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在可能世界语义中,如果根据是否含有模态算子而将一个点上为真的公式分为两类,那么可以认为不含模态算子的公式描述的是当前点的信息,其它公式描述的是其它点的信息,以及当前点与其它点的关系。通过对不同点上命题真值指派的比较,我们可以在可能世界语义模型上定义出一种状态相似性。本文构造了三类刻画状态相似性的模型,并给出了分别刻画其中两类模型的完全的系统。本文最后讨论这些模型在时态逻辑和信念逻辑中的应用。  相似文献   

辛提卡构造的认知逻辑系统所刻画的认知主体具有“逻辑全能”属性,即认知主体知道自身知识的所有逻辑后承同时知道逻辑系统的所有逻辑后承。霍克特认为这一属性表明辛提卡构造的认知逻辑系统不可能是逻辑;李金厚和蒋静坪认为逻辑全能问题是个伪问题。在这里认为逻辑全能问题是认知逻辑系统表达认知主体过于理想化,该问题的解决需要在逻辑可能与认知主体的认知可能之间寻找一个平衡点。  相似文献   

维特根斯坦在《逻辑哲学论》中关于“自我”概念的讨论,集中于5.6命题及其子命题,主要论述他所说的“哲学的我”或“形而上学主体”概念。通过考察各命题之间的逻辑关系以及当代解释者提出的各种观点,我们看到,只能在逻辑形式框架下讨论“世界”和“语言”概念,确认两者之间的逻辑链接点,才能真正理解维特根斯坦的真实思想。根据维特根斯坦在5.6命题表达的核心观点,自我处于一个界限上,自我本身就是界限,它规定了我们可以用语言去谈论和言说的范围。由于逻辑规定了可说与不可说的界限,逻辑概念与自我概念就是同一个概念,逻辑即自我。因此,维特根斯坦在书中所讨论的自我概念应当是一个逻辑自我概念。  相似文献   

休谟认为人的归纳认识过程不是一个逻辑推理的过程,而是一个习惯心理过程。罗素为解决休谟问题而提出归纳原则。金岳霖等人力图证明归纳原则是永真命题,但未对可能命题作出语义解释。该文用欣迪卡的认知逻辑理论及其模型集语义刻画归纳推理,证明罗素的归纳原则在这种逻辑中是有效的。我们还得到另一个有趣的结果。  相似文献   

在逻辑学界,对于“不是……就是……”逻辑含义的理解似乎并无分歧,一般都认为用于表达不相容选言命题(注①),另外有少数人认为它既可以表达相容选言命题,又可以表达不相容选言命题,(但对于在什么情况下表达相容选言命题,什么情况下又表达不相容选言命题,又无一例外地避而不谈)(注②).对此本文不敢苟同.  相似文献   

数学是一门逻辑严谨的学科,对数学概念的内涵和外延理解上的偏差或者对数学命题的条件和结论认知上的肤浅,是导致数学学习困难的一个主要因素.我们认为克服上述问题的一个比较有效的办  相似文献   

众所周知,基于可能世界语义的内涵逻辑由于对意义的刻画过于粗粝而导致了所谓的"超内涵问题".为了解决超内涵问题,出现了各种超内涵逻辑,其中由Suszko提出的带等词的命题逻辑(SCL)是超内涵逻辑中最基本的一种.本文是对SCL的精炼,其动机是语境同义性论题(CST).该论题认为,同义性标准具有语境依赖性.基于认知语境主义,我们给出了CST的一个论证.通过将,SCL中的二元等词修改为一个三元结构,用来表示两个陈述相对某个语境表达同一命题,我们给出了CST的希尔伯特式公理系统.我们证明了该系统相对一个代数模型类是可靠的和完全的.该代数模型的论域由命题构成,同时附带一组命题上的全等关系,用以刻画相对于语境的命题同一性.我们运用该逻辑部分解决了分析悖论这一困扰逻辑学家多年的问题.与我们之前的基于相同动机的论文[17]相比,本文给出的形式语言更加丰富,从而能够表达不同语境之间以及不同语境的同义性之间的关系.  相似文献   

命题时态逻辑PTL是一个可广泛应用于人工智能的逻辑,其特点是只有表达未来的时态算子。它刻画了人工智能研究中往往只需要描述未来状态,而不必关注过去的性质。PTL给出了一个表达时间具有向上线性、传递性、持续性和离散性的公理化逻辑系统,并证明了其可靠性和完全性。  相似文献   

