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舆论监督一直是媒体履行社会责任的一种重要体现,也是媒体树立权威性、公信力的一个重要途径,因此,媒体不断增加舆论监督类栏目。但是,开展舆论监督必须理性、科学,否则不仅不能起到正确导向、促进社会和谐发展的目的,而且有时还会带来负面社会效应。面对围绕舆论监督而时常引发的各种争议,媒体应反思其在开展舆论监督过程中存在的失实、失度现象,努力追求更合理、更有效、更具有建设性和艺术性的舆论监督方式,使舆论监督发挥最佳社会效用。  相似文献   

新闻舆论监督的有效落实,能够构建一个公平的市场秩序,维护一个公正、廉洁的社会。公民社会在我国已经产生并且逐渐发展。公民社会提倡个人主义、多元主义、公开性和开放性、参与性、法治原则等,这些价值和原则与新闻舆论监督有着一定的联系。将公民社会的发展与新闻舆论监督有机结合起来,会有利于我国新闻舆论监督的开展。  相似文献   

乔玲 《林区教学》2009,(8):49-50
新闻舆论监督已成为时下新闻媒体竞相追逐的热点、也是难点,把握好新闻舆论监督的度是十分必要的。地方新闻媒体一方面应立足本地实际,分析本地的社会和经济发展状况,因地制宜地制定方法和措施,以求在舆论监督方面有所为;另一方面,积极引导和争取上级的支持也很重要。新闻舆论监督虽然是由新闻媒体来实施完成,但其目的是为了社会的进步,因此,新闻舆论监督必须根植于社会之中、人民群众之中,这样新闻舆论监督才会根深叶茂,硕果累累。  相似文献   

实施新闻舆论监督是构建和谐社会的重要前提,和谐社会的构建呼唤着和谐的新闻舆论监督。然而现实中新闻舆论监督却出现一些变味现象:舆论监督变味成娱乐恶搞;舆论监督变味成媒体舆论炒作;舆论监督变味成媒体逼视;舆论监督变味成媒体舆论监管。新闻舆论监督发生变味,一定程度上扭曲了新闻舆论监督的内涵,为整个社会的变革与进步埋下了隐患,一定程度上影响着社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

本文探讨舆论监督与社会转型之间的动态平衡关系。新闻舆论监督的成功与否,不仅取决于舆论监督运行本身的体制、机制,更取决于与外部环境的互动,并且在此过程中与社会其他要素相互适应、相互促进,共同推进社会的协调发展。  相似文献   

舆论监督是促进政治文明建设的重要手段,政治文明是舆论监督的结果,二者之间存在着密切的联系。舆论监督是建设社会主义民主政治的需要,有助于权力监督和社会公正的实现,同时也是改革、发展、稳定的需要。舆论监督反映了政治文明的本质需要,是现代文明社会须臾不可缺少的,也是政治文明建设的迫切需要。  相似文献   

新闻舆论监督在社会实践中所起的重要作用是其它社会监督机构无法替代的。新闻机构开展舆论监督既服务于社会,又提高了新闻媒体的声誉和威望。新闻媒体要在客观公正的立场下实行舆论监督。  相似文献   

新闻舆论监督是新闻媒体运用舆论的独特力量,帮助公众了解政府事务、社会事务和一切涉及公共利益的问题,并促使其沿着法制和社会生活公共准则的方向运作的一种社会行为。而民生新闻的原始定位决定了新闻舆论监督是民生新闻必不可少的一项重要内容。电视民生新闻栏目如何发挥舆论监督功能,提升舆论监督水平,这是需要不断探讨的问题。  相似文献   

舆论监督一般有广义和狭义两种理解.广义的理解,舆论监督就是人民群众对政府或者对社会的监督;而狭义的理解,舆论监督就是一种新闻的舆论监督,由于新闻具有传播速度快、覆盖面广、受众易于接受等特点,所以它是最有力量的舆论监督.文章所探讨的正是狭义上的舆论监督,即新闻舆论监督的制度保障.  相似文献   

新闻媒体作为社会公共资源,凭借自身特有的优势,在短时间内可以形成强大的"舆论风潮",甚至僭越司法职能展开声势浩大的"舆论审判"与舆论监督。新闻媒体的"舆论审判"与舆论监督有效途径包括建立新闻监察制、构建报网互动制、开辟"舆论监督"版、设置电视沟通栏等。"舆论审判"与舆论监督具有化解社会矛盾、构建和谐社会、引领舆论方向、彰显社会正义、扩大知情权、提升舆论力等重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

