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On August 12, “Seeking the Root: Chinese Culture Journey”, an international summer camp for young overseas Chinese, opened in the Tang Paradise in Qujiang New Area, Xi'an City. Dr. Hu Chunyi, Chairman of Malaysia NV Foundation, Ms. Li Peishan, representative for China-Malaysia Friendship and Culture Promotion, Ms. Wang Jing, representative from Qujiang Culture &Tourism Co., Ltd., Ms. Xu Chun from Chinese International Ceremonial Group, and Mr. Li Weimin and Mr. Yao Kaiwen who were responsible for the event's organization, attended the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

曼娘 《大理文化》2015,(4):39-42
走进大理,我便跌入岁月的轮回中.总是在不经意间踩到千年古道,闯入百年村庄.我在千百年不朽的时光里,把自己揉碎又整合,整合又揉碎.反反复复,周而复始.于是,就有了大理四章. 浪漫大理 在大理,无关爱情的风花雪月,造就了爱意流淌的旖旎风光.三月街,蝴蝶泉,廊桥梦,风情岛……含情藏爱,与浪漫相拥,让我在悠闲从容中感受到大理的温暖情怀.  相似文献   

盛哉漾濞,古之蒙巂,昔之样备.六乡之设,三镇之辖;东邻大理、巍山,西界永平、云龙,南抵昌宁,北接洱源.系州府之卫星城,大理之后花园.地形恰如灵芝,东西走窄,南北狭长.群山巍峨.……  相似文献   

怒江:向上或向下   在怒江,脚下的路只有两种方式:向上或向下.   曲曲折折一路向上.脚下的木梯,金黄.木梯两边,是野生的树,叫不出名字,一律在阳光下闪动着生命的绿.浓烈得像油画.   ……  相似文献   

传说中的始祖神女娲,在金文中应为 .伏羲之伏应为驯伏,羲是晨光之义.炎帝是大火(星)之意.黄帝即皇天上帝.夸父是对日影的测量.羿是善射的英雄.  相似文献   

Tang Yijie was born in Tanjin on February 16, 1927. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, in 1951. He successively served as professor and advisor to Ph.D. candidates at Peking University's Philosophy Department, vice chairman of China Oriental Culture Society, vice chairman of China Society on the Studies of Yan and Huang Culture, and vice chairman of Chinese Confucius Society. In 1983, he worked at Harvard University as visiting scholar. In 1986, he was engaged as research jellow by New York State University. in 1990, he was conferred with honorary doctor by McMaster University of Canada. In 2006, he was conferred with honorary doctor by Kansai University of Japan. He served as guest projessor at University of Oregon, McMaster University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Melbourne University respectively.  相似文献   

LTB Media, a prestigious global publishing group and on-line information provider on art, announced the opening of the Chinese edition of its website for world artists—www.myartinfo.com, in Beijing on November 27. It is the second foreign online art media that has accessed the Chinese market, following www. artnet.com. Luousie Blouin Macbain, founder and chairman of LTB Holding Co., Ltd. & LTB Foundation, and Wang Guangyi,  相似文献   

一 是自尊心伤不起还是软肋被击中,叶子也说不上来.反正,就那么一下,没有了风度,没有了海量,也没有淡定,一下就失控了.当杯子翻着跟斗,手榴弹一样飞向服务员的时候,叶子觉得自己疯了.是的,疯了,只有疯子,才会不管不顾. 叶子都回到父母家了,小米才打电话来说要一起吃饭.叶子说不去,谁让你早点不说.可是小米不管叶子的拒绝,叶子你必须来,今天可是我和张扬认识六周年的纪念日.  相似文献   

余冰 《寻根》2012,(6):126-129
诗人牛汉第一次编辑的杂志是《流火》. 牛汉,原名史成汉,又名牛汀.蒙古族.1923年生于山西定襄县.1939年开始新诗写作.1941年1月发表新诗《沙漠散歌》,署名谷风.1943年7月考入西北大学外文系俄语组读书.1944年10月,他离开战时迂到城固的西北大学,来到西安,准备去延安.中共西安地下党派张禹良找他谈话,让他留在西安从事文化活动,并介绍他到《秦风工商联合报》编副刊.1 1月,在中共西安办事处的领导下,牛汉着手筹办文学杂志《流火》. 牛汉在《我又回到北方》中说:"我已经很安静地住进这间小土屋里,屋子是寒碜而破烂的."  相似文献   

祈祷   祈祷是一种宗教仪式.我是借"祈祷"说明一种心态.也就是我在每天写作前的一种状态.   清晨,我洗漱完毕,先煨一壶开水,冲一杯大叶普洱茶,端到电脑桌上.我并不急于打开电脑,让简陋的工作室保持着清晨的安宁.……  相似文献   

中考落榜后,为了逃避现实,我踏上了打工之路.当然,那时决定去打工,并不是因为我厌恶读书,对读书失去了兴趣.只是为了离开家离开父母.我怕面对父母失望的眼神.同时,我也想到外面的世界去体验一下生活.因此当得知自己落榜之后,我便背起行囊,辞别父母,没有告诉任何同学、朋友,独自一人到外地一家餐馆做起服务员的活计.……  相似文献   