从认知逻辑与认识论的视角看 ,庄子与惠施的这场争辩并没有完全意义上的赢家与输家 ,双方实际上都可以有自己的合法性依据。我们可以发现现代西方学界讨论的热点问题——“私人语言”是否存在 ?“知道”的内涵是什么 ?——都可以在这场辩论的纵深中找到其萌芽。对这场争辩进行多层面、多维度的探讨有助于深化我们对庄子与惠施思想的理解  相似文献   

王宝 《教学月刊》2008,(4):19-21
维特根斯坦认为,理解一个表达式就是知道如何使用它。这从理解和接受者的角度进一步论证了“语言的意义在于它的使用”这个命题。学习英语语言就是培养该门语言的语用能力的过程。语用能力即运用语言进行得体交际的能力,可简化为理解和表达两个方面。听、说、读、写四种技能的训练归根到底是为了综合语用能力的提高。综合语用能力主要表现在交际的理解与表达中,  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Frederick Schmitt and Reza Lahroodi explore the value of curiosity for inquiry and knowledge. They defend an appetitive account of curiosity, viewing curiosity as a motivationally original desire to know that arises from having one's attention drawn to the object and that in turn sustains one's attention to it. Distinguishing curiosity from wonder, the authors explore several sources of the epistemic value of curiosity. First, curiosity is tenacious: curiosity whether a proposition is true leads to curiosity about related issues, thereby deepening our knowledge. Second, it is to some extent biased in favor of topics in which we already have a practical or epistemic interest. Third, and most important, curiosity is largely independent of our interests: it fixes our attention on objects in which we have no antecedent interest, thereby broadening our knowledge. Schmitt and Lahroodi elucidate the value of curiosity by outlining its role in levels of development — an approach indebted to John Dewey's explanation of the value of curiosity. Finally, they raise some questions about the implications of their account for educational practice.  相似文献   

对知识性质的追问导致了当代认识论中对知识定义的争论。争论的焦点在于如何理解知识与价值的关系问题。德性认识论对这个问题给出了一种解决方案,试图用道德的规范性说明知识的规范性,甚至试图用认识的客观性说明道德的客观性。然而,这种方案的主要困难在于没有看到知识作为一种规范性概念如何与人类的价值发生联系。中国传统哲学中的认识论可以为我们理解这个问题提供启发。"德性所知"、"格物致知"的认识论模式是从德性出发讨论认识问题。只有当我们把知识理解为由德性和心性所生发出来的对特殊事物的理解,我们才能理解知识所包含的真实内涵。只有在对人类灵魂的普遍理解中,我们才能真正把握知识的内在价值。如果必须放弃把知识理解为得到证明的真信念这个定义,我们更需要论证知识定义中除了得到证明和真理之外还应当包含的更多的内容。我们首先需要考虑的是价值问题在知识构成中的作用,其次还要考虑认识活动中的价值客观性问题。我们不再否定知识构成中的主观因素的影响,而是更多地关注这些主观因素在多少程度上会最终进入客观的领域。只有从这个角度出发,我们才能真正理解知识与价值之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

提高思想政治理论课马克思主义理论教育的实效性、说服力,需要在理论的透彻性上下功夫,既要让理论的逻辑严密贯通,建立在坚实的前提基础之上,又要与学习者的生活体验和情感价值契合共鸣。具体可以从理论的认识逻辑、本体逻辑、历史逻辑等思路建立理论逻辑的透彻性;可以将理论的逻辑建立在生活常识、价值共识和发展的社会实践基础上,并对理论前提不断反思追问,让其从常识走向科学,从简单走向丰富深刻;建立与理论创建者相近与学习者契合的理论理解的意会知识基础,通过教育者的理论自信和学习者的情感共鸣,实现从理论创建者到理论学习者的深层衔接。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an online contextualized test for assessing students’ understanding of epistemic knowledge of science. In addition, how students’ understanding of epistemic knowledge of science interacts with learner factors, including time spent on science learning, interest, self-efficacy, and gender, was also explored. The participants were 489 senior high school students (244 males and 245 females) from eight different schools in Taiwan. Based on the result of an extensive literature review, we first identified six factors of epistemic knowledge of science, such as status of scientific knowledge, the nature of scientific enterprise, measurement in science, and so on. An online test was then created for assessing students’ understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science. Also, a learner-factor survey was developed by adopting previous PISA survey items to measure the abovementioned learner factors. The results of this study show that; (1) by factor analysis, the six factors of epistemic knowledge of science could be grouped into two dimensions which reflect the nature of scientific knowledge and knowing in science, respectively; (2) there was a gender difference in the participants’ understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science; and (3) students’ interest in science learning and the time spent on science learning were positively correlated to their understanding of the epistemic knowledge of science.  相似文献   