浩然之气是从义理出来的气,不同于一腔血气,正因为是由义理而来,才是没有丝毫人欲的大勇,也正因为是以义理为根据,才见出其刚毅.然而只是一事上的明理、行理而无愧怍,还远到不得“至大…至刚”之“极至”,也说不到一个“助”的意思,所以在说“知言”后还必然要说“养浩然之气”,一方面便是明理未必能无惧,另一方面是由此便必须说出一个“集义”的意思,即明理而积善的意味.  相似文献   

教师并不是一个自明的词语。在教师专业化和职业化发展的状况下,"什么是教师?"这一问题更具现实的迫切性。"什么是教师?"触动我们对于教师生存状况的思考,表达了一种对于教师既知又无知的精神现实。"什么是教师?"需要一个更加谨慎、完整的探寻,要求我们回到教师之中,去追问始源上的教师之涵义。作为"pedagogue"与"profession",教师是一个对正义和真知进行无条件担保的承诺与行为,并在这一行为中引导孩子追求完善人生,实现自我超越。  相似文献   

Reading ability is very important in our daily life and studies. As most people know, reading ability refers to the reading skills that a reader brings to the text. It is a basic skill for college students including foreign language learners. Reading ability generates learning power that helps students know themselves and others better as well. It is necessary to improve their reading abilities. So the first thing we meet when we are reading is the vocabulary, that is, how to deal with the unfamiliar words will be a very important aspect in our discussion. Next, we must eradicate bad habits and form good ones. Only after this can we go further on critical reading with a higher speed. Finally, there is some advice for teachers, for proper ways of teaching will give great help to students for their improvement of reading abilities.  相似文献   

The Delphine Hanna lecture is a memorial to the contributions and vision of a great leader. It is a tribute time-out, a moment in time when we stop what we are doing to look back thankfully and to commemorate her life. It is also an opportune moment to consider what we have made of her legacy today and to look forward to the world that awaits future generations of professionals in our fi eld. Never before has there been such a need for clear 20/20 vision. As we look ahead to the year 2020, future scenarios for our fi eld are as diverse as our disciplinary bases. To sharpen our focus, we can draw upon scenario-planning methodologies used with some success in the business sector, where survival is premised upon accuracy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss meritocracy as it impacts our undergraduate college teaching. As college educators, we have come to realize how little students have been challenged to critically examine the notion of meritocracy. Seeking to understand why this is so and what we can do to engender a more nuanced understanding of how social class is structured and perpetuated across generations, we present an assessment of why the majority of students believe we live in a meritocratic society and how college educators can use specific activities to complicate this view. As we do this we include evidence of how social class and social mobility are structured and why an adherence to meritocracy is, we believe, an anathema to teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTherehavebeenmailystudiesonnonsllloothequatiollsl"'"]F(x)=0,FiD=R"-R",((l.l)butfewauthorsusedembedding1lletllodtosolve'theequations(1.l).In1990,S.M.RobinsonstudiedthenonsnlootllembeddingmethodforaclassofBdifferentiableequationsill[51.WhenFiss…  相似文献   

As we are all modern language teachers, our constant aim is to try and improve teaching methods. If we are interested in research, it is because we look to it for practical applications. What we are striving for is progress.

The popularisation of audio-visual. courses that can be observed today is not as such a very clear example of progress in pedagogical techniques or practice.  相似文献   


What do we mean when we say we want to put children at the centre of policy? What are the moral justifications for this approach? Has it become harder for us to understand this concept, when in practice paid work has been at the centre? In part confusion arises because the unpaid work of caring for children is invisible until it is marketized. In turn, the underlying problem is that we have forgotten our traditions of egalitarianism and adopted a powerful mindset that is proving to be paralyzing. Exploring New Zealand family policies such as paid parental leave (PPL), early childhood education, child tax credits (CTC) suggests that there is much room for improvement if the needs of children are to come first. But first and foremost we must have a very different, child-centric, colour-blind, non-judgmental change of heart.  相似文献   

如果说古典艺术是以美为本质的话,现代艺术则应当以丑为主题。相对于美,我们对人生负价值的具体内涵及其对人类的意义,知之甚少。因此,我们的时代任务,就是重新建立一个对人生负价值的体验为根本点的系统的丑学。  相似文献   

Some considerations for Advancing the Teaching of Reading Comprehension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we identify a number of issues that need to be addressed if we are to continue to make advances in the teaching of reading comprehension. First, we suggest that it is important to continue the search for a variety of effective instructional approaches for teaching reading comprehension and to learn more about the conditional applicability of the instructional approaches currently in vogue. Second, we argue that it is important to expand our definition of reading comprehension to more fully appreciate the social, political, and educational dimensions of reading comprehension and reading instruction. Finally, we consider some of the impediments hindering the classroom application of comprehension instruction research and we argue that researchers must become more concerned with the pragmatic aspects of how to make a difference to comprehension instruction in the classroom.  相似文献   

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