I did notobey my father.When he was away,I took out my kite to fly again.Suddenly,a strong gust of wind blew the kite across the road.Aman on a bicycle did not see the kite-string and rode right onto it.He was so surprised that he fell off his bicycle.Quickly,I ran to the man a…  相似文献   

To start with, I compliment the Shanghai Municipal Port Management with its outstanding performance especially during the recent hectic years. It has brought the port to the top of the world league and it is likely that Shanghai will become the largest port of the world soon. Am I sad because Rotterdam will lose that tide after more than 40 years? No, just a little bit sentimental. More important is that Shanghai is not a com-  相似文献   

Xiaoming : What are you going to do tomorrow, Lily?( Lily,明天你怎么过?) Lily: Aren't we going to have classes﹖ (难道我们不上课吗?) Xiaoming : No, tomorrow is June 1, Children's Day. We are going to have a day off.(是的,因为明天是儿童节, 放假一天?) Lily: Oh, I have no idea about it. We don't have Children's Day in our country. How are you going to celebrate it﹖(哦,我没想过.我们国家不过儿童节.你们打算怎么庆祝呢?)Xiaom ing: We will have a big party. Our teachers willjoin us in the activ…  相似文献   

It is one warm spring morning, two men are walking past ( 擦肩而 过)each other on a road. One says to the other, “ Oh, you’ve changed a lot. You used to(过去) have brown hair and now it’s gray. Your face used to be red and now it’s pale. You were thin and now you are fat. I can’t believe that it’s you, Mr. Smith.” The other man says,“But I’m not Mr. Smith.” The first man says,“Well, you’ve changed your name, too! ” ★想一想: 那个男人到底是不 是 Mr. Smith 呢?You've Changed a …  相似文献   

Last Weekend     
袁仁暄 《阅读》2011,(Z1):76-77
Last weekend, I had a good time with my friends. We were all happy that day. Now, I will tell everyone about it.  相似文献   

My Dream     
傅钰 《阅读》2013,(30):44
I have a dream.I can travel around the world one day.I love nature(自然)because it has many beautiful and mysterious(神秘的)places.I want to be an explorer(探险家).I want to find beautiful places and let people feel the charm(魅力)of nature.I will try my best to fulfill(实现)my dream when I  相似文献   

淑琴  晓燕 《阅读》2006,(2):34-36
A child grew(3)corn(4)onthe top of a hill.When thecorn was ripe enough toreap(5),a bear found it and came intothe land.He ate some,threwsome and destroyed(6)some.The angry child went to reason with thebear who cared little about it.*“Though(7)I destroyed your corn,what canyou do with me?”“You must repay(8)my corn!”said the child.“What if I don’t repay it?”“I will let you know how strong I am.”“You’d better give it up(9).I have nothingbut strength,”answered the bear.“I only hea…  相似文献   

ISN’T IT A GOOD WAY? Mother:Tom,Ihear you’ve been fighting with one of those boys next door and have given him a black eye.Tom:Yeah.You see,they are twins and I want some way to tell them apart.Isn’t it a good way?THAT'S THE ONE I DIDN'T TOUCH Mother: …  相似文献   

郭锋 《阅读》2006,(12)
New Clothes Mother: Now these new clothes are expensive. I don‘t want you coming home from school that first week with a hole(洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?Mother: Now these new clothes are ex- pensive. I don’t want you coming home fromschool that first week with a hole (洞)in the knee. Tom: Ok, Mom, where would you like the hole?难度系数: ☆☆☆Mother: If you don’t hurry, Tom, you’ll be late for school. Tom: Never mind, Mummy, the school is open all day long.小幽默(英文)@郭锋  相似文献   

My father has been very busy these days. Every day he goes to bed late and gets up early in the morning, I’m afraid that the hard work will do harm to his health.It was Sunday again. I wanted my father to relax and have a real rest. So I asked him to go to the park and smell the flowers with me. He agreed and both of us rode our bicycles to the park.★指导老师:黄哲文难度系数:☆☆☆☆Lilacs' Scent Greets Us$江阴市实验小学六(4)班@顾重阳…  相似文献   

杜广云 《阅读》2013,(Z1):56-57
Long time ago, there was a king. He had no son and was going to choose (1) an honest (2) boy to be his successor (3) . One day, the king called a minister (4) in and said to him, "Send out these seeds (5) to the children of the country. I will choose the boy who can plant the flowers as my son."  相似文献   

The Body     
1.Betty’s is curly and beautiful.2.John has no hair on his .3.Close your and m ake a wish.4.Santa’s are red.5.Stam p(跺 )your .6.She carried the box under her .7.D on’t shout in m y .8.Jim has som e candies(糖)in his 9.A crab(螃蟹 )has ten .10.Jack is carrying a bag on his 11.Sharks have sharp .12.M ary has a pretty .★本期“边 玩边 学”答 案:1.B (bee 蜜蜂)2.I (eye 眼睛)3.C (sea 海洋)4.P(pea 豌豆)5.T(tea 茶)6.Y (w hy 为什么)7.A B C8.I C U (I see you.我 看 见 你了。)9. A (Because it…  相似文献   

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