Niaz argued for the “epistemic subject” as an “ideal knower,” with never a mention of logic—only of science understanding. Lawson identifies the epistemic subject as “pure logical reasoner”—a “straw man.” Net result: no meeting of minds, and little light shown on Piaget. Both fail to present the constructivist Piaget who, as far as he went, did resolve the contextual knowledge/abstract reasoning dilemma.  相似文献   

We draw on recent accounts of social epistemology to present a novel account of epistemic cognition that is ‘socialised’. In developing this account we foreground the: normative and pragmatic nature of knowledge claims; functional role that ‘to know’ plays when agents say they ‘know x’; the social context in which such claims occur at a macro level, including disciplinary and cultural context; and the communicative context in which such claims occur, the ways in which individuals and small groups express and construct (or co-construct) their knowledge claims. We frame prior research in terms of this new approach to provide an exemplification of its application. Practical implications for research and learning contexts are highlighted, suggesting a re-focussing of analysis on the collective level, and the ways knowledge-standards emerge from group-activity, as a communicative property of that activity.  相似文献   

As classrooms continue to diversify, there is an increasing need to understand children’s inclusive behaviours and moral reasoning. Research shows that epistemic beliefs (beliefs about knowing and knowledge) can influence reasoning for adults, but we know little about this relationship in younger children or how classroom contexts relate to epistemic beliefs for moral reasoning. Thirty-one elementary school children (mean age 6.5 years) participated in epistemic beliefs and moral reasoning tasks in the first year of a three-year longitudinal study. Findings showed that while children described objectivist epistemic beliefs (right/wrong answers) about social inclusion, their justifications revealed an unexpected, more complex set of epistemic beliefs. Implications for moral pedagogies are discussed.  相似文献   

In a sample of 135 Norwegian education undergraduates, we examined the effects of topic-specific epistemic beliefs concerning the simplicity and source of knowledge on deep-level understanding of multiple expository texts about the same topic—climate change. The results showed that students holding sophisticated simplicity beliefs, viewing knowledge about climate change as complex, gained better multiple-text understanding than did students holding naïve simplicity beliefs, viewing knowledge about climate change as simple. However, students holding sophisticated source beliefs, viewing knowledge about climate change as personal construction, performed poorer than did students holding naïve source beliefs, viewing knowledge about climate change as transmitted from experts. Moreover, students believing knowledge to be complex and, simultaneously, relying on expert authors were at a particular advantage with respect to multiple-text understanding. Thus, in this complex reading-task context, source beliefs usually located at the sophisticated ends of epistemic belief continuums turned out to be maladaptive, presumably because they distracted from the building of a high-quality representation of author and text meaning.  相似文献   

人的思维处在与主体、与客体和与自体的三维制约关系中:主体维与对象维结合形成思维中的认识,这是认识论的课题;主体维与自体维结合形成思维中的逻辑,这是逻辑学的课题;而对象维与自体维结合则把认识与逻辑统一了起来,形成思维的具体运行方式,这是思维方式论的课题。当思维客体是辩证的且以辩证思维方法加以把握时,就会形成辩证思维方式。这就是辩证逻辑的对象。它从在本质上是关于辩证思维方式研究的应用逻辑。  相似文献   

对于话语交流中知识与信念变化的研究主要采用两种技术路线:一是数值方法。数学与计算机学界常用的方法;一是符号逻辑方法,用逻辑或者数学的方式进行形式刻画并提供结构模型。而以当前兴起的动态认知逻辑为切入点来讨论知识与信念变化的形态、动机、过程等问题,为其提供切实可行的逻辑语言表述与结构模型.必然会拓宽用符号逻辑方法研究知识与信念变化的途径。  相似文献   

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