弘圭山,白族语称为outgvf,也译作宏圭山、洪圭山或红龟山,位于苍山十九峰之一的五台峰麓.近年来.在弘圭山陆续发现了一批汉晋时期的砖石墓.受到学术界的广泛关注.尤其是关于墓葬主人的族属问题,更是为学术界所争论的热点.……  相似文献   

陶渊明,浔阳柴桑人,东晋著名文学家、哲学家.《桃花源记》并诗表现了陶渊明的社会理想. 关于桃源理想的形成,有神仙说、小国寡民说及实地说等.魏晋以来,隐逸之风渐盛,神仙家言增多,颇道山中之事.《桃花源记》文末言及"刘子骥",《晋书·隐逸传》载其事迹:"好游山泽,志存遁逸.言采药至衡山,深入忘返.见有一涧水,山南有二石囷,一囷闭,一囷开,水深广不得过.欲还,失道,遇伐木人,问径,仅得还家.  相似文献   

大理三月好风光,蝴蝶泉边好梳妆.   蝴蝶飞来采花蜜,阿妹梳头为哪桩.   ……   二十世纪六十年代,随着电影<五朵金花>在全国放映,一曲优美的<蝴蝶泉边>也唱响了大江南北.于是大理蝴蝶泉.一时间名驰遐迩,成了人人向往的爱情圣地.虽然当时影片中的蝴蝶泉,经过若干加工;但真实的蝴蝶泉,却也风韵独具.而到了今天,随着时代的变迁,蝴蝶泉作为人与自然交融的人文景点,作为无数游人追求爱情的心灵栖所,更是风情万种,魅力四射了.……  相似文献   

Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tour- ism Co., Ltd. and LY.com announced on March 15 the official online launching of cus- tomized product series. Based on its diverse resources, Qujiang Cultural Tourism developed a series of tourist- tailored products by collaborating with LY. com, the country's leading tourism portal. And this move marks Qujiang's fresh attempt toward smart tourism, following its launching of a flagship store last year on TMall.com,a top shopping wehsite.  相似文献   

The National Stadium, a major sports venue for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, stands on the southern tip of the central section of the Olympic Green. As a landmark of the Olympic Green, this multi-function stadium is the city's largest and most advanced sports facility. The National Stadium was co-designed by Herzog & Menron, Arup and China Architecture Design &. Research Group. The whole structure covers an area of 258,000 sq. km. Its exterior resembles a bird's nest. The steel nest, looking like gray mineral, is covered by transparent coating. Inside the nest is a bowl-like bleacher in earthen red. The stadium's design reminds viewers of the red palaces within the gray walls of the Forbidden City. The National Stadium is a perfect blend of traditional Chinese aesthetics and culture, contemporary art and the Olympic spirit. The whole building is fnll of dynamics. Even human activities on the stadium's staircases constitute integral elements of the building's exterior. While it is amazingly innovative creation, the stadium is characterized by a simplistic and elegant style.  相似文献   

杨湛 《大理文化》2009,(1):11-12
在我的故乡,家家户户都有一块菜园,或房前屋后,或溪畔河边.随形就势,或方或圆.园中一年四季,各种时鲜小菜,依次登场.菜园以其缤纷的色彩,丰富着农家人的饭桌.   菜园不大,小者一两分,大者三四分地,可一家人一年的菜蔬,就指着这小小的菜园.   ……  相似文献   

Magazine Review     
Civilians are always the focus of my camera lens Yu Wenguo: Nothing can bring me more pleasure than witnessing tbe history and retaining the history in photographs. What I pursue throughout my experience as a photographer is a civilian, equal and gentle attitude. First, as a photographer, I have involved myself in civilian subjects over these years. Even when shooting the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions, I focus more on civilian topics. Second, I shoot my subject figures from an equal perspective. I try to think on their stances and un- derstand them well. When you truly understand them, you will touch them. Third, I have done my best to keep a gentle and low profile.  相似文献   

刘乐 《华夏文化》2007,(2):38-39
近日偶得一本《笠云山房诗文集》,其中有首题为《汉中》的七言律诗,写得极好,值得一读.诗云: 天开奥壤界中华,控扼蜀门叠嶂遮. 隆准一来开两汉,峭峰百转入三巴. 褒斜北去才容骑,廉让中间好住家. 官罢会当租草屋,侨居学种邵平瓜.  相似文献   

Interview with Cultural Celebrity on China Economic Net invited three experts in translation to discus how contemporary Chinese literature could “go global”. The three experts, who also participated in the 2014 Contemporary Chinese Literature Translation and Introduction Program, are: Ms. Lv Hong, Editor-in-Chief of Redwoods Magazine;Prof. Martin Woesler, Projessor at Munich University of Applied Languages, Mr. Sang Yichuan, President of Canada Maple Press.  相似文献   